I love you , Why can't you lo...

By kpopgirl66

122K 3.2K 121

A spoiled bratt, rich girl named Park Hee Rin was married to a handsome and also rich guy named Luhan. But wh... More

First Meeting
Morning Sunshine
The Wedding
P4- surprise
P5- dealing with her
P6-This is war
P7-seducing her
P8- secrets
P9- Girl Full of Surprise
P10- Serious Talk
P11- She gave a Fright
P12-Poor Monster
P13- Punishment
P14- Where are you
P15-New Friend / new saviour
P16- worried ?
P17- When I Look into Your Eyes
P18-Fight the Strange feelings
P19-Love potion ?
P20- Caught
P21-Let's give it up for TAO ;)
P22-One on One
P23-he's my prince and i'm his princess
P24- His Birthday
P25-Tao's surprise
P26- lucky lulu
P27-is This really it ?
P28- Loving you
P29-first meeting .... FAIL ;')
P30-Cuddle with him
P31-almost forgotten
P32-back to school
P33-don't make it so hard on me
P34- Can't face her
P35-desicion making
P36-desicion making pt2
P37-blah blah blah
P38- Trust
P40-accident , maybe ?
P41-so , that's why ...
P42- Poor HEE Rin
P43- waking up
P46-flowers ... Just like her
P47- harsh , i must say
P49- flowers
P50-what is it really ?
P59- romantic fight
P62- bonus chapter one
P63- bonus chapter 2


1.5K 43 0
By kpopgirl66

it's wednesday today... Another normal day.
I sat on my chair watching my classmates with my chin rested on my palms.. They're so busy, some of them are chitchatting with their close friends that sometimes becomes their enemy. Some of them were giggling, maybe because they were talking about their crushes or some random guys that they just saw passing by our room, and I don't care at all.. Some were reading books. While some was just sitting on their seats, maybe daydreaming? or just waiting for the professor to come patiently..
and I was one of those who were sitting lazily on my seat, thinking of nothing.. or maybe waiting for the time..
then my classmates begun to panic as they ran towards their assigned chair.. and it's because of that old lady, hmm.. I think she's our Dean? if I'm not mistaken. I saw that she was much older than I originally thought, her brown winkly skin looked like discard, wrinkled, paper bag left to itself. "Good Morning everyone" she greeted with her eyes, over the years, had grown dull and cloudy as though she had seen too much suffering.. And I can't concentrate as I stare at her silver hair were thinning..
she announced that there would be no classes today because of the unexpected meeting were held. But she commanded that we can't get out of the campus not before our dismissal time comes. then she walk out of the room as she gave us her weak smile. then the students begun to jump out of joy as if they won a lottery.
I shoved my books inside my bag and decided to go to the library since I have nowhere to go and no friends to accompany me or chitchat with me about some girl stuff that only us can understand. Sometimes I wonder if talking with your girlfriends is fun, ofcourse I have Eunjung as my girlfriend but she's not that a typical girl who would share something about her life or something about her make ups that she just bought? or something about boys that girl's normally talked. I wonder how it felt to share or giggle with your friends cause they know how you felt.... but then again, I have my diary with me to giggle with.. My diary is my bestfriend, though it can't talk nor move like some of your friends, but for me my diary is the best.. It's always there to comfort me when I'm sad, and laugh with me when I'm happy.
I walked inside the library and spot the perfect area where I can read peacefully.. It's just me, the librarian and some nerd students for about 3 of them were in this old yet comforting library. I went to the bookshelves and find some cooking book that I always read when I'm here... Then I went back to the table and start reading the book, I take some notes about some cooking advice then I realize... Luhan and I were together for almost a year? and our anniversary is about to come. Maybe a week from now?
I texted Eunjung and Tao for some help.. I don't know what a normal couple would do when it's their anniversary, but I want this to be perfect for me and Luhan. I want this to be different..
I was waiting for Eunjung and Tao's reply, but it takes forever.. and I feel like my eyes starts to become heavy. Maybe I can just take a nap for a while?

since there's no classes for today, my friends and I decided to play basketball in the school gymnasium.. And it was too tiring, but really fun.
we were all sweating as if we were soaked up in the rain.. After 2 hours of playing, we decided to take a rest for a while then after a minute of regaining our energy, we played again until the bell rang that announced it's time to go home. So I took a shower in the gym's bathroom and quickly wear my clothes and ran towards Hee Rin's classroom. But she's not there.. So I ran to the garden only to find a plain peaceful garden without my wife.
I wonder where she is?? so I decided to call her, but she didn't answer.. I was so worried that I searched in every single room in the campus.. My feet was aching from too much running and I was panting heavily when I pass the library.. Is she here? I went inside the library with a little hope inside me that my wife is here.. And luckily, she's here.. So I went closer to her, she was sleeping peacefully with her head resting on a book, she looks as if she's so tired reading this book. Then I noticed a little notebook just beside her head.. It was a note, a note on how to be a good cook.. I smile as I read it and look at Hee Rin..
she's so determined to learn on how to cook. This is why I love her, she'll do everything just to satisfy me.. Even though I am really satisfied without her doing some effort.. I tucked her hair behind her ears so I can take a nice view of her angelic like face..
I sat beside her and just stare at her sleeping face. She looks so fragile and innocent.. I smiled at this beautiful scenery that I am addicted to stare..
then after a few minutes.. She slowly open her eyes and rubbed it with her fingers as she look at me..
"hey" she smiled.
"how's sleeping?" I chuckled..
"it's great." she giggled.
I held her hands and drag her out of the library.. I can tell that she's still half asleep cause her brows were furrowed as she look around the campus..
as if she was still dreaming..
I lead her inside the car.. as I was driving.. Hee Rin's face looks so puzzled as if her mind was tangled..
"Luhan.. have you noticed a little notebook beside me earlier?" she asked.
"what? oh that one.. yeah.."
"then where is it now?"
"I leave it in the library" I said.. then she gave me a shock face as she facepalm herself..
"omo.. my notes" she whined.

I chuckled as I look at her.. She's so cute that I pinch her cheeks, she just winced but still continue to whine about her little notebook.
Hee rin.. you don't have to work hard just to prove everyone that you're the best wife.. cause in my eyes, you're more than the best wife..

I called Tao and Eunjung before I go to sleep..
I told them that i need some help because our anniversary is coming.. They agreed to meet me on friday and we'll go shopping to buy a dress for me to wear and maybe plan about the surprise that i'm going to do for Luhan.
actually I don't have a clue on what to do next week in our anniversary..
should I cook for him?
should I organize a party?
should we go out of town?
urrgggghhhh... I really don't know..
I called my mom and asked some advice, but she said that I should be the one thinking about that.. She said that it doesn't matter how grand or how expensive my plan is.. But the best thing to do is give him everything with all of my heart, that I should take care of luhan forever and promise him that never leave him alone.. That I should support him whole heartedly.. And I really don't understand that.. What does that mean anyways?
what should I do?
I just wish that our anniversary is memorable.. That he can't forget it even if he's too old that everything in his mind becomes blurr.
Hee Rin.. you can do this.. fighting!!!


Here you go 39!!:D
my mind was floating that I can't think of anything.. ahaha..
and sorry if this chapter looks so tiring to read.. but please read it anyways I'm just trying new style of writing:D
leave your comment okay?
and have a blessed sunday!!:)

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