The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.5K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Three

113K 3.8K 736
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

November 8th 2012
Chapter Three - Terrance Archibald  

''The number you've dialed is unavailable at the moment, please call again or try again later.''

Tears streamed down my flushed cheeks as I sniffled. This must have been the billionth time I've tried to call and only to receive the same message over and over. Though, I was determined and kept trying and kept redialing and kept hoping that maybe, just maybe his voice would greet me, would soothe my worry and heartbreak.

Cloud had disappeared. It was like he just dropped from the face of the planet without so much as a goodbye. I didn't understand how he could just disappear like he has because it made no sense why he'd just up and leave. The rumors have already began, most of them involved him taking leave to go on a killing spree which was totally outrageous.

I knew for a given fact Cloud wasn't some psycho killer. Sure he was mysterious and looked like the total bad boy but I knew a whole other side of Cloud Stryker. A side of him which he granted me access to experience and I was honored to be able to get to know the real him.

Sighing in frustration, I hurried out of the washroom while wiping my eyes with my thumbs to try and clear out the tears as carried out a few more orders. My eyes drifted towards the clock every so often, hoping the hours would go by quickly. I just wanted to head home, curl up and watch a movie, maybe even eat a tub of chocolate ice cream while I'm at it.

''Sweet-pea, are you okay? You don't look well.'' Lucy-Ann asked, resting her hand on my shoulder while her warm hazel eyes glowed with concern. Her wild dark curls were held back with a simple white and black flowered scarf to match her plain black v-neck and dark washed leggings that gave her legs more of a curvy figure, leading down to a pair of plain black ballet flats.

I blinked, giving her a reassuring smile. ''I'm fine, just my mind is somewhere else.'' 

''Oh, I know those types of days.'' She agreed with a sigh. ''Just don't let Carter catch you slacking off in la la land, or we'll never hear the end of it.''

''I heard that!'' Carter barked, poking his head out through the small open window with a glare all while pointing an accusing spatula at Lucy-Ann and I. ''Also, no slacking off!''

Chuckling, Lucy-Ann and I gave him a mock salute which had him grumbling about firing our ungrateful asses. Carter actually owned Stop n' Dine. It had been past down to him by his father; the previous owner. Though, no one would expect Carter to run the joint considering he usually just holed up in the kitchen, cooking up the meals.

He wasn't the stereotypical chef by any means either. He didn't have the beer gut, crowning bald spot, didn't wear dirty white wife beaters and no goatee. He was actually the opposite, a full head of dark curly hair that was always gelled to perfection, dark forest eyes, and a lean build with an overall average height. Carter was an attractive twenty-eight year old man.

''Yo, server! Can I not get something to quench my thirst around here?'' Ryder's obnoxious voice rang through the diner. 

''This is exactly why I hate going out in public with you.'' Carmen deadpanned. ''You're worst than having to babysit my brother.'' I smirked, listening to them bicker as I retrieved two menus from the bin up front before making my merry way to them.

''Now, I also have children menus. They come with a box of crayons.''

''Rude...but I'll take the box of crayons.''

''If you get Carter to spit in his food, I'll love you forever.'' Carmen said, shooting Ryder a dirty look which only caused him to pout, folding his arms over his chest in huffiness.

''This is why you're single. You're mean.'' Ryder retorted and  his dark eyes darted towards the menu briefly before he just decided to order his usual which I hastily wrote down. Carmen flipped him the bird before ordering a number six and a glass of water.

''Alright. Carmen try not to kill Ryder while I'm least wait until I get my tip.'' I said with a cheeky grin that had Ryder glaring at me in a playful manner. I turned on my heel, placing the slip of paper between the cloth line pin for Carter to view while I carried out their drink orders.

''So, when do you get off? I was thinking we could hit the mall before closing.'' Carmen said, watching as I set their drinks down and tossed down two straws.

''I get off in another ten or so minutes.'' I said with a sigh, mauling over anything I had planned for tonight but came up empty. ''Also, the mall sounds great.''

''Perfect, now I won't be stuck with him.'' Carmen muttered, jabbing a finger in Ryder's direction with obvious distaste which I found oddly amusing.

Ryder scoffed. ''Oh yeah? Like you're a bloody walk in the park.''

''Order's up!'' Carter called, setting out two steaming white plates on the platform. I glanced between both of them with a smirk before heading up to the counter and picked up the plates with ease before returning back to my friends booth and sat their food down in front of them.

''Eat up. I'm gonna go tell Lucy-Ann, I'm heading out.'' I said, reaching behind my back to untie my apron as I approached Lucy-Ann. She was chatting with Carter through the open window. ''Hey Luce and Carter, I'm gonna head out soon, after Ryder and Carmen finish eating. I'll see you both tomorrow.''

''Yeah, yeah.'' Carter murmured, waving a hand which caused Lucy-Ann to huff at his rudeness before turning to me with a bright smile, though it quickly turned into a frown of concern.

''Terrance, you look pale, really pale. Like a ghost...Terrance!'' I hadn't even realized I collapsed to the floor. My breathing was labored all the sudden and my vision began to blur as I attempted to get back up on my feet but I felt so weak and tired.

''Terrance!?'' I could hear my name being shouted and then someone touching my face while they demanded someone call an ambulance and as much as I wanted to assure them I was fine, everything went black.

 ★ ★ ★

I laid still, listening to the rhythmic beeping as I focused on my breathing. My eyes fluttered open as I squinted against the bright white light that seemed to blind me momentarily. I could hear faint whispers in the distance, the sound of phones ringing and heels clicking before I decided to turn my head to take in my surroundings which happened to be the sighting of horrendous light blue curtains.

''Terrance, oh thank god!'' Winnow's voice had my head snapping to the other side and her expression sick with worry. ''I got a phone call from your work, they said you collapsed and wouldn't wake up!''

''What?'' I rasped, grimacing from how dry my throat seemed. Winnow notice, turning around and picked up a pitcher of cool water and poured some into a white foam cup.

''Mom is on her way right now. Dad should be here within the hour. He's coming back early from his business trip.'' Winnow explained, handing the cup over to me. I gave her a nod of thanks before taking a deep hearty gulp.

''Do they know why I collapsed?'' 

''Dehydration, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, you need me to continue?'' Lucas demanded, coming around the curtain with a hard expression. I grimaced, shifting on the bed as I took in his full appearance, he was wearing a white lab coat which meant he was working today.

Just my luck.

''Luke.'' Araki's voice instantly made me relax and smile as she also stepped around the curtain, giving my brother a whack on the shoulder. ''Don't use that tone of voice, he just woke up and he doesn't need you scolding him.''

Araki was beautiful in my opinion. Her skin was flawlessly tanned with long wavy black hair and her eyes glowed an odd shade of gray, sometimes turning a piercing silver in certain lighting. She too, wore a white lab coat and carried a brown clipboard in her hands while narrowing her eyes at Lucas, daring him to speak another word.

''How about that, a woman whom can finally shut my brother up.'' Winnow grinned, opening her arms along with Araki as they embraced in a hug that caused Lucas to snort but I could tell he was pleased Araki and Winnow got along well, considering everyone hoped Lucas would finally have the balls to ask Araki out.

''Terrance? How are you feeling?'' Lucas decided to asked at last, catching both Araki and Winnow's attention.

''Tired and I need to pee, like really badly.'' I added with a grimace as I sat up with a dizzy spell which I blinked back before standing from the hospital bed with the help of Lucas holding up my upper arm while he led me over to the washroom.

''Think you can take it from here?'' Lucas asked, raising an eyebrow.

''I'm pretty sure I can urinate by myself without an audience.'' I assured as I entered the washroom and sudden nausea overcame me. I rushed for the toilet and heaved up vile that burned my throat. I sucked in a deep, shuddering breath, trying to avoid looking at the vomit that floated tauntingly in the bowl as I shakily rose to my feet.

Like SWAT, Winnow, Lucas and Araki burst through the door which I would have found amusing if I didn't feel like such crap as they threw questions at me all at once.

''Are you okay!?''

''Did you fall over again!?''

''I heard puking!''

''No, no and yes.'' I muttered, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. ''I probably just ate something, it's no big deal.'' After relieving myself, I washed my hands before heading back out to the hospital room only to be attacked with a bone crushing hug from Carmen and a pat on the back from Ryder.

''You scared us!'' Carmen growled, glaring at me with accusing hazel eyes that flared. ''Don't do that again! It'd be selfish of you to leave me alone with Ryder.''

''More like selfish to leave me alone with this bit--''

''Language, Ryder.'' Winnow scolded. ''Terrance, you should lay down and relax for a bit. I'm sure they're gonna run a few more tests.''

''Yeah, we're still running some tests.'' Araki nodded with a sigh. ''But, I'm sure there isn't anything to be worried about.''

''Just keep drinking some water and relax, you'll be home in no time.'' Lucas assured and his pager began beeping and then Araki's went off. Giving quick goodbyes they both left, shoving at one another childishly which only made Winnow and I grin like idiots.

''They're in love!'' Winnow and I cooed at once, making googly eyes at one another before cackling. I smiled, actually feeling happier than I have in the last few days since my argument with Cloud.

''That was Araki?'' Carmen asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly impressed.

''Yup, our soon to be sister-in-law.'' Winnow stated. ''If only Lucas would man up and ask her out already.''

Ryder snorted, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed. ''Why hasn't he? She's a total babe with a nice pair of--''

''Ryder, my god. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?'' Winnow asked, clearly appalled with his comments which only seemed to further amuse him.

''Every night before I go to bed.''

''Huh. Terrance, I'm going to scout out the cafeteria downstairs. Hopefully, I'll find some decent food.'' Winnow said, smiling softly as she pecked my forehead. ''Either of you boogers want anything while I'm down there?''

''Nah, I'm alright.''

''I'm good.''

''Alright, be back shortly. Carmen don't kill Ryder, red splatters doesn't go with the hospital color scheme.''

''No promises.'' Carmen replied. Winnow nodded with a sigh as she departed from my hospital room. ''So, how're you feeling?''

''I could be better.'' I admitted with a shrug, adjusting the white pillow behind me. Carmen nodded slowly, her eyes meeting with Ryder's' for a brief second like some sort of secret message was being passed between them.

''So, when you fainted your phone skidded across the floor.'' Ryder said suddenly. I frowned, watching him pull my phone from his sweater pocket with pursed lips. ''We saw the screen saver, Terrance.''

''The screen saver?'' I asked in confusion before it dawned on me. My eyes widening as Ryder held the phone up and the screen lite up with my background photo which was of Cloud and I, kissing through our smiles. I felt the blood drain my face as I fought the urge to cry as that very day came rushing back like a tidal wave.

''Common, we're taking a picture.'' Cloud said with a laugh as he pulled me closer towards him. I blushed, shaking my head which caused my fringe to cover my eyes as I resisted, not fond of my picture taken.

''No, I look horrible.'' I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

''Well, than may I say. You pull off looking horrible very, very well.'' He murmured, his lips brushing my ear while his hand reached for my chin to tilt my head up. I tried to fight down my smile as our eyes met, his dark blue eyes danced with amusement as he pulled me in for a heart warming kiss.

Both of us were smiling like idiots. 

''How long have you two been together?'' Carmen asked.

''We got together September 14th.'' I murmured, not able to forget the exact date.

''Damn Terrance, you've keep this hidden all this time?'' Ryder asked and he sounded hurt, which only seemed to enrage me as I snapped my head to glare at him.

''I didn't tell you both because the two of you always carry on with the rumors about Cloud. Telling me to keep my distance, don't walk near him and heaven forbid I talked to him.'' I spat. ''But no need to worry about Cloud anymore because I'm pretty sure we're broken up.''

''What do you mean 'pretty sure we're broken up'?'' Carmen asked with a concerned frown.

''We had an argument a little over a week ago, neither of us has been in contact since. Now can we please drop the subject.'' I stressed, both looked reluctant but nodded anyway which I was grateful for.

I didn't want to relive the stupid argument over again, at least not now anyway.


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