Little White Lies

By Klainesings

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What happens when one little white lie turns into a massive secret that can hurt the one person that means mo... More

Nice to meet you
K + B
K+B again?
Where Is He?
I'll Always Choose Him
One day
NYADA buddies
Messed Up
New Kid
Bad Enough
Locker Room
Sorry (continued...)
5 Years later
We Dated...
Meet-and-greet (continued)
Unexpected Visitor
2 Weeks Later
Waking Up
Phone Call
Absolutely Smitten

Number 34

765 46 37
By Klainesings

It took longer than expected. 2 hours, to be exact. 2 hours of nothing but the two talkative girls sat in the back his car, mainly keeping their conversation to themselves but not being at all quiet about it. Kurt tried to ignore them and when that didn't work, he'd tried to drop a few subtle hints for them to shut up.

But nothing had worked. So, Kurt had driven for almost 2 hours with no source of entertainment when he finally arrived on Bakers Street. He drove his car slowly down the road, looking for number 34, sighing in relief when he spotted it.

The street was quite quiet so he managed to park his car right outside the house and jump out of his door, slamming the door shut harder than necessary when Mercedes and Rachel got out as well.

It didn't take long for Kurt to see Blaine. His heart leapt in his chest at the sight of the boy. He sat on the floor slumped against a wall, his head tilted to the side as it leaned against the wall with his lips parted and his eyes shut. He looked so young and it made Kurt feel extremely guilty for not trying harder to get here faster.

With a quick glance back to Mercedes and Rachel who were unusually quiet, he stepped forward before crouching down in front of Blaine, reaching out a hand to shake the boy awake only to hesitate. Kurt's hand hung just above Blaine's shoulder before moving quickly to grab the boy's shoulder and shake it gently.

A smile crossed his face when Blaine moaned and shook his head, tensing and turning his head further against the wall before relaxing and resuming his original slump. Kurt rolled his eyes, chuckling quietly before shaking the boy's shoulder again and whispering, "Blaine."

Blaine's eyebrows creased over his eyes which were now clenched together tightly. He muttered a random string of words before turning his head to the other side and shifting his body so it could rest there easier.

Kurt sighed and tapped Blaine's cheek, "Blaine, come on. Get-." Kurt choked on his words when Blaine moved his head so his cheek was resting in Kurt's palm, his eyes now open and blinking against the light.

Kurt froze and just stared into the boy's tired hazel eyes. A goofy smile spread suddenly across Blaine's mouth, causing his eyes to crinkle as he laughed quietly, "You came."

"Of course I did. I said I would, didn't I?"

Blaine's smile softened but didn't leave his face, "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if you were being serious. And I was waiting here for a while."

"I'm sorry. The traffic was really bad and I didn't know exactly where-"

"Kurt, it's fine." Blaine laughed, lifting his hand up to lace his fingers with Kurt's hand which was still resting against his cheek, "You're here now."

"I'm here now." Kurt agreed, his eyes flickering down to their linked hands which were now settled on Blaine's knee before looking back into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine hummed quietly; a lazy, content smile still plastered on his face. Kurt swallowed as he kept staring into Blaine's eyes, putting all of his energy into not glancing any lower.

"So," Rachel cleared her throat, "I really need to get back. I have a- this fashion shoot. You wouldn't get it. Although, you might understand, Blaine. You're pretty famous, huh?"

Blaine raised his eyes to look over Kurt's head and glare in Rachel's direction, angry at her for ruining his and Kurt's moment, "Yeah, but I prefer not to talk about it every second of every day."

"Oh no, I talk about other things." Rachel nodded quickly, "Like, oh! I was actually just telling Kurt earlier about my dilemma with Jesse, Finn, Brody, Alex and Jason. You see, they all want to take me out to dinner on the-"

"How hard that must be for you." Blaine cooed sympathetically, standing up and pulling Kurt up with him, their hands still linked, "Having 5 different guys interested in you."

Rachel hummed sadly, not catching onto Blaine's sarcasm, "It is quite tiring."

Blaine rolled his eyes and began to walk to Kurt's car, stopping to turn around when Kurt wasn't following him.

Kurt was stood awkwardly behind, staring at their still interlaced fingers. Blaine coughed and muttered an almost silent, "Sorry." Before separating their hands and making his way towards the car.

The car ride to Kurt's house was uncomfortably quiet. Even the two girls sat in the back were miraculously quiet. Everyone in the car could pretend to be engrossed in the music playing through Kurt's radio but they all knew that every single one of them was feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

34 Bakers street is actually where Sebastian Smythe lives. I've exposed him.

No jk, obviously. I just made that up, idk if it exists or is realistic or what but oh well... Details.

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