Meant To Be...

By bloe4life

157K 3.7K 574

Beca Mitchell was a sophomore when Chloe Beale who was a senior, ended their secret 1 day relationship. After... More

Author Note
Author's Note
Author's Note
Authors note
Part 2: 1
Part 2: 2
Part 2: 3
Part 2: 4
Part 2: 5
Part 2: 6
Part 2: 7
Part 2: 8
Part 2: 9
Part 2: 10
Authors Note
Part 2: 11
Part 2: 12
Part 2: 13
Part 2: 14
Part 2: 15
I'm Speechless


2.5K 68 6
By bloe4life

Beca's POV

I wake up naked to an empty bed. I check my phone and see my lockscreen which is mine and Chloe's hands with our rings on. She texted letting me know she had class. Fuck first day of classes. I forgot. Shit.

I take a quick shower than get dressed. I slip on my high heeled combat boots. I grab my bag and throw my hair up. I grab my headphones and phone then rush downstairs. "Chloe left you an iced coffee!" Legacy yells. "Thanks!" I yell back and grab the iced coffee.

I rush to my math class and bump into Jesse on the way. "Hey where have you been?" He asks. "Uh sorry busy i will see you later at the radio station" i rush together and run past him. I run into the lecture hall and sit in the back.

Some guy sits next to me and smirks. "Hey there" he smirks. "Hi?" I ask not knowing him. "Are you uh free friday?" He asks. "Well you work fast dont cha?" I chuckle. "Well wouldnt wanna miss an opportunity to hang with a hot babe like you" he smiles. "Well-" i get cut off by the teacher. He begins to speak and class begins. Throughout the class i explain to the kid im gay and turns out hes gay too! His parents disapprove of his ways.

"So uh Beca right?" He asks as we walk around campus. "Yeah and Dylan right?" I ask him. He nods and we go to a coffee shop on campus. "So you have a girlfriend?" He asks and i nod. "Shes great" i say grabbing the coffee i ordered as he grabs his. "I like this boy but" he shrugs. "But what?" I ask. "Hes straight" he mutters. "Number 1 rule dont fall in love with a straight person" he sighs. "Well my belief everyone has a little gay in them maybe his parents disapprove too" i shrug and he nods. "I gotta go it was great meeting you beca" we hug even though i hate hugs. I felt bad for him. "Cant wait till we can hang out again it was fun" he smiles and leaves.
I put my engagement ring back on because i didnt wanna lose it during the day sense i need ir tightened still.

Chloe's POV

I see Beca and some kid at this coffee shop. They fucking hug and then she puts our ring back on.

I march home and see Amy first. "Oh shit what's wrong?" She asks as she grabs blueberry pancakes out. "Beca is cheating on me" i sit at the kitchen island table. "What? No!" Amy argues as she gives me a pancake and puts syrup on it. "Ok i saw her with a guy after he left she put our ring back on" i argue. "Thanks" i mumble for the pancakes. We sit there eating pancakes and i hear the front open. I hear Beca's voice singing the 1975. That's one of her favorite bands ever.

She dances in the kitchen. "She way outttt" she sings loudly clearly having her headphones on thinking were all at classes. Me and Amy are the only two here but still. She dances to the fridge and Amy is videoing this. Im trying not to smile, but shes so adorable. "OH SHIT HERE WE GO!" She yells. "THROWBACKKKK" She screams and dances while making food. "MAYBE ITS THE WAY SHE WALKED OW STRAIGHT INTO MY HEART A STOLE IT" Amy starts dying almost falling off the chair. Only me and Jess knew about Beca's little One Direction loving secret. She dances to best song ever and then turns around as shes screaming the chorus. Her face drops seeing Amy. She rips the headphones off and lays them around her neck. "Well well well we have a little secret huh?" Amy laughs. "Two secrets" i sigh picking at the food. "What Chloe?" Beca asks. "Im gonna go" Amy runs away. "IM EATING THE REST OF YOUR PANCAKES" Beca yells and sits where Amy was. "Nope!" Amy takes the plate from her. "Cmon dude!" Beca yells.

"Chloe?" She asks me. "You are cheating" i mumble. "Im what?" She asks playing with the poptart she made. "You and that boy at the coffee shop and our ring was off your finger!" My voice raises a bit. "Hey hey!" She says to stop me from going on. "Hes a friend and babe.....hes gay" she laughs. "And my ring i was gonna tell you later but i need it tightened" she laughs. "Why is this funny?" I ask. "Because you are so protective" she laughs. "I have my reasons" i mutter grabbing the plate and going to the sink to start a load of dishes.

She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my shoulder. "Im sorry ok?" She says into my shoulder. "If it makes you feel better tonight we will snuggle and watch all your favorite movies" she says. I smile hearing the nice things she saying. "I love youuuu" she says. "Babyyyyy" "pleaseeeee answer meee" "i love you so muchh" she lags on each sentence.

I finish the dishes and turn to her. "We have bellas rehearsal after we'll go to get our ring tightened for you" i kiss her lips and we let the kiss linger. "Jealous" she e whispers between the long lingered kiss. I pull apart and walk away. "Not jealous!" I yell.

Hey guys! How is everyone feeling? Enjoy. Gabby xx

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