Spray Paint | Stydia & Scisaa...

By AlisonLovesStydia

41.7K 1.8K 1.4K

[ON HOLD, BUT IT IS NEAR FINISH] Stiles' father is the Sheriff for the NYPD. Stiles Stilinski, twenty-two yea... More



1.6K 78 33
By AlisonLovesStydia

Chapter Two: The First Encounter

The alarm on Lydia's phone went off and her eyes fluttered open. It was still dark outside, being that it was six in the morning. She quietly got off of her bed and crept into her mom's room. There, Lydia opened one of her mom's dresser drawers. The one she had opened contained Lydia's clothes. She quickly grabbed a shirt and jeans before creeping into the bathroom.

Lydia turned the shower on and pulled her clothes off of her body. She kicked them into the corner and took her hair out of a bun. She felt the water, feeling that it was warm, and stepped into the spray. Lydia quickly put shampoo and conditioner into her hair and massaged it around her head. When her hair was soft and the suds were piling up on her head, she rinsed them off.

After quickly shaving her legs and only cutting herself once, which was a new record for her, Lydia turned the shower off. She got out and immediately wrapped herself in a white towel, which protected her from the cool air. Lydia clung onto it and held it tightly against her body. Lydia grabbed another towel and rapidly rubbed it against her hair to dry it faster. It was no longer sopping wet and dripping everywhere.

She slipped into her undergarments and threw on her clothes as quick as she could. Lydia grabbed a hair tie from the countertop. She put her hair back into a bun on the top of her head.

She opened the door and reached into her bed, grabbing her black duffle bag. The paint cans clanked against each other loudly, making Lydia wince. Thankfully, her mother and brothers didn't come running out. Jacob's snores grew louder, and only then did she know that it was safe to continue. 

She put on her black jacket and left the mobile-home. She walked quickly to her friend Danny's house, which was only a few blocks away.

When she approached the house, she ran up to the door and knocked on it. Danny, who was still half asleep, opened the door. He handed her the keys to his motorcycle and mumbled, "Now go away, Satan, and let me go back to bed."

Lydia smirked at him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you! I love you!" He rolled his eyes teasingly and hummed in response. Lydia darted over to his garage after he closed the door. She typed the passcode into the keypad and the garage door slowly opened.

Lydia walked in and sat down on the familiar motorcycle. She put the keys into the ignition and twisted it. The bike rumbled to life and she backed out of the garage.

Danny appeared at the house door that connected to the garage, and he hit the button on the wall. The garage door began to close. Lydia waved him goodbye. The motorcycle roared as she gripped the throttle, and she was soon flying down the roads, right to her destination.


"Hey, Ally," Lydia said as she turned the motorcycle off. Allison Argent looked up from cutting a large, thin piece of plastic and greeted her. Lydia got off of the bike and walked into Allison's garage.

"I finished the stencil we were working on last night," Allison said as she leaned against an old wooden desk, which was covered in all kinds of paint. "It came out pretty nice."

"Great, where is it?" Lydia asked, already walking deeper into the garage. Allison pointed over to one of the far walls and Lydia trotted over excitedly.

When she came across a large piece of white plastic, with Lydia spray painted on it with red, Lydia pulled it out. She unrolled it slightly, taking a peak at the stencil. Lydia grinned at the brunette.

"Thank you for finishing it for me," Lydia said, wrapping one arm around her friend. Allison flashed her a smile.

"It was no problem," she said and slapped Lydia on the butt. "Now go, before my dad catches us." Lydia laughed and rolled the material back up.

"I'll see you tonight!" The red head said as she walked out.

"I promised Danny I'd come over but you're invited too!" she told her. Lydia nodded.


"Okay, be careful!"



Lydia taped her stencil up against the brick wall of the supermarket. The area around her was an alley with trash rolling around in the wind. It was still slightly dark, being that it wasn't even seven yet.

She unzipped her black bag and took out her spray paints. Lydia picked up her bright purple one and examined it before spraying it onto the brick. She smirked as the red brick became stained dark purple.

Once she was done, she grabbed her blue and green. Lydia used them both at the same time, spraying them into different spots here and there. Lydia reached down and grabbed her black paint. She made the finishing touches before tagging her name at the bottom.

Lydia smiled excitedly as she took the plastic down to finally get a good look. The sun was now high in the sky as she took a step back. Lydia's smile fell as she noticed a cop car turning into the alley.

"Shit!" she gasped and threw her paint cans into her duffle bag. They squished in next to the wet stencil. Lydia slung it over her shoulder and began to run towards Danny's bike.

The lights turned on and the alley lit up in blue and red. The siren was unnaturally loud, and Lydia believed that if it was any louder it would've ruptured her eardrums. Lydia fumbled to put the keys into the ignition.

"Don't move!" she heard the officer yell, and she looked up to see that the window was down, revealing a young man with brown hair and moles dotting along his jaw. His car blocked the only exit to the alley.

Just as he began to get out of his car, Lydia noticed a small gap between the buildings around her. It'd be a tight fit, but she knew that she could make it. Lydia took off and the motorcycle roared loudly as she zoomed out of the alley.

Stiles chased after her on leg for a few moments before deeming himself an idiot. He walked back to his car and punched the top of it with his fist.

"Fuck," he yelled. Stiles raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. Letting out a long sigh, Stiles dropped his hand and opened the door to his car. He crouched down to get in and noticed the graffiti on the store through his front window. Despite all the vivid colors, the only thing that caught his eye was the same signature that he had seen the day before. The girl on the motorcycle had been the one that he was searching for. His eyes widened.

Even though she got away, he felt as if he was now a step closer than before. He opened his car and marked the location of both tagged buildings on his GPS for later use. Perhaps he could make something out of it; maybe there would be a pattern of some sort.

Only time would tell.

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