Spray Paint | Stydia & Scisaa...

By AlisonLovesStydia

41.7K 1.8K 1.4K

[ON HOLD, BUT IT IS NEAR FINISH] Stiles' father is the Sheriff for the NYPD. Stiles Stilinski, twenty-two yea... More



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By AlisonLovesStydia

Chapter Seventeen: I Think I Love You

"I'll be right back," Stiles told Scott and Isaac as he combed his hair in the mirror. "I'm going to go pick up Lydia and her friend."

"No more guys night," Isaac said and put his palm against his heart. "Girls took over."

"Don't worry, Isaac," Scott said and put his hand on his shoulder. "It'll always be guys night at my house."

"Yeah!" Isaac exclaimed. "Cuz' we don't let no girl's take control of our bro time!"

Stiles rolled his eyes and put on his sneaker. "Don't get into anything while I'm gone."

"We would never," Isaac said with a smirk.

Stiles' bulldog, Max, waddled into the room just then. He passed Isaac, growling, and sat down next to Scott on the couch, after struggling for a good two minutes to get on it.

"I don't know why your dog hates me, man," Isaac muttered and grabbed the television remote.

"Yeah, it's not like you piss it off twenty-four-seven," Scott responded sarcastically.

"I do not!" Isaac exclaimed and looked at the dog. "I don't piss you off, do I? HUH? DO I!?" The dog started to bark and Isaac jumped backwards.

"Max, enough," Stiles said and the dog stopped. Scott rolled his eyes at the blonde next to him.

"Try not to die while I'm gone, please," Stiles said and left his apartment.

Scott picked up the bulldog and held it up to his chest. The dog licked his ear. "He likes me, haha."

"Shut the fuck up," Isaac said and stood up. He grabbed his bowl of popcorn, which was empty, and walked into the kitchen to make more.

"He really likes her, doesn't he?" Scott asked, looking over his shoulder towards the man by the microwave.

Isaac shrugged. "I guess." He noticed Scott looking at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Scott said and shook his head. "It's just different. It's different now, like you said before. He's never done this."

"Scott, you sound kind of...."

"Kind of what?"

"Jealous," Isaac said with a smirk. He walked back towards the couch as his popcorn was popping in the microwave.

"I'm not jealous," Scott said with a laugh. "Why would I be jealous?"

"Because he has Lydia and you're still alone. But hey, the single life is a beautiful thing, man," Isaac said and patted his friend on the back. "Just think about all the girls you can mess around with without feeling guilty." He saw him wince. "Or guys...Hey I don't judge."

"Shut up, dumbass," Scott said and shook his head. "I'm not jealous. I can find anyone I want whenever I want."

"Oh really?" Isaac laughed, "Then why don't you do it?"

"Because I don't want to."


"What the fuck, is this Twenty Questions?"

The microwave went off and Isaac stood back up. "Pussy," He muttered and went into the kitchen.


"Hello, my name is Miles and I'll be your Über driver tonight," Stiles said as Lydia and Allison walked up to his jeep. Lydia rolled her eyes as the other girl laughed.

"Don't encourage him, Allison," The strawberry blonde muttered and opened the door to the back of the vehicle. She let the brunette get in first before climbing in herself.

"Is she mean to everyone?" Stiles asked Allison with a smile. "Or is it just me?"

"Don't take it personally," She replied. Lydia looked at the two and crossed her arms.

"I'm just extra mean to you, Bilinski," She said with a wink. Stiles smirked and looked at her through the mirror.

"And why is that, Marvin?" He asked her.

Allison found the two's banter hilarious.

"I'm not sure yet," Lydia said honestly. "Maybe it's just because you annoy me more than others."

Stiles shook his head in amusement and turned his jeep back on.

"Maybe," He said under his breath with a smile.

Stiles passed around beers to the guys and Allison. When Lydia held out her hand, he gave her a high-five instead.

"You're not old enough to drink," He reminded her.

"But you gave Allison one!" She said and glanced at the brunette, who was grinning.

"As far as I'm concerned, she's twenty-one, a full on adult," He said and looked at Allison. "Right?"

"Yup!" Allison lied. She sat down on the couch next to Scott, who introduced himself as soon as she walked through the front door.

Lydia looked at Stiles and took a step forward. "You don't always need to play the cop," She said, batting her lashes. "As far as I'm concerned, you're off duty."

Stiles felt his heart pounding as her lips drew closer and closer to his. He knew what she was doing, of course, but it still gave him butterflies.

When she leaned forward to grab the bottle out of his hands he raised it into the air. She stared up at it with a frown on her face.

"Stiles," She pouted. Stiles watched her with a smile.

Her gave in.

"If anyone asks, I wasn't the one who gave it to you," He told her and placed the cold, glass bottle into her hands.

Lydia grinned and thanked him. He mumbled an mhmm and she walked over to Allison.

"You two make me gag," Isaac said. Stiles flipped him off when nobody else was paying attention.

"The octopus was my doing," Allison was saying as Lydia sat down next to her.

"Shit, really?" Scott said with a chuckle, "That looked amazing."

Allison blushed. "Yeah, haha, thanks."

Max hopped off of Scott's lap and walked across Allison to sit on Lydia. His mouth was open and his tongue was hanging out of it. He panted and looked up at Lydia with big brown eyes.

"The satan dog likes you," Isaac said. "I guess you really can't leave now."

Lydia laughed and began to pet Max. He laid down on his back, letting her rub his tummy.

Stiles stared at the girl. She looked so beautiful and peaceful there, sitting on his couch with his dog. He knew that he could get used to that. He grinned from just the thought of it.

Fuck, he hadn't even known the girl for long but he could tell that he was falling, and he was falling fast. It scared him, really.

"What's his name?" Lydia asked and picked the dog up. He licked her nose and she laughed.

"Max," Stiles told her. She smiled at the bulldog who was just glad that he was getting attention.

"I'm calling him Pudge," She said nonchalantly. Stiles laughed.

"Pudge? Now that's just mean, Red."

"You're mean," Lydia quipped. "But I'm gonna stay here and take your abuse because I really love this dog."

Scott got up to use the bathroom and Allison got up to make more popcorn. Stiles sat down in the empty spots and Max sat between them.

"You love me more and you know it," He teased her. Lydia playfully rolled her eyes.


"But that's okay," Stiles whispered, "Because I like you a lot more than I'm letting on too."

Lydia, who was at a loss for words, opened her mouth to respond somehow. Allison came back and placed the large bowl of popcorn on the table in front of them.

"You got Netflix?" She asked.

Stiles tore his gaze away from Lydia and looked at the brunette. "Ally, if you want to Netflix and Chill all you gotta do is ask."

Both girls laughed and Stiles told Isaac to put Netflix on the TV. As Lydia laughed she felt herself moving closer to Stiles.

"You're a pervert, Miles," She whispered. Stiles let her lean against his shoulder without saying anything about it.

"But I'm you're pervert."

"Yeah," She said, smiling a little brighter than usual. "Yeah, you are."

"Red," Stiles whispered. "Red, wake up. I need to take you home."

Lydia opened her eyes slightly, noticing that Stiles' house was dark. It felt like the lights were on only just a second ago.

"Huh?" She said and sat up. She rubbed her head, which hurt just a little bit.

"We fell asleep," Stiles laughed and rubbed his eyes. "Everyone else left I guess."


"Scott texted me, saying that he took her back to your place," He told her. Lydia nodded and opened her eyes completely.

She wanted to laugh out loud at the looks of Stiles. His hair was disheveled, sticking up in random places. But she knew that hers was probably the same.

"What time is it?" Lydia yawned. Stiles checked his phone.

"Almost one-thirty," He said.

"It's too late to bring me home," She said, closing her eyes again. "Can I just crash here tonight, if that's okay?"

"Crash here whenever you want," He told her. Lydia smiled.

"Thank you, Stiles."

Stiles nodded and felt her shiver next to him.

"Are you cold?" He asked, "Do you want a blanket?" Lydia nodded and he slowly got up to find one.

He ended up giving up with the search and grabbed the comforter off of his bed. He knocked down multiple things in the process but seriously, who cares at one in the morning?

Stiles laid it gently over Lydia and she stared up at him. "You're too nice to me."

"There's no such thing as being too nice, Lydia."

"Come here," Lydia whined as she noticed that he was inching away from her. "Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom," He told her, "Why? Would you like to come with me?"

Lydia groggily laughed. "You're coming back though, right?"

Stiles walked towards her and squatted so that they were eye to eye. He leaned forwards and placed a kiss onto her lips.

"Of course I'm coming back," He murmured against her lips. "I'm not leaving you out here all alone."

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm sorry for being a handful all of the time."

"You're not a handful," He said softly. "You're fun to tease and joke with."

He stood back up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Hey Stiles?" She whispered.


"I think I love you," She admitted.

His heart did flips at her words.

"I'm not sure yet," Lydia said softly, "But I know that there's something there. And it's more than just a stupid little crush."

Stiles thought he was going to start hyperventilating. But instead, he told her the truth while trying to stay calm. "I think I love you too."

Lydia nodded, not expecting any more than what he had just told her. Stiles bit his lip and smirked before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

There was a soft snoring coming from next to her and Lydia froze. She slowly turned her head to see Pudge asleep on the back of the couch.

She chuckled and closed her eyes.

A few minutes later, Stiles walked out of the bathroom. He noticed Lydia, who was already fast asleep. He laughed and tried his best to get back into his original spot behind her.

He accidentally woke up Max in the process, who just yawned and jumped off of he back of the sofa. He waddled away into Stiles' bedroom.

"Stiles?" Lydia mumbled.

"Right here," He whispered and kissed her forehead. "It's okay." She nodded and turned her body so that they were chest against chest. He wrapped her arms around her like it was an instinct.

This feeling was foreign, holding someone while they slept. Especially holding someone he deeply cared about as they slept.

He buried his face into her hair and soon felt himself giving in to sleep as well.

Writers Note:

This shit was long wtf.

Aye I owed it to you guys.

As you all know, I'm writing my story Forbidden (bxb) and that shits almost done. Yeah I'm almost done writing it

You: fucking god its been legit 7 months Alison what the fuck

Me: ...

On my profile I posted an excerpt from the book. You should all go check it out and leave a comment about it!

Speaking of comments, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT because I'm fucking lonely.

-Alison :)

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