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Melissa was walking past the living room when she heard it. A soft humming noise was coming from behind the living room door.

Pushing the door open slightly so she could hear better, she realized it was Blaine's voice.

I've fallen
From up high
The world has said goodbye

She sighed and entered the room, making sure not to disturb the man laying on the couch, singing quietly to himself.

I'm not an angel
Not the answer

She stood just over him, peering over the edge of the coach, examining his face. 

His cheeks glistened with newly shed tears and his eyes remained shut. The sunlight that was shining through the window was highlighting Blaine's face, bringing only a moment's happiness before it vanished and the light from inside Blaine that had been dimmed from heartbreak was suddenly more noticeable. His usual alluring, tenor voice was reduced to an almost silent croon, the words flowing from his lips flawlessly, despite the occasional hiccup from the strength of his cries that would throw him slightly off key as his voice broke. 

How did life become a disaster?
I'm just going nowhere faster

She took one last moment to admire the man's true talent. The fact that he could cry while singing but still sound incredible and the fact that his voice was so enchanting and could capture any audience despite the fact that he currently had no instruments to accompany him was truly breath taking.

Shaking her head, she tapped the man on the shoulder, "Blaine."

Blaine's eyes flew open and he fell off of the coach he was lying on, landing on the ground with a loud yell, "Shit!"

Melissa's eyes widened and she moved quickly around the couch to help the man up, "What the hell?"

She winced, "Sorry."

"How long have you been there?" Blaine wiped his cheeks quickly.

"Long enough." The girl raised an eyebrow, "Come on, get up."

Before he could protest, Melissa had grabbed Blaine's arm and yanked him to his feet, before pushing him into the couch.

"What're you doing?" Blaine wondered aloud as he allowed his eyes to follow the girl around the room as she collected a pile of things.

"We're having a Disney marathon!" She squealed happily, turning around to show Blaine the blanket situated over her shoulders and a couple of Disney movies.


"Nope. You're watching it with me. I don't care what you say. You are not leaving that couch until we've at least watched one movie."

"Fine. Put on Cinderella and get it over with." Blaine rolled his eyes when the girl clapped her hands together happily and turned around to put the disc into Blaine's old DVD player.


The Little Mermaid had just finished when Melissa finally glanced over at Blaine and noticed the man on the verge of tears. She watched as his nose grew red at the tip and his mouth screwed itself up, his eyes and eyebrows following quickly. If she listened intently and watched closely she would be able to hear small sniffs and see two small drops of salty water appear from the nearly closed and wrinkled eyes and roll down his cheeks.

The girl sighed and reached her arms out to pull Blaine into a tight embrace, sighing again when Blaine fell into the hug, clutching at her dress and allowing himself to finally cry.

She continued to hold him in silence, rocking him slowly as his tears soaked her dress. A tiny break let him pull away, blinking his heavy lashes hooded with tears, before he collapsed again, his howls of pain and misery worsening. His body racked and shook with the strength of his sobs as newly shed tears began to sting his cheeks, rolling in pairs down his cheeks and dropping off of his chin.

Blaine finally pulled away, shaking his head, "Sorry."

She simply patted his shoulder before sitting back against the couch and awkwardly adjusting her dress, "So, am I right in assuming this is somehow connected to that Kurt guy?"

Blaine nodded.

"Why'd you kiss him?"

"It's just that- God, all my life, I was told I was nothing. My dad, my mum, my brother, the people I went to school with, everyone. I had to learn to survive even when I didn't want to be alive. I-maybe I wanted to prove that I could do things right. That I- I could be happy."

"And you can. There are so many people who care about you, Blaine-"

"Sometimes it's better to be alone." Blaine sighed and looked down at his hands that were folded in his lap, "No one can hurt you."

"What about Kurt, though? He loves you, righ-"

"He's so beautiful and I'm... Well, look at me!" Blaine laughed hollowly, gesturing to his tear stained cheeks and his messy, tousled hair.

"Is beauty all that matters to you?"

Blaine fell silent at that, glancing across the room and staring through the window, it was dark by now and all that he could make out was the silhouette of the couple of trees at the end of his garden, "There's nobody like him anywhere at all. He's-"

"Blaine, what happens if he's your Prince Eric but you're not his Ariel?"

Blaine smiled sadly, "Ariel walked on land and lost her voice for love. She didn't know Prince Eric would love her back, though."

Melissa ran a hand through her fringe as she pursed her lips together, nodding slightly, "Sometimes... Sometimes you need to give up on people, not because you don't care, but because they don't."

"You're saying Kurt doesn't care about me?"

"I'm not saying that-"

"Yes, you are. And I don't blame you. I'm- I'm like the Beast and Kurt is like Belle. I'm this terrible, horrible, disgusting monster but you know what? Belle still falls for Beast in the end."

"You know what I think?" Blaine looked at her, "I think you're exactly like the Beast. A charming prince trapped inside of a monster. Or, in this case, a wonderful man trapped inside of these walls he's built up for himself. These walls that Belle is going to break down one day."

"Do you wanna know what I think?" Blaine whispered and Melissa leaned forward on her elbows, "I think we've been watching too much Disney."

Welp, that was that. What a strange chapter... My Disney obsession may be showing.. Oops. 

Let's have a little competition; I included 6 sentences that were actually used in Disney movies. The first person to get all of them will get... Idk, if you win you can name your prize and I'll see what I can do ;)

The song used at the beginning was a verse from 'When I Was' from AVPSY

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