You Have My Heart ~A Ron Weas...

By missymaris

733K 12.5K 12.8K

Ron Weasley never thought that he would fall in love. But what happens when Sarah Richards literally arrives... More

You Have My Heart ~A Ron Weasley Love Story~
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Jessica's House
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66~ The End

Chapter 51

6.3K 108 103
By missymaris

Sarah's POV

I stare into the cold eyes of the group around me. I can name everyone of them easily.

Lucius Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe Sr, Gregory Goyle Sr, Antonin Dolohov, Peter Pettigrew, Rudolphis and Bellatrix Lestrange, and...


Nagini, his snake, slithers along around my feet. Its soft hissing sends nervous chills up my spine. I gulp down cautiously as I wait for someone to talk.

"Now tell us all about your cousin, Potter." Bellatrix spits out.

"Ha, you're funny." I retort. I hear a unusually quiet crunch of the soft snow around me. I nonchalantly look over the shortest of the group, Pettigrew, shoulders. I can distinctly see Harry and Ron worriedly standing there, taking in the scene in front of them, but quickly duck down behind a rock.

"Let's grab her!" Pettigrew yells.

"Ah sey ha, sey ha." Voldemort hisses.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Right now I want to open my eyes and be in front of the warm fire from the Gryffindor Common Room. Or, maybe I will scream, and someone, other than Ron and Harry, will come to my rescue. But, the only other people around me are so intoxicated that they wouldn't be able to help at all.

Lucius Malfoy steps forward, and reveals someone who was hiding behind him; Draco Malfoy.

Ron's POV

"We have to help her!" I whisper-yell to my best mate. He turns and looks at me.

"Mate, we are completely out-numbered. There is no way-" he starts, but is cut off when someone behind him puts hands over his mouth. I look behind him to see an identical version of Sarah behind Harry.

"Jessica?" I ask dumbly. She releases Harry and nods.

"Hermione saw me in the halls. I told her to go back and that I would deal with this before she got in trouble. Now go." she says, trying to push us back.

"No! They have Sarah surrounded!" Harry replied hastily.

"Trust me, if you don't, she will die." she answers.

"But what about you?" I ask. She looks down.

"Draco's over there. I can get them to change their mind for now, please, go! Run!" she says. I shoot a look over at Harry, who nods. We both get up and run back towards the castle.

Once at it's gates, I look towards Harry, who is panting along with me.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't know, but I don't get why you would care." he says, breaking his glance from me.

I look at him utterly confused.

"What! You don't think I care about her!" I yell at him.

He turns and looks at me. His green eyes filled with anger and disgust. "You didn't seem to care about her or her feelings tonight." he says, surprisingly calm.

Wait, does this mean that what I'm thinking could be true?

Think, Weasley. Think!

"S-she..." I stumble out.

Harry just nods, looking back towards Hogsmeade. He then turns slowly and walks into the castle, heading towards Gryffindor Tower.

We arrived to Gryffindor Tower pretty quickly. It was a silent walk, and I still don't know what to stay. I start to head up to the dorms, but I notice Harry isn't following me. Instead, he is sitting anxiously in an armchair by the fire.

I slowly walk up to the armchair on the other side and take a seat. He doesn't react when I sit, but rather continues to stare at the fire.

I then get up and touch his arm. He flickers his eyes towards me, remaining emitionless the whole time.

"What?" he snarls.

I take a deep breath.

"I do too, Harry."

Sarah's POV

Draco cautiously walks out from behind his father. His mysteriously beautiful gray eyes gaze over me, then flicker to meet mine. His usual sinister smirk is replaced by a sorrowful emotionless face.

"Draco.." I whisper.

His face remains stony as he walks closer to me. I watch as he shakily grabs for his wand, and then pulls it up to me.

I know that I can easily fight him off, but then what? I am still surrounded by what, 6 or 7 Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort himself. Fighting back will just result in torture, so it's better to just get the pain over with.

"Do it, son." Lucius orders, his voice drone as he edges his son closer. I can feel warm tears forming in my turquiose eyes, but I quickly blink them away to show that I am not afriad.

"Go on then." I say, sounding fearless.

I watch then as Draco takes a deep breath, and his face now seems like it is filled with extreme misery. His eyes are filled with cold regret, and his outstretched arm is shaky as he holds it up to me.

He then closes his eyes, and when they open, they seem afraid. He takes another deep breath, and mouths, "Sorry."


"Wait!" a shrill voice cries. I whip to my right to see Jessica running towards us.

She stops in front of Voldemort, and fearlessly stares into his eyes.

"What, Jessica?" he says, emphasizing his words. Reality then kicks in in my head.

Voldemort holds up his hand to his followers, and they all dissappear, except for Draco.

"Draco, go back to your dorm, now." he orders. Draco quickly nods and runs, but mid way he turns to look at me. I nod slowly and he continues.

"Please, Lor-" Jessica starts.

"Why must you interrupt me in such a dire moment!" Voldemort snaps.

"My Lord, please," Jessica starts. Voldemort doesn't protest, rather nods, circling around Jessica, his black robe dragging in the snow.

"She is not worth killing now. If she dies, then Potter will be too sad to come out of his dormitory, let alone speak to anyone. He will be too sheltered, also, if she dies, because she is his last known living relative. And besides, her death would not be at a good timing now, maybe when summer strikes, and Potter won't be able to hide in the Hogwarts walls." she finishes.

Voldemort eyes her up questiongingly. "Very well." he says simply. Jessica nods and smiles to herself. "We shall stick to the original plan then." he says.

But before Jessica can respond, he apparates off, leaving a trail of black smoke to follow him.

Jessica takes a deep breath and walks closer to me.

"Sarah?" she asks quietly.

I walk to lean up against a tree nearby. Then, I turn my sights to the castle, and take a deep breath, the cold turning my breath into a white fog as I breathe. The cold frost is nipping at my nose and ears. 

I slump down on the tree and start crying. Once I finally start calming down, and I rest my face in my hands, unevenly breathing.

"Why Jessica?" I ask through my sobs.

"What do you mean Sarah?" she asks.

"Why, why Jessica Richards, are you a Death Eater?"

She takes a deep breath and walks towards me, the soft snow crunching under he feet. She kneels beside me and wraps me in a hug.

I quickly push her off me and walk away. I don't want her touching me, she is not worthy.

I feel so betrayed.

"Don't touch me." I hiss over my shoulder.

I sit down on a nearby bench, and Jessica doesn't follow me, she remains kneeling at where I once was.

"It's not what you think.." she finally speaks up.

I turn and look at her.

"Then what is it Jess? What is it!" I yell. She chokes on her breath and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Please, Sarah, please!" she begs.

"NO! Jess! No!" I scream. she starts sobbing quietly to herself, and I look away from her.

"Please, Sarah. Please." she begs again.

I turn to face her. Her eyes are now red and puffy, and gazing hopelessly into my cold blue ones.

I motion for her to sit next to me, and she quikly gets up and hustles over.

"You have 5 minutes." I say coldly.

She nods and tries to quickly calm down.

"I got...recruited." she starts. She pauses to look at me, and once I don't interject, she continues. "Before the summer, they came and talked to me. They said if I didn't join, I would.. pay." she finishes. I stand up, and she does the same.

I roughly grab her left wrist, and angrily pull up her sleeve. Then I see something that I didn't want to; something that will forever haunt me.

In thick black ink, a snake is slithering out of the mouth of a skeleton. It mockingly dances in my eyes as I watch it. Jessica chokes out a tear.

I throw down her wrist and sit back down. Again, she does the same, and puts a hand on my arm, but I shake it off.

"What did they threaten you?" I ask, meeting her sorrowful blue eyes.

"They threatened my life, Mum's, Draco's, and...yours." she says, taking a deep breath.

"They are going to try and kill me anyways." I say matter-of-factly.

"I know, I know." she pauses.

But I can't help it. I lunge at her and grab her into a tight hug. She squeezes me back just as much, and we stay there for about a minute or so before I finally pull away.

"And I broke up with Draco." she adds.

"Why?" I ask sympathetically.

She sighs. "He's one too."

I choke on my breath, half gasping. I don't know what to say right now.

"W-what?" I stammer out. She just nods.

That means...there are two Death Eaters at Hogwarts, and coincedentally, they are both in Slytherin, and were dating.

What do I do? Do I tell Dumbledore? Does Dumbledore already know? Does he not no?

What about the students? Are their lives in danger too?

What about them? If they are exposed, they go to Azkaban. If a war breaks lose, then we are going to have to kill them. If they turn on Voldemort to join our side, they will be the first ones hunted down.


"Sarah.." Jessica says, breaking me from my thoughts.  I look up at her and nod slowly.

She slams her eyes shut, forcing a tear to roll down her cheek. She stands up, and grabs my wrist so I stand up with her. Then, she squeezes me into another hug, and crushes me with the amount of force.

"I'm sorry." she says.

I shoot her a questionigly look, and then I realize she grabbed her wand. It's pointed at me, and I take a deep breath.

My life is now over.

"Oblivate." she whispers.

And, everything goes black.

Ron's POV

I sit on the armchair next to Harry in the Gryffindor Common Room. The fire is dancing with shades of yellow and orange, and blue sparks are spitting from the wooden logs. It is dimly lighting the dark, empty Common Room.

I sit there thinking about what Harry said. She...loves me? No, that has to be wrong.

But all evidence proves that she does. Everything. No matter what other conclusions I think about, none of them truly make sense.

But a faint knocking echoes through the Common Room. Harry finally moves from his trance like state and looks towards the portrait hole door.

He begins to to turn back towards from the fire, but the knocking sounds again.

Harry then gets up and heads to the portrait hole. He hesitantly opens the door, to reveal two similar looking blonde girls standing there.

Jessica, Sarah's Slytherin sister, is supporting a half unconsious Sarah on her right arm. Jessica flips her hair out of her bright but red stained blue eyes.

"Sarah!" Harry yells, pulling his cousin into a tight hug. Sarah falls completely into the hug, not being strong enough to support herself.

But Jessica backs away from them, and without saying a word, exists and shuts the portrait hole.

Harry picks up Sarah's delicate body and drops her gently onto the couch.

"Sarah, what happened?" Harry asks her calmly.

She takes a deep breath and begins shivering. Harry returns quickly with a blanket, and pulls it up to about her chest.

"I-I...don't remember!" Sarah says, breaking into sobs. Harry kneels next to the couch and strokes her hair.

She shifts on the couch, now leaning her back on the arm of the couch and resrs her legs on the sofa. She pulls off her soaking wet hoodie, leaving her in just a black tanktop.

Harry pulls off his sweater and hands it to her, and she quickly takes it. Then she pulls the fleece blanket up higher on her.

"What do you remember last?" Harry asks, flickering his eyes over Sarah to make sure she isn't hurt.

"I-I don't know. I remember being confronted by the Death Eaters and ...Um..." she pauses and takes a deep breath. "Then Voldemort said something in Parselmouth that I didn't understand and.." she pauses because of her excessive crying. She gets herself under control and continues. "And then I remember Jessica kneeling down next to me, then helping me get back to the castle." she says, starting to calm down.

"Shhh, it's okay. Everything is okay. You're safe. You're safe with me." Harry says.

I then realize how quiet I am this whole time.

I feel weird interjecting in this conversation. Sarah hates me, and Harry really isn't too fond of me right now, so maybe just remaining quiet is the best thing.

"Harry, I'm tired." she says, yawning.

"Okay, I'll carry you up." he says, getting up to lift her.

"No, please. Hermione is mad at me, I'm just going to stay here tonight." she says, now laying down on the couch.

"I'll stay with her." I pipe up. Harry glares at me, whereas Sarah looks questioningly at me.

Harry shoots me an angry look, then nods while walking up the dorm stairs, glaring at me the whole time up the steps. I watch as he barely makes it into our room, mainly because he is absolutely exhausted.

I take a seat on the armchair I was at before, which is next to the sofa Sarah is laying on.

"What time is it?" she ask, rubbing her eyes.

I yawn and look at the clock behind the sofa.

"4:30." I say kicking my feet onto the ottoman and knocking off my shoes.

"Oh.." she says.

"Yeah." I respond. Everything right now seems very awkward and all, because if what I think is true, then I'm screwed.

I pull up a blanket to keep warm in the freezing December cold.

But what do I do now? If Sarah still...loves me (Gulp) then what do I do about Lavender? I mean, don't get me wrong, I still lo-like Sarah, but I like Lavender too. I can't just dump Lavender on the street, I mean, why didn't Sarah just say something?


I look over at Sarah longily, and I notice she is fast asleep.

God, she looks so peaceful in her sleep. Her nostrils flare out with every soft breath she takes, and her chest moves slowly up and down every time she exhales.

I want right now to kiss her.


I have a girlfriend. Right?

I get up and kneel beside her unconsious body on the couch.

I kiss her gently on the forehead. She stirs slightly in her sleep, and I grin to myself.

Even when she's not awake, she can be adorable, I can't help myself from smiling.

But, I lean down and put my mouth near her ear. I take a small breath, and can feel my breath reflect off her red cheek. I whisper down to her;

"Sarah Richards, I love you so much."




Lol... <3

But what about Jessica's and Draco's secrets? Will Sarah remember it ever? Will Voldemort come back for Sarah during the summer? Does Harry hate Ron now? Are Hermione's and Sarah's friendship over?

Will I ever stop asking these questions that I already know the answers too?!?!?

With love,

           ~missymaris <3

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