Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? T...

By Just_Charlotte

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Becs Salvatore is back - after a long break - and this is the official sequel to Vampire? (Previously 'I Love... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three

Part Eighteen

259 8 2
By Just_Charlotte

Klaus's POV

"Are you sure that we are doing this right?" I asked Gloria's sister. We had been at this for days now and nothing had changed except Becs getting weaker and weaker. Gloria had disappeared or died, whichever, and now I had her sister taking her place. I needed this to get done.

Whilst Becs was out I had been back to Mystic Falls and found out that Elena Gilbert was still alive and that her blood was the key to making my hybrids. Tyler Lockwood was my first successful hybrid and Stefan had turned off his humanity. Everything was going fine, except that Damon Salvatore told me Katherine had gone looking for my father, Mikael, who would kill me and my family if he was released and found us. I could not let that happen. As soon as Damon told me I fled with as much of Elena's blood as I could. I came back to check on Becs's progress but nothing had changed. I needed her to help me, she would be able to help me create new hybrids and form an army against Mikael. As much as I hated to admit it, I want her on my side.

"Yes, she will break soon," She nodded in response. "We just need to find the person that will break her."

"We've used everyone she loves," I growled, throwing my glass against the wall angrily. Why wasn't this working?

"There has to be somebody else, someone you've not thought of," She argued.

I sighed and called Stefan, I had left him in Mystic Falls to watch over my doppelgänger whilst Rebekah was to watch over my successful hybrid. "Stefan there has to be someone else, think," I growled down the phone.

"I don't know Klaus, I've told you everyone I can think of," Stefan replied down the phone and I could almost hear him rolling his eyes which only made me angrier.

"Think Stefan," I snapped, feeling my anger boil. I wanted to kill someone.

There was a long pause before Stefan spoke again, "Elizabeth," he said quietly.

"What?" I demanded.

"Elizabeth, Becs's younger sister," Stefan explained further. "I don't know much about her, she carries a picture of her around in her purse. I asked who it was once and she told me it was her sister."

"Anything else that I should know?" I raised my eyebrow, annoyed he hadn't suggested her before.

"No, she didn't say anything else and I knew better than to question her when she didn't want to talk. That's why I didn't think of her before because all I know is her name," Stefan sounded bored. As much fun as he was when he turned his humanity off, he was also incredibly annoying.

I hung up the phone and turned to Gloria's sister, Glenda. "Use her sister, Elizabeth. There should be a photo in her purse."

I walked over to Becs's bag and pulled her purse out. I opened it and immediately saw a photograph of a young girl. She must have been about five or six years old. The photograph was more of an extremely life-like drawing, since there probably wasn't cameras back in her day. The girl was smiling widely, almost looking as though she was giggling. I couldn't help the small smile that graced my lips. She reminded me of my little brother Henrick... He died when he was only young, killed by a werewolf. What had happened to Becs's sister that made her such a sore subject to talk about?


Becs's POV

I don't know how long I'd been trapped in the room for, I hadn't had any blood and I didn't even have the effort to move from where I was collapsed in a heap on the floor. I had cried all of my tears and all I could do now was scream as Klaus marched in the next victim to be slaughtered as my body forced itself into the sand line of pain.

Amongst his victims were Jeremy, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler and Elijah - all of which were not really them but I assumed the witch had put a spell on them so I thought they were, or maybe I was just hallucinating it all. My Mother and Father came to hurl abuse at me every night and from counting their visits I must have been here for at least five days.

I must have passed out from exhaustion at some point, because when I came around a little girl stood in front of me. She must have been about five years old and I instantly recognised her as my little sister. Or at least she was my little sister until she died from pneumonia at the age of five. The winters were cold, and there was no such thing as central heating back then. She wasn't strong enough to make it through, as so many young children weren't.

"No, not her," I begged, my voice cracking horribly. "Please not her. I can't do this anymore. Make it stop, please not her Klaus. Anyone but her."

He walked up to Elizabeth and crouched in front of her, murmuring words of comfort to her scared face before he moved so he was crouched behind her. "Now this will only hurt for a bit," He smirked and plunged his teeth into her neck.

I pushed myself up off the floor with as much energy as I could muster and burst out of the circle, throwing Klaus into the wall. "I will not watch her die again," I growled angrily at him.

He laughed and clapped his hands as he walked over to me, "So she was the one."

"What one?" I frowned as all of my energy left my body again and I barely had the strength to hold myself up.

"The one to break the bond between us," Klaus grinned and placed a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder. "You could only get out of that circle when the bond linking us was broken."

"Which means?" I sighed, my mind hurting too much to think.

"Which means that you are now in control of your body and don't have to attack me constantly," Klaus sounded elated.

Everything was blurry in my vision and I stumbled backwards. "What's going on?"

"Well, I appreciate all your help, but you need to go through a little more training with the old witch upstairs before you're good to go," Klaus shrugged and tapped my shoulder with his finger, sending me sprawling on to the floor.

"Klaus, please don't... I don't want to be here anymore," I begged him. I thought I saw his face soften slightly before his hard exterior arose again.

"Well you don't have a choice, if you want Elijah back, you need to do as I say," Klaus snapped and walked out, leaving me alone as the girl followed him too. She wasn't Elizabeth.

When I woke up again I was sat in a chair, unable to move. "Why can't I move?" I panicked as I struggled internally to get my body to move. I hated not being able to control my body... Again.

"Relax, it's just a simple paralysis spell," Klaus's witch smirked as she walked over to me. "I'm Glenda, Gloria's sister - she's gone."

"Becs," I muttered angrily. Why was she here? What did Gloria want with her?

"I guess you are wondering why you are here?" She said, twirling a knife in her hands. I stayed silent, waiting on her to continue. She obviously had an eye for dramatics. "Okay, I'll tell you. Klaus got my sister killed, I have told him that I need to keep you for a while to finish your little transformation. That was a lie. You're here because I need you to kill Klaus."

"How?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Klaus's father can kill him, but he is lost somewhere. I can't find him, not even with magic. You need to find him and bring him back, he will do the rest," Glenda said.

"I know about Mikael. I will not bring him back to hunt down the Originals, to hunt down Elijah," I spat angrily.

"But you will, because he's the only that can kill Klaus. Even you can't, you can only stop him, not put a stop to him. You need Mikael to do the rest," Glenda pushed. "Hybrids aren't natural, he needs to be killed."

"And Mikael will kill me as well?" I questioned.

"Yes, after the two of you have killed Klaus, Mikael will kill you and the rest of the Originals, before himself and the world will be restored to his natural state," Glenda grinned.

"Fine I'll do it, if you just let me go," I lied, just wanting to get out of here.

"Well, I can tell you're lying so how about you just stay in here for a while and think it over," Glenda smirked before cutting her palm open and letting her blood drip on the floor.

My canines forced themselves out of my gums and my body tried to lunge forward for the blood. I don't know how long it had been since I had last fed. My throat felt like it was on fire, I needed blood. I wanted to slaughtered the whole damn town. Starting with this Glenda bitch. She laughed and walked out of the room as my body struggled against her paralysis spell.

I closed my eyes, an idea coming to me, and focused all my energy on seeing myself talking to Klaus. I stood in front of him, or at least part of myself did.

"Becs," He frowned and stood up from where he had been sitting. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not, I'm making you see me," I said. "You have to help me."

"And why would I want to help you?" He asked me, "Your supposed to be completing the breaking of our bond."

"She lied. She wants me to find Mikael and unleash him on all of us," I told him and his eyes widened. Before he could say anything my whole body lit up in flames, pulling me back into Gloria's bar screaming.

"Well that was fun," Glenda smirked, extinguishing the flames. I felt my skin healing as I gasped in air.

"What the hell do you want?" I glared at her angrily.

"I told you what I want," Glenda shrugged. "But you shouldn't have contacted Klaus, that was a mistake."

"Klaus will kill you," I smirked at her.

"Maybe, but by then Mikael will be realised and he'll be a little bit preoccupied," Glenda shrugged. I glared at her as she laughed and walked out.

Suddenly, I heard loud crashes upstairs in the bar before it all fell silent. I frowned as I heard heeled footsteps walking down the stairs towards me. The door opened and Klaus smirked at me, "Hello Becs."

"Klaus," I murmured. "You got to get me out of here. She'll make me find Mikael."

"Not anymore she won't," Klaus smirked even wider, "She's dead. Which means so is the paralysis spell on you."

"Thank you," I whispered and stood up slowly, before stumbling backwards and into the chair again.

"I don't want Mikael coming back to kill us all," He shrugged and rolled his eyes at me. He picked me up into his arms and added, "And when I finally wake Elijah, I don't think he'd be happy with me if I let you get tortured down here before releasing Mikael on us all."

"Well, thanks anyway," I muttered as he carried me away from the bar.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up I was in a bed, a pile of blood bags beside me. I grabbed them one after the other and downed them each in three gulps. After my tenth I finally felt like I was back to normal.

"Better now?" Klaus smirked at me, and I jumped seeing him sat on a chair near the window.

"Yes," I responded with an eye roll.

"Good, because we have work to do," Klaus grinned and stood up.

I looked at him and frowned, his eyes looked as though he wanted to ask me something. "What?" I questioned him.

"I said we have work to do," Klaus repeated.

"No, you look like you want to ask me something," I stood up and walked over to him, looking him straight in his eyes and seeing his curiosity burn.

"Elizabeth," He whispered.

A lump rose in my throat as he said her name. A hatred burned in my chest as I remembered him using her against me. "My sister. You used her against me. You used her to break me." I stepped away from him, glaring at him with as much hatred as I could muster.

"I needed to, she was the trigger to you getting your control back," Klaus tried to reason with me.

"You shouldn't know about her. No one should know about her!" I growled at him. "She's my sister, you don't have a right to take that away from me." I felt the tears rise in my eyes as I thought of her last moments. Klaus lifted his hand and touched my cheek.

"It's going to be okay, Elizabeth, I'll look after you," I whispered to the tiny body in my arms.

"I love you Becca," She wheezed out, staring up at my face. My heart broke as I stared at her frail body. She had lost so much weight, she looked gaunt and hollow.

"I love you too Elizabeth," I kissed her forehead.

"I can't hold on anymore," She croaked.

"No please hold on, please Elizabeth. Mother and Father will be back from their party soon, you can see them," I said desperately as I gently rocked her back and forth. I had begged Mother and Father not to go to the party tonight, they knew how bad Elizabeth was. They knew she could go any moment, but they still went. They told me that she was my responsibility, because it was my fault she was sick.

"They won't make it in time," She coughed violently. I rolled her on to her side and held my handkerchief to her mouth. When she stopped coughing I pulled it away to see it covered in blood. She tried to look but I closed my hand around it, not wanting to scare her anymore than she already was.

"Sing to me," She gasped out, staring at me again.

I nodded and began singing softly to her, the song I always sang to her so she could fall asleep. She loved it.

"Down in the valley, valley so low
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.

Roses love sunshine, violets love dew
Angels in heaven know I love you
Know I love you, dear, know I love you
Angels in heaven, know I love you." I stopped singing as her eyes glazed over, the small smile on her lips relaxing into her face. "I'm sorry Elizabeth, I'm so sorry," I cried, pulling her small body closer to my chest as I hugged her still warm body.

"No!" I screamed and pushed Klaus away from me, sending him flying into the opposite wall. "You don't get to see that! You shouldn't have! That memory was private."

"Becs, I'm sorry," Klaus muttered, looking guilty. "I lost my little brother too."

"Don't you dare tell me it's the same, you don't know anything," I snapped and stormed out of the house and away from him. He didn't understand anything. How dare he steal that memory from me? Elizabeth was mine, no one else. Our own parents didn't care enough about her, they wanted a boy all along and were only more disappointed when Elizabeth turned out to be a girl. They abandoned her and I practically raised her myself, but when she died they blamed me. My parents loved me, but I was never good enough for them and I was never anything compared to the son they lost before I was born. My parents lost their first child to pneumonia as well, but when he was twelve years old. They mourned him every single day, but they never mourned Elizabeth. They wanted the perfect son and he died. We could never compare to him.

Elizabeth was mine. Klaus had no right.

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