From Stranger To Everything

By Cara______

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*** Getting To Know The Story Main Content. *** Ellie, the quite, shy and sweet nature girl has always been l... More

Part 1 : First Encounter
Part 2 : Butterflies Recognition, Check.
Part 3 : Spitfire?
Part 4 : Will This Feeling Ever Go Away?
Part 5 : You Leave Me Breathless
Part 6 : I think I Don't Understand the Attention You Gave Me
Part 7 : Clueless Type of Girl
Part 8 : Clumsy Adorable Girl
Part 9 : You Are Not My Rubbish Bin Baby
Part 10 : Green? That's Not My Favorite Color.
Part 11 : Just a Deer in the Headlight
Part 12 : A Scorching Kiss and the Shockwave
Part 13 : A Servant and the Princess
Part 14 : The Way You Made Me Feel or the Sensation?
Part 15 : Flynn Said "You Are My Charger"
Part 17 : Without a Doubt YES.
Part 18 : Are You Well Pleasured?
Part 19 : Her Love Was All She Knows
Part 20 : That Is the Love She Knows
Part 21 : Her Perfect Imperfection
Part 22 : Shove Your Motor Up Your Ass A**hole.
Part 23 : Filler Flynn
Part 24 : A Hidden Relationship
Part 25 : Where Teddy Has a Name <3
Part 26 : Morning Love.
Part 27 : A Seashell Couple Ring
Part 28 : Another Second To Live By
Part 29 : A Taboo
Part 30 : A Living Nightmare
Part 31 : Forget Me Not.
Part 32 : A Little Band To Remember
Part 33 : Delusional Reality
Part 34 : When the Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Part 35 : I Forgot How To Be Loved, By You.
Part 36 : Because We Weren't Brave Enough
Part 37 : The Little Star Under Our Feet
Part 38 : Blinding Fairytales
Part 39 : Be My Bride, If We Can.
Part 40 : When She Got a Taste of Bitterness
Part 41 : Merrily Never After
Part 42 : Little Bingo
Part 43 : Plot Twist
Last Part : It's Epilogue Time Ellie.
Author Note (^_^)v

Part 16 : Would you be mine?

12K 330 27
By Cara______

Flynn POV

"Two PM and don't be late okay little pig??" I threatened into the phone, smiling like an idiot to the sound of her giggling. Like a melody to my ears. Sweet and comforting, and to think I was the one who made her giggling that happily made my lips widen some more.

"Where are we going anyway?" Ellie sighed down the phone in pure contentment and I looked just like a full time idiot grinning alone.

Last night she said no one care that's it was her birthday. First time crossing the birthday night with her was something I would never forget in a hurry. Being the first one to say Happy Birthday gave me butterflies, I felt important. To her.

"Stop wondering wifey, I'll do anything because this is your birthday, you have right 100% but not this one" I smiled at the wall in my room. Yes, if someone looked at me right now they probably thinking I was crazy. Or possibly in love. Tonight, it's now or never. Ellie will face a big surprise, or me while I didn't know what to expected.

Right now I wanted nothing more than to grab her out of my phone and hold her tight. I missed her much more than something I can put into words.

"Why can't I? The suspend is killing me" Ellie whined and I chuckled. Usually I would lean down and kissed away her pouty expression, but she was in the phone so left me with nothing. Damn I missed kissing her cheeks, her lips, her skin.

Snapped out of it.

I pushed the images of her naked alluring self with her hair sprawling across my pillows, her eyes darken with desired out of my brain as soon as possible.

"You'll see soon enough, do me a favor for this one"

"You have my present already right?" Ellie just being Ellie, she overexcited over gift.

"Of course little pig, go and have breakfast" The first thing I do after I opened my eyes in the morning nowadays was grab my phone and dialed my boo number. Hearing her voice in the morning was like having her here with me. Just couldn't get enough of her.

She didn't even have any damn clue that I was wrapped around her little fingers so tightly.

"I want to talked to you some more"

"Can I hold you right now? I missed you" I said, my voice suddenly huskier than I intended it to be.

"You miss me? or my body?" Ellie drawled teasingly, damn her she caught me.

I chuckled, she hit a sore point. Definitely both.

"No, I miss you, what kind of husband you take me for?"

"Pervert husband" then she giggling like there was no tomorrow, and I just couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"well, so I miss your body then" I smirked and I could tell she was blushing right now.

"ahem, I go to take a shower then" she was good at changing subject when she was shy.

"why so hurry? Are you blushing?"

"noooooo" yeah, she was blushing, my silly baby.

"Kiss me first" I said and she giggled.


"Good girl, go now, before I drag you out of my phone and kissed you senselessly"

"okay, and don't forget breakfast"

"okay baby, love you"

"Love you too"

Then the line went dead, left me staring at it in longing.

I sighed at the jittery feeling in my stomach, then got up, bracing myself for the life changing moment. Today would be the big disaster, or big beautiful day for both of us.

I hope it would be the last one.


Ellie POV

"Why can't I look?" I grumbled, did she have to blindfold me? Gosh, I was sick with nerve and right now my palm was sweating so badly.

"Patient, love" Flynn kissed my cheek and I pouted, I hate surprise and love it at the same time. I was so giddy and I couldn't stop myself from grinning like a mad women. I felt Flynn tugged toward her and sit me down on a couch, maybe? My ears picked up at the sound of her shuffling around, then some time after feels like eternity-to me- my blindfold was off and the first sight was a big bunch of beautiful red roses I've ever seen laid before my eyes. The rooms I was in fills with candle all around the places, radiated the tender romantic feeling to the atmospheres. The big screen of the side wall glowing with "Happy Birthday Baby Boo" and I gasped as my hand flew to my mouth in awe at the sight.

"Is this my birthday?" I was so shock, yes I know there would be gift and cake but this?

"Yes, love" Flynn smiled at me, and I grinned back in pure ecstasy. I couldn't say anything at the lump inside my throat.

"The roses too?"

"Yes, and there's also someone I wanted to give it to you" wow, there's more than this??

"What's that??"

"Close your eyes one more time?" I closed my eyes obediently as I clutched the roses to myself in happiness. After awhile I felt something soft touched my cheek and my eyes flew open. I was looking at the most adorable cream color stuffed piglet and Flynn was holding him, used his chubby soft hand that touched my cheek a moment ago waving at me. The piglet was the size of a chubby toddler and he was dress in striped T-shirt and blue short looking so freaking perfect I could cry. His nose and ears was color pink and so was like little foot and hand. So cute.

I believe in love at first sight now.

"Awww, this is so freaking perfect" My eyes prickling when Flynn hand him to me and I cradle it to me like a newborn baby, if someone look at me right now they would think Flynn was giving me 2 karat ring diamond by the way I react right now, but this is so perfect, I wouldn't changed him for the world.

"Yeah, just like you baby" Flynn expression was so tender looking at me right now and I couldn't help the soft whimpering that left my lips.

"Like it?" Like it??? I freaking love it!!!

"I love it, this is so perfect, thanks you" I whispered, my voiced hoarse at the unshed tears.

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it, I went to four different store looking for a piglet that look like a toddler like this and I nearly gave up, but at the last store he was there alone, he's the only one, the store owner said he was the limited edition, and just like you it was love at first sight, I took him for you without hesitation" Her eyes twinkling in happiness and I leaned and kiss her cheeks then she dragged me into her warmth embrace, holding me there and kissed my lips in returned.

"This is beautiful, I love it, thanks you Flynn" I whispered and Flynn kissed my lips once again and I sighed into the kiss like a lovesick puppy at the delicious tingling sensation she always provided.

"Oops, I think he saw more than he bargain for" Flynn exclaimed after kissed and I giggled.

"You shouldn't kiss me in front of him" I grinned then tighten my hold on my little piglet as well as Flynn's hold tighten on mine.

"What should we call him?" Flynn gestured to our little piglet and I shrugged.

"You have anything in mind?" After a thoughtful moment Flynn snapped her finger, a light bulb went off inside her head I think.

"How about Yoyo?" Smiling with her face inches from mine, I could feel her hot breath fanned across my lips, and I wanted nothing more than closed the distant between and pressed my lips against her tempting one.

Yoyo? Yes I like it.

"Yes, I love it"

"He will be your bodyguard when I'm not around"

"Where are you going then?" I pouted at her words.

"You won't be get away from me anytime soon baby, won't ever let you go" Then she pecked my lips once again.

"Wait here okay?" I looked at her perplexed when she got away from me so suddenly.

"Where are you going?"

"Bathroom" She smirked then left the room. I took the roses and inhaled the smell, they were 50 in total. I smiled at all of this, she so sweet, I couldn't described my feeling right now.

Suddenly the light in my room went out, and I nearly jumped out of my skin but when I looked at the big screen it changed from Happy Birthday Ellie to Would You Be Mine? and the happy birthday song blast off.

Gosh this is so cheesy and freaking sweet at the same time, then the door burst open revealed Flynn holding my birthday cake with the 16 candle on top.

She looked so handsome with her fitted pink button up shirt, skinny jeans and converse she looked practically heart melting right now. She walked in slowly singing happy birthday all along, and I couldn't contain my grin anymore while I looked at her.

Flynn crouched down in front me, and my heart melt at the sight. Gosh. The song end and Flynn told me to blow the candle, but not before I made a wish.

Please make Flynn stayed with me forever.

I opened my eyes and blew the candle and clapped, it made Flynn chuckled at my childish reaction.

"I also made a wish on your birthday cake" Flynn said and I could see the intensity of it, and I gulped, licking my suddenly parched lips.

"Will You Be Mine?" The sincerity of her eyes was enough to shake me to my very core as my hand flew to cover my mouth.

---End of Part 16---

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