Fate Like Fool ♚ BTS×LOVELYZ

By frhwonu-

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"This fate like fool cursed me" Two groups, 14 hearts, 2 hearts connected as 1 while the love for the fateful... More

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2.1K 121 8
By frhwonu-

"We expected for the resort to be huge...."

"But this is..."

"IT IS FREAKING HUGE OH MY GOSH WE ARE REALLY STAYING HERE?!?!?!?!?!?" Taehyung say excitedly as he jumps up and down while holding onto Sujeong's hands.

"Yah, why are you holding me?!?!?!?" Sujeong ask.

"Just because!!!!"

The others look at them and shook their heads, feeling pity for Sujeong to deal with that alien.

"Tonight, just rest. You've hard work for today!" Rapmon say and give out the keys to each member for their room. Same goes to Babysoul.

Actually, they thought the previous resort is already so big but this one... is beyond words. How did even their principal get money for this? Only to give his students a special reward, he let them stay in a prestigious resort?

Tch, that old man.


"You guys saw her too right?" Jin ask to the other members. Now they are in a room shared by Suga and Jhope. All of them nod. "Who is that girl? I've never seen her at school before" Jhope say and they shrug their shoulders.

Who was that girl?

The girl who appeared out of nowhere during their search for Lovelyz. When they gain consciousness before, Jungkook wanted to mention it to BTS but afraid it will tired out the girls.

"IS SHE A GHOST?!?!?!?!" Jhope and Jimin shout in sync.

"No she is not" Jungkook say. He looks down to his feet and clench his teeth. There's no way that girl is a ghost. He could clearly felt her touch on his face. The way her voice sounds, her eyes and movements, she is not an illusion neither a spirit or what.

Then, who?

"Do you think the principal send her to us?" V ask. There's a possibility to that since the girl knows about Lovelyz. "Yeah, I think so too and maybe she also know Lovelyz" Jungkook interrupt. "How do you know that? I mean, it's scary how she talk to us like that even though we don't know her" this time, Suga is the one asking.

He thought to keep quiet during this conversation but also get curious after what Jungkook said.

"When she talked to me before, she said Yein's name"

Now all of them are confuse.


Gosh, he is super tired from all the finding thingy and just wanted a rest for now. Who is that girl and her identity is not important right now.

"Hobie is right. Go to sleep guys. It's getting late and I know you guys are tired from what happened today" Jin say and they agreed to end the conversation.


Jimin has been standing in front of Kei's room since he got back from Suga's room. He really wants to just barge in there and embrace Kei in his arms but he doesn't have the guts to do so. She must be mad to him.

Especially when he never tried to approach her while coming to this resort. He tried but he is afraid of what she might said.

Of course Kei is really kind and loving to him, now this thing happened, he doesn't know what to do. Jimin waited for Kei to open the door for a long time until someone actually opens it.

The door squeak open and reveals a figure.

"Jimin? What are you doing here?" Myungeun ask. She bends down to talk to Jimin who is sitting on the floor. "Umm..it's.. aish how should I say this?" Jimin mumbled to himself.

Myungeun smirk, she totally know what Jimin is up to actually. She just want to tease him. "I'm going to Seokjin's room so just go in if you want. Kei is sleeping now though" Myungeun say and walk away, leaving him dumbfounded.

Did she just left him to take care of Kei?

"Thanks Myungeun-ah" he say slowly but she heard it and turn back to Jimin.

"If you are really thankful to me, then make sure that Kei is smiling"

He went into the room and spotted Kei on the bed. Snuggling in her blanket while sleeping peacefully. He chuckled. She really looks like a little kid right now. Jimin walks to her and sit at the edge of the bed.

His hand slowly touch Kei's face, caressing her cheek. Tears starting to form in his eyes and after a while, he couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I'm sorry Jiyeon-ah. If only I listen to what you want to say that night, all of this won't happened" he say while sobbing hard. He can't believe the one that make his beloved person cried is himself. He even said some cruel words to her.

Out of sudden, he heard someone's giggling. Wait, wth? Is he hearing things now? Who in the wor-

"I never know you're such a crybaby"

Jimin's eyes widened.

No way....


"W-what..I-I-I thought y-you're-"

"What? Sleeping? I am awake since you came in!" Kei exclaim and laugh at Jimin's crying face. She and Myungeun already know that Jimin is in front of their room before and they make a plan. And as you see, the plan goes well without a mistake thanks to Jimin.

Kei is laughing and holding onto her stomach cause she actually couldn't believe Jimin fell for their trick. But then she noticed Jimin is keeping silent with her. What? Is he sulking?

"Jimin-ah? Yah, Park Jimi-"

She was cut off when Jimin suddenly crash his lips with hers. He hold onto her waist and pulls Kei closer to him. Indeed, Kei was surprised for the sudden kiss but she still kiss him back. She miss this side of Jimin very much. It's been a while since she is in his embrace and she love it.

His warmth and his scent, she love every single thing about Jimin. The way he always expressed his love to her openly, was something she would never experienced before.

Jimin pulls away and rested his forehead against Kei's. A few drop of tears escape his eyes as he cries again. Kei smile softly and hug Jimin, this time, letting him rest in her embrace. She hold onto his neck and whisper to Jimin's ear,

"I love you, very, very much"


"Seokjin-ah~" Myungeun calls out for Seokjin outside of his room. After a moment, the door open and revealed a half-naked Jin.

"OH MY GAWD YAH PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON YOUR FREAKING BROAD SHOULDERS ARE STANDING OUT TOO MUCH AND HEOL PUT IT ON QUICKLY CAN'T YOU SEE I'M STILL YOUNG?!?!!??!" Myungeun say panicky and push Seokjin into his room again before grabbing the door knob and close the door quickly.

She leans her back against the door and touch her chest. Tch, her heart is pounding real fast right now. The image of Seokjin before flashback again to her mind and her face redden. No, wth is she thinking now?

Yeah, which girl won't be surprised when a guy suddenly appear in front of her like that?

And it's her first time seeing Seokjin in that way...


Her mind couldn't think straight at all.

Out of sudden, the door once again open and Myungeun was about to fall backwards cause she was leaning against it just now. When she thought she was gonna fall on her butt, she is now in a pair of big arms hugging her.

"Aigoo~ you're really a klutz aren't you?" Seokjin say in a teasing tone as he let go of Myungeun. "Ani! I am not! It was you who suddenly open the door!" Myungeun fights back.

"Arasso now palli get in"


"Cause Namjoon is going to come later and will ruin my time alone with you" Seokjin say and smirk, he bends down to Myungeun's level and kiss her forehead. This has make her face redden even more.


"Aish palli!!" He exclaim and pulls her into the room before locking the door. He walks to Myungeun and once again kiss her, this time, on lips. "I'm glad you're safe" he whisper softly to her ear.

She chuckled before hugging Seokjin back. "I'm glad too that you are there to save me" she say and tighten the hug.

"So, what should we do now? Jimin is in my room with Kei, I don't want to interrupt their moments" Myungeun say and pout. She really wants the fight between those two to end quickly. Seokjin chuckled and pull Myungeun to sit on the couch beside him.

"Then, should we create our moments too?" He say and this has make Myungeun blushes even harder. "W-w-what th-the...WTH ARE YOU THINKING YOU FREAKING BYUNTAE GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" She yells out and grabs the pillow besides her before hitting Seokjin with it.

And soon, the pillow fight begins.








"I'm not gonna involved in this" Suga say and was about to step out from the room when Jungkook suddenly hit him with a pillow. The pillow in Jungkook's hand fell down and his face got paler.



Later on, all of them got into fight.

And the two who started this clueless fight- Myungeun and Seokjin, doesn't even know how they get in here in the first place.

Their first night at the resort end up in a total mess and while the room is only fit for two people, all 14 of them could actually fit in there.


Annyeong everyone~ Sorry for the wait! This chapter doesn't contain much of Banglyz couples moments yet so I hope you guys can bare with it for awhile.

Please do vote and comment if you like my story!


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