What The Heart Wants (Teacher...

By BlueEyesXoxo

283K 8.5K 459

**Originally posted back in 2011 by me, under the name 'The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants & Baby That's Yo... More

~~Troublemaker Brother~~
~~Creepy Quiet Feeling~~
~~Love And Grease~~
~~Bad News~~
~~Who Needs Enemies~~
~~Cheater Calling~~
~~Friends Stand Up~~
~~Like Him Already~~
~~Dean? Dean? Uh Oh~~
~~Dinner & A Movie Or Two~~
~~Go Away~~
~~I Forgot~~
~~Too Soon~~
~~Danger Danger~~
~~Kill Dean~~
~~Put Cream On It~~
~~Carly & Andy Jones~~
~~I'll Fight For Her~~
~~Hey There Little Fellow~~
~~The Truth Comes Out~~
~~I'll Be There When You Need Me~~
~~Kill Me~~
~~I Wonder~~
~~Happy Happy~~
~~Fights & Friends~~
~~Just Friends~~
~~Go Get Her~~
~~I'm Moving On~~
~~Can't Help It~~
~~Congrats It's A...~~
~~Twenty Two & Good Looking~~
~~Uncle Alex~~
~~Loves You Too Much To Lie~~
~~I Hate You~~
~~Prom Disaster~~
~~Sick & Twisted~~
~~Knights In Armor~~
~~My Water Broke~~
~~Off My Chest~~
~~Tucker's Speech~~
~~Oh No Tucker~~
~~Bad Father~~
~~Love You~~
~~Kill Dean, Again~~

~~Baby Shopping With Debby~~

3.7K 112 2
By BlueEyesXoxo

Chapter Thirty seven:

~~Baby Shopping With Debby~~

"I can't believe you haven't gotten anything for the baby!" Debby shouted at me as she pulled me along in the mall.

"Haven't had much time" I told her, grabbing Deans hand and pulling him with us.

"Why do I have to go" He whined.

"Because I have to go" Shaun said calmly walking beside a crazy Debby.

"Please Dean. For me" I pouted.

"Fine. Stop pouting"  

"Here we go" Debby pulled us in to a small shop, I never noticed before, of course I've never been pregnant before. "Jessica!"

"I know that voice" A woman in her forties stepped out of what appeared to be an office. "Hey Debby how are you?"

"Just fine" Debby smiled.

"How can I help you?"

"You can help my best friend." She pointed at me. "She's seven months pregnant and hasn't got anything for the baby."

"It's a girl" Shaun said when the woman, Jessica opened her mouth, instead she smiled.

"A girl." I nodded. "Do you have a name for her? I can make a blanket with her name on it"

"Can you really?" I asked.

"Of course, I did it for Debby here."

"It came out beautiful"

"Her name is Jessamine" Dean said.

"Thats such a pretty name!" Jessica smiled. "One second let me go grab a few things" She left and headed back to her office.

"We will go over there" Debby said pulling Shaun away to look at baby cribs and other things.

"Why do I have to be here again?" Dean asked.

"Because You're my friend."


"It's not like I can bring Tucker." I frowned.

"I know. He's the father but he needs to man up."

"Which could be a while" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So have you decided a color for her bedroom? If so we can work from there" Jessica said coming out of her office with a notebook and a pen.

"Yes. We chose a light purple for her room" I told her.

"And the room would be all painted if you didn't drag me here" Dean said.

"Oh hush I didn't drag you. Debby did so be mad at her" 

"I am" He smiled.

"Light purple is a wonderful color for a girl" Jessica smiled. "What about the colors you want for the blanket?"

"What about Purple and blue?" Dean asked me. "Because you love purple and the he-who-should-not-be-named likes blue"

"You need to stop watching Harry Potter" I laughed at him then turned to Jessica. "Purple and blue sound nice."

"I can do her name in white, green, pale pink, dark pink, or black. Since you chose purple and blue I can't make her name out of those colors."

"I think dark pink would be good"

"Is that like hot pink?" Dean asked.

"Yes it's very much the same"


She wrote what we said down then looked at me. "How do you spell her name? I want to get it right" She laughed a little.

"J-e-s-s-a-m-i-n-e" I spelled out for her.

"Thanks. Have you got a baby crib?"

"No, but I was thinking about using my little sisters, she's about to be two."

"What kind of crib is it?"

"One of those cribs that turns into a small childs bed, if you take the crib ralls off."

"Oh dear keep that for her. It would be better buying a new crip for this little one."

"Alright." I thought about it. It would be best if Jessamine got new things, after all she is my daughter. "Lets go look" She took us over to a part in the store that had cribs. "That one looks nice" I pointed to a pink one with purple around it.

"Shall we get a closer look" Dean asked.

"Sure" She let us get closer to it. "It is actually a great crib." It really was. It had a changing table that came with it. "It's not that expensive either"

"We'll take it" Dean told her after he and I looked at eachother for a while.

"Great" She wrote it down. "My sister has a great selection of baby clothes you should go see her"

"Alright" Debby came towards us.

"Are you two all set?" She asked us.

"Ya I guess." I looked at Jessica.

"I'll get the rest of the stuff to match the crib. Is that okay?" Jessica asked smiling.

"I think matching things would be great" I told her. Jessica wrote something down and smiled at us again.

"Debby take her to Jennifer's and help her pick out some cute little clothes" 

"Alright. Shaun when you're done you know where to go" Debby shouted and he nodded his head. "We have a surprise for you. After we leave Shaun is going to buy it, hide it, then come find us."

"You really don't have to get anything" I told her.

"When someone says that, it makes other people want to buy them something even more" Debby smiled. "We'll be back to pick everything up later"

"See you kids later" Jessica had time to say before Debby dragged me, and I dragged Dean, out of the store.

"Jenn works on the other side of the mall. She owns a baby clothing store. Theres millions of clothes in there. You'll have a ball picking them."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After only a few minutes of walking we made it to the shop and walked in. Right away Dean walked away, to a stack of girl clothing. "Sabrina!" He shouted.


"Get your cute butt over here!" I rolled my eyes at Debby who giggled at what he said.

I walked over to him. "What?"

"I want her to wear this!" He pulled a cute little outfit out. It was baby blue. "No this one too!" He pulled out a yellow one. 

"Alright just bring them and we'll get them"

"Thank you!"

"Hey, come over here." Debby called for us. Dean left the outfits where he found them. 

In front of Debby was a woman that looked just like Jessica. I'm guessing she was Jennifer.

"Hi I'm Jenn." She smiled.

"I'm Sabrina. He's Dean."

"Nice meeting you. Have a look around if you need any help just ask"

"Thanks" Dean pulled Debby and myself to the rack he had found the outfits. "Do theses look cute?" He asked Debby holding them up.

"Oh my God! They look great you should get them" She said. Dean smiled. "Who picked them out?"

"Mr. smiley over here" I pointed at Dean.

"Seriously?" She asked him in disbelieve.

"Hey I want my best friend and other best friends little girl to look adorable" He smiled.

We soon began to look around. Once in awhile Dean or Debby would call me over to them and show me some pretty clothes. Eventually they started to bring the clothes to me instead.

After being in the shop for fifteen minutes Shaun joined us. After an hour we finally left the shop with twenty pieces of baby clothing. We could have gotten more but we needed to save some money.

Next we made our way back to Jessica's shop, where we got all the boxes that were infront of the store, paid for them then left. Dean wouldn't let me carry anything except the few bags of clothes, while Debby carried the rest of the bags. Shaun and Dean took all the heavy boxes. I must admit I wasn't complaining about not being able to carry anything except bags.

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