Vixens & Vipers

By Devils_Assasin

366K 12.8K 2.7K

The Viper brothers: Sexy, Scary and Mysterious. The Vixen sisters: Enchanting, Protective and Sultry. After... More

Chapter 1: Look Me Up
Chapter 2: Im The Friendliest
Chapter 3: Im Bewitched!
Chapter 4: She Fits In A Castle
Chapter 5: It Might Be The AntiChrist
Chapter 6: Thanks Dimitri, Note Taken
Chapter 7: Little Pink Dress
Chapter 8: She Got Kayla High
Chapter 9: Jesse McCartney
Chapter 11: From The Men At The Bar
Chapter 12: Only When Im Looking For Company
Chapter 13: God Ive Missed Her So Fucking Much
Chapter 14: You Will Teach Nick To Pass?
Chapter 15: Its Hot Isnt It?
Chapter 16: Road Dome?
Chapter 17: Snark Ball
Chapter 18: His Aura Was A Dark Blue
Chapter 19: Hell Of A Road Life
Chapter 20: You Fucking Little Snake!
Chapter 21: He'll Go To Court
Chapter 22: Theyre All My Apples
Chapter 23: Eight Hundred And Forty Three Thousand And Sixty Two
Chapter 24: Almost Porn With Clothes On
Chapter 25: Congragulations, Finally Free
Chapter 26: Something About The Baby
Chapter 27: That's Better Than A No
Chapter 28: Too Cool To Sit With Them?
Chapter 29: I Love You Baby, So Much
Chapter 30: Yes Rapunzel, Oh Yes!
Chapter 31: Ryker
Chapter 32: The Offspring
Chapter 33: Vydias Going To Kill Me
Chapter 34: Melissa Vixen Viper
Chapter 35: Vangsvere Academy
Chapter 36: Three Fucking Million?!
Chapter 37: Little Panther
Chapter 38: A Sweet Romance
Chapter 39: James
Chapter 40: Yet My Dumbass Mouth Still Did It
Chapter 41: Sleep!
Chapter 42: Karate Kid
Chapter 43: Who's Sam?
Chapter 44: Like Luce
Chapter 45: Hello?
Chapter 46: Forever
Authors Note

Chapter 10: This Isnt The Bathroom

9.1K 336 64
By Devils_Assasin

I had an interesting day that was a bit intriguing.

That and I found out they have snakes.

I found that a bit funny but totally necessary, they are called the Vipers.

I headed down the stairs eyeing the guy and girl who stepped in. It was two handsome men and an annoyingly beautiful girl. She was breath taking.

Judah smirked at the first guy, "Lincoln, long time no see." He said as the two hugged.

Lincoln gestured to the girl "My Fiancé, Dayna." He said proudly.

The girl blushed and shook Judah's hand, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said sweetly.

Judah smiled "Great to meet you too, we heard about you guys on a recent chase for those two girls. Have you guys gotten any leads?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

The other hot guy shook his head, "We just left town but they said it's going to be one hell of a chase. We were sent to bring her in to Michael." He said shrugging.

Judah laughed "Michaels still alive? That guy is something else." He said shaking his head.

"Good to see you again Winston. You been working out some more?" He asked smacking Winston, the other hot guy, in the arm.

Winston smirked "Don't flirt with me Judah, I might switch sides for you." He said winking.

Viktor walked in and smiled "My nephew, so great to have you. Will you be staying for long?" He asked looking to Lincoln and hugging him.

Lincoln shook his head "Just a night. We're exhausted and I would've called sooner but we can't plan as we go." He said sighing.

Viktor shook his head "Nonsense. Family doesn't need to call. It's great to see you again though. And this is?" He gestured to Dayna.

She held her hand out and Lincoln eyed her "Sams granddaughter." He said cocking an eyebrow.

Viktor furrowed his eyebrows and stepped back looking her over "Oh no better a match for my nephew than the most powerful mans granddaughter. It's a pleasure to meet you Dayna." He said with pride.

Wow, she's only here for five minutes and already he's proud of her.

They headed down the hall and I slowly walked down the steps and eyed the girl over.

"She's cute." Jessa said behind me.

I jumped and looked over at her sighing, "Yeah, I know." I said annoyed.

Jessa furrowed her eyebrows "You're jealous? You're prettier." She said as if it was a response or race.

I wasn't jealous about her beauty, I was jealous that she had Viktors love so easily.

Ignoring the feeling, I headed to the kitchen ditching Jessa.

Natalia was making two sandwiches and looked up at me annoyed, "Heard you met Maggie. Sad she didn't swallow you whole." She said taking the plate and going out the kitchen slamming her shoulder into Lucien's.

He stared ahead blankly and annoyed but didn't say anything.

His eyes moved to me lazily, "Nice top." He said gesturing to the shirt he picked out.

I laughed and eyed the door "We should've jumped her and took the sandwiches." I commented.

Lucien smirked, "Heard you like snakes." He said pulling the fridge open and grabbing the needed items for a sandwich placing them down.

I grabbed two plates and placed them down opening the bag of bread placing two slices on both plates.

"I think they're misunderstood. They look scary but I think they're just like any other animal and just want to be understood, respected and loved." I said shrugging.

He eyed me and then nodded, "Do you have one?" I asked watching him pull a fork out and put turkey slices on both bread slices "I've got two Cobras but both are defanged." He said placing two cheese slices down and some lettuce.

I pulled a butter knife out and added a thin layer of mayo and mustard. "You guys defanged them?" I asked watching him shake his head.

He put some pepper on his sandwich and looked to me and I nodded watching him put some on mine "We get them from rich clients who no longer need them. Usually they have them for show." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

Interesting "Do you guys use them for show?" I asked because there's animal fur and they all seem like they don't care for animal life very much.

Lucien shook his head, "We have a yellow python, two cobras, a black mamba, rattle snake, viper and a king-snake." He said shutting the two sandwiches and then slicing them to two triangles before sliding my plate to me.

"Thank you." I said watching him nod once.

The door opened and I watched Dayna walk in and eye us both "This isn't the bathroom." She said lost.

Lucien took a bite of his sandwich and grabbed a drink going out the backslid to the porch.

I smiled at Dayna "He's not very friendly. I'll show you." I said walking out the door with her to the bathroom.

She gave me a small smile "Thanks. You're a life saver." She said quietly before going in and closing the door.

Winston walked out and I took a bite of my sandwich watching him look around lost too.

His eyes landing over me before he smirked softly and walked over, "Where's the liquor?" He asked low.

I gestured for him to follow me and I walked him to the kitchen gesturing to the cabinet full of liquor.

Winston grinned "Thanks gorgeous." He said winking at me.

I nodded and took another bite of my sandwich grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"You look like you're a naughty hot." Winston said catching me off guard but I ignored him.

Roscoe walked in looking sweaty and breathing heavy, "Arabella just beat the shit out of Nick but he punched back and now she's got a bloody lip." He said to me.

"Fuck." I muttered putting my sandwich down and then eyeing it and putting it in the fridge before going with Roscoe to the backyard.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." Arabella was holding her bleeding lip and telling Jessa it was okay.

Nick was on the floor holding his eye and balls.

"Normal behavior?" Winston asked behind me.

I turned and looked over at him, "My sister hates men. You should introduce yourself." I said before going to Nick and bending down.

Moving his hand from his eye, I watched him try to pull his hand back from me but I gripped tighter "Don't antagonize her." I said softly running my thumb over his red and swelling eyelid.

He glared "I didn't." He said through gritted teeth.

I nodded and gestured to his balls, "She only kicks in the balls when a guy antagonizes her. You got punched for probably looking at her wrong." I said blandly.

Arabella was guided inside and I looked to Winston, "In the fridge there's ice packs. Go grab me one." I said watching him smirk and walk inside.

He came back a few minutes later as Nick laid back on the floor holding his balls.

Taking the ice pack, I moved Nicks hand and placed the cold pack to his balls. He held it there and I looked over at Lucien who was sitting watching his brother. He seemed to find it amusing even.

Balls are not safe around Arabella.

Nick held the ice pack and I stood sighing and looking down at him, "Keep it iced." I said standing and going inside.

He could deal with his own crap.

Going to the kitchen, I eyed Lex as he held my plate in his hand, "Wait, no." I said softly.

His eyes ran over my sandwich and he smirked, "Thanks." He said winking and heading out the kitchen.

What a fucking loser?

I sighed and opened the pantry eyeing the many different snacks.

Wolf walked in and smiled at me sweetly, "Hey can you tell me which of these is safe to eat?" I asked remembering Kayla say the pop chips are Bastian's.

He eyed the box of goldfish, "Those, the chips in that box and then those fruit roll ups." He said giving it a look over.

I eyed them and thanked him, "Safe as in I won't be killed or lectured or hated if I eat it right?" I asked again.

Wolf grinned, "The goldfish and the fruit snacks are mine, I can promise I'd never be angry with you or kill you. The box of chips and crackers is Roscoes, he'd want you to eat them." He said politely.

I nodded and eyed the rice crispy treats, "Those are Lucien's." He said giving me a warning look before smiling and grabbing a soda from the fridge and going outside.

The back door opened and I went for the fruit snacks but a hand reached behind mine and grabbed the rice crispy treat holding it toward me.

Staring over at Lucien, I felt my fear stack up before smiling softly and taking it. "It's your house too. Eat what you want." He said before going out the kitchen.

I held the treat and watched Lucien walk out, my heart beating a bit quicker.

It's just a damn treat.

Shutting the pantry, I opened it and headed to the room with the large television.

Nick sat in a recliner with a pillow over his groin and his arms covering his face.

Leon day with Lex who was taking the last bite of my sandwich.


I sat down beside Donny and watched him eye my treat, "You planning on dying for that?" He asked cocking an eyebrow my way.

Staring down at it I nodded, "Yeah, it feels like a good time to die." I said staring at the movie playing.

"You're starting school with us tomorrow huh?" Donny asked looking my face over.

I bit into the rice crispy treat happy it was drizzled in chocolate at the top, "Yeah." I said while biting down.

He stared at Nick, "He's a Junior." He said gesturing to him while Nick flipped him off.


I didn't like this group very much, Donny was a dick from the start, Nicks a pervert, Lex ate my fucking sandwich....I don't know why I don't like Leon, maybe in time.

Oh I don't like Leon because Bastian likes Leon. Is that a good enough excuse? No, probably not. That's a bit shallow.

We watched one of the old Lord of the Ring films and I hated to admit I loved them.

I had the last bit of it and Jessa walked in smiling at me and Alex, "There you are!" She said happily and walked over to him squishing herself beside him.

Fuck you Lex.


I smirked and stood going to take the last bite but a hand came to my thigh and I stared over at Nick who opened his mouth.

He peaked at me and smiled, dropping the last bite in his mouth I gave him a small scowl and then went to the backyard to do a bit of exploring.

My eyes ran over the pool that was on the opposite side of where Bella and Nick fought.

Hell yes!

There is a pool!

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