Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? T...

By Just_Charlotte

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Becs Salvatore is back - after a long break - and this is the official sequel to Vampire? (Previously 'I Love... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three

Part Forty-One

171 4 5
By Just_Charlotte

I smiled as I woke up, keeping my eyes closed as Elijah's hand gently ran up and down my bare back. I felt him kiss the top of my head gently as I moaned with pleasure. Elijah was back and he was safe. "Morning," He whispered.

"Morning," I smiled sleepily up at him, "Did I tell you how much I missed you?"

"Maybe," He smirked, before his eyes flickered over my head. "Your phone's been going off all night."

"It has?" I frowned, rolling over to look at my phone, thankful I had put it on to silent. I picked it up and clicked on to my messages, frowning deeper as I saw that I had fifty-seven messages from Tyler. They were all very similar and basically him telling me I wasn't safe and that I needed to go back to him.

"They're all from Tyler," I murmured, showing him my phone.

"He needs you for something," Elijah commented, "I don't trust him."

"He wouldn't hurt me, he's my friend," I shook my head.

"I don't trust him, Becs, he's planning something," Elijah propped himself up on his elbow to look at me seriously.

"Well, I think he's just worried about me," I shrugged and turned to my phone to reply to Tyler.

Becs: Hey Tyler, I'm fine. I'm staying with Elijah so don't worry about me. I'll come see you later. Becs x

"I'm going to go back and see him later," I said to Elijah as I climbed out of the bed.

"Hayley's missing," Klaus shouted, storming into our room.

"What?" Elijah was out of the bed so fast I flinched in shock.

"She's gone, I got back last night and she was missing. I saw Marcel, he came here. He has her, I know it," Klaus started pacing around the room. He paused and glanced at me, "Would you care to put some clothes on so we can get her back?"

"Sure," I rolled my eyes at Klaus, "Because I'd love to spend my day finding your stupid miracle baby."

"I see that this is a touchy subject," Klaus smirked as I grabbed a shirt and pulled it over my head, covering my naked body. "You know, if I can conceive, it means you can too."

"No it doesn't, Niklaus," I snapped angrily, "You don't even want this child, yet you get the chance. You get everything and you don't even deserve it. All I've ever wanted is a child, my own family. I can't have children, I can never have children because of Elijah!"

Klaus and Elijah looked shocked at my outburst, and I could feel the overwhelming surge of emotions pulsing through my body. Before it could take over my body I grabbed a pair of jeans and ran out of the house. I needed to get to Tyler, he was the only one who really understood my emotions properly.

By the time I had made it into the bayou the tears were flowing, my breathing was heavy and I could barely see at all. I had to hold myself up using the trees as I pushed myself towards the hut Tyler was staying in. When I was close by Tyler appeared in front of me. He took in my appearance before hurrying to my side and holding me as I collapsed into him.

"Say it out loud, Becs," Tyler whispered soothingly, rubbing my back in circles.

"Sadness, pain, guilt, anger, jealousy, confusion, regret, fear," I choked out each word, the sound muffled in Tyler's chest.

"What happened?" He asked me softly, once I had calmed down a bit.

"Klaus was talking about his baby and I just exploded. It's not fair that he gets to have a child, what has he done to deserve the perfect life? Why does he get to have the family? A child to love him and call him Dad? Why can't I have a child to call me Mom?" Tyler tensed as I mentioned the miracle baby. "And Hayley's missing and he wants me to help find her. It's all just a mess."

I glanced at Tyler, who had suddenly fallen very silent. He looked nervous. I inhaled and smelt a familiar scent, a scent that was in the Mikaleson home. Hayley was here. I stood up and took a few steps forward, towards where the scent was stronger. "Is Hayley here?"

I went to look behind me at Tyler but before I could I felt him grab the sides of my head and then with a sharp snap, my head cracked sideways and everything went black.


When I woke up I could hear a voice. "Becs! Becs, wake up!" The voice hissed in my ear, as the person kicked me in the side gently.

I groaned and opened my eyes, what the hell was going on? I tried to move my arms but they were bound together in vervain and wolfsbane, so it stung like hell when I moved. I looked up to the only other person in the room, which surprised me. "Hayley?" I frowned, glancing down to see her wrists were bound around a metal stove leg. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, Tyler brought me here in the middle of the night," Hayley said quietly.

"Don't bother, he can hear us anyway," I sighed, shuffling into a sitting position slowly, hissing in pain as I felt the ropes around my wrists and ankles burn.

"We have to get out," Hayley mouthed to me.

"How many?" I mouthed back.

Hayley gestured two with her fingers. I nodded and began to think over a plan. Suddenly the door burst open, okay so this was happening now.

"Get her into that chair, inject her with this first - and careful with the ropes, they'll burn you as well," Tyler instructed his friend. I glared at Tyler, but he didn't even look at me.

His friend came over to me, a needle in his hand. I prepared myself to fight back, but I didn't get the chance as I felt a prick in my neck after a loud bang erupted. I gasped and pulled something out of my neck, it was a tiny dart looking object. I blinked a few times as my vision became blurry and my veins erupted into fire. I looked over at Tyler with a mixture of hurt and shock. He still couldn't look me in the eyes, but I saw the gun in his hand that he had just used to object whatever was in the dart into me.

Tyler's friend glanced at Tyler before putting the needle on the side and grabbing hold of me. I tried to fight him off, but my body was too weak and limp from what I was injected with. The man placed me in a chair before slamming wooden stakes into my thighs. I screamed out in pain, as the blood began running down my legs.

Hayley grimaced and looked away from me. Tyler still wouldn't look at me and I could see him cringe as I screamed out. His friend seemed unfazed, he even smirked as he put on a pair of leather gloves and picked up some fabric out of a bucket of liquid. I cringed away from it as he held it out in front of me, the liquid dripping on to my bleeding legs and seeping into the wound. He pulled it over my mouth and forced my mouth to open so that I could speak before he tied it around the back of my head. The entire time I was screaming, choking and groaning in pain. It hurt so much that tears formed in my eyes but I refused to let them fall and satisfy the jerk anymore.

Tyler's friend went to turn away from me, but on a second thought he grabbed two more stakes and thrust them through my shoulders, pinning me to the back of the chair. By this point I was barely conscious, and was finding it hard to keep my eyes open.

"Why are you doing this?" Hayley asked, her voice in a panic. If they could do this to me, what were they planning with her?

"It's time," Tyler said, glancing at his friend before picking up a different needle.

"What?" Hayley's eyes grew wide as she saw the needle. "No! What are you going to do? Get away from me! Tyler!"

I tried to get to her, but it was too painful, I couldn't breath without a fresh wave of pain flowing through my body. Why was Tyler doing this? It didn't make sense to me. Was this why he wanted me to stay with him? For this purpose? What even was my purpose?

I could feel myself drifting into darkness, but I couldn't just let Tyler harm Hayley and her baby. "Tyler why are you doing this? Please! Don't do this!"

"Klaus destroyed everything good in my life, and I'm going to do the same to him," Tyler growled angrily.

"Please no! Tyler no! Please!" Hayley screamed as Tyler forced the needle into her stomach and pulled out some blood.

He took her blood? No I was confused. He turned to his friend and injected the blood into his system before snapping his neck. "Don't get all judgy," Tyler rolled his eyes at Hayley, it was like I was invisible now. "Dwane knew what he was getting himself into."

"What? Having you kill him?" Hayley glared at Tyler.

"He died with your blood in his system, the blood you share with your hybrid baby," Tyler explained and everything seemed to click into place.

"You're trying to turn him into a hybrid, that's impossible," Hayley said in shock.

"I've been running with wolf packs all over the country, one of the was tight with a witch. She had nightmares about your baby, and Klaus using it to make himself hybrids," Tyler said as he began ironing, which I found really strange. Kidnap two women, kill a man after injecting him with miracle baby blood and then do your ironing?

"I am sick of witches and their premonitions about my baby, it's just a baby," Hayley growled angrily.

"Maybe, maybe not. See that's where Dwane comes into it, he was happy to be the test case, because if you haven't noticed - these people don't have much to live for. Problem is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus, they follow his every move. No way I'd let that happen," Tyler was really starting to get on my nerves now. And I was still wondering what my part in all this was.

"How can you be so sure that Klaus knows what the baby's blood can do?" Hayley asked curiously. Tyler was getting to her, she was actually considering what he was saying was true.

"What do you think? Klaus Mikaleson, killer of men, women and children and suddenly he wants to become a dad? Unless he has an ulterior motive. Hybrids are the superior species, he'll have them taking over New Orleans by the end of the week, and then do you know what's going to stop him? Nothing," Tyler said dramatically.

Suddenly, Dwane gasped and came back to life. "You're going to have to feed on her," Tyler said before cutting Hayley's neck slightly.

In seconds Dwane was in front of Hayley and biting down on her neck. I lurched forward but sobbed in pain as it burst through my body, making everything spin. Tyler pulled Dwane off of Hayley, "Calm down," he shouted as Dwane freaked out and stumbled outside.

The knife Tyler had was on the floor between Hayley and I, she lay flat on her stomach and tried to reach for it but it was too far away. "Come on," She muttered angrily to herself, before noticing a broken piece of wood on the floor nearer to her and grabbed that instead.

Outside Tyler was still trying to calm Dwane down, giving Hayley the opportunity to hide it behind her back.

"It worked, didn't it?" Hayley asked quietly, when Tyler came back in, "He's a hybrid."

"If Klaus gets his hands on that baby," Tyler said slowly, letting us know that it had worked.

"Then help me hide the baby from him," Hayley begged. I was surprised, but figured she'd say anything to save the baby now.

"It won't work, he'll find you and take the baby, and then no one will be able to stop him," Tyler said, shaking his head as he picked up the knife from the floor and walked towards Hayley. "Slaves to do whatever he says."

"Tyler, there has to be another way, you're not like this," Hayley argued, pushing herself as far into the corner where she was tied as she could. He stepped closer and Hayley thrust the wood she had found into his stomach, causing him to drop the knife, this time closer to Hayley.

"That was stupid," Tyler growled, pulling it out of his stomach.

"Get away from her," Dwane said, standing in the doorway.

"What?" Tyler frowned.

"I said get away from her," Dwane was getting angrier the more he spoke.

"What do you care? You've got what you wanted, now get out of here," Tyler snapped.

Hayley and I glanced at each other, both thinking the same thing. If Klaus's hybrids were sired to him because of his blood, then Dwane must be sired to Hayley, or at least her baby. "Dwane, he's going to kill me, and he's going to kill you. He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live, you need to stop him."

Dwane grabbed Tyler and the pair started to fight, allowing Hayley the distraction she needed to grab the knife from the floor and cut her ties. Tyler thrust his hand into Dwane's chest, taking hold of his heart. Hayley didn't have long now. She ran to my side but I shook my head and nodded for the door, she hesitated but ran towards it. A tear slipped down my cheek as the fabric burnt my mouth, I could feel the corners splitting under the pain of it.

Dwane fell to the floor, his heart in Tyler's hand. He looked around and see Hayley was gone, before running out the door after her. I felt the darkness seeping over me again, but this time I allowed it to take over. I couldn't fight it anymore.


Third Person POV

Hayley ran as fast as she could from the wooden hut she had been held captive in. She knew she had to get away to protect herself and her baby, but she felt awful leaving Becs back there. She knew she was Elijah's fiancée.

She ran until she couldn't anymore and hid behind a tree to catch her breath. She heard a crack beside her and held the knife in her hands tightly. In her head she counted to three before she turned and swung the knife over her head. Elijah caught hold of her hand, before she could stab him and smirked at her. "I thought you were in danger, but I see I was mistaken."

"Elijah," Hayley smiled and threw her arms around him. "You would not believe the crap day I've had."

He hugged her back before saying, "Come on, I'll take you home."

"No, we have to get Becs," Hayley shook her head. "Tyler has her."

Elijah froze, he thought she'd just gone to clear her head from earlier. He hadn't considered the possibility that she would go and find the friend who helped her through her emotional state after she turned her humanity back on. He should have thought of that first. It was obvious now.

He nodded, "I'll take you back to the car first. I have to make sure you and the baby are safe."

"There's something you should know about the baby," She said as they walked towards the car. "Her blood can make hybrids, it's what Tyler wanted to know before he killed her. He took my blood and injected it into his friend, Dwane, and it worked, Elijah. Klaus must have known, he doesn't want her, he just wants to use her to make more hybrids. Although the way Dwane went on, it was like he was more he was sired to me."

"I should take you home," Elijah sighed after hearing Hayley's story.

"Are you serious? Home? Home to what?" Hayley rolled her eyes, thinking that their home and their family was one massive joke.

Meanwhile, Klaus had found Tyler and after fighting each other, Klaus found his hand on Tyler's heart and was ready to end it all. That was until he realised that Tyler was broken, Klaus had completely broken him and now all Tyler wanted was to die. So Klaus let him live, as a way of punishment, knowing that he would suffer alive more than he would dead.

After Tyler had run off into the bayou, Klaus found the hut that Hayley and Becs had been held in. He pushed the door open with his foot and saw a dead body on the floor and a slumped figure on a chair in the darkness. He walked into the room and recognised the figure as Becs. Hurrying to her side, he lifted her head slightly and saw she was completely out. He lifted his hands to the fabric in her mouth and hissed in pain as the vervain and wolfsbane stung his hands. "Damn it," He cursed under his breath. He pulled his hands away and took a deep breath before ripping the fabric off of her mouth and throwing it to the side of the room. He let his hands heal again before he ripped off the ropes binding her wrists and ankles. He cursed in anger each time his hands were burnt, but didn't stop until each of the wooden stakes were out of her body. He gently lifted her up and placed her on the small bed in the corner. He was about to heal her, when he noticed the man on the floor.

Klaus knelt down next to the man's body and turned it over. His heart was missing but more interestingly his eyes were open and they were that of a hybrids. He frowned, what had happened here?

He lifted the man's body and took it out on to the porch, leaning it against a wooden pole holding the structure up, whilst he heard Elijah and Hayley drawing nearer to the hut. "So, would you two like to share some light on this fellow?" Klaus asked as they appeared in front of him, kicking the man on to the floor in front of them. "He's a hybrid."

"His name is Dwane," Hayley said calmly, but her blood was boiling inside her.

"Well, whoever he is, I didn't sire him so any idea how that is possible?" Klaus asked curiously.

"As if you didn't know," Hayley snapped, stepping forward angrily, but Elijah caught her arm, pulling her back from Klaus. Elijah stepped in front of her. Becs stirred on the bed inside the hut and hearing familiar voices outside. She felt too weak to open her eyes, but she listened in to the conversation anyway.

"Aren't you two fast friends? I'm sure Becs will love that, you remember Becs don't you? Your fiancée?" Klaus smirked. "In fact, you're so busy protecting Hayley that I had to come and rescue your fiancée. I found her in there bound by vervain and wolfsbane covered ropes, pinned down by stakes."

Becs felt herself getting upset as she listened to the way Klaus was speaking about Elijah and Hayley. Was there something going on there?

"Is she alright?" Elijah asked, his chest aching at the mental image of Becs's torture. Klaus was right though, Elijah knew he needed to put some distance between him and Hayley. Of course he cared about Hayley, but she was getting the wrong idea, he could see that.

"She's passed out on the bed, I thought you might like to heal her yourself, you know, actually do something for her," Klaus smirked wider, knowing this was getting to Elijah. "But go on then, what lies have you come up with about me now?"

"Tyler Lockwood brought Hayley here to test whether the blood of her baby could create hybrids, he claims that you knew that and furthermore, you planned to build an army with it," Elijah explained calmly.

"And of course you believed him," Klaus replied, and Becs could hear the hurt in his voice. He didn't know what the baby's blood could do, she realised that now. "I mean, why else would I show any interest in my own flesh and blood? Tyler points the finger and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it. How quickly you assume the worst, especially when it comes from her."

Again Becs felt a pang in her heart of jealously and sadness from the possibility of Elijah not loving her anymore. Did he still want to be with her?

"You have never expressed any concern for Hayley or your unborn child, beyond your own personal gain. And what was it you once said to me; every King needs an heir," Elijah argued against Klaus.

"My big brother, so you doubt my intentions. Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Standing beside the Nobel Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother, a liar, a manipulator, a bastard. That's all I am to you, isn't it? To you, and Rebekah, and by the way Hayley hangs on to your every word she clearly feels the same way. No doubt my child will too." Klaus walked towards Elijah until he was right in front of him. Becs felt sorry for Klaus, this was truly how he saw himself, not how others saw him and it made her sad to think that this is what his father had done to him.

"Brother," Elijah tried to reason with him, but Klaus cut him off.

"We have said all that needs to be said, brother," Klaus snapped angrily, before he walked back towards the hut. "I'll play he role I've been given."

In a flash Klaus grabbed Elijah and bit into his neck. Elijah gasped in pain and fell to floor. When Klaus let him go Hayley bent down to help him up. "You two enjoy each other's company, consider that bite as my parting gift."

Klaus disappeared into the trees and Becs forced herself on to her feet. She knew what Klaus had done, she had to help Elijah. She stumbled forward, to the doorway. She went to grab hold of it to steady herself, but missed and fell forward. Arms were around her before she could hit the floor. She looked up through blurry eyes and smiled slightly.

"Fancy seeing you here," She whispered.

"How are you feeling?" Elijah asked her, scooping her into his arms. Hayley completely forgotten, as if she wasn't even there.

"Here," She lifted her wrist to his mouth.

"No, you're too weak," He shook his head.

"Klaus bit you Elijah, just take my damn blood and heal yourself," She growled angrily. "I am not in the mood for you to argue with me."

"Fine," He chuckled and gently bit down on her wrist, drinking a little of her blood to heal himself.

"I'm going to stay and have a look through some of this stuff, see if there's anything to do with my family in here," Hayley said awkwardly.

"Okay, we'll wait with you," Elijah said, shifting Becs so she was sitting on his lap as Hayley went to look inside the hut. He held his wrist out to her and smiled, "Your turn."

She rolled her eyes at him but willing drank his blood, letting it heal her. When she was done she rested her head on his chest. "I'm sorry about this morning."

"It's fine, although I think we do need to discuss it," Elijah said softly, stroking Becs's back soothingly. "You've never spoken to me about your want for a family, for a child."

"Why would I? I'd only be upsetting us both because you'd know you'd never be able to give me what I truly want. Klaus having a baby changes nothing for me, so it doesn't matter," Becs sighed, feeling herself getting upset again.

"But it does, because it means that you can have a baby, you can have the family you want," Elijah replied.

"No it doesn't, you're a vampire Elijah, vampires can't have children," Becs shook her head softly.

"I didn't mean with me," Elijah whispered.

Becs pulled away from him slightly so she could look at his face, "Elijah, as much as I want a child, I want a child with you, and no one else."

"But just think about it, it would be selfish for me to hold you back from the one thing you've always wanted. You can have it," Elijah hated the idea of Becs carrying a baby that wasn't his but he knew it would make her happy to have a child and that was the only way.

"No Elijah, I will not have a child that isn't yours. I love you, and you are the only father I would want for my children, so no I'm not going to have a child in this life and I'm okay with that," Becs argued against Elijah's proposal.

"But you're not okay with it," Elijah sighed.

"No, but I will be," Becs gently let her head fall back on Elijah's chest. "As long as I have you in my life, nothing else matters."

"I love you," Elijah kissed the top of Becs's head.

"So what's this Klaus was saying about you and Hayley?" Becs raised an eyebrow as she pulled back again to look at Elijah.

"He's just trying to get under my skin, it's nothing. You're the only person I want to be with, you haven't got that ring on your finger for no reason you know," Elijah grinned at her.

"Speaking of, since I'm officially moving up here, I think we should continue planning this whole wedding thing," Becs grinned back at him. "I can't wait to call you my husband."

"Can't we just run away and get married today?" Elijah smirked.

"Not unless you want to be killed by your sister," Becs laughed and kissed Elijah softly. "But I think it could be worth it."

"What if we just don't tell her?" Elijah suggested. "I just want you to be my wife already."

"I like the sound of that," Becs kissed her fiancée again.

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