Criminal Case: Grimsborough

Da PurpleCatAngel

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Marie Holmes just graduated as a police officer and was assigned to the Grimsborough police department. She w... Altro

Chapter 1: The Death of Rosa Wolf
Chapter 2: Corpse in a Garden-Part 1
Chapter 2: Corpse in a Garden-Part 2
Chapter 3: The Grim Butcher-Part 1
Chapter 3: The Grim Butcher-Part 3
Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 1
Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 2
Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 3
Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 1
Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 2
Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 3
Chapter 6: Good Cop Dead Cop-Part 1
Chapter 6: Good Cop Dead Cop-Part 2
Chapter 6: Good Cop Dead Cop-Part 3
Chapter 7: Death by Crucifixion-Part 1
Chapter 7: Death by Crucifixion-Part 2
Chapter 7: Death by Crucifixion-Part 3
Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 1
Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 2
Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 3
Chapter 9: Burned to the Bone-Part 1
Chapter 9: Burned to the Bone-Part 2
Chapter 9: Burned to the Bone-Part 3
Chapter 10: Under the Knife-Part 1
Chapter 10: Under the Knife-Part 2
Chapter 10: Under the Knife-Part 3
Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 1
Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 2
Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 3
Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 1
Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 2
Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 3
Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 1
Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 2
Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 3
Chapter 14: Fashion Victim-Part 1
Chapter 14: Fashion Victim-Part 2
Chapter 14: Fashion Victim-Part 3
Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 1
Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 2
Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 3
Chapter 16: The Kiss of Death-Part 1
Chapter 16: The Kiss of Death-Part 2
Chapter 16: The Kiss of Death-Part 3
Chapter 17: The Last Supper-Part 1
Chapter 17: The Last Supper-Part 2
Chapter 17: The Last Supper-Part 3
Chapter 18: In the Dead of Night-Part 1
Chapter 18: In the Dead of Night-Part 2
Chapter 18: In the Dead of Night-Part 3
Chapter 19: Innocence Lost-Part 1
Chapter 19: Innocence Lost-Part 2
Chapter 19: Innocence Lost-Part 3
Chapter 20: A Deadly Game-Part 1
Chapter 20: A Deadly Game-Part 2
Chapter 20: A Deadly Game-Part 3
Chapter 21: The Secret Experiments-Part 1
Chapter 21: The Secret Experiments-Part 2
Chapter 21: The Secret Experiments-Part 3
Chapter 22: To Die or Not to Die-Part 1
Chapter 22: To Die or Not to Die-Part 2
Chapter 22: To Die or Not to Die-Part 3
Chapter 23: The Final Journey-Part 1
Chapter 23: The Final Journey-Part 2
Chapter 23: The Final Journey-Part 3
Chapter 24: Anatomy of a Murder-Part 1
Chapter 24: Anatomy of a Murder-Part 2
Chapter 24: Anatomy of a Murder-Part 3
Chapter 25: The Ghost of Grimsborough-Part 1
Chapter 25: The Ghost of Grimsborough-Part 2
Chapter 25: The Ghost of Grimsborough-Part 3
Chapter 26: The Summoning-Part 1
Chapter 26: The Summoning-Part 2
Chapter 26: The Summoning-Part 3
Chapter 27: The Lake's Bride-Part 1
Chapter 27: The Lake's Bride-Part 2
Chapter 27: The Lake's Bride-Part 3
Chapter 28: The Haunting of Elm Manor-Part 1
Chapter 28: The Haunting of Elm Manor-Part 2
Chapter 28: The Haunting of Elm Manor-Part 3
Chapter 29: No Smoke Without Fire-Part 1
Chapter 29: No Smoke Without Fire-Part 2
Chapter 29: No Smoke Without Fire-Part 3
Chapter 30: The Wollcrafts' Creature-Part 1
Chapter 30: The Wollcrafts' Creature-Part 2
Chapter 30: The Wollcrafts' Creature-Part 3
Chapter 31: Dog Eat Dog-Part 1
Chapter 31: Dog Eat Dog-Part 2
Chapter 31: Dog Eat Dog-Part 3
Chapter 32: Murder on Campus-Part 1
Chapter 32: Murder on Campus-Part 2
Chapter 32: Murder on Campus-Part 3
Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 1
Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 2
Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 3
Chapter 34: Dead Man Running-Part 1
Chapter 34: Dead Man Running-Part 2
Chapter 34: Dead Man Running-Part 3
Chapter 35: At the End of the Rope-Part 1
Chapter 35: At the End of the Rope-Part 2
Chapter 35: At the End of the Rope-Part 3
Chapter 36: The Devil's Playground-Part 1
Chapter 36: The Devil's Playground-Part 2
Chapter 36: The Devil's Playground-Part 3
Chapter 37: The Reaper and the Geek-Part 1
Chapter 37: The Reaper and the Geek-Part 2
Chapter 37: The Reaper and the Geek-Part 3
Chapter 38: Spring Break Massacre-Part 1
Chapter 38: Spring Break Massacre-Part 2
Chapter 38: Spring Break Massacre-Part 3
Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 1
Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 2
Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 3
Chapter 40: An Elementary Murder-Part 1
Chapter 40: An Elementary Murder-Part 2
Chapter 40: An Elementary Murder-Part 3
Chaper 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 1
Chapter 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 2
Chapter 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 3
Chapter 42: Blood and Glory-Part 1
Chapter 42: Blood and Glory-Part 2
Chapter 42: Blood and Glory-Part 3
Chapter 43: Troubled Waters-Part 1
Chapter 43: Troubled Waters-Part 2
Chapter 43: Troubled Waters-Part 3
Chapter 44: The Scent of Death-Part 1
Chapter 44: The Scent of Death-Part 2
Chapter 44: The Scent of Death-Part 3
Chapter 45: A Shot of Beauty-Part 1
Chapter 45: A Shot of Beauty-Part 2
Chapter 45: A Shot of Beauty-Part 3
Chapter 46: Drive, Swing, Die-Part 1
Chapter 46: Drive, Swing, Die-Part 2
Chapter 46: Drive, Swing, Die-Part 3
Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 1
Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 2
Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 3
Chapter 48: Good Girls Don't Die-Part 1
Chapter 48: Good Girls Don't Die-Part 2
Chapter 48: Good Girls Don't Die-Part 3
Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 1
Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 2
Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 3
Chapter 50: Snakes on the Stage-Part 1
Chapter 50: Snakes on the Stage-Part 2
Chapter 50: Snakes on the Stage-Part 3
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 1
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 2
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 3
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 4
Chapter 52: A Brave New World-Part 1
Chapter 52: A Brave New World-Part 2
Chapter 52: A Brave New World-Part 3
Chapter 53: Burying the Hatchet-Part 1
Chapter 53: Burying the Hatchet-Part 2
Chapter 53: Burying the Hatchet-Part 3
Chapter 54: The Poisoned Truth-Part 1
Chapter 54: The Poisoned Truth-Part 2
Chapter 54: The Poisoned Truth-Part 3
Chapter 55: Ashes to Ashes-Part 1
Chapter 55: Ashes to Ashes-Part 2
Chapter 55: Ashes to Ashes-Part 3
Chapter 56: There Will Be Blood-Part 1
Chapter 56: There Will Be Blood-Part 2
Chapter 56: There Will Be Blood-Part 3

Chapter 3: The Grim Butcher-Part 2

1.1K 24 3
Da PurpleCatAngel

While they were talking about the case, Ramirez came in and said to Marie, "Deputy, Vanessa Carter, the victim's mother, is ready to see you. But go easy when you talk to her, she's still in shock though."

"Thank you Ramirez. We'll do that," Marie said and just as she and Jones were about to leave, he stopped them saying he has one more thing for them.

Ramirez then handed Marie a backpack and told her that it was the victim's and it was found on the crime scene. She thanked him and Marie decided that it would be best to check through the backpack first before talking with the victim's mother. Once they unzipped the backpack, Marie dug through it until she found a cell phone inside. Marie then dropped the phone off with Alex so he can analyze through it and after that was done, Marie and Jones left the station to talk with Vanessa Carter.

At the Carter house, Marie and Jones were sitting in front of a woman with short-blonde hair, who was crying her eyes out. Marie looked at the woman and calmly told her, "Mrs. Carter, we are so sorry for your loss."

"I just can't believe by baby's dead. I told her to stay away from the homeless camp; it's full of nothing but deviants and murderers. But she kept going down there to see a boy and now look where it left her," the woman said sadly and angrily.

Jones then began to get watery eyes, not just because he felt sorry for the woman, but the smell of chain smoke was making them water. Jones then asked her, "Mrs. Carter, do you mind if my partner looks around your house while I get some fresh air?" And she told them not at all.

Once Jones left and Marie was alone with the devastated mother, she looked at her before she could start investigating and said, "Can you keep a secret ma'am? I lost my family too."

Mrs. Carter gasped and asked her, "Oh dear, you poor thing. What happened to them?"

Marie looked down sadly and told her they were murdered too. Mrs. Carter gave the officer a hug and told that she wishes her the best and Marie thanked her. Soon, Marie began to explore the kitchen hoping to find a clue to Jennifer's own murder. Suddenly, she found torn pieces of paper on the counter and she showed them to Jones after he came back in.

Jones tsked when he saw that the torn pieces of paper were the last pages of Jennifer's diary and thought, the drama of teenage angst. She then put the pieces together and they read that the page was about Raphael not leaving Trish and how the Colletti's were poison and how she hates them all. The two officer's thanked Mrs. Carter for her help and were about to leave to talk to Trish and Raphael when Mrs. Carter stopped Marie and Marie said to Jones she'll catch up soon. Mrs. Carter approached the female officer and asked her, "Does that young man know?"

Marie shook her head and told the woman, "No, as far as I know, the only one's who do are you, my friend in the town I grew up in, my late grandmother and my boss." And Mrs. Carter told Marie if needs anything she shouldn't hesitate to let her know and Marie thanked her.

Back at the warehouse, Marie and Jones met up with Trish. Once they told Trish about what was written in Jennifer's diary, Trish bursted out, "How dare you spread filthy lies like that!"

"Ms. Colletti, we're just saying what Jennifer wrote in her dia-," Jones said, but Trish interrupted shouting at him to stop.

She then ranted that Raphael would not live a snobby flirt like Jennifer, but he loves her and only her. Marie then told her to calm down and she did. Trish then asked the officers if she can go outside for a smoke and they did. After they talked to Trish, they went to Cooperville to talk with Raphael.

Once they met with Raphael and explained to him what they found Raphael said to them, "Okay, I admit it. Jennifer wanted me to break up with Trish. She said that the Collettis were poison. But I couldn't do that to Trish."

"Cause that would cost you your job, correct?" Jones asked and Raphael agreed, but denied that he didn't kill her.

Marie and Jones then turned to leave before Raphael called out that if either of them had any cigarettes, but they denied that they did. Once they left the homeless camp, Marie looked to her partner and said to him, "Well it seems like we now have three suspects who are smokers."

"And we're getting closer to finding out who killed Ms. Carter," Jones agreed.

As they were heading back to the station, Jones looked over to Marie and said to her, "Hey Marie, back at the Carter house, what were you and Jennifer's mom talking about?"

Marie turned pale and wanted to make up some sort of excuse so Jones wouldn't know. She then thought of it, looked to her partner and said, "I was just comforting her cause she lost her daughter."

Jones the smiled and said okay and Marie breathed a sigh of relief thinking, that was too close. She then looked out the window and thought, I can't tell him yet. He asked me about my parents during lunch and I said they weren't here anymore and he apologized frantically thinking he was butting into my business. I'll tell him someday cause if I tell him now, he'll just feel sorry for me.

Meanwhile, Jones was thinking something different. In Jones' mind he thought, Marie I know you don't want me to dig into your past, but I want to help you. How can I help you and protect you, if you don't let me in. Or more importantly tell me what happened. You may seem happy outside, but I can see a sad, distant look in your eyes. My one wish is to someday tell my feelings to you and to see you at least smile.

Suddenly, Marie's phone rang and when she answered it, Alex was on the other end. He told Marie that he was done looking through Jennifer's phone and she told the tech that she and Jones would be right there. Once she hung up and told Jones, he then picked up the pace and sped down the wet road to the station. As they were driving, Jones thought, Marie please smile.

Back at the station, Alex explained to them that there wasn't much on the victim's cell phone. Just casual messages to her friends and her mother. But there was one that she sent to Raoul Colletti before she died and it said, 'I know what you did. I'm going to tell. You're going to pay!' The two officers then got curious and went back to the warehouse to talk to Raoul.

Once they got to the warehouse and told Raoul the message, he broke into a sweat and said, "I don't know nothing about that message. I just laughed it off. I thought Jennifer dialed the wrong number."

"Why would she have your number in the first place Mr. Colletti? A fast order of kidneys?" Jones asked.

Raoul then exclaimed that he thought it was a joke that a lot of kids were playing these days. The officers thanked Raoul and were about to leave when Marie asked, "For the record Mr. Colletti, what's your shoe size?"

"Size ten and so is Trish's. She's always complaining about having the same size feet as me," Raoul answered and Marie thanked him and set off after Jones.

Back at the station, Jones and Marie were discussing that the message sent to Raoul from Jennifer's phone possibly makes him the number one suspect. They both thought that if they could ask their victim why she did it, they couldn't. Jones the sighed out while rubbing his temples in frustration and it was then Marie suggested, "Why don't we go back to Cooperville and see if we missed anything." And Jones agreed to that idea, hoping for a new change in pace.

Back at the homeless camp, Marie and Jones were rummaging through trash and belongings that were soaked from the rain. Jones looked over to Marie and saw she was getting soaked through her jacket and she was shivering. He took off his own jacket and placed it over her. She looked up to him and said thank you and the two continued their search. Suddenly, Marie spotted a bloodstained rag and called Jones over.

Once he saw the rag, his face turned to shock when he saw that the blood on the rag was still fresh and it was also the kind of rag that butchers use. Soon, they were on the road back to the station so Marie can get a sample of it and they can send it to Grace afterwards. Once the sample was collected and sent to Grace, Marie and Jones headed back to their desks, when Marie let out a sneeze.

Jones looked at her worried and asked, "Are you okay, Marie?"

Marie then told him, "I'm fine. I just need to warm up after being outside a lot today." And she sat at her desk while letting out a small groan.

Jones went over to her and placed his hand on her forehead and he saw that it felt a little warm. He then told her to stay put and that he'll be back with some coffee to help her. Once he was gone, Marie let out a few coughs and thought to the day when her grandma took care of her whenever she got sick. Marie remembered how her grandma made her special homemade chicken soup with a grilled cheese sandwich and a few cookies to make her feel better. She remembered the two of them playing board games and her grandma always telling her stories that got her imagining while she slept.

Marie remembered one story about her grandma fell in love when she was a young woman in college. It was a really beautiful love story and the man her grandmother fell in love with gave her a beautiful locket, which she gave to Marie and Marie continued to wear to remember her by. Marie played with the golden heart around her neck and thought that it must've been a long time since it was last opened.

She the sighed and thought, I can't get sick now. I have to solve this case and find out who killed Jennifer Carter. Once Jones came back with a cup of coffee and gave it to Marie, he told her that Grace is done analyzing the blood that was on the rag they found and she followed him to the lab. In the lab, Grace explained to them that most of the blood was Jennifer's but some of the killer's blood got mixed in too. Grace told them that after a lot of searching, she found out that the killer's blood is O positive.

Once they were done with Grace, they went back their desks and Jones said, "I don't know what to think anymore, Marie. At this point, anyone could've killed our victim."

Marie cleared her throat after she felt something get stuck in it and said, "Well, we know so far that Raphael was having an affair with Jennifer. Trish didn't think the affair was going on, but clearly hated our victim. Then there's that text message the got sent to Raoul Colletti."

Jones smiled and told the female officer, "At least we now know the killer's blood type. And I think together we can solve this case." And Marie agreed before letting out a sneeze.

Jones' face then turned to worry and thought, Marie has been in and out of the rain today. Plus, there was that fainting incident this morning. I wonder if she'll be okay through all of this. And as he was thinking that Marie blew her nose after letting out another sneeze.

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