Let The Sky Fall (Synyster Ga...

By nickisevenfold

177K 4.3K 1.4K

Jackie and Brian just can't seem to stay away from the things that bring trouble and drama to their lives, bu... More

Bring It On Home
The Start of a Bad Dream
It's Your Fxcking Nightmare
My Best Creation
A Hard Day's Night
Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
The Choice Is Mine
Nothing Else Matters
Slight Complications
Things Fall Apart
Searching For A New Start
When Family Judges
New York Calling
What's Mine Is Your's
The Awkward Coincidence
First Dates The Worst
Some Kinky-Time In Return For An Apology?
A Kiss On The Lips
Old Habits Die Hard
Killing Two Birds With One Stone
Calamity Thanksgiving To All
What Would James Say?
Silence Like A Cancer Grows
Synyster Secret
Good Ol' Bri
Papa Gates Of Hell
Home Sweet Hope
We All Lie Sometimes
A Haner State of Mind
The Wasted Years
Filthy Prankster
Still Loving You
The End of a Wonderful Five Month Streak
Life Isn't Fair
Don't Leave Me
Everything Will Be Okay
For Better Or For Worse / Author's Note
The Unforgiven
The Fear That Can't Be Faced
Don't Fear The Reaper
Things Get Old
A Blast From The Past
Crimson Day
No One To Fear But Vengeance Himself
Moments Like These
The Butt Dialer
Breaking Point
Sing of the End: Part 1
Sing of the End: Part 2
Maturity At It's Weakest
Beggars Can't Be Choosers
Saving Jackie
Leaving Cali Blues
Photographs and Memories
Dressed To Kill
Back For More
Take Me Back Inside
Smooth Sailing
The More The Merrier
My Judgment Day
I'm So Proud of You
Second Heartbeat: Part 1 - Hypnotize Me
Second Heartbeat: Part 2 - Negative and Positive
Second Heartbeat: Part 3 - Our World
Just Like A Circus
Basket Case
The Last Breakfast
Ladies of Avenged Sevenfold
Guess Who's Back?
Now We Out in Paris: Part 1
Now We Out in Paris: Part 2
Father Knows Best
Blood, Water and Heat
Hit The Road
Brotherly Advice
One Last Plead
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot (FINAL CHAPTER)

There's Nothing To Be Jealous Of

2.1K 51 9
By nickisevenfold

Let's take a little break from everything in this story, such as drama and tears and fears of their fate and just enjoy this chapter lol.

But of course, this chapter will be a reference to a few events in the story.

Nonetheless, Enjoy;)

The weeks seemed to have flown by in almost an instant. 

Brian and I managed to make nice-nice with each other instead of being at each other's throats constantly. 

I guess it's true when they say marriage is all about compromising and negotiating. Which is why Brian and I came to terms with what we wanted. I simply wanted him to stop drinking so recklessly and act like the thirty two year old he was going to be, and he wanted me to liven up a little. We met on a middle-ground so when we'd arrive in New York for their photo shoot, we wouldn't be so annoyed and pissed off at each other.

But despite everything, I still love him. 

However, that didn't mean I wasn't going to take Gena's three week old advice into consideration. 

I really wanted Brian to realize what he had and that if he kept acting like an immature asshole, he could possibly lose me to a thirty year old-- Not that I'd ever go with Mikey.

 I didn't want to play with fire, but no one ever said it was a crime to test the flame once in a great big while.

My dad wanted to take Sophia for the evening, after the boys' photo shoot, giving Brian and I some alone time. Everyone else chose to stay at my brother's 'Bachelor Pad' since Dennis had moved out and Randy was busy bunking it out with my dad. It was the perfect opportunity to light the match and see what would happen. 

"I'm hungry." Brian said, sulking on the couch. 

I turned to him and nodded, "That's nice to know. Why don't you take me out to eat something? Or why don't you cook something? It'll be nice for a change." 

He smiled, fixing his position on the cushion. "Oh I know it would be nice, but I don't want to. Maybe you should cook something... Naked... I'm just saying..." I shook my head, then returned my attention to the re-run of The Walking Dead.

Leave it up to Brian to turn anything into something incredibly sexual.

"C'mon. It'll be kinky. Sophia isn't here. The guys and the girls are at Randy's. Pinkly's out on the balcony. It's just me and you. No one else."

"Brian... No. Weren't you hungry?" 

He sighed, "I was until you said no..." 

"Oh so you were just hungry for sex?" I questioned. 

"Well... Kind of. I mean... Yeah." 

I chuckled turning away. "Don't you get laid enough?" 

"Four times a week doesn't cut it. Sometimes I need my fix. And you can't lie that you kind of want to get it in with me too..."

"Right." I raised my eyebrows, taking my phone in my hands. I knew this was the perfect moment to test him, just as his ego was starting to reach an all time high. 

I pretended to look through my phone, occasionally looking up at him. He was way too into the television to even bother looking my way. It was as if he only cared about making conversation with me at that moment, if we were going to talk about sex. 

I cleared my throat and let out a fake laugh. Nothing. He didn't even blink. I sighed, letting out another loud laugh, "Oh my God, he is too much." 

I felt Brian's eyes burn a hole through my head. "What... Who's that? What's so funny?" 

"Oh nothing, just a friend." I smirked, "He is so funny..." 

"How come you don't laugh at my jokes like that but you laugh at his? And who is he? Why haven't I met him?" 

I looked at him wanting to smile out of victory, "Oh no babe, you totally have! It's Mikey." I lied, staring at the texting app, which had no texts besides that of Brian and Zacky. His eyes nearly fell from their sockets. "He's just so hilarious. I didn't think that God actually made funny people like this anymore. But he does!" 

He rolled his eyes, "I'm funnier... I make funny jokes and I say funny things. He's a little shit and you're laughing at his stupid jokes. That's pretty pathetic." 

I shrugged, "As long as I get a laugh. He's adorable." 

Brian's jaw dropped, "Adorable? He doesn't even lift! I lift! I work out. I have a six... I have abs. I have everything you'd ever want. How can you find him even the slightest bit adorable?" 

"Are you getting jealous?"

"No. Of course not. He doesn't have you, I do. I'm just... Nevermind."  He returned his attention to the television with a sigh of disappointment. "What does he have that I don't?" 

"Nothing! I can't find a friend adorable or even funny?" 

"I didn't say that Jackie..." 


He stared at me for a few seconds, sucking the inside of his cheek. "Let me see the text." 


He nodded, "You heard me, Jacqueline. I wanna see the text. I want to know why you find him so God damn funny." 

I held my phone close to my chest, shaking my head. I figured that I already had the fire going and I actually threw myself into the flame. There was no way of getting out of it. "No. It's none of your business." 

Brian tilted his head and pushed himself off the couch. He turned the television off, then stood a few feet in front of me. "Now, Jackie. Let me see." 

I stood up in front of him showing him I wasn't about to be spoken down to. 

In a sense, I regretted making him jealous because had I known it would've led to that slight confrontation, I wouldn't have done it. 

"No." I said.

He pressed his body to mine, gently taking the phone out of my hands and throwing it on the couch. 

I hadn't even realized what he did til seconds later. I guess Brian's sexual intimidation can do that to women.

His hand found it's way to the back of my head, forcefully pushing my face towards his. "I said now." His groggy voice said. "Or you'll regret not showing me." 

I found myself on the verge of stuttering, "I... There's no text." 

"I want to see. No one is going to take you from me... Not even a jackass like him..." 

"I was kidding, Brian. First of all, he's gay and secondly, I lost his number. But it's nice to know you're jealous." 

He pushed himself away from me and raised an eyebrow, "Are you serious?" I nodded with a laugh begging to come out. "You purposely made me jealous? What kind of sick woman are you?" He asked, covering his face and pacing around the sitting room.

In a victorious manner, I sat on the couch with a smile full of achievement. "A woman you married, Mr. Brian Elwin Haner." 

He plopped himself beside me, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're a real pain in the ass, Jackie. That was cruel." 

"Did I manage to damage your ego?" 

He grew a smirk, "Of course not." He denied. "I wasn't even jealous! Mikey isn't a man to be jealous of..."

"Awh, look at you!" I said, pointing out the obvious, "All  jealous and what not. That's pretty hot if you ask me. Shows you know what you want." 

"I don't want anything because after I married you and made you a Haner and had a Haner with you, I got everything I've ever wanted. All I ever wanted was you, and I got that. No other man is going to ever have you and I'm going to make it a point because with every single fucking ounce of my soul, I mean it when I say, I love you. You're mine-- You're my wife. You're my world. You're just mine, period. There's nothing to be jealous of... Because at the end of the day, that asshole can want you as much as he wants, he can picture you naked in his head for all I care. But he's not the one touching your bare-naked body. He's not the one taking early morning showers with you, or even late night showers. He's not the one who gets foreplay. He's not the one who gets to slap your bum. And he's definitely not the one who bought you that ring on your finger. In my book, he's a nobody... This might all be because he's gay but still... And making things even better, he's not the one who gets to do this... " 

He pressed his lips to mine, losing me in the feeling and numbing me with electricity that shot through out my body. It felt as magical as the first time we'd ever kissed. 

He parted his lips, sending a warm breeze into my mouth and exposing his tongue. My tongue began to explore his  interior, dancing around with such delicacy as he pulled my body onto his lap. 

His hands found the nape of my lower back, pulling eagerly at my pants, almost begging for them to come off. 

"Sophia is gonna be one in almost week... What do you say we work on baby number two? I mean, if we don't get pregnant, I won't mind... I'm so desperate for you." 

"Are you sure you want another baby right now, Brian?" 

"Of course. I know it's going to be pretty tough dealing with two kids, but it's not like I'm going to leave you or the babies. I love you and I love Sophia and it's a given I will love this futuristic child. And if you don't want to then I understand." 

In all honesty, ever since my SophiBear was growing out of her infancy, I began to realize how much I missed holding her in my arms, or staying up all night with her. I missed hearing her squeals and seeing her toothless gums. I missed having a baby... Because my baby was already going to be one.

I hopped off his lap and stuck my hand out. He gave me a confused look. "Come on, we're going to work on baby number two." 

He smiled, "Are you serious? You really want this?" 

I nodded, "Of course babe. I want it because you want it."  

"Jackie." He pulled me back down to his lap. He planted a kiss on the crook of my neck and sighed, "I'm so grateful you're in my life. I love you." 

I forced a kiss upon our lips which grew into an ocean of great passion.

Baby number two, here we come. 

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