Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? T...

By Just_Charlotte

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Becs Salvatore is back - after a long break - and this is the official sequel to Vampire? (Previously 'I Love... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three

Part Twenty

282 10 4
By Just_Charlotte

"Please tell me you didn't kill them," I sighed as Klaus walked into my apartment.

I'd been searching for Stefan for the past week, looking in all of the nearby areas that he might go to to hide a bunch of coffins, but so far I'd come up empty. I'd just got back into town, where I had let Klaus stay in my apartment whilst he searched for Rebekah. She'd been missing since before Mikael showed up, and after she had told Klaus that Mikael was dead - when he clearly wasn't. Something must have happened to her.

I was lounging on the sofa, drinking a blood bag, when Klaus threw open the door angrily. He'd been to see Damon and Elena, apparently he was 'encouraging' them to help our search for Rebekah and Stefan. He'd also been busy creating new hybrids whilst I was away and had one of them - a guy called Tony - following Elena now. An intimidation tactic.

"No, I haven't killed them," Klaus rolled his eyes as he grabbed the blood bag from my hands and downed it, before adding, "Yet."

"You and I both know you won't kill your little blood bank, but I am asking you not to kill Damon," I sighed. Despite everything, Damon had been there for me when everyone hated me for turning into a hybrid.

"I thought you'd given up on them all," Klaus mused.

"By all means break your blood banks spine, and fill Damon's body with wooden bullets," I shrugged, "Just don't kill him, is all I'm asking."

"You sound more and more like me every day," Klaus smirked.

"I do not," I rolled my eyes at him. "If I was, I'd be telling you to go and kill all their family and friends until they give us the coffins."

"Touché," Klaus nodded to me, "So do you want to hear my stroke of genius idea?"

"Do tell, because I am so interested in your ways of sending evil messages, oh great one," I smiled sarcastically at him.

"Less of the attitude you," Klaus rolled his eyes, "Anyway, I compelled the little Gilbert boy to stand in the middle of the road without his ring on, and then I told Tony to run him down."

"You did what?" I stood up angrily. Jeremy was an arse to me, but he didn't deserve to die, there would always be a part of me which loved him (even if it was buried deep inside).

"Relax, Alaric pushed him out the way and Tony hit him instead," Klaus shrugged, "Oh and I've found us a new place to live, once it's been renovated. Want to come see?"

"Sure," I frowned, confused at his quick topic change, almost like he had been talking about the weather before and not murder.

We got into Klaus's car and he drove us to near the outskirts of Mystic Falls. A huge house stood in front of us, even bigger than the Salvatore Boarding House. When we walked inside I saw what he meant about renovations, the inside was completely bare, apart from the plastic sheets covering the walls and floor and various bits of scaffolding dotted around. There was also loads of humans working furiously hard to get it finished - they had obviously been compelled.

"Ah Tyler, right on time," Klaus smiled as he looked over my shoulder.

I turned around and smiled back at Tyler, ever since he had become a hybrid he seemed so much happier. "Tyler, how are you?" I grinned and hugged him.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" Tyler replied.

"Well my plan went well," Klaus answered for me, "I mean Tony ran over Alaric instead of Jeremy, but the message still stands."

"What?" Tyler frowned.

"Elena's family suffers, she's more motivated to get me what I want," Klaus shrugged and I rolled my eyes at his nonchalant attitude towards murdering someone and potentially ruining people's lives.

"I didn't think we'd actually have to kill anyone," Tyler looked taken aback by this news.

"It's Klaus, what do you expect?" I questioned Tyler, raising an eyebrow.

Klaus threw me a look to say 'shut up' before addressing his hybrid, "Tyler, what you're feeling now is a guilty conscience, and I need you o get over that. Human life is just a means to an end, our means to our end. You'll do well to remember that." Klaus patted Tyler's shoulder and walked away.

"Hey," I said to Tyler, "It will get easier."

"Easier?" Tyler narrowed his eyes at me. "Killing people gets easier?"

"I didn't mean that," I replied coldly, annoyed at his attitude towards me. "I meant being on Team Klaus, it gets easier. He'll warm up to you."

"I'm not on Team Klaus," Tyler argued.

"Yes, Tyler, you are. You have to do what he says, so you are on Team Klaus," I rolled my eyes at him.

Tyler tried to argue with me, but I held up my hand and shook my head at him. "It's not an argument, it's a fact."

With that said I walked off. I pulled I out my phone and opened the phone tracking app I had set up for Damon's phone. I frowned as I saw he was at the witch house where Bonnie drew her powers from the one hundred dead witches that lived there. Or at least their spirits did.

I got in Klaus's car and drove out to the house, parking away from the house and walking the rest of the way so he didn't see me coming. What was he doing there?

As I got closer I heard people talking, and not just any people. It was Stefan and Damon. Stefan. I walked over to them and announced my presence, "Boys."

"Becs," They both look shocked to see me.

"I'm just here for Elijah," I said coldly, "Give me Elijah and I'll leave you alone."

"No can do," Stefan smirked.

"Urgh, do you know how much I hate you with your humanity off?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do you know how much I don't care?" Stefan mimicked me.

"You are such an ass," I glared at him. "I don't care about your problem with Klaus, I just want my boyfriend back."

"And it's still a no, so run along little hybrid," Stefan looked so smug that at this moment in time, I actually hated him.

"I'll be back, you know that right? If you think a brother trying to get his siblings back is bad, wait until you see the psycho girlfriend getting her boyfriend back," I glared menacingly at him, and saw Damon flinch at my stare.

"Don't you mean trying to get your boyfriend back?" Stefan questioned.

"No, because I will get him back. Even if it means killing you," I shrugged.

"You won't kill him," Damon said lazily, "He's your brother."

I laughed darkly before stopping and giving him a cold stare, "Not any more, both of you would kill me without batting an eye if it meant saving your asses or Elena's." I turned to Stefan and added, "So now I'm repaying the favour. Give me Elijah back Stefan, or you'll find Damon's heart in a box, and I tell you what, I'll even wrap it up in a nice little bow." With my statement made I ran back to the car, disappearing in front of their eyes.

I drove around Mystic Falls for a while before deciding to get a drink at the Grill, and I text Klaus about the house. A few hours later when I finally went to drop Klaus's car back off at his new house, I walked in to find a dead hybrid on the floor with a head missing.

"Erm, what did I miss?" I asked Klaus, walking over to him and gesturing to the headless body. A hybrid came in and started to clean up the mess.

"Stefan came round," Klaus replied angrily. "Threatened me."

"What did he say?"

"He wants the hybrids to leave town," Klaus said impatiently, "Or he'll kill them."

"Looks like he made his point pretty clear," I glanced at the hybrid now picking up the dead hybrids head and dropping it into a bag. "What's the plan?"

"Ah, again with the impeccable timing Tyler," Klaus praised his number one hybrid.

"What's this about?" Tyler asked.

"I want you to bite Caroline."

"What? She's my girlfriend!" Tyler looked angry, but he was no match for his master.

"Stefan pushed me, and now I'm pushing back. You're going to bite your little girlfriend," Klaus explained, walking in front of Tyler.

"A werewolf bite will kill a vampire," Tyler stated.

"That's the point," I rolled my eyes at Tyler pointing out the obvious. He seemed to be very good at that.

"I'm not going to kill my girlfriend," Tyler glared at Klaus. "No, I'm not doing it."

"Okay, your free will and all that, it's your choice," Klaus shrugged and I frowned at him. Why was he giving in so easily? "I'll just have to find another way to push Stefan. You're free to leave."

Tyler hesitated for a moment, before walking out. "What the hell was that?" I asked with a confused look.

"That was me making him think he had a choice," Klaus smirked.

"He's still going to bite Caroline, isn't he?" I quirked my eyebrow at him questioningly.

"I guess we'll find out," Klaus grinned evilly. "Anyway, get ready, we're going out."

"Where to?" I asked.

"There's an event at the Lockwood mansion, you're going to be my date," Klaus winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You mean, I'm going to be your extra pair of eyes," I laughed.

"Something like that," He smirked knowingly.


When we got to the Lockwood's mansion, it was full of respectable looking people. Wealthy people. It was a fundraising event, and Klaus just had to be the main benefactor. He was going to double whatever they made, or something like that - I wasn't really paying attention.

I was stood with Klaus, who was talking to Carol after I introduced them, when Damon came over. They began talking about money and renovations so I looked around at the other people near us. I clocked into the conversation as Damon said, "Carol, you do realise you've been kissing the ass of the immortal hybrid that ruined your son's life and turned him into a hybrid."

"Some might say I saved him from having to go through all of that nasty full moon business," Klaus said softly, addressing Carol. "I never had to go through it more than twice, to be honest, but I'm very sympathetic."

Carol nodded and turned back to Damon, "Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, and this town."

"From who? His hybrids are the ones that the town needs protecting from," Damon looked frustrated with the whole conversation, but especially Carol.

"Well, he'd have no use for them if Stefan would give us Klaus's family back," I replied coldly.

"Not going to happen," Damon threw me an annoyed look. Oh how things had changed, but that was their fault. I just want Elijah back.

"That's what I thought," Klaus said, pulling my thoughts away from Elijah, "Which is why I've made a deal with the Major. You and the council stay out of my hair and I'll stay out of yours, the town gets protected and my hybrids get left alone and everybody will be happy. All you have to do is to get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends."

"Please Damon," Carol begged, "Just get your brother under control, or the council will be forced to take action."

"You've got to be kidding me," Damon rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, give peace a chance," Klaus smirked. Damon huffed and walked away angrily.

I left Klaus to get a drink, because this event was so incredibly boring without alcohol. When I found him again half an hour later Damon pulled us both into an empty room and shut the doors. "What's this about?" I asked, lazily swirling my drink around in its glass.

"Stefan just grabbed Elena," Damon said, "He's going to use her against you. Get rid of your hybrids."

"Or what?" Klaus demanded.

"Stefan would never dream of killing her," I wondered what Damon was so worried about.

"You sure about that? He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a Founder's Party. He's operating on crazy, right now." Damon replied, somewhat impatiently, like he expected us to jump into action at his words.

"Well crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He's bluffing," Klaus smirked, confidently.

"Really? Because I know my brother better than anyone and I don't know how far he's willing to take this," Damon got right up in Klaus's face as he spoke angrily. He was desperate, I could see it. He was scared that Stefan would kill Elena. "So if he says blink, I suggest you blink."

Klaus glared at Damon and walked out of the party, I followed after him. "Klaus, maybe you should do what he says," I said slowly, "Damon's right. Stefan is off the rails and he will do whatever it takes."

"He won't kill her," Klaus said, but he didn't sound as confident as before.

"Maybe not, but he would turn her into a vampire if it meant stopping you from creating a new family," I said calmly, "He took your family away to make you suffer, he's not just going to let you make a new one."

Klaus went to reply, but his phone rang cutting him off. "Stefan," He said answering it.

"Get your hybrids out of town Klaus," I heard Stefan say.

"Well that's not going to happen until I get my coffins back," Klaus said in his usual cocky voice.

"Okay then, I'm going to drive your blood source off of Wickery Bridge," Stefan sounded smug, and I heard an engine accelerate down the phone.

"I don't believe you Stefan, you won't kill her," He replied, ignoring my warning looks. He was treading on thin ice now, he shouldn't push Stefan so far.

It went quiet for a moment before I heard Elena coughing down the phone. He'd fed her his blood. He was going to turn her into a vampire. "What are you doing?" She gasped.

"I just fed her my blood," From the way he said it, I could tell he was pleased with himself.

"You won't do it," Klaus spat through gritted teeth. He was worried.

I pulled out my phone and text Damon what Stefan's plan was. "Oh really Klaus?" Stefan continued to sound confident in his plan, "Because your coffins are the next to go after your little blood bank. You can't keep making hybrids without her. Say goodbye to your family Klaus."

Suddenly Elena started shouting, she was terrified. "Stefan slow down! You're going to fast! Stefan stop it!"

I gave Klaus a desperate look and he shouted, "Fine! I'll send them away."

"Stefan! Stefan stop!" Elena screamed in panic.

"Stop the car Stefan," Klaus growled.

A screeching sound of a car braking hard sounded down the phone as Elena screamed. The phone cut off and Klaus pulled it away from his ear, looking relieved.

"Klaus!" Tyler ran over to the two of them.

"What is it Tyler?" Klaus sighed. "I'm quite busy."

"I bit Caroline! I don't know what happened, we were kissing and then I don't know! I just bit her! You've got to help her Klaus, I can't lose her," Tyler was actually crying as he begged his master for help.

Klaus smiled softly at Tyler, "I'll go and see her, don't worry."

"Really?" Tyler stammered out in shock. I have to say, I was shocked too.

"Yes, I'm feeling generous," Klaus smirked.

Tyler thanked him and ran inside to see his mother. "What the hell was that? Why are you being so nice?" I frowned."

"Sometimes we need to do things in the present to help us in the future," Klaus grinned, knowingly, before walking away.

"You are one in a million, Niklaus," I sighed to myself.

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