Poison Love (Young Justice, S...

Por OtakuQueen95

48.5K 1.4K 154

We've seen the children and 'sidekicks' of all the Justice League join the Young Justice league but what abou... Más

Chapter 1- Lilies and a Rose
Chapter 2- Conner or Super Boy?
Chapter 3- The Mystery That Is Lilith Mural
Chapter 5- Help
Chapter 6- Surprise visit
Chapter 7- Welcome
Chapter 8 - First
Chapter 9 - Two steps forward, One step back
Chapter 10- Mother Knows Best
Chapter 11- Faimly
Chapter 12- Nightmares
Chapter 13- Probation
Chapter 14- Halloween
Chapter 15- Dinner with Who?
Chapter 16- Call for Help
Chapter 17- Ambush?
Chapter 18- Hero or Villain
Chapter 19- Fire!
Chapter 20- Fight for life
Chapter 21- Leaves
Chapter 22- Choice
Chapter 23- Lilith the Hero?
Chapter 24- Unrequited love
Chapter 25- Friends and Faimly
Chapter 26- Roses are Red
Chapter 27- A Mothers Love
Chapter 28- Dance With Me
Chapter 29- Breach of Trust
Chapter 30- Mission Gone Haywire
Chapter 31- Music in the Memories
Chapter 32- Crushed
Chapter 33- Hero X Villain
Chapter 34- Playing with Fire and Roses
Chapter 35 - Break or Break-up?
Chapter 36 - Zoo Date
Chapter 37- Butterflies
Chapter 38- Just A Friend
Chapter 39- Half Lies
Chapter 40 - Shadow world
Chapter 41- Lunch?
Chapter 42- House of Mystery
Chapter 43- Project
Chapter 44- $h*t
Chapter 45 - Suprise, Suprise, Suprise
Chapter 46- This Weeks Lesson is...
Chapter 47- Friends Forever?
Chapter 48- Science Unfair
Chapter 49 - Not so true nature
Chapter 50- Power
Chapter 51 -A little bit of...Spice
Chapter 52- Tears
Chapter 53 - With friends like these?
Chapter 54 - A Broken Heart Is What Changes People
Chapter 55 - Magic Fingers
Chapter 56 - What the future may hold
Chapter 57 - Tree of life
Chapter 58 - Conner
Chapter 59 - Dance with me
Chapter 60 - A lullaby and a Father
Chapter 61- Darkness
Chapter 62- New Adventures Await
Chapter 63- Wishing
Chapter 64- Turning the Page
Chapter 65- A world without
Chapter 66- Inferno
Chapter 67- Hurricane
Chapter 68- Super
Chapter 69 - Take me to Church

Chapter 4- Flirting with danger

1.9K 48 3
Por OtakuQueen95

They trained nearly everyday for months and today was no different. Conner hasn't broken a sweat, Lilith on the other hand was dead tired and breathing heavily. She stopped for a second to breath then quickly goes to kick him in the face he stops her kick mid air, "Better but you need to rotate more at your hips." "Okay," she tries again, "Better," he says, she smiles and rain it starts to drizzle down through the tree tops.

"We should stop for today, it's getting late." "Yeah," she agrees and goes to get water. "Oh before I forget I wanted to tell you starting tomorrow I officially a member of the gardening club?" Conner says and Lilith looks back at him surprised, "Why would you want to join my club?" "I wanted something to do when Meg is in practice," Conner explained, "Why don't you just join the football team then?" "Why does everyone want me to join a sport? Whats so wrong with joining the gardening club?" He asked sounded mad, she shakes her head. "Wonder boy, I don't mean you shouldn't join. You can do what ever you want to..." Lilith said, "Then why can't I join?" Conner asked confused, "I...because...." "Because?" Conner says with a small smirk, "Give me a minuet... I'll think of something." She says and he smiles, "There is nothing you could say that would make me not join."

"Fine, what about your friends and your girlfriend?" Lilith asks, "What about them?" "What are they going to think?" Lilith asks putting her hands on her hips. "I could care less what they'll think," Conner shrugs, "You've obviously haven't heard what they say about me around school." "Who cares what they say?" Conner says waving her off. "I don't I just thought you might, because if you join they'll start talking." "Again, why would I care?" Conner asks, "Really Mr. popular doesn't care what people think?" she said sarcastically, "Mr. popular?" He says confused, "Never mind if you really want to join you can, but you have to actually participate in club activities. That means plating, watering, pulling weeds all of it...it's not as easy as it sounds." Lilith says as she gathers her stuff. "If you can do it then I don't see what could be so hard about it." He says, she just rolls her eyes. "Well tomorrow is the perfect day for you to start then," "Why's that?" He asks with a smile, "You'll see," she says taunting slightly.

The next day Conner is walking with Meg and their friends towards the football field. They see Lilith standing next to a pile of fertilizer bags, shes struggling to carry two at the same time. Conner starts walking toward her, "Conner aren't you going to walk me to practice?" Megan asks. "Can't I have to get to my club." Conner said walking away waving. "Wait you joined the gardening club?" One of his friends asks but he was already gone, they watched as he went over to Lilith and took the bags from her easily with one hand.
Lilith says something as she crossed her arms and looks away from him blushing. He laughs and pats her on the head, she swats his hand away. After she says something else they couldn't hear she walks over to the pile and get another bag.

Meg watched them as her friends talked around her, "I can't believe he just left you like that," "Yeah and what's up with him?" "Anybody else wondering why he and she look so chummy?" "Yeah almost like friends," "I've only seen him talk to her like twice," "Do you think they hang out out of school?" "Meg what do you think?"
Meg snapped back to reality and says, "It's fine that he's making new friends. I'm sure nothing is going on between them you guys are just letting your imaginations run wild... but I think we should be getting to practice." Her friends all agreed with her and started to head toward the field, she started to follow but stopped to watch Lilith and Conner as they started spreading the stuff in the bags in the flower beds. Lilith looks over at her and smiles timidly, Meg looks away quickly and follows her friends again.

After Meg leaves with her friends, Lilith turns to Conner. "I don't think she likes me very much," "Why do you think that," Conner asks, "She was just glaring at me," "I think your just imagining things, Meg doesn't hate anyone." Lilith looks at him incredulously, "Oh really?" she says sarcastically, Conner just ignored her.

Meg waves bye to her friends after practice and goes to find Conner, she walks around the building the pile of bags were gone and so was Lilith and Conner. Meg still smiling keeps walking, she looks around the corner of the building. She sees Conner at the base of a tree his white shirt all covered in dirt, she's about to move toward him but then hears. "Conner I fixed it!" Lilith shouted, Lilith comes running from out of sight smiling and holding a bright blue bird house. Meg hides as she watches them, she had never seen Lilith act like that before. "See I told you hot glue would work," Conner looks down at Lilith apologetically. "Sorry for breaking it, I guess I still don't know my own strength." "It's alright, the perch need to be reset anyways." Lilith shrugs, "So where do you want it?" He asks, "It goes there, but were both to short to reach it. Do you think you could give me a lift?" She says, a huge smile on her face. "Sure," Conner grabs her by the waist and effortlessly lifts her up, "Oh the hook do you still have it?" she asks looking down at him, he moves and sits her on one shoulder then gets the hook from his pocket and hands it to her. She adds it to the bird house and hooks it into the tree. "There," she says and Conner sets her back down on the ground. "Thanks for you help today," "No problem it was actually kind of fun." Meg isn't smiling anymore she turns a leaves, right after she's gone. Lilith says "You should get going Megan should be getting of of practice soon," "Your right, well see you later." He runs off and finds Meg, she fakes a smile upon seeing him when he finds her sitting at the front of the school and they walk home together.

Later in the cave Meg is sitting on the couch reading Conner walks by with wolf in the rec room. "I'm going to take Wolf for a walk," "I'll come with," Meg says starting to get up, "No... I mean-" he was cut off when Robin came running into the dinning room, "SB there you are didn't you hear me we've got a mission." "Coming," he said sounding irritated and follows Robin out of the room. Meg watching him leave worry clear on her face.

(Scene change)
Lilith is kicking the air practicing, she stops and pulls out her phone. It's a quarter till eight. She sighs and goes back to kicking the air.

The next day Lilith waits outside the school and sees Meg heading away from practice with all her friends. Lilith takes in a deep breath catches up to them. "Megan?" she says, Meg turns with a smile that falls slightly upon sight of Lilith. "Yes?" Meg asks, her friends are watching in astonishment. "I wanted to ask if Conner was okay? He wasn't at school and missed club," "Oh... um his sick so he wont be able to come to school for a few days," Lilith looks at her confused then just smiles. "Well tell him I hope he feels better soon," Lilith turns and walks away the moment she's out of ear shot Megs friends start talking. "What just happened?" "She just talked, I don't think I've ever heard her voice before." "Forget talking, she just smiled she never smiles." "I wonder why she is so worried about him I mean it's not like he can't get sick," they start walking again, Meg looks concerned but they don't notice.

(Scene change)
Robin is on his laptop in the kitchen and Meg is making cookies, Artemis walks in. "Hey have you guys seen Conner?" "He said he was going to take Wolf for a walk, he left like an like half an hour ago." Robin says, "He couldn't have, I just saw Wally playing with wolf." Artemis says, "He has been going out a lot lately," Robin pointed out, "Yeah, he has been acting weird lately." Artemis says and Meg sighs, "Is something wrong Meg?" Artemis asked, "It's nothing really," "You can tell us you know we are friends," Robin says, "I didn't want to say anything until I was sure, but... I think something may be wrong with Conner." "What makes you think that?" Robin asks, "He's been very distant with me, a couple of months ago he snapped at me for no reason and ran off. Now nearly every day after dinner he runs off with wolf and doesn't come back for hours. Sometimes he doesn't even come home for dinner in the first place. I've tried asking him what he's been doing but he dodges my questions." Meg explains.

"What do you think is wrong?" Artemis asks, "I don't know, that's the problem I know something is up but I can't tell what." Meg says, "Was he acting strange before he ran off the first time?" Robin asks for, "Yeah he was out of it, I asked him about it and he said something about joining the gardening club and he got mad then ran." Meg says, "When was this?" Robin asks, "I think it was the day we were fighting those monsters the ones that attacked the school." Meg says, "What else has changed?" Artemis asks, "Well his joined the gardening club and is hanging out with that Lilith girl a lot." "Do you think he could be hanging out with her now?" Robin asks,  "I don't know but I don't trust her," Meg says slowly, almost as if she didn't believe she was saying it.
"Are you sure it's not because your jealous or anything?" Artemis asks,  "No of course not I just can seem to shake the feeling somethings off about her." Meg says, "It's probably nothing, just your nerves getting to you,"  Robin says, "Don't worry about SB he'll come around, you know how he is with his temper." Artemis says, "I don't know this, this is different." "If it makes you feel any better I could look into her if you want," Robin said, "Really?" Meg asks, "Sure," "Thank you, Robin." "No problem,"

(Scene change,)
Robin is alone in the tec rec room looking at files on the screens.
"Okay lets see... Lilith..." Robin says to himself as he starts typing a whole bunch of tabs pull up. One in front has her school picture, "There you are... Born Friday October 31th, born and raised in Happy Harbor... Second year High school, only other member of gardening club...Father is a military scientist travels around leaving her here for school... Lives alone with Grandmother, no mother in picture or at all... um who is her mother?" Computer starts beeping, "Sealed files? Well what are you hiding?...Access denied? We'll see about that..." he smirks and starts typing faster, getting more frustrated by the minute. "How?" He types more fiercely, just then Red Tornado walks in.
"What are you doing?" Red Tornado asks, Robin closes all tabs but one, "Nothing important do we have a mission?"
"Yes, the briefing will be in ten minuets gather the others." "Alright," Robin turns off computer and walks away, Robin pulls up the computer on his wrist. He sees a file marked Classified 'Wane Enterprise.' "Miss Lilith Mural, Who are you and what are you hiding?" He walks away still typing.

Conner meets Lilith in the forest she's reading at the base of a tree, she has a Black outfit with green heels and gloves on. "Hey!" Conner says she looks up immediately a smile spreading across her face. "Conner! Your back," "Yeah I was hoping you'd be here." Connor says, "Of course I'd be here it's my back yard,"

"What's up with the outfit?" Connor asks, "Oh this I found it in a trunk of stuff my dad said was moms, I thought I'd try it on and it fit. What do you think?" she stands and turns in a circle. "Cool but why?" He asks, "I was thinking for my superhero outfit. Oh wait check this out." she touches the ground and grows a rose vine out of the ground, "As a whip and..." she swings it around her hip like a belt. "Cool right," "Yeah, but I think you may need a mask?" He asks, "Yeah I was thinking about that too, " She brushes her hands and vines climb up her arm then she touches her face and hair. Vines and leaves grow on her and create a mask of leaves and vines that grow around her eyes and hair. "I didn't know you could do that," Conner says in astonishment.
"I didn't really think it was that interesting." Lilith shrugs, "Have you thought of a name yet?" He asks, "No," Lilith shakes her head, "I've been thinking about it and asked Robin what the cure for Poison Ivy was and he said Jewel Weed," Connor suggests, "Jewel weed?" Lilith says the name slowly, "Yeah what do you think?" "I like it," She said looking away blushing, "Cool, so are you ready to train?" "Yeah!"

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