The Super siblings #2 (Ventur...

Per Kaygirl5671

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This is the sequel to the super siblings The frye family after gaining super went on a crazy trip but its not... Més

Were not normal! Jordan's POV
Luna's dream Jordan's POV
Time travel!! Luna's POV
Maxwell and his gang. Isaac's pov
Eva's bestie returns Angela's POV
We found a follower!! Luna's POV
Phone call from mom! Jordan's POV
Seeing the voice in my head Isaac's POV
Training time!! Cierra's POV
Author note!
I can do all things thro Christ
Krazy kelly?!?(Eva's pov)
Birthday boy (part 1) Eva's POV
Birthday boy (Part 2) Isaac's POV
The wedding Isaac's Pov
The Proposal Eva's POV
The wedding crashers part 1
Wedding crashers part 2 Kyara's POV
Wedding crasher part 3 Isaac's POV
The bomb.
(Insert chaper title here) Jordan's POV
The four figures Francine's POV
Crystal exchange Francine's POV
Mrs. Frye knows Our secret! Eva's POV
Orphan eva. Angela's POV
Eva's and Jordan's wedding. Jordan's POV
Merry christmas!! Eva's POV
CANDY!!!! Luna's POV
Sword guns? Jordan's POV
Luna ran away! Luna's POV
Rebal HQ part 1 Jordan's POV
Rebel HQ part 2/best day ever Luna's POV
Sammy realm Luna's POV
The meeting Sammy realm's POV
James in a trance Jacob's POV
Jacob's missing!! Wait... Nevermind!! Jacob's POV
Gingers are soulless Bethany's POV
Official rebel! luna's POV
My long lost brother i never knew about! Luna's POV
I'm back!!!
New room! Luna's POV
Evil siblings?!!!!! Jacobs POV
Author's note
Authors note
The battle begins Luna's POV
Close Incounter with sammy!Jacob's POV
Back to normal!.... Well maybe.... Angela's POV
Every thing goes south! Eva's POV
Sammyrealm's scary! Angela's POV
Author's note
Join us!!! Sally's pov
Authors note
MINE! From one extreme to the other! Caleb's POV
The truth behind the insanity
Luna? Maddie's POV
author's note
R&R! Regret and Repentance! Part 1 Isaac's POV
Author's note
R&R! Regret and Repentance! Part 2 Jordan's POV
New gem. Angela's POV
MUST READ!! New prequel book!!
Full of surprises. Isaac's POV
Author's note
The end?
Do you still want a 3rd book?
BIG NEWS! (Possible 3rd book)

Family reuinon Calab's POV

162 12 11
Per Kaygirl5671

I've been in this sewer for what feels like days. All i here is endless laughing and psychotic talk. They make no sense most of time, ok all the time. It's like a secret code from a different country in another planet that speaks English, sometimes. But luckily i know these sewers like the back of my hand so i know that there is a escape tunnel that leads to a underwater cave where i can escape. I'll have to find a water suit but i'll worry about that when i get there until then i need to focus on getting there alive.


Oh no! This is what I'm worried about. You see in the insane ones prison they let then run free so they don't get worse then they already are. But since they run free they tend to attack each other. Lets just say there is a lot of bones here. Speaking of bones i just stepped on one... Ow!!!

"Wahahaha!! CaaaaannnnDEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

Here we go again! This will be the third time today! They already have my shoes, jacket and my pants, yes I'm walking around shoes-less and pants-less. But hey, at least they didn't take my crystal watch!
Right now i need to go through one more tunnel before I'm finally out of here!! I walk into the tunnel and i can see the exit.

Hold up i hear something....

MINE!! HAHAHAHA! YOU CANT HAVE THEM!..........Don't worry my precious I won't let them take you away from me!! My precious!!!!! Hahahah HAHAHAHAH!" (Don't judge me I just got into the lord of the rings fandom!)

"Meow, meow, purrrrrrrrrr" Is that a cat? How did a cat get in here? Aw poor cat!! I hope he's ok! I keep walking further until i noticed that the voice was coming from below me! I started to walk slower and listen.

"I'm soooooo hungry...."

"Where is our food?! It should be here right now!!!! IT SHOULD BE HERE!! They took it from us!!!! You never take food from the candy queen!!!!" .

"Hsssssssss!!!!!" There's another cat! How are they getting in here?! Did someone sneak them in?!

"Snow man!! Food... Where is it... SNOWMAN WHERE IS IT!!" Suddenly i her a "meeeeeerrrOOOOOWWWW!!" And a "thud!"


Uh oh! Did she hurt the cat?!

"..... Home.."


Suddenly i hear a punching noise and a clasping sound.

"MY CROWBAR!!!! THERE ARE MINE!!! now let's dance crowbar!!! What kind? The crowbar Waltz of Alabama!!! Of course anything for you! NO ONE BOTHER OUT CHILDREN!!!"

Now that dude is humming a terrible song that hurts my ears.

"I miss them!"

"I know i miss them too..."

"......less.... Destroy...... Must..."

" less why did you destroy my must?!! YOU KNOW HOW MUST I LOVE MY MUST!!! WHY DO THAT TO MY ROCK?!!! NOW HE LOOKS LIKE BUROCK!!!"

See this is what i mean about the English from another country on another planet! And what's the planets name? CRAZY LAND!

"I want to destroy this place and get out!!!"

"GETOUTTHEDONUTS!!!!!!!!! JIJIJIJIJIJJIJI!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!"

It sound like someone ran into a brick wall really hard. Ooh i felt that one!

"Goomba..... Need... Find...."

"I miss my snowman too!"

"Goomba and snowman!! Snow man and goomba!! GOOMBA SNOWMAN!!!!!!!!!! Hquahahahahahaaaha!!!!!"

"They need to find us"


"We know you tell us every five minutes!!!!!!!!"

"We have to find candy!!!!all of it! Of the candy!!CANDYYYYY!!!!"

"No candy for you!! But take my kazoo!!"

"My dog eats stew! I love my stew! Too bad my stew ate my dog!!! I hate my dog! It's not a very tasty rock!!"

"Jajaja donkey kong! Jajajaaj DONKEY KONG!!!'!!"

" I'm a fish, in the sea! Oh no i just got eaten by a bee!!!"

"My milk is in my mask!!!! My mask is in my drain! My drain like my dog!! My dog hate milk!"

What? I can't understand then anymore!


"Meow meow, meeeeeow! Meow? MEOW!!!!!!"

Why?!!! Am i here?!!!!? Why?!!!! Why couldn't she have killed me and put me out of my misery!!

Suddenly the ground began to shack

Oh no!

"Errrrrr errrrr errrrrr crackle crackle POP!" And before i know it i was falling right in the middle of the crazy people.

They all jumped back and screamed.

Everyone was quite and didn't say a word. They just stared at me as i stared at them.

I was about to say something when i was attacked by and man with cat ears and a tail.

"Ah! Hah hah!!! What are those?!!!" I shouted.

"Hissssssss!" He replied pinning me to the wall with his claws.

"Jacob, let him go! I know him!" Said a familiar voice. Jacob, I'm guessing since he looked at her when she said his name, unpinned me.

"Thanks ma'am" I said as i stood up.

"Ma'am don't you remember me? I'm eva! Eva dash?" She replied.

"Oh hey eva!! Long time no see! Wow you've grown so much! You've become a beautiful strong woman!" I replied.

"Thank you!" Eva replied blushing.

"So I'm guess you met before.. Um.. Who is he?" Asked a woman with blonde hair.

"Hi I'm Caleb! Eva and i met when she was like 16? Am i right?" I asked.

"Mhm! And I'm now 24 years old btw!" She replied.

"What? No now i feel old!" I joked.

"Your 35 now huh?" She said.

"Mhm!" I replied.

"Let me introduce you to everyone! This is Angela, that cat man is Jacob, and the cat boy is Brayden, and they are Kyara, francine, elima, kiss, kendell, and the guy dancing with the crowbar is James! I don't know who he is though..." Eva said as she pointed to the boy standing in a corner watching us. He seem extremely confused.

"I don't even know... Someone grabbed me while I was waking home and then threw me down here!." Said a boy who was soaked from head to toe.

"Wait where did you come from?" Angela asked looking at the ground behind him, it seem frozen.

"Over there! Where that hole in the ceiling starts!" He said as he pointed to the hole in the ceiling that started from the end of the tunnel to where i fell in from.

"Woah! That is one big hole!" James said.

"Yah, there was this guy with ice powers froze it and a one woman used her heat vision afterwards and the glass broke! Then a crazy vine lady grabbed me and threw me down here. I don't know if i was imagine it and just fell in or I actually saw REAL LIFE SUPER HEROES!!!" He replied.

"Oh... Ok well.. Um we'll explain later! Now didn't you say that you saw a guy with ice powers, a woman with fire power and a woman with fire powers?" Angela ask with enthusiasm.

"Um yah.... And another guy flew down like a tornado.." He answered.

"Oh my giant macaroni do you know what this means?!!!" Angela replied.

"No? Like i said i got here." He replied. Angela turns around and faces us.

"They came back for us!" Angela said. Everyone cheered and jumped up and down.

"Who?" I asked.

"The one's we went crazy over.." Eva said with tears in her of joy in his eyes.

"They missed us tho.." James replied.

"They probably made it so we can get out and now they are going to save luna!" Angela replied all happy.

"Wait... Luna... As in aka Sammyrealm? She's gonna kill them if they find her!!!" I replied.

"What? No my sis will come back to normal when she sees them!" Eva replied.

"No I'm her right hand man, so i know her plan. Lol, that rhymed! She's planing on having them come all sad a weak and killing them!" I replied.

"You're joking!" Angela said.... I looked at her with a serious face. "You not joking?!!! Oh no, oh no!!! OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!" She continued.

"I don't think that's gonna happen... They didn't seem weak they seemed to be the complete opposite of that! And a little crazy too! One kept saying IM MAXWELL ACACHALLA!!!!!!... This has been a weird day.." The boy said. Angela's face went pale.

"Oh no, i knew it! I KNEW IT!!!!!!" She screamed as she hit the floor crying. Eva ran to the boy and grabbed him.

"Listen up this is important... Did they seem... Like did they... Have a certain behavior? And how bad was it?" Eva asked.

"Um... They seem sorta scary... And like villainous... Yah
Like a super powerful super villain." He replied.

"THERE GONNA KILL EACH OTHER!!!!" Angela screamed.

"Wait what?!" James replied.

"MEOW!!!!" Jacob replied.

"History has repeat itself... The superbomb has come!!! Again!!!" Angela said.

"Wait what?!! That was the worse bomb known to man! I lost my parents and almost lost my sisters due to it.." I replied.

"Meow, meow meow, meow meow meow!" Jacob replied.

"Yo bro talk normal! NOW!!!" Brayden replied.

"Meow meow!" Jacob replied.

"No you're not!" Brayden replied.

"Stop fighting! We need to stop them from killing each other and everyone else!" Angela replied standing up and wiping her tears away.

"But how do we know where they are?" James asked.

"I know this place like the back of my hand!" I replied.

"Really? Where could they have gone?" Angela asked.

"Anywhere! All the halls lead to Sammyrealm! But if we slit up we could stop them by cornering them!" I replied.

"Then lets do it! Everyone get a buddy and lets go! We Can calm them down and fix this problem!" Angela said.

"Ok eva want to be my buddy? We can catch up on the way!" I asked.

"Ok let's go!" She replied.

I told everyone the fastest roots to get there before their leaders get there. After that we split up and ventured off. We walked in the halls slowly we had to knock people out a couple times.

"I haven't seen you in years! How have you been?!" I asked.

"Well I'm married, I joined him and i'm fighting with super villains with him, luna is now 13 but sadly we missed her birthday.. But we'll celebrate her birthday after we get her back to normal!" Eva replied.

"Wow! I got asked to lead the rebel and I used to be the main leader of them all but them Sammyrealm came and I'm the second one now..! Also did congrats on getting married!"

"Thanks! And no it's not Thomas it someone else way better and nicer!"

"I am glad to hear that! He was a jerk!"

"Yes he was!"

"So why where you in the insane one's jail?"

"Well Luna took a blood test to see if..." I said bit got interrupted by eva.

"Blood test... For what?" Eva asked.

"To see if... Eva...i have to tell you something!" I replied.

" Ok but answer my question first!"

"She took the test to see... If... I'm...really... I'm you're long lost brother ok?! I left you when your 5 so i can become famous for me and not mom and dad! And i told her and she told me that the blood test proved that I wasn't related to her! But i am!"

Eva got quiet but then after a long time in silence.

"Ok one. I believe you cause Venturian said he remembers you and two... Luna isn't really related to us... "

"What?!!! How?!!"

"Kiss and I found her in the woods... And we decided to take her in as our own! "

"What?!! Well that's great now she will understand!"

"No we never told her! Or anyone else! Please don't tell her! She's not ready to know yet!"

"Ok... She is going through a lot.."

"Thank you!!!"

"No problem.. Now lets meet up with the others and I won't tell them either!"

Eva hugs me tight.

"Thanks big bro!"

"Np! Wait did you say venturian told you that he remembers me? Isn't he dead?"

"Not anymore! But I'll explain later! Omgs JORDAN!!!" Eva replied as she ran to a icey area.

Continua llegint

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