One Direction To My Heart (On...

By JustMe52

2.8M 55.9K 20.8K

What do you do when you come home to find the band One Direction was kidnapped by your best friend? You try n... More

One Direction To My Heart (One Direction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66!
Watty Awards and Cover Contest

Chapter 28

41.3K 817 352
By JustMe52

I'd like to say my birthday has been great, but that would be a lie. I was forced to go to the doctors today. I'm still sick. No one has wished me a happy birthday. Not even Megan. Sure, I didn't tell the guys, but I figured Megan would.

I don't like making a big deal out of my big deal out of my birthday. I'm not a party girl. I don't drink on the weekends. But a simple happy birthday would be nice. Is that too much to ask for? I didn't think it was.

Maybe they are just too busy thinking about the tour? I don't blame them. We leave on Friday morning. It's Wednesday night now. I still have to pack. Technically, I just have to put the clothes I've already worn back in my luggage.

We figured if we leave really early on Friday the paparazzi won't be around. Now when Liam told me this. I thought he meant like seven or eight in the morning. Not three in the morning. That is way too early for me. It's too early for anyone! Most teenagers are just going to bed at that time. I should be sleeping at that time! But, oh no, I have to awake and leaving for the airport. Stupid paparazzi. I hate them all.

"I made you homemade chicken and noodle!" Louis runs in the living room carrying a bowl of soup. Why did Liam ever leave me alone with Louis and Zayn?

I grab the bowl from his hands. "I heard you use the microwave." I look down at the soup. "Louis?"

"Yes?" He asks.

"There's no carrots in here. Chicken and noodle always has carrots." I frown up at him.

Louis jumps over the other couch. "My carrots!" He screams at the top of his lungs. He runs into the nearby bedroom and slams the door.


I start eating the soup. It doesn't taste the same without carrots. Oh well. I have exactly ate anything since I got sick.

Zayn walks in the living room and jumps on the couch next to me. "Vas happening?" He grins.

"Louis stole all my carrots from my soup." I show him my carrotless soup.

"How do you feel?"

What a question that is? I feel tired.




A little hungry.


"Fine." I shrug.

The one word that every teenage girls use. Fine. No one actually means it. It's a complete lie. No guy needs to know that, though.

"You know who you remind me of?" I lean forward and set soup on the table.

"I remind you of someone?" Zayn leans back against the couch.

I nod my head. "Have you ever seen Full House?"

"Isn't that an old tv show?" Zayn asks me.

"Yep. You remind me of Jesse. I think it's because the hair." I pull the blanket around me better. "Jesse's hair was always thick."

Zayn runs a hand through his hair. "Just to let you know. No one forgot it was your birthday. Liam and Megan are planning something for you."

"Why are you telling me this?" I smile at him.

Zayn shrugs. "I know you hate surprises. I figured since it was your birthday this could be part of your present from me."

Awh! Zayn is so sweet! I wonder what they are planning then? Please no parties! It's always awkward. People are dancing around and I'm sitting in a corner playing on my phone. Very awkward.

"What are they planning?" I ask.

"Can't tell you that." Zayn grins.

Louis runs out of the bedroom carrying a bag of carrots. Where did he get those? Maybe he was dropped as a baby. That would explain a lot. Louis sits on the couch opposite of us smiling. I exchange a look with Zayn. Now what is he up too?

"Hi." Louis bites into a carrot.

"Hey." I stare at him. This is odd Louis behavior. He did something in that bedroom. I am definitely not going in there.

"We're back!" Megan calls out when she opens the suite's door.

Liam and Niall walk in behind her carrying large bags. I crane my head to see what they are, but they walk past me too fast. Maybe it has to do with the surprise? Harry walks in next and shuts the door behind him. He walks past us and to the room Louis was just in.

"Harry, wait!" I try to stop him.

"LOUIS!" Harry screams stepping out of the bedroom.

Oh my gosh! Harry is covered from head to toe in maple syrup. Where did Louis get that much maple syrup from? Louis bursts out laughing and grabs his phone taking pictures. I knew there was a good reason to not go in there.

"I am going to kill you!" Harry lunges for Louis.

Louis jumps back just in time. "Let the pranks begin!" He shouts before running in another room. He slams the door shut behind him.

Harry's hair is matted to his face. His clothes are drenched in maple syrup and sticking to his body tightly. Looks like those clothes are ruined. Good thing he wasn't wearing a blazer.

"What are we going to eat our pancakes with now?" Niall whines. I swear that's the only thing that boy thinks about. He might as well get married to food.

Harry turns to glare at Niall. "Let me wring out my shirt for you." He peels off his shirt throwing it at Niall's head. "Did you know about this?" He turns to look at Zayn and I.

"No. We had no clue. He just came out of that room." Zayn explains.

Harry let's out an aggravated sigh. "The pranks have definitely begun." He walks back in his room slamming the door.

This can't be good.

"Get ready for one crazy tour." Niall grumbles throwing Harry's shirt in the trash.

"What do you mean by crazy?" Megan steps in the living room looking a bit nervous.

Liam sits down in between Zayn and I. "When Louis starts a prank it eventually turns into a huge prank war." He explains kissing my cheek.

"Start thinking of some good ideas!" Louis pokes his head out of the door. He scans the room looking for Harry. "Where's Harry?"

"Probably in the shower." Niall answers.

Louis nods his head before making a beeline for the kitchen. He starts going through the cabinets stocking up on food.

"What are you doing?" I stare at him oddly.

"Stocking up on food for the night." He grabs two bags of chips.

"Why?" Megan looks over at him.

"Harry." He replies. Louis runs back in the room.


Thank you to everyone who has been reading my story!

I'm going to warn you ahead of time. This weekend I will not be able to update. I'm going to Disney with my best friend. I'll be back home Sunday, but I can't promise I will be able to upload. I'll try to though.

Anyways! Please comment! I love to know everyone's opinion on it!

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