One Direction To My Heart (On...

By JustMe52

2.8M 55.9K 20.8K

What do you do when you come home to find the band One Direction was kidnapped by your best friend? You try n... More

One Direction To My Heart (One Direction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66!
Watty Awards and Cover Contest

Chapter 14

48.5K 948 228
By JustMe52


"We're going to be late!" Megan yells as we all run to the entrance of the airport.

"It's your fault!" Zayn shouts back at her.

Last night we had everything planned. We were going to leave at seven in the morning and arrive at the airport at eight thirty. Our plane leaves at nine thirty. Megan couldn't decide on which outfit to wear this morning. Instead of leaving at the seven, we left at eight. We were definitely speeding on the way here. We managed to get here at eight forty five.

Apparently, Harry talked to Simon ahead of time and already arranged our flight. A guy is going to be waiting by the terminal to take our luggage for us. All we have to worry about is getting on the plane and not getting noticed. Everything else is being taken care of.

"I didn't mean too!" Megan says as we swerve through the crowds.

This isn't going to help us not get noticed. We're all wearing jeans and jackets with hoods on them. To make us look even more ridiculous, we all have sunglasses on inside.

"This way!" Liam shouts heading to the right.

We finally reach the terminal and find the guy to take our bags. We drop the suitcases at his feet. The airport employee takes our ticket and sends is through.

"That was way too close." Niall breathes as we sit in our first class seats.

I take my seat in between Louis and Liam. "Next time you are waking up a hour before us."

"I didn't mean too! At least no one recognized them." Megan whispers looking over the seat in front of me.

"We still have the flight there and the airport." Harry adjusts his hood.

I reach forward and slap the back of his head. "Way to think positive!"

"Tori! Listen to this song!" Louis places headphones over my ears. He turns the volume up all the way and I yank them off my ears. "Did you like it?"

"I barely heard it! It was too loud." I toss the headphones in his lap.

"So, you didn't hear anything else?" Louis smiles at me.

"No." I stare at him weirdly. He's got to be up to something.

The sign near the front of the plane flashes red saying 'Buckle up'. Great. We're taking off soon. I buckle my lap belt tightly making sure it won't go loose. I hate taking off.

I grab my small bag from the ground by my feet. I dig through it looking for my iPod and headphones. I set them on my lap and put my bag on the floor again. I put the headphones in my ears and go to my favorite playlist.

"Can I listen along?" Liam whispers in my ear holding up a splitter.

I grab the splitter and set it up. I click play and turn the music up. Hey Princess by Allstar Weekend starts playing. I close my eyes trying to imagine I'm anywhere else but here.

The plane lurches forward slightly. My nails dig into the arm rests. The plane tilts up and my breathing gets faster. Don't think about it. It tilts up even more. I can't do this.

"Tori?" I hear Megan's worried voice over my music. I am not going to open my eyes. That would only make it worse.

A warm hand lifts my right hand off the arm rest and intertwines my fingers with theirs. I crack one eye open to see Liam staring directly at me.

"It's okay." He says. I open my eyes all the way and look directly at him. "I'm right here. Nothing is going to happen." He reassures me. "Breathe."

I take a deep breath. "Next time knock me out." I say.

"Go to sleep." Liam let's go of my hand and pulls me closer with his arm. I lift the arm rest up and cuddle into his side.

I close my eyes pretending I'm at home on the couch. My breathing starts to slow down going back to normal. One Thing by One Direction comes on next and I feel myself drift off to Liam's voice.

"Liam. Tori. Time to get up." Someone sings quietly. "Everyone is off the plane."

"I wish they would just start going out already."

"Me too. They practically act like they are. I mean, look, they are holding hands and cuddling together."

"Get up, lovebirds!"

Something underneath me moves and pulls me tighter against it. Am I sleeping on Liam again? I move my head up opening my eyes slowly. Yep. I am.

"Sorry." I mumble sitting up straight. I let go of his hand and run it through my hair. "Are we here yet?"

"Yeah. Everyone is off the plane." Niall motions with his hand showing it's only us.

"Let's go!" Megan hands me my bag. "I want to see this place."

I stand up and stretch me legs. "Can you tell me now?"

"You'll see in a few minutes." Harry leads the way off the plane to the airport.

We all fix our hoods and put on our glasses. We walk around the corner to see the airport crowded with people. I look around the airport trying to see if I can figure out where we are. Nothing. Maybe when we get outside?

Niall trips over a suitcase on the floor and falls into a girl. He gets his balance back, but his hood fell off.

"Oh my god!" The girl's eyes widen staring at Niall. He grabs his hood quickly. "Oh my god!"

"Get ready to run." Liam whispers in my ear grabbing my backpack from me.

"It's Niall Horan from One Direction!" She screams at the top of her lungs. Everyone stops what they are doing and stares at us.

"Please stop!" Harry pleads.

"One Direction is standing right in front of me!" She screams jumping up and down.

"Run!" Zayn shouts heading for the main entrance for our car.

Liam grabs my hand and pulls me through the airport. Louis and Zayn is running ahead of us. Harry, Megan, and Niall must be somewhere behind us. Out of nowhere, a group of paparazzi chase after us with flashing cameras. Louis and Zayn end up going separate ways. Liam pulls me to the left after Louis. We dodge innocent bystanders as we race through the airport.

Liam glances behind us and pulls me in a little store. We lean against the farthest wall by a rack of clothes.

"This is insane." I breath trying to catch my breath.

"Normally, we would stay and sign autographs, but Simon said not to this time. Everyone still thinks we are at our secret vacation." Liam peeks around the corner.

"Not anymore." I comment.

Liam's phone starts ringing. "Hello? We're heading..I have Tori with me..Where?...I know where that is...We'll be there in five minutes..Bye."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

Liam pulls me out of the store quietly. "There is a side entrance that only employees use. We had to use it a few times before. It's that door right there." He points to a brown door on the other side of the airport.

I watch as Harry and Megan slide against the wall and slip through the door without being noticed. "Let's do this."

Liam and I start walking slowly through the crowd trying not to draw attention to ourselves. We get halfway there when I hear something unexpected.

"Oh my gosh! It's Tori Adams!" A girl around fourteen whispers in front of us.

"Please don't scream!" I beg stepping closer to her.

She nods her head making her brown curls bounce up and down. "Can I get your autograph?"

Did I just hear her correctly? "You want my autograph? Why?" I stand closer to Liam.

"You're famous here in the UK." She whispers staying quiet for us.

"I am?" I take the pen and paper she is holding out.

"Hurry up." Liam smiles at me. I sign the paper quickly and hand it back to her.

"Thank you so much! My friend's are going to be so jealous when they find out I met you!" She clutches the pair to her chest.

Liam pulls me away gently and we make it out the door without being noticed. A black limo is waiting for us outside. The driver opens the door and I slide in.

"That was fun." Harry says sarcastically. "What took you so long?"

"Tori signed her first autograph." Liam grins climbing in behind me.

I turn to Megan who is sitting next to Harry. "Did you know I'm famous in the UK?"

"You are? Why?" Megan asks.

"Well, it's not because she hangs out with us or anything." Louis says seriously.

Right. That would make sense now. I have been on their twitter and in some pictures. I never thought I would be famous.

"Wait!" I shout. "Are we in London?!"

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