Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? T...

By Just_Charlotte

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Becs Salvatore is back - after a long break - and this is the official sequel to Vampire? (Previously 'I Love... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three

Part Forty-Five

137 3 2
By Just_Charlotte

Elijah and I ended up staying at the compound that night, both of us trying to sleep but neither of us managing to. He had too much on his mind with the mystery of Celeste and why Davina had drew her, labelling her as something evil. I was up thinking about that, and Amy. I wanted to talk to Elijah about it, but how could I now this had happened? It wasn't fair to burden my worries about Amy on him as well when it wasn't his problem to deal with, it was mine.

I left early in the morning to try and talk to Amy again. "Becs," She smiled as she answered the door. "I'm sorry for the way I behaved yesterday, I just got upset."

"It's okay, I was only trying to help," I smiled at her and walked into the lounge. "Have you thought anymore about what I said? Or the witches?"

"He was an innocent, Becs. Marcel needs to learn that he can't do that to people," Amy said darkly.

"But what if it wasn't even Marcel, it most likely wasn't. It was probably one of his night walkers," I said.

"Exactly Becs, one of his night walkers. It doesn't matter who actually killed Leo, it was Marcel that allowed it to happen, that gave the orders," Amy shook her head. "He's a jumped up vampire, who has too much power and needs to be taught a lesson."

"But he doesn't run the French Quarter anymore, Klaus runs it and Marcel just helps him," I explained. "Klaus over took Marcel's reign as King of the French Quarter. He's already lost everything."

"He's not lost everything. He doesn't know what it's like to lose the person that he loves. He's still got some authority and power in the Quarter. I don't care if Klaus has over taken Marcel. Maybe they both need to be taught a lesson," Amy started to work herself up, "I mean, the witches can't even do magic in the Quarter without being killed. Werewolves have been forced out to the bayou. What sort of city is this? A city with a huge vampire problem, that's what it is. And I intend to do something about it. Starting at the top."

I sighed, I wasn't getting anywhere with her. "This mission will kill you," I whispered.

"And what if I don't care? What if I want it to?" Amy demanded.

"How can you even say that? You have a baby to think of, not just yourself," I argued back, angrily.

"I've already got that planned out, I've got it all planned out," Amy shrugged, "You underestimate me."

"I don't underestimate you, I know how powerful you are, but you are underestimating Klaus and Marcel," I stated, "You think they are going to be easy to take down - but they are not."

"I'm prepared for that. I'm prepared for everything," Amy replied calmly. She'd gone mad. She'd finally lost it. Her grief had driven her crazy.

"I can't... You can't do this..." I stammered out.

"And you can't stop me," She shrugged lazily. "You're not changing my mind, so it's pointless trying to."

I sighed and nodded in defeat. "I have to go, we've got problems in the Quarter."

"Surprise, surprise," She laughed humourlessly.

"Just be careful," I squeezed her hand in my gently before heading back to the compound.

I was half way back to the compound, when everything began shaking around me. Was this an earthquake? I knelt down on the floor to steady myself as the shaking got harder. I could hear people screaming around me as things began falling from shelves in shops and houses.

When it finally stopped I hurried into the town. I stopped as I saw a shelving rack, standing outside one of the shops had fallen on a young girl. She couldn't have been more than three years old. I ran over to her, and flung the shelving unit off of her tiny body. Blood dribbled out of her mouth as her eyes closed.

I bit my wrist and pressed it against the girls mouth desperately. Nothing happened. She was dead. Vampire blood can't heal someone when they're dead. I had to get her heart working again. I began compressions on her chest.

"Jane!" A woman screamed dropped to her knees beside me, crying. I was too late. I couldn't save her. Not even with vampire blood. I fell backwards, as a lump rose in my throat. I moved out of the way and let the mother cradled her baby girl in her arms. "She wanted a new toy, I said no so she ran outside... It's all my fault." The woman sobbed as more people crowded around us.

I couldn't bare to be around the dead girl any longer. I had to get out of there. Pushing my way out of the crowd I stumbled back to the compound feeling numb. I couldn't get the image of her dead body out of my mind. She was only three years old. She didn't deserve a death like that. She didn't deserve to die so young. She had her whole life ahead of her.

"Becs?" Hayley frowned as she saw me walk into the compound. I couldn't form words, all I could see was her open eyes, staring blankly up at me. "Elijah!" I barely registered her shout, before leading me to a chair and helping me sit down.

Elijah came out and was in front of me in seconds, "What happened? Is that her blood?"

"I don't know, she hasn't said a word since she walked in," Hayley shook her head.

"Becs, Rebecca," Elijah spoke softly, taking his hands in mine. "Talk to me, tell me what happened."

"She was only three," I sobbed, the barrier finally breaking. I threw my arms around his neck and held on to him tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder. "She was only three."

"Who was only three, Becs?" Elijah asked me, keeping his tone soft.

"The girl outside... A shelving unit... The earthquake... She got stuck under it... I tried to save her... I was too late... Too late," I sobbed.

"Oh God," Hayley covered her mouth with her hand as she heard what happened.

"She was only three," I cried again.

"It's going to be okay, Becs," Elijah whispered and kissed my temple softly. "I'm going take you upstairs to calm down, and Hayley's going to stay with you."

I nodded, feeling exhausted and emotionally drained as the tears finally stopped flowing. He lifted me easily into his arms and took me into one of the bedrooms, placing me gently on the bed. He kissed me softly before leaving the room. I watched as Hayley hurried after him and couldn't help but eavesdrop into the conversation.

"Elijah," Hayley said, catching up with him. "You're going to see Sophie?"

"Yes," Elijah replied. "There's no need to eavesdrop on my conversations, I don't keep anything from you."

"I know and neither do I... but since you're going to see Sophie I need to tell you something," She said nervously, causing Elijah to stop walking towards the door of the compound. Hayley took a deep breath before she started talking again, she was talking at a fast pace as if she wanted to get it over with quickly. "Sophie called me and asked me for a favour, she said if I did it then she could take the curse off of my family in exchange for some information. And I didn't think anything of it until Davina drew those pictures of Celeste."

As soon as Celeste's name was mentioned I stopped breathing, it seemed Elijah did as well. It was silent for a moment before he spoke, "Whatever this is, you need to tell me."

Hayley's heart rate picked up as she continued again, "Sophie wanted to find Celeste's remains. So I went through your journals and I found out where you buried her and told her. I know that it was stupid and snoopy and I should have just asked you. Please say something. Please."

Everything was silent, I didn't dare breath in case I missed something. How dare Hayley do that? Not only did she break Elijah's privacy by going through his journal but she also broke his trust by going behind his back. It was wrong. So very wrong of her.

Elijah's voice shook as he spoke, his voice strained, "She wanted to be left in peace. When a witch's remains are consecrated they're power is given to the other witches. She didn't want her power to be harvested that's why she asked me to bury her away from any witch grounds. You not only violated my privacy, but you have broken my promise to her."

I wanted nothing more than to hug him as he spoke. His promises meant everything to him. As far as I was aware he had never broken one of his promises. That was why people labelled him as the Nobel brother.

"I thought they were just bones Elijah," Hayley sounded as though she was about to cry.

"If you truly thought that, why didn't you ask me where to find her?" Elijah's voice was cold, and that was the last thing he said before he left the compound.

After a few minutes Hayley came back into the room I was in. "Do you want anything?" She asked, "I have some clothes you can change into?"

"Yes please," I nodded, trying not to look at my blood stained ones. "I'm going to take a shower... Thank you Hayley."

"No problem, I'll sort some out and leave them on your bed," She nodded and left the room.

When I came out of the shower, Hayley had done as promised and left a pair of jeans and a shirt on the bed for me. I pulled them on and went to find her.

Instead of finding Hayley, I found Elijah, Klaus, Marcel, Rebekah and Sophie sat in a room together. "Can you tell me why the likeness is remarkable?" Elijah demanded, gesturing to the portrait of Celeste.

Sophie shook her head, looking flustered, "I don't know. I didn't even know who Celeste was until-" She was cut off by the house shaking around them. "Was that Davina?"

"Charming little trick she's acquired," Klaus smirked, as if this whole thing was a joke.

Sophie's eyes widened, "And the earth quake I felt earlier?"

Rebekah nodded, "Also her, and she's taken to vomiting dirt."

When Rebekah mentioned this Sophie's eyes bulged even more, she looked like she was about to pass out. "We have a huge problem. I thought that we had more time. We need to complete the harvest. Now."

Klaus chuckled darkly, "Said the desperate witch."

Sophie shook her head, looking scared, "I'm serious. Those earthquakes are a preview of the disaster movie we are about to endure."

Elijah tilted his head slightly, "And why should we believe you."

Sophie took a deep breath and tried to get us to see her point, "You've met Davina, you know her story. She's been holding all the power of the three girls harvested at the ritual. One person was not meant to hold all that power. It's tearing her apart and it will take us down with it."

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"There are four stages to this process that Davina has started. The first is Earth, which is why we've been experiencing earthquakes and she's been coughing up dirt. The second stage is wind, the third stage is water and the final stage is fire. Each stage is worse than the one before, and if she makes it to the final stage you immortals will be the only ones surviving this."

"So how do we stop it?" I asked.

"The only way to stop it is to complete the harvest," Sophie said desperately.

"Convenient for you," Marcel muttered darkly.

"I'm not lying to you," Sophie almost begged us to believe her. She was desperate for us to listen to her.

"So we do the harvest," Klaus nodded, "It's the only way."

"What? No," Marcel shook his head, "I didn't save her from it in the first place, to just let it happen again."

"You don't have a choice, you heard what Sophie said," Rebekah shook her head. "Davina will kill everyone if she carries on these stages."

"As if we can believe anything she says. She'll say and do anything to get us to agree to the harvest and hand Davina over. No way," Marcel shook his head angrily again.

"She'll kill herself if she carries on like this, it's killing her right now," Sophie tried to convince him.

He sighed, looking defeated and left the room. "He'll come round," Klaus shrugged.

Everyone vacated the room until it was just Elijah and I. "I'm going to go to the cemetery, to see Celeste's bones get consecrated. It's the least I can do now," He said to me.

"I'm sorry... For what Hayley did, she shouldn't have done that," I sighed, taking his hand in mine and squeezing it softly. "I know how much she meant to you." He nodded and kissed me softly before following Sophie to the witches cemetery.

"No!" Klaus shouted angrily and I ran into Davina's room with Rebekah to see that she was missing. Marcel had taken her. Rebekah called Elijah and got him to do a locator spell with Sebene who was also at the cemetery.

I walked downstairs and heard Hayley sniffling, sorting boxes of tin cans out. "Hayley?" I frowned, walking over to her.

She wiped her eyes and looked at me, "I was just going to take these to the bayou," She said.

"It's no weather for you to be going outside, it's too dangerous," I shook my head.

"Exactly, and some people don't have a choice," Hayley argued.

I sighed and picked up two of the boxes and nodded to the third one, "Pick that up and come with me."

I walked with her to the church and we walked inside. There was people sat in the pews and Father Kieran was giving them blankets. "What is this?" Hayley asked.

"Father Kieran," I smiled and walked over to him. "We have more resources."

"We haven't even got through the ones Klaus sent yet," Kieran said, but took the tins gratefully.

"These ones are from Hayley," I nodded towards her and he thanked her before walking away with the food.

"These people, they're werewolves," Hayley frowned.

"Yes," I nodded, "Klaus asked Kieran to look after them during the storm. They're his family."

"His family?" Hayley looked surprised as she looked around at them.

"Their blood runs through him. They're part of the same clan," I shrugged, as if it were simple. I don't know why people get so surprised when Klaus does something nice.

"This family gets more complicated by the minute," Hayley muttered as we left.

"Tell me about it," I laughed and she grinned back at me, as we headed back to the compound.

When we get back to the compound Elijah is back and he is talking to Klaus and Rebekah. It turned out that Celeste's magic had already been consecrated, however that was possible. So they needed to find another powerful, dead witch that hadn't been buried. Elijah had come up with the solution of using their mother's remains to which Klaus had also agreed to.

Rebekah wasn't so easily convinced, "Am I the only one thinking? Our mother is the most powerful witch in history. If we bury our mother we are handing over all of her power to the enemy."

"Given our current predicament, I don't think we have a choice. But our decision has to be unanimous," Elijah sighed.

Suddenly it was as if the heavens opened up outside and rain began heavily pouring from the sky. "Water," I muttered. "The next stage has begun."

"We don't have much time," Klaus looked at Rebekah.

"Rebekah?" Elijah looked at his sister as well.

She sighed, "Fight the demon today and the devil tomorrow. I'm in."

Rebekah left to find Marcel and Davina whilst the rest of us got ready to bury Ester's remains. We met Rebekah about an hour later, with Father Kieran. The five of us (including Hayley who had to be there because technically her baby was a Mikaleson) stood in the rain as Kieran began the ceremony to bury Ester.

I held an umbrella over Elijah and my heads, whilst he prepared to offer his blood for the ritual. "Are you ready to do this?" Kieran asked.

"Always and forever," Klaus nodded, as he lifted a knife to his palm and cut it deeply, before passing the knife to Rebekah. She cut her palm before passing it to Elijah and Hayley who also cut theirs.

Father Kieran then took the knife and threw it down into the pit where to coffin stood, "It is done." That was it? Well, that was less climactic than I was expecting. I glanced at Elijah who shrugged and took my hand, with his non-bleeding one.

"Let's go," He nodded at me and we led the way to the cemetery.

When we arrived there, the three bodies of the other harvested witch lay in their white dresses on a concrete slab. I felt bile rise in my throat as Marcel carried Davina over to where the three bodies lay. This was disgusting. What was so important that four children had to die for it? Not this. It was sick.

"Do you believe in the harvest?" Sophie asked as Davina stood in front of her, getting soaked by the rain pouring down in her in her white dress.

"Yes," Davina whispered, closing her eyes. I could hear her heart beat going a million miles an hour. She was petrified. "I believe."

Sophie rose a knife to Davina's throat and in one swift movement sliced it open. I smelt the blood before I saw it and clutched Elijah's hand desperately. How could someone do that to a child? It was wrong. So very wrong.

Hayley gasped and looked away, and Rebekah closed her eyes as tears threatened to spill over. I, on the other hand, couldn't tear my eyes away from the horror in front of me. Elijah let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me, holding me tightly against his body as we watched Marcel hold a dying Davina. I could see the light fading in her eyes and then the rain stopped and I knew it was over. Davina was dead.

"It's not right," I whispered, and Elijah turned his body so I couldn't see her any more. "She's only a girl."

"After the harvest we have the reaping. We call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones," Sophie called out. Nothing happened. We all glanced at each other nervously before looking back to the four bodies lying on the concrete slab. I glanced at Sophie who was frowning, "We call upon our elders to resurrect you chosen ones." Nothing. No movement. "Redirect your chosen ones!" She shouted desperately, before her voice dropped. "Please... I beg... No..."

Marcel looked sick as he stared at Davina, praying for her to wake up. To come back to him. Sophie was crying as she dropped down, holding her niece to her body. Marcel ran, not being able to stand the sight of Davina's body anymore, and Klaus went after him.

I shook my head, feeling the overwhelming sadness of the situation hit me. Four girls died for nothing. The harvest didn't work. Elijah took me in his arms again and held me tightly. He didn't offer any words of comfort, because there wasn't to offer.

"Let's go home," He whispered in my ear and I nodded against his chest.

"Elijah," I whispered as we lay in bed together that night.

"Yes," He murmured, stroking my back softly.

"If none of the girls came back from the harvest, and Davina has all of that power... Where did it go?" I tilted my head up to look at his face and saw him frowning.

"I was wondering the same thing."

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