The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.5K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud


301K 5.3K 2.2K
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

October 8th 2012

''I heard he killed his own father.''

''Shot him right in the head.''

''He is such a monster.''

''He's crazy, don't get close to him.''

''He might go on a killing spree.''

The outrageous hushed whispers continued as Dawning's appointed bad boy Cloud Stryker walked down the hallway in such a deadly swagger with his dark blue eyes focused straight ahead as students scurried out of his way like frightened mice.

Though, Terrance stood a ways back and watched Cloud from afar, trying to block out the whispering from his peers because he didn't believe such stories the people in Dawning spewed from their mouths.

Of course, he would admit there was something dangerous, maybe even bad about Cloud. Something so deep and dark it sent shivers down his spine to think about but he couldn't help but be drawn to the quiet bad boy that walked the halls with such royalty. With all the gossip and rumors that were spread about Cloud aside—Terrance was curious about the Dawning bad boy.

The saying 'Curiosity Killed The Cat' came to his mind, almost like a bad joke that taunted him into believing everything they say about Cloud is true. Though, Terrance wouldn't believe any of it, he couldn't because there was different sides to stories and Cloud had never told his side, in fact, Terrance had taken notice that Cloud didn't talk to anyone here at Dawn High besides Terrance himself and their first encounter of one another wasn't exactly something out of a fairy tale.

It was around Terrance's first week of his this year—his Senior year which was usually a breeze because it was mostly just introductions between teachers and students, trying to remember where your classrooms were located and having large unwanted text books be assigned to you and if you lose said textbook—it cost you an arm, a leg and if they're feeling like Satan himself, your soul.

''It's only Thursday and everyone walking the halls look like they're auditioning for roles of zombies for The Walking Dead.'' Carmen muttered.

''You mean walkers.'' Ryder corrected. ''Because they don't use the term zombies in The Walking Dead.''



''Shut up.''

Terrance withheld a laugh while Ryder rolled his eyes as the trio neared their last class of the day, which meant not only the three of them, but the rest of the student body only had to suffer another seventy-five minutes before they were all free to go home and become couch potatoes. The thought was very appealing but another thought also crossed Terrance's mind and he stopped dead in his tracks when he had realized that he had forgotten his binder in his locker.

''Shoot, I forgot my binder.'' Terrance admitted out loud, stopping his two best friends in their tracks. Ryder and Carmen turned to face him, both with similar frowns which matched Terrance's.

''I'll let Mr. Howard know you'll be a few minutes late.'' Carmen assured him and Terrance gave her a nod of thanks before he watched his friends continue onto class without him.

With a heavy sigh, Terrance turned heel and stalked down the brightly lit hallway and began the long walk to his locker which just so happened to be on the other side of the school. He picked up his sloth like pace and soon found himself standing in front of his gray metal locker and gave a breath of relief before he dialed in his combination which he got wrong twice but third time was a charm.

Triumphantly, he removed his lock when a voice nearby startled him while he was in the motion of opening his metal locker door which happened to slam into said person's face.

''Son of a bitch!'' The locker door victim cursed while Terrance made a incoherent noise in the back of his throat, watching with wide eyes as the guy clutched both hands to his nose.

Terrance fumbled with the lock in his hand before he hurriedly locked up his locker while exclaiming. ''I am so sorry! I didn't see you!''

''Fucking shit. That really hurt.''

Terrance opened his mouth to apologize once again, but paused because he now recognized the guy when he brought his hands away from his face which was smeared with blood that was leaking from both nostrils. His raven black hair was cut to the nape of his neck with fringe hanging over his forehead, just above his dark blue eyes that were now squeezed shut while he brought his hand back up to his nose that seemed to be steadily gushing blood. He wore his signature black leather jacket with a graphic blue t-shirt that hugged his muscular upper body in all the right places and his black skinny jeans hung off his narrow hips.

The guy was Cloud Strkyer.

Terrance of all the people in the student body had been the one to hit Cloud fucking Stryker in the face with his very own locker and because of his stupid locker—Cloud's nose was bleeding. Realizing Terrance was bluntly staring, he cleared his throat.

''Let me help you to the nurse.'' He offered, not allowing Cloud to protest and he didn't—thankfully.

Terrance with some hesitance, carefully took his elbow in his hand and started in the direction of the Nurse's station, wincing when Cloud would curse and Terrance waited on edge for Cloud to just blowup on him, but Cloud didn't really say anything to Terrance which was a relief as he opened the door and led Cloud inside and over to the row of green plastic chairs that lined the wall and had him sit down in the closet chair.

''You know I am so, so, so sorry. I didn't see you or well, I heard you but like I didn't see you and I didn't purposely hit you with my locker, I swear.'' Terrance was rambling, he knew he was but he couldn't help it because was talking to Cloud Stryker which was something people just didn't do.

Cloud didn't say anything, but Terrance didn't know if it was because Cloud was angry at Terrance for hitting him in the face with his locker or because of the blood that was leaking pass his hands and trailed over his mouth and chin. Terrance turned around and snatched up some of the tissues from the box that sat on the small table and held them out for Cloud to take.

He eyed the tissues in Terrance's hand before he reached one bloody hand out and took them with a mumbled thanks that sounded really halfhearted.

''So, are you okay?'' Terrance asked and then immediately cringed and mentally smacked himself. ''Wait, stupid question, of course you're not okay. I hit you in the face with a metal door. I'm sorry.''

''Yeah, you already--'' Cloud began and raised his narrowed dark blue eyes to stare at Terrance but stopped mid-sentence and bluntly stared at a sheepish Terrance who waited for Cloud to continue what he was going to say, but Cloud never did and instead he averted his eyes—leaving Terrance to awkwardly shift on his feet.

''You know I am sorry.'' Terrance whispered to Cloud, hoping he didn't completely piss or offend Cloud in anyway.

''You make it a habit to hit strangers in the face with your locker?'' Cloud asked after a moment and to Terrance's bafflement, his voice held a hint of amusement.

Terrance could feel his cheeks heat up in a blush. ''No. It was an accident.''

''I don't believe in accidents.''

''What do you mean?'' Terrance asked and gave him a questioning stare.

''Things happen for a reason. I'm Cloud by the way.''

I know, Terrance almost blurted out, but that would probably come out wrong so instead he settled with. ''I'm Terrance.''

''Terrance...'' He said, like he was testing out the name and he looked like he was about to speak again but Nina the nurse opened the door next to the chair Cloud was seated on and poked her head out. When her gaze landed on Terrance who stared back at her a little sheepishly, she sighed.

''What's going on now, Archibald?'' Nina asked, referring to him by his last name which she did with all the students and now stepped over the threshold of the door and gave Terrance this expecting details look.

''It's not me, it's Cloud. I kinda hit him in the face with a locker.''

Nina stared at Terrance before she shifted her gaze down to Cloud and sighed again. ''All right, come around back, Mr. Stryker. I'll have a look-see. As for you, Terrance, head back to class.''

With those words, she disappeared back into the room she had emerged from. Cloud stood to his feet and tapped Terrance on the arm with his elbow which instantly had Terrance's baby blue eyes diverting back to Cloud.

''Thanks for hitting me with your locker door.''

Terrance stared at him in disbelief. ''I'm sorry--''

''Don't be, because I'm not.'' He said, giving a small shake of his head. ''Look, I'm not usually bold but I'm taking a shot. Go on a date with me tomorrow night.''

Terrance opened and closed his mouth, not understanding if he was hearing this correctly. ''What?''

''A date. Tomorrow. With me.''

''We barely know each other--''

''We'll get to know each other on the date.'' He said. ''I'll find you tomorrow and give you all the details, alright?''

''O-okay.'' Terrance mumbled and to his complete and utter astonishment, Cloud smiled—he actually smiled at him.

''Great. I'll see you around, Rex.''

Terrance furrowed his eyebrows. ''My names Terrance.''

''Everyone gets to call you Terrance. I want to be the only one to call you Rex.'' Fuck, if Terrance didn't just drop down to the ground and swoon right then and there.

Stupidly, and with a dorky smile, Terrance nodded his head which Cloud returned, only his wasn't dorky but charming before he turned and entered the room Nina was in, leaving Terrance standing there, trying to gather his thoughts and not swoon like he wanted too.

He shook his head, feeling dazed, but giddy as he left the Nurse's office, trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had just gotten asked out by the one and only Cloud Stryker.

And that event had happened a little over a month ago and during the time Terrance had spent with Cloud, the rumors that circulated the school was never brought up and Terrance had figured that Cloud would say something on the matter, but he never did.

In fact, Cloud never even outright denied the rumors about himself to Terrance or anyone for that matter—not that denying it to everyone in the school would do Cloud any good because once a rumor is broadcast, the rumor floats from person to person almost like a game of Telephone. And each person is constantly re-wording or adding on details to make the rumor more news worthy and Terrance found the entertainment of belittling and judging people over a rumor wrong.

All his coherent thoughts escaped him as Terrance resumed to focus his attention on Cloud, only noticing now that Cloud had made eye contact with him before he passed him by and he continued his journey down the hall.

He brought his hand up and rested it over his wildly beating heart and resisted the urge to continue to watch Cloud, but his self restraint when it came to Cloud was pretty non-exsistent and that's how he turned around and saw Cloud disappear into the art room.

Once Cloud was inside the classroom, everyone seemed to go on about their business, leaving Terrance to quickly make his way over to the art room himself. The moment he entered the dark classroom, he yelped when hands grabbed at his waist and a kiss was being pressed to his neck.

Terrance turned around to face Cloud with a smile, and reached out to close the art room door, leaving the two of them in privacy.

''Hi.'' Cloud whispered against Terrance's mouth.

''Hey.'' He whispered back, trying to control his smile but it was futile and Terrance knew if the lights were on in the classroom, he'd be captivated by Cloud's dark blue eyes.

Terrace wrapped his arms around Cloud's neck and nudged his nose against his which led Cloud to ignite a kiss between them with the battle of tongues and Terrance knew he was a lost cause trying to get the upper hand, but he happily submitted and allowed his breath to be stolen by the bad boy who was in fact the one and only Cloud Stryker.

A/N: This story will not be written in third person, only Prologue and maybe the Epilogue will be. The rest of the chapters will be in first person.

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