Little White Lies

By Klainesings

67.9K 3.9K 5K

What happens when one little white lie turns into a massive secret that can hurt the one person that means mo... More

Nice to meet you
K + B
K+B again?
Where Is He?
I'll Always Choose Him
One day
NYADA buddies
Messed Up
New Kid
Bad Enough
Locker Room
Sorry (continued...)
5 Years later
We Dated...
Meet-and-greet (continued)
Unexpected Visitor
2 Weeks Later
Waking Up
Phone Call
Number 34
Absolutely Smitten


1.9K 97 277
By Klainesings

"Okay, guys! I have two new pieces of good news!" Mr. Schue rubbed his hands together, "Number 1: Kurt's back!"

Kurt grinned as the rest of the New Directions cheered excitedly.

"And number 2: we have a new member!" Mr. Schue gestured to the boy sat in the left corner of the room, completely unnoticed until now, "Blaine Anderson."

"What?" Rachel shrieked, "Blaine can't be in glee club! I bet he can't even sing!"

"He already auditioned, Rachel. At break, he auditioned in the auditorium."

Rachel huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, effectively looking like a sulking 2 year old.

"Wait, why do you even want to be in glee club?" Finn questioned the boy behind him, "I thought you hated school. Why would you join a club? No, scrap that. Why would you join the club that makes you a loser?"

"Dunno." Blaine shrugged, trying not to glance over to Kurt.

"Would you shut up, please?" Kurt glared at Rachel who had been continuously sighing.

Rachel just turned to her best friend and narrowed her eyes.

"Just when I think you couldn't possibly look any more disgusting, you go and do that." Blaine raised an eyebrow at the brunette who turned to fix her glare onto him.

"Blaine! That's rude!" Mr. Schue pointed a finger at him.

"I'm a very rude person." Blaine simply shrugged.

Suddenly Kurt started laughing and he couldn't stop. Eventually Kurt was literally holding his stomach in pain from too much laughing and everyone in the room was just staring at him incredulously.

"Kurt? What's so funny?" Mercedes patted her best friend's shoulder.

"I-I-I have n-o id-idea." Kurt spoke in between bursts of laughter.

"Are you feeling okay?" Blaine suddenly looked extremely worried, "Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"No I-I'm fine." Kurt said, taking deep breaths to calm himself down, "Why do you care though?"

"Because I can't let the only other good looking guy in this school get hurt, now can I?" Blaine said as if it was obvious.

"You- I- What?" Kurt stammered, trying to hide his blush.

"It's not that hard to understand." Blaine rolled his eyes, "I need some eye candy and I chose you because you're the only other guy, besides me, who I can look at for long periods of time,"

"Told you he has a crush on you." Mercedes whispered from beside a blushing Kurt.

Blaine smirked at the confused looks he was getting from various members of the glee club around them.

"Well, you guys can go now I guess, but we will actually be doing something next time!" Mr. Schue clapped his hands as people started darting out of the choir room, leaving only Rachel, Kurt, Mercedes and Blaine.

"Do you like Kurt?" Rachel suddenly spun round and asked Blaine.

"Uh, well he's good to look at." Blaine frowned.

"Yeah but do you have feelings for him?" Mercedes smirked.

"Guys, shut up." Kurt mumbled, "You're gonna make him upset or something."

"I don't do feelings. Everyone who you love slowly leaves you. None of them stay. They say they will but then they just walk away- never mind." Blaine's voice had risen to a shout by the end of his answer but before the girls could question him more, he had literally ran out of the choir room.

"Well." Kurt sighed, "I hate to say I told you so but, I told you so."

"That was great!" Rachel high fived Mercedes, "Now we know for sure that he likes you!"

"Or loves you." Mercedes cooed from beside Rachel.

"Blaine Anderson does not love me." Kurt rolls his eyes, confused by the fact that it pained him to say so.

"Didn't you hear him? He was so obvi-"

"I gotta go." Kurt interrupted Rachel, "I have to help my dad at the shop tonight. See you tomorrow."

"Bye!" Rachel and Mercedes spoke together.

"Kurt totally likes him back." Rachel giggled


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