What The Heart Wants (Teacher...

By BlueEyesXoxo

285K 8.6K 465

**Originally posted back in 2011 by me, under the name 'The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants & Baby That's Yo... More

~~Troublemaker Brother~~
~~Love And Grease~~
~~Bad News~~
~~Who Needs Enemies~~
~~Cheater Calling~~
~~Friends Stand Up~~
~~Like Him Already~~
~~Dean? Dean? Uh Oh~~
~~Dinner & A Movie Or Two~~
~~Go Away~~
~~I Forgot~~
~~Too Soon~~
~~Danger Danger~~
~~Kill Dean~~
~~Put Cream On It~~
~~Carly & Andy Jones~~
~~I'll Fight For Her~~
~~Hey There Little Fellow~~
~~The Truth Comes Out~~
~~I'll Be There When You Need Me~~
~~Kill Me~~
~~I Wonder~~
~~Happy Happy~~
~~Fights & Friends~~
~~Just Friends~~
~~Go Get Her~~
~~I'm Moving On~~
~~Can't Help It~~
~~Congrats It's A...~~
~~Twenty Two & Good Looking~~
~~Baby Shopping With Debby~~
~~Uncle Alex~~
~~Loves You Too Much To Lie~~
~~I Hate You~~
~~Prom Disaster~~
~~Sick & Twisted~~
~~Knights In Armor~~
~~My Water Broke~~
~~Off My Chest~~
~~Tucker's Speech~~
~~Oh No Tucker~~
~~Bad Father~~
~~Love You~~
~~Kill Dean, Again~~

~~Creepy Quiet Feeling~~

9.1K 243 6
By BlueEyesXoxo

Chapter Two:

~~Creepy Quiet Feeling~~

After sitting down and waiting for a few minutes I saw Hunter making his way toward Dani and I.

"You're the one that called me down to the office?" He asked when he reached us. I stood up from the chair I had been sitting on.

"Yeah I was in the neighborhood so I decided to drop by." I adjusted Dani into a more comfortable position for me.

"Why were you in the neighborhood?" He asked, and then he thought about it. "Ian?" He asked. Of course he knew it was him. I'm never around the schools, unless I'm at school, unless it's because of something Ian did.


"What did he do this time?" He sighed and walked over to a chair and sat down.

"Started a food fight" I followed him and sat down on the chair next to him. I put Dani down on the chair next to me.

"Wow I hope he got punished"

"You better believe he did" I replied.

"What was it? Something like detention, or helping the cafeteria crew cook, or even helping the janitors?" He asked.

"Helping the crew cook and helping the janitors clean sounds like a nice idea now, but his punishment is an in school suspension for two days starting tomorrow and he has to clean the cafeteria every day after lunch for a month"

"Yuck, cleaning the cafeteria after lunch sounds gross. I don't know how the janitors can do it" He said.

"Yeah but think about what he did. He did make a mess out of the cafeteria. Besides I don't think there will be much of a mess on a daily basis."

"True. It should teach him a lesson."

"Yeah" I agreed. The bell signaling the end of lunch cuts us off from talking anymore. "See you after school."

"Are you picking us up?"

"Yeah. I'll be out in front with the van."

"Okay. Later sis" He said as he started walking away.

"Later" I called after him. I picked up Dani from where she sat, watching us.

"Have a great day Sabrina." The secretary said smiling.

"Same to you." I smiled back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the van once again I set Dani in her car seat, buckled her up and stood by the door to take a breath.

It is so much easier to breath when I don't have her in my arms; she is not a light baby anymore. We have been trying to get her to walk but she won't. She can crawl but that's it.

My cell phone started ringing, so I answered it, without looking at who it was. "Hello?"

"Hey baby" Mike's voice said from the other end.

"Oh hey what's up?" I asked as I leaned against the van.

"Nothing just on break. I called to hear your voice and ask if you were working tonight."

"Yeah. Did you want to do something?"

"No" He sounded disappointed.

"You could come over to pick me up and bring me to work. Give us some time to be together"

"I'll do that." He laughed. The sound of something falling in the background had Mike swearing up a storm.

"Are you alright?" I asked

"I'm fine, Chuck dropped most of the tools on the pavement as he was getting up." Chuck was always dropping tools on the ground. With him being Mike's best friend he was always trying to get Mikes attention away from me. It is kind of funny sometimes.

A new voice started swearing and I knew right away it was Chuck "Is he okay?" I asked

"He's fine. But hey I have to help him pick this mess up. What time do you have to work?"

"I have to be there for five"

"Supper time rush. Okay I will pick you up."

"Sounds good to me. Bye"

"Bye" He hung up and so did I. The three words 'I love you' are barely said between the two of us.

After I shut the car door, I got in and began to drive back home. I still had things I needed to do.

Yesterday was Wednesday and I had a test in History, so I spent all Tuesday night studying for it. This meant I wasn't able to do any laundry. I really need to teach Evan how to do it. Last time I had Hunter do it all the white clothes turned pink and the colored clothes had bleach stains on them. And if I asked Ian to do it, I'm not sure it would get done at all. I also have dishes to do from last night and some cleaning around the house.


The house was quiet when we got home. I'm used to it being this way when I have to take care of Dani. It's almost a creepy alone feeling. A feeling of being watched, a feeling that if you open the basement door or a closet door someone will jump out and attack.

Truthfully I'm scared stiff of being alone, always have been. Even though I'm not really alone, I'm with Dani, it's still the same. Because face it she's a year old what is she gonna do if that happens?; throw her sippy cup at them or throw her teddy?

I finished everything that had to be done, with no time to spare. I had to hurry and get Dani into her car seat once again and go pick up my brothers.

I was running late, normally I was there right when the bell rings for dismissal. Today my siblings were going to have to wait a little while for me. They'll understand, they always do.

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