Poison Love (Young Justice, S...

By OtakuQueen95

46.5K 1.4K 154

We've seen the children and 'sidekicks' of all the Justice League join the Young Justice league but what abou... More

Chapter 1- Lilies and a Rose
Chapter 2- Conner or Super Boy?
Chapter 3- The Mystery That Is Lilith Mural
Chapter 4- Flirting with danger
Chapter 5- Help
Chapter 7- Welcome
Chapter 8 - First
Chapter 9 - Two steps forward, One step back
Chapter 10- Mother Knows Best
Chapter 11- Faimly
Chapter 12- Nightmares
Chapter 13- Probation
Chapter 14- Halloween
Chapter 15- Dinner with Who?
Chapter 16- Call for Help
Chapter 17- Ambush?
Chapter 18- Hero or Villain
Chapter 19- Fire!
Chapter 20- Fight for life
Chapter 21- Leaves
Chapter 22- Choice
Chapter 23- Lilith the Hero?
Chapter 24- Unrequited love
Chapter 25- Friends and Faimly
Chapter 26- Roses are Red
Chapter 27- A Mothers Love
Chapter 28- Dance With Me
Chapter 29- Breach of Trust
Chapter 30- Mission Gone Haywire
Chapter 31- Music in the Memories
Chapter 32- Crushed
Chapter 33- Hero X Villain
Chapter 34- Playing with Fire and Roses
Chapter 35 - Break or Break-up?
Chapter 36 - Zoo Date
Chapter 37- Butterflies
Chapter 38- Just A Friend
Chapter 39- Half Lies
Chapter 40 - Shadow world
Chapter 41- Lunch?
Chapter 42- House of Mystery
Chapter 43- Project
Chapter 44- $h*t
Chapter 45 - Suprise, Suprise, Suprise
Chapter 46- This Weeks Lesson is...
Chapter 47- Friends Forever?
Chapter 48- Science Unfair
Chapter 49 - Not so true nature
Chapter 50- Power
Chapter 51 -A little bit of...Spice
Chapter 52- Tears
Chapter 53 - With friends like these?
Chapter 54 - A Broken Heart Is What Changes People
Chapter 55 - Magic Fingers
Chapter 56 - What the future may hold
Chapter 57 - Tree of life
Chapter 58 - Conner
Chapter 59 - Dance with me
Chapter 60 - A lullaby and a Father
Chapter 61- Darkness
Chapter 62- New Adventures Await
Chapter 63- Wishing
Chapter 64- Turning the Page
Chapter 65- A world without
Chapter 66- Inferno
Chapter 67- Hurricane
Chapter 68- Super
Chapter 69 - Take me to Church

Chapter 6- Surprise visit

1.4K 44 7
By OtakuQueen95

Early the next morning Lilith woke up in the garden behind her house in her green pj's. She stared up at the sky as it slowly turned from gray to blue. She sat up quickly as the events from the day before ran through her head. She smiled thinking about being able to fight at Conner's side, pausing on the thought of him catching her as she fell. Lilith sat up still looking at the sky.

"Do you normally sleep in the garden?" Bruce Wayne asked as he walked through the garden gate. "Uncle Wayne!" Lilith jumped up, he held out his arms as she ran over hugging him. "Good Morning Lilith," he said, she only smiled up at him, "Did you fall asleep in the garden again?" he asked, as he pulled a leaf from her hair. "No, I think I sleep walk." "Well lets hope your not going any further than the garden." Bruce said with a smile. "At least this time I wasn't covered in vines," She says as they walked hand in gloved hand into the small cottage.
"It's not Sunday, whats with the surprise visit?" She asked as he sat down and she went to make some tea. "I hear the Young Justice team had a little help on their last mission." He said, "Oh really?" she said turning away from him to grab the tea bags trying to sound innocent.
"She had some pretty interesting powers... they sounded vaguely familiar, making vines grow out of the ground like magic." He said flatly. "Oh well isn't that interesting," she said still trying to sound innocent, "Lilith," he said in a very intense voice. "Yes?" she said turning to face him a huge fake smile on her face and two cups of tea in her hands. "Would you like to tell me anything?" "No..." she said sounding unsure. "Lilith..." "What?" Lilith muttered, "You should have told me that you were training with Super-boy, and planing on using your powers in public." Bruce said and She looked down since he sounded highly annoyed.

"I know, but I've been wanting to join the Justice League. This could be my chance to make a real difference, my chance to show I'm not my mother." she looked up at him with a puppy dog face. "I know Lilith, but I promised your father that I'd take care of you while he's off on business." Bruce scolded, "And I really do appreciate all you've done, like letting me stay here with my garden." Lilith says still pouting, "You really are the closest thing to a child I have, and I still really want you to stay with me in Gotham." Bruce explains, "I know and go to school with Dic- um sorry... um Robin, but you know how much I love it here. I do love visiting you, but I can't stand being surrounded by so much concrete." She stood to put her cup in the sink as she spoke he smiled and stood as well.

"I know you had good intentions yesterday and did really help, but not everyone will see you as I do." he said putting his cup in the sink and ruffling her already messy hair. "Conner does." she said looking up at him, "Conner?" "Oh-oh um... it's not what you think, I figured it out he didn't tell me or anything. After all without a mask I'm surprised no one else has figured it out." she said quickly, he just nodded leaning on the counter.

"I understand... but you have to know because you've shown you're self, this puts us in a very difficult position." he crossed his arms, "W-what do you mean?" Lilith stammered, "After yesterdays fiasco there has been a lot of talk in the cave, about you." Bruce sighs, "R-really?" she looked very concerned, "I had planned on doing this a different way, but now I'm left with no choice. Lilith are you absolutely sure you want to and are ready to join the team?" he asks standing strait and looking down at her. She looked up at him very serious, "There is nothing I want more than to be a super hero." She said, he sighed. "Then get changed we're going to Gotham." He said, "Gotham? Why Gotham?" She asks, "We're going to get you ready, by the end of the week I should have the arrangements ready for you to join the Young Justice League."
"Really!? What about school?" she asked, "Already taken care of it," he waved, she stood there smiling widely up at him, he smiled down at her. "Thank you!" she said giving him another hug before running into the other room to pack.

He got a phone call and took it outside while she threw some clothing in her bag. She was about to head outside when she looked at her phone, no new messages. She wondered if she should text Conner tell him she wouldn't be at school, but it was barely 5 in the morning. "I'll text him later," she said as she ran outside where Bruce waited. "Alright Alfred tell him I'll talk with him when I get back... Is her room ready?... Good we're on our way..." He hung up the phone and turned to a still smiling Lilith.
'Hey you at school yet?' Conner texts Lilith, 'Find me at lunch I want to talk.' 'Lilith are you alright? Are you sick?' 'Why did you miss school?' 'Hey I'm coming over see you in ten.' 'Lilith are you okay?' 'Lilith call me, please.' 'Lilith!'
Meg came in the cave soaking wet, it was raining rather hard behind her. She was ringing out her hair when she saw Conner pacing up and down near the Boom tubes. "Conner there you are, why didn't you come get me after practice...Hey is everything okay?" Meg asks, "Oh um sorry I forgot...I'm waiting for Robin he should be here any minute..." Conner says half kindly, "Why do we have a mission?" Meg asked, "No I just need his help," Conner says, "With what?" Meg's asks as she walks towards him, "I can't seem to contact Lilith, she wasn't at school." Conner said, "She's probably just home sick, she is human after all." Meg says with a shrug, "That's what I thought to so I went to her house-" "Y-You went to her-her house?" Meg asked surprised, "Yeah she lives alone while here fathers out of town, I thought she'd might like some help. But she wasn't there."

"Oh," Meg says her shoulder falling, "I asked the office and apparently her Uncle called saying she had a family emergence she'll be gone all week." Conner says, "Well then that's it no need to worry-" "That's not it though, she's not answering any of my calls or texts, she wouldn't just ignore them like that." Conner says sounding truly concerned, "She might since it's a family emergence she must be busy." Meg says trying to calm him but he seemed to be barely listening.

"That's the thing though she's never mentioned any Uncle to me before." Meg seemed almost relieved when he said that. She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you just don't know her as well as you thought, everyone has their secrets."

"I know but I can't help but worry." Conner says finally looking at her. "Maybe you're just over reacting give her a day or two she'll be fine you'll see." he calmed down putting his hand on her's as she spoke. He looked at his phone, "You're right," he said just has his phone buzzed. "See that's probably her now." Meg said, "No just Robin, Batman wants him on a mission he say's he'll look into it for me though." Conner sighed, "Well if Robins on the case then everything will be fine." she said turning to face him and put both arms around him he smiled and put his phone away. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead. "What would I do without you?" they both laughed and stand there smiling.

Bruce opened the door and entered a room followed by Lilith. The walls and practically everything else in the room was painted white and pink with a huge four poster bed was in the corner with a vanity.

"We'll start your training in the morning..." He said and turned to leave but stopped at the door, "Lilith you remember what I said about secret identities when you were younger right?" he asked turning to face her, "Yes, it was after I found out who you and Dick really are." She said nodding, "I think it be a good idea if you didn't keep it from the rest of your team, it will let them trust you more. Yet I think it be a good idea if you didn't tell them about your mother at least not at first." Bruce says, "Even Robin?" "Expectantly Robin, you know how he feels about her." He says with a sigh, "I understand," Lilith nodded, "Good, then I'll see you in the morning." "Are you going out on patrol?" She asked as he turned again to leave. "Good night Lilith." he said in a unwavering tone. "Night, Uncle." she said as he closed the door and left her alone in the room. She sighed and went to her bag pulling out her phone it was dead. She plugged it in and turned it back on, it lit up with ten missed calls and even more texts. "Oops..." she said as she quickly pressed the call button.

Bruce made his way down the hall Alfred was waiting for him, "He's waiting in the study for you sir." Bruce just nodded and walked down the stairs. Robin was waiting by the fireplace warming his hands. "So what is it that was so important that it couldn't wait?" Bruce asked, "Who's Lilith Mural and what do you have to do with her?" Robin asked, Bruce didn't seem very surprised that he was asking about Lilith. "I thought I told you to stop hacking my files." Bruce said sternly, "Well I kind of have to when you wont tell me anything." Robin says coldly, "It's not what you think Robin," "Then what is it Batman? When I first saw her picture I thought she looking familiar now I know from why."

Robin walked back over to the mantle over the fireplace, pulled down a picture that was sitting there, and held it up. It showed Bruce standing nest to a brown haired man both smiling as they hand a hand on the shoulders of a red headed girl standing between them. She was holding a silver science trophy.

"I won this science fair but for some reason you have a picture of her framed in your house... Who is she and why can't I find all her files?" Robin asks, "I can't tell you that just yet," he says, "What can you tell me then?" Robin asks, still angry. "That you're jumping to conclusions and that I am nothing more than her Godfather and ward." Robin looked at him surprised, "Ward?" "Guardian," Bruce says, "I know what a Ward is, but if you're her ward why does she live in Happy Harbor?" Robin asks, "She likes it there, she wasn't alone at first she lived with her grandmother." "I know I found the death certificate eventually." Robin says sounding annoyed with himself.

"She still lives there with her father when he's in town. I am only taking care of her while he's not," Bruce explains, "What about those sealed files," "Her father asked me to seal them," he explains, "Why?" Robin asks, "He had his reasons." "What else are you hiding from me?" Robin asked, "What do you mean?" "I heard you've offered to support this Jewel Weed so she can join the team." Robin says his anger bubbling again. "Yes is there a problem?" "You barely wanted me to join and you trained me! You don't even know her...Wait, do you know her?" Robin asks Bruce could almost see a light bulb clicking over his head. "Robin now is not the time for this conversation." "What else are you hiding from me?" Robin asks coldly.
"No one should know everything Robin," "What does that mean?" Bruce's watch beeps at the same time as Robins, "That you should get going, the team has a mission." Bruce said before leaving the room closely followed by Robin. Robin didn't seem to happy but followed silently behind, "Red tornado will brief you when you get there." Bruce says as he leads Robin outside. Robin didn't seem to be to happy that their conversation was cut short, he turned to leave as the door closed behind him. He looked up in surprise when he saw the light go out in a room, the white and pink curtains blowing in the wind. He stepped on the grass about to go look when his watch beeped again, he shook his head and ran down the path to the gates. Lilith silently as she watched him leave from the window in her room. 

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