I'll Always Promise You (Girl...

By Dreamondreamer96

1.1M 43.4K 7.5K

For as long as Andi Mason can remember, love has been one of her biggest wishes. But also one of her hardest... More

1. Where is somewhere?
2. Good morning
3. Hi, cutie
4. Shy girl
5. You love this shit
7. Loveless
8. You are young
9. Every Friday
10. How did you do that?
11. You can't just do that!
12. Grumpy ass
13. That filthy hand is all over me!
14. You have to be kidding me
15. Devin Jocelyn Ward!
16. A beautiful mess
17. You left me alone here!
18 I'm done!
19. It's not easy
20. You left me
21. I'm still confused
22. I can do that
23. I want you like this forever
24. I like the way you are
25. You are a little shy
26. Stop being such a baby.
27. Hi, beautiful
28. What have you done to me?
29. You called me old
30. I have missed you so much
31. Levin!
32. It's my ass
33. Where is Levin?
34. I love the both of you
35. You like it?
36. I know, I know
37. So do I
38. Don't babe me!
39. What the hell, Devin!
40. Oh, it's so cute!
41. You have made me happy
42. I'll always promise
43. Epilogue Part 1
44. Epilogue Part 2

6. I like you

24.5K 1K 41
By Dreamondreamer96

I am sitting on the couch watching TV, while Devin is in the bathroom. We didn't talk much since I came out of my bedroom. Just sat on the sofa in quiet looking at something at the TV.

It's getting pretty late right now and the snow storm outside hasn't stopped yet. Not so sure if Devin is going to leave either. Don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing right now. Devin is not in a good mood, because she is so silent. There was not even a teasing smile on her face.

I jump as all the lights shut off and the TV. All the power in the city is gone.

"Fucking shit!" I hear Devin yell in pain from the bathroom and it makes me rush to the door in the dark.

"Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"No! I am not okay!" She shouts angrily. Then she opens the door. I can't see anything, which makes me turn on the flashlight on my phone.

"Well, that was not necessary." She says holding her hands in front of her face.

"Sorry." I say as I move the light away from her.

"What happened?" I ask worried, and she starts limping to the couch and sit down.

"I stepped on something sharp." She says and growl in agony. I sit down next to her and move the light to her foot to see.

"Oh, god." I say watching her foot bleeding bad.

"Just lay down and I'll fix it." I tell her as I meet her eyes. She looks at me unsure.

"I am not going to bite you." I say rolling my eyes as I move into the bathroom to find a cloth to clean it and a bandage to wrap around her foot. It looked very bad. She did as I said, lying down I grab her ankle and drag her foot towards me.

"Hey!" She shouts.

"I don't want blood on my couch!" I say angry as I start to clean her wound and I can feel her stiffen. It's a long cut, and a little deep, but it would be fine in a week or so.

"What is it with you and being clean?" She asks, annoyed as I wrap the bandage around her foot.

"I like it clean." I explain shrugging. Who likes to walk around in a messy place? I turn to look at Devin. Okay, she might like it. I mean she is lazy, by the look of it. Feet on my table and she didn't even put the plate in the dishwasher after she ate. As I said, she is like a child. Still, it's dark in here, but the light from my phone makes me see her. After finishing I sit back down next to her.

"Yeah, I notice." She says, moving her feet to put them on the table.

"Oh no!" I say as I hit her on the knee. She rolls her eyes, but take them back down again.

"I like to be comfortable." She pout to me and it makes me chuckle of how adorable she looks. I mouth 'no' to her and she sigh. I yawn and the next thing I know is her feet in my lap.

"Devin!" I yell and she laughs.

"I like you." She grin, back in her good mood. Not sure if I like it or not.

"Well, I am going to bed," Her eyes widen with happiness.

"Alone." I say as I stand up and point at her, strict. She rolls her eyes and put her hands behind her neck. I throw her the pillow and blanket. I step into my dark room.

"I can't see shit!" She yells and I chuckle to myself.

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