Secrets (Sequel to Vampire? T...

By Just_Charlotte

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Becs Salvatore is back - after a long break - and this is the official sequel to Vampire? (Previously 'I Love... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three

Part Ten

447 11 1
By Just_Charlotte

We stayed in the cottage together for two days, until Elijah got a call from Elena saying she'd noticed he was out of the cellar and wanted to talk, she said that Niklaus had made his first move. I wanted to go with him to see her, but he refused me - saying that if he had to compel me to stay he would.

So, I waited anxiously for him, praying to every God there was that he wouldn't get hurt. The only thing keeping me sane was the fact that I had retrieved the dagger when I took it from Elijah's body and it was safely hidden in the cottage.

Over the past two days Elijah had been making me train non-stop in fighting Niklaus. Despite being killed he was more determined than ever to kill Niklaus, and he had all this pent up anger against my brothers and Elena for killing and betraying him so the fighting was intense. I was kind of glad for the break, he had kicked my ass too many times and was getting seriously annoying reprimanding me on it. I'd just saved his life, and all he could do was moan at me for not being good enough to beat Niklaus. Way to boost my confidence boyfriend.

I found a pencil and some paper and sat in the door way, sketching the outside world. The sun was shining, making the green leaves on the trees seem more vibrant. The flowers around the cottage bloomed into a beautiful array of colours, that my singular grey pencil could never capture. The white picket fence surrounding the cottage added to the picturesque look, making it's supernatural secrets hidden under the perfectly normal exterior of the cottage.

I sighed when I was finished, looking out longingly, wishing I could go outside. My new phone, that Elijah had given me after I brought him back to life, buzzed as it jumped to life alerting me I was receiving a call. I hurried over it knowing the only person who had the mobile number was Elijah. I answered it and pushed it to my ear, "Elijah, are you okay? What's going on? Are you coming back? How is Elena? What's the news about Niklaus?"

"Rebecca," Elijah said sternly, stopping my onslaught of questions.

"Sorry," I mumbled, "What did you want?"

"Just an update," He chuckled, "Elena and I have renewed the terms of our deal, she'll stay alive and I'll protect her loved ones. Niklaus is back, in Alaric Saltzman's body for now and he tried to - and thinks he did - kill Bonnie, but she's fine and she's alive. Elena is now with her Aunt Jenna, because Niklaus told her the truth about vampires."

"So what are you doing?" I asked, I wanted to know if he was okay.

"Just hanging around, waiting for her to come back so I can finish telling her our family history and informing her of the actual curse," He replied.

"Your telling her Niklaus is a hybrid... Are you telling her about me?" I chewed my lip nervously, worried about my family finding out what I was underneath the curse.

"No, I've not mentioned you and I'm not going to either. I know she's your friend but it's too dangerous for you for people to know," Elijah sighed, "I'm sorry, I'll be back soon. I have a few more things to finish up here but I will be back tonight. It's beginning though Rebecca, it's a full moon tomorrow night and I think that will be when Niklaus makes his move to break the curse."

"The pieces are fitting together," I sighed, "Who knows, in two days time I could be a hybrid."

"It will all be okay," Elijah whispered.

"I hope so, Elijah, I really do," I murmured, talking more to myself than him.

"Elena's back, I'll see you soon," He said before adding, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled to myself and waited until I heard the beep of the phone disconnecting before I moved it from my ear.

Tomorrow Elena would be sacrificed, and I would become a hybrid. Angrily I threw the pad of paper across the room and went to storm out of the house before remembering I couldn't and screaming in anger. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate Niklaus and I hate his stupid curse, and I hate Elijah's parents for turning them into vampires. I hate being so alone in this, and useless. I hate not being able to talk to my brothers about it, not being able to trust them enough with this information. I hate all of this crap.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but I know Elijah wasn't back. I vaguely remember Elijah sliding into the bed beside me and wrapping his arms around me in the middle of my sleeping. When I woke up in the morning he was gone. I sighed and cursed myself for falling asleep and not being able to see Elijah. I also cursed him for not waking me up so I could see him before tonight - the sacrifice.

I had been thinking about it ever since Elijah told me the sacrifice was tonight, I had to go. I had to see what happened. I had to be there. I was counting on Elijah being distracted all day so that I could get to Mystic Falls and find out where the sacrifice was happening.

I packed my rucksack up with blood bags and wooden stakes made out of the remaining chairs at lunch time and left the cottage. I had only made it to the first town when I realised something was wrong, I grabbed a stake from my bag and looked around the people milling about the shops. My skin was tingling, telling me there was a threat here. I ducked into a side street away from the crowds, hoping I could get out of this town before the threat caught up with me.

Suddenly my head exploded into immense pain. I fell to the floor, clutching my head as I screamed. I felt something stab into my neck, not knowing what was going on until my blood streamed through my veins on fire. Everything burned. Vervain. I felt myself hit the floor and before everything went black one name sprang into the forefront of my mind.



When I woke up it was dark. I was lying in the woods somewhere, alone. I looked around, pushing myself up on to my elbows. Where was I? I strained my hearing, trying to listen for anything.

"Where are you taking me?" I heard Elena ask. The sacrifice. I was at the sacrifice. Why had Niklaus brought me here? Was he going to kill me as well? What if he used me as the vampire in the ritual? Then he would kill two birds with one stone.

My mind seemed to go fuzzy again as I tried to stand up and I fell back into darkness.

When I woke up the next time I was in the middle of a ring of fire. I stood up slowly and looked over to my left to see Elena, her Aunt Jenna and a woman I didn't know also in rings of fire, but there's were all connected. They were the three being used in the sacrifice. I understood Elena, and I assumed the woman I didn't know was a werewolf - she was screaming and writhing in pain as her bones broke and twisted inside of her, but what about Jenna? Why was she here?

"Elena," I called out, trying to get her attention.

"Becs!" She turned to look at me in shock, "Are you okay? I was worried when I saw you... Why are you here? It's the sacrifice."

"I don't know," I answered honestly, "Why is Jenna here?"

"She's the vampire," Elena said quietly, her heart breaking. "Niklaus turned her for the ritual."

"My head feels funny Elena," I mumbled as I fell back to the ground, "Somethings wrong."

"Ah, yes, that would be my doing," A man emerged from the trees near me, smirking.

"Niklaus," I stared at him with a straight face, not letting him see my fear.

"My dear baby cousin," He smirked, "It's so lovely to have met you before I kill you."

"Cousin?" Elena frowned. I looked at her, my face revealing that he was correct - well sort of. "You're related to him and you knew? Have you been plotting with him all along? We thought he had kidnapped you."

"No Elena, I wasn't with him," I shook my head, wanting her to understand. "Did you not hear that he's going to kill me as well? Why would I be with him?"

"No, she wasn't. My brother hid you pretty well, but when you left that cute little cottage of yours it was easy enough to find you," Niklaus smirked, "Thank you for that."

"I had to save your brother, because you sure as hell wouldn't," I glared at him. His arrogance was demeaning and extremely annoying.

"No, you went to save my brother because you are in love with him, or you think you are," Niklaus rolled his eyes.

"You don't know anything about me," I spat feeling my anger eat away at my insides. Suddenly, my head swam and I stumbled backwards a little.

"Oh, watch yourself there, you look a bit peaky Rebecca," Niklaus smirked.

"Only Elijah calls me Rebecca," I snarled. He would not take that away from me, not in my possible last hours of life.

"Only my family call me Niklaus," He retorted.

"What am I doing here?" I asked in an annoyed tone before adding sarcastically, "Klaus."

"Why, Becs, you are here to enjoy the show - since I am breaking this curse for the both of us. I mean, I am the one doing all the hard work, but I thought you'd appreciate it too," Klaus grinned evilly. "Before I kill you."

"You know I don't want this," I didn't want to look at his face anymore so I turned away, but regretted it immediately as Elena stared at me in horror and betrayal.

"You're with Elijah? What about Jeremy? What are you Becs and why are you here?" Elena asked angrily. "What is he talking about?"

"Oops, I see you hadn't got round to telling your friends the news," Klaus smirked and walked a few steps closer to Elena, so he now stood almost between us. "When I break the curse tonight, Becs here will become a hybrid as well as me."

"What?" Elena looked at me in utter horror and shock. "You're lying. Tell me he's lying Becs."

"I can't Elena, he's telling the truth," I said sadly. "I don't want this. I told Elijah, I don't want to become a hybrid."

"Yet you killed someone anyway, knowing full well that it would unlock the werewolf curse buried inside of you," Klaus manipulated the situation to make it sound as though I had done it on purpose. "And you were on your way here when my friends found you, were you not?"

"Yes, I wanted to see the sacrifice," I tried to explain but Klaus cut me off.

"Indeed you did, and here you are. It seems you do want this after all," Klaus grinned, knowing I had played right into his hand.

"You bitch," Elena spat angrily, "You've been with them all along."

"Elena it's not like that, Elijah and I-" Again Klaus cut me off.

"Are in love, yes we get it," Klaus rolled his eyes. "Now let's move on, times ticking and we're ready to become hybrids."

"I hope he kills you," Elena glared at me.

"Oh don't worry, I have a plan for her," Klaus smirked and I felt a trickle of despair tingle down my spine. I pushed it away and thought of all the ways I could kill Klaus when we were both equal, when we were both hybrids. When I actually stood a chance.

"Gretta, when you're ready, please," Klaus called and a witch made her way towards us. She was Dr Martin's daughter.

I felt my vision swim again and I collapsed on my back, my body on fire. "Klaus," I gasped out, "What have you done to me?"

"I injected you with more vervain whilst you were passed out, just to keep you weak. And Gretta here cast a simple spell to make sure you stay in line," Klaus smirked. I hope he enjoys this moment, as I will enjoy the moment that I rip his spleen out before his heart follows it - being that I can find his heart first. Gretta twisted her hand towards me and I blacked out again.

When I woke again, and I was getting really fed up of blacking out now, Stefan had joined the party. Elena stood next to Klaus, he was drinking her blood. I looked over at Stefan and saw the pain cross his face.

I felt a warmth spread through me and everything seemed to become clear. I felt powerful. Klaus seemed to be feeling the same thing as he walked towards me, "I can feel it," He grinned. He had broken the curse. He had done it. We were hybrids.

Suddenly, his bones started cracking and shortly after so did mine. All I could feel was pain surging around my body. I could hear the crunching and grinding of my bones changing. I was becoming a werewolf.

Vaguely in the distance, or what sounded like the distance in my painful state, I could hear a witch casting a very powerful spell. A flash of light sparked and Klaus shot backwards on to the floor. My body seemed in sync with his transformation, because when the spark hit him my bones stopped cracking. I lay on the floor panting in pain, watching Damon pick Elena's body up off of the floor. Was she dead?

Bonnie appeared in front of Klaus shouting her spells. He was writhing in pain, screaming at the top of his lungs. What was she doing to him?

Damon ran over to Stefan and grabbed him, "Let's go," he said.

"You go, get Elena out of here, Stefan said, locking eyes with me.

"What? Come with us," Damon said, trying to pull him up.

"I'm not going until he's dead, and Becs," Stefan said, a look of hatred pressing into me.

"Becs?" Damon looked up at me.

"Damon," I smiled weakly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, frowning.

I went to answer but was cut off by Klaus, "She's a hybrid too, she's on their side."

"Becs?" Damon looked at me desperately, trying to find an answer.

"I'm not on Klaus's side Damon, I love you. I will tell you everything soon, I promise," I said and he nodded before disappearing with Elena.

I looked over at Klaus and saw Elijah standing above him, with Bonnie behind him. "In the name of our family," Elijah began before Klaus cut him off.

"I didn't bury them at sea," Klaus croaked, "They're bodies are safe. You kill me, you'll never find them."

"Elijah, don't listen to him," Stefan called over.

"I can take you to them," Klaus whispered, "I give you my word." Elijah looked torn. He looked over at me and I nodded at him and whispered, "Find your family."

"I'm sorry," Elijah said to Stefan and Bonnie he grabbed Klaus and ran.

Stefan turned on me, Bonnie right behind him. "Guys, I can explain," I said, pushing myself weakly to my feet.

"No need, Bonnie, deal with her," Stefan glared at me. Before she could make a move I ran, following Elijah and Klaus's trail.

I found them just outside of town, in a house. I knocked on the door and it was opened by an elderly woman. "Elijah it's me," I called into the house. I could barely stand I felt so weak.

"Let her in," Elijah said, appearing behind the elderly woman.

"Dear, won't you come into my house," The elderly woman smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled weakly and collapsed into Elijah's arms. "They all hate me, thanks to your brother twisting everything."

"You'll be able to talk them round," Elijah rubbed my back gently, before pulling away to look at me properly.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Like I need to sleep for a thousand years," I groaned.

"There's a bed upstairs, go and sleep," Elijah stroked my cheek softly.

"Only if you come with me," I smiled and kissed him gently. He smiled back and led the way upstairs. I crawled under the sheets and rested my head on his chest, letting my eyes close as he stroked my hair.

I was a hybrid and right now, it wasn't so bad. Although, I'd probably change my mind when I woke up in the morning and had to face Klaus. I wonder how this good versus evil hybrid prophecy will pan out.

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