
By sheocakes

36.1K 1.5K 719

Four and Tris fell in love and had four beautiful children, and three of them are about to make a fateful cho... More

Chapter 1: The Test
Chapter 2: Choices and Desicions
Chapter 3: The Compound
Chapter 4: Training & Champagne
Chapter 5: Breakups and no makeups.
Chapter 6: Capture the Flag... And Kisses.
Chapter 7: Visiting The Fence.
Chapter 8: Kidnapped with no Hope of Return
Chapter 9: Saved by the Muffled Scream
Chapter 10: Alive and Well
Chapter 11: Fighting Fear
Chapter 12: Rankings and Membership
Chapter 13: A New Home
Chapter 14: Fighting the Erudite Through a Person.
Chapter 15: Trying to Tell Him
Chapter 16: I Need You, Please
Chapter 17: Still Here, Testing
Chapter 18: Saved.
Chapter 19: If They Bring You Down, You Drop 'Em.
Chapter 20: Since You've Been Gone
Chapter 21: Dead Thoughts
Chapter 22: Training and Tattoos
Chapter 23: Drinks.
Bonus: First Night
Bonus: Stalking
Bonus: Don't Tell My Dad
Bonus: Trust
Chapter 24: Someone in my Apartment
Chapter 25: Aha.
Chapter 26: Thoughts
Chapter 27: Wedding Plans...
Chapter 28: Shopping With the Girls
Chapter 29: We're all About the Birds and the Bees.
Chapter 30: Bachelorette Party
Chapter 31: The Do's and The Don'ts.
Chapter 32: "Baby, Please."
Chapter 33: What?!
Chapter 34: Telling Parents
Chapter 35: Stressed Not Depressed and Definitely Well Dressed
Chapter 36: Initiation
Chapter 37: Krystale Problems
Chapter 38: Lunch Break
Chapter 39: Capture the Flag
Chapter 40: Erudite News
Chapter 41: Sexual
Chapter 42: Gender and a House
Chapter 43: Names are Kickin' It!
Chapter 44: Nurseries
Chapter 45: Childbirth
Chapter 46: Homeward Bound
Chapter 47: Again? Shoot.
Chapter 48: Someone, Anyone, Please Help.
Chapter 49: Who?
Chapter 50: Safe and Sound
Chapter 51: Theories
Chapter 52: Whipped.
Chapter 53: Follow the Leader
Chapter 54: It's a Date.
Chapter 55: Helluva Night
Chapter 56: I Don't Want to, Period
Chapter 57: High on Life. Really?
Chapter 58: Breakfast N' Stuff.
Chapter 59: Together Once Again.
Chapter 60: The Death of a Legend.
Chapter 61: Work and Words.
Chapter 62: Pedrad Life.
Chapter 63: Love and War
Chapter 64: Sixty, Four.
Chapter 65: Master of Plots.
Chapter 66: A Tangled Web.
Chapter 67: Miracles.
Chapter 68: Back.
Chapter 69: What's the Date?
Chapter 70: Conversations Galore.
Chapter 71: Go, go, go.
Chapter 72: Happy Birthday and Hello, Recovery.
Chapter 73: It's all Us.
Chapter 74: Nightmares
Chapter 75: Speeches and Choices
Chapter 76: Arguments
Chapter 77: It's Been One Crazy Year
Chapter 78: You've Got Cake, I've Got Cake.
Chapter 79: Moments.
Chapter 80: The Overview: Drama.
Chapter 81: On My Mind
Chapter 82: Notable.
Chapter 83: Letters to you.
Chapter 85: Accidental Encounters.
Chapter 86: Visits to the Overhangs.
Chapter 87: Confrontations
Chapter 88: Glowing
Chapter 89: Locked Up.
Chapter 90: To Tear Them Apart
Chapter 91: Escape
Chapter 92: Home, My Love.
Chapter 93: Surprise Appointment
Chapter 94: Talking to Ty
Chapter 95: Names and Nurseries
Chapter 96: Kicks and Conversations.
Chapter 97: Infirmary Runs.
Chapter 98: Dylan Lee
Chapter 99: Home, Hannah.
Chapter 100: Convergent
Chapter 101: The Office
Chapter 102: Elite Footage
Chapter 103: Home. Well, Not Really
Chapter 104: Meet Erudite
Chapter 105: A Message For Madison and Tyler
Chapter 106: First Times
Chapter 107: Inductions
Chapter 108: Meet the Ambassador
Chapter 109: Where are You?
Chapter 110: They Killed Him
Chapter 111: His Wish, Her Wish.
Chapter 112: What Happened?
Chapter 113: To Save or Not To Save
Chapter 114: Saving Ty
Chapter 115: Alone.
Chapter 116: Reoccuring
Chapter 117: Candor or Dauntless
Chapter 118: Another Pedrad, Another Eaton
Chapter 119: Speeches and Advice
Chapter 120: Forever.
Bonus: I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life with You
Bonus: Mashton or Tyddie? [oneshot]
Bonus: If Four Knew [oneshot]
Bonus: Suffering [oneshot]
Bonus: Her [oneshot]
˗ˏˋ a final author's note ˊˎ˗

Chapter 84: Think Positive.

142 6 3
By sheocakes

Honestly it's a Sunday
Run Away With Me- Carly Rae Jepsen

I wake with a start. I push myself out of bed, running down the hallway to the bathroom and almost slipping on the smooth polished wooden floors without my mind even registering it.

I practically jump to the toilet, lifting the lid. Bile empties itself from my stomach, and I try to sigh, but only to be greeted with more waste emptying from my stomach, my throat.

Within seconds, I hear the pitter-pattering of heavy feet, and soon, Ty steps in the door. "Oh honey." He says as he grabs a washcloth, gently running it under the water and handing it to me.

I no sooner get my face wiped off that I feel more coming up my throat. I lean into the toilet, almost curling into it, and let it all out. My throat burns, as if I just swallowed fire.

I wipe my mouth off again, and lean back into the bathtub, which is parallel to the toilet in our bathroom. Ty crouches down beside me and tucks a small strand of brown hair behind my ear.

"I think you should go to the doctor today," he looks from my eyes to my lips, then back up again. "This has been happening off and on for the past week and a half, honey."

He wraps an arm around me, and I finally feel my stomach settle. I sink into him, his side, and sigh. "I'm fine, Ty. I really just don't want to go to the doctor, I me-" I ramble on, listing all of the reasons that I shouldn't go to see the doctor, until Ty cuts me off.

"Just go, Maddie. Or I'll call in and go with you." He concludes, and I shake my head.

"Okay," I say simply. "I'll go," I pause once again. "All by myself, though."


I step into the doctors office, my hands stuffed into the pocket of one of Ty's hoodies. I hum one of Hannah's nursery rhymes as I walk over to the secretary's desk, and sign in.

I almost write Madison Eaton, I've started to make the E and then change it to a P, spelling out Pedrad afterward.

I go back to the corner of the waiting room, and sit down. It still somehow amazes me, Ty and I. We've come so far, and, in all honesty, I don't remember ever thinking we would come this far.

I smile as I think of us, our love, our family, the list goes on. I never get to completely finish my mental list of blessings though, for I am called back to the exam room.

A nurse stands at a large black door, smiling when I walk up to her. Her blonde hair is curled under her ears perfectly, then tucked back for a sleeker look. I smile back at her, and she asks me who I am. "Yes, I am Madison," I grin, Ty popping into my thoughts as the woman uses Ty's last name in place of Eaton.

"Just come back to this room here- the doctor will be here shortly." She says nasally yet very monotonously, nearly no emotion even hinted in her voice.

She shuts the door, and I kick my feet against the exam table in a bored manner. I look around the room at all of the tools on the white paint covered rock walls. Some of them don't look harmful, while other ones- the pointy ones, do.

A desk and a computer are set up on a black desk in the corner, along with many glass jars of Popsicle sticks and cotton balls. I nearly jump when I hear the sound of the door clicking.

It creaks back slowly, and in walks a doctor with a cart. When the cart is in the room all the way, she shuts the door.

"Good morning, Mrs. Pedrad," she smiles, and I feel my stomach churn with joy when she says Pedrad, but then again, it could just be the sickness coming back for me. "So how are we feeling on this fine day?"

"Horrible." I say as kindly as I can. She nearly laughs, but then holds back, only asking me what my symptoms are. "Well, for the past week and a half I've been throwing up every day, well, every morning." I conclude.

"Well, there's two ways that this could go. First way, you have a ruptured lining somewhere, most likely in your stomach, and it's causing everything you eat to burn in your stomach and then come right back up." She says.

"Well, what's the next option? I don't think that's me- my food doesn't immediately come back up, nor does it burn when I eat." I say softly.

Her eyes widen. "The second way, well, there's no way to beat around the bush. You could be pregnant." I feel as if I'm about to pass out. Pregnant? Again? No, no, no.

"Have you missed your period? Is your cycle abnormally long?" Questions fly in every direction it seems, but they're all aimed at me, the only other person in the small room.

"I-I don't know." I say. "I haven't been keeping track." I shrug a little.

"Well, have you had sexual intercourse lately?" My eyes widen. The last time was two weeks ago. The morning after I found the note. The doctor seems to notice, because she has an alarmed look spread across her face.

"Would you like a test?" She asks, and I nod slowly. I still haven't come to terms with the thought of possibly being pregnant again. Sure, the thought crossed my mind, but I dismissed it before I could even give it time to sink in.

I can't even really get my life together right now, and a baby is all I need to add into the mix- especially with Jordan watching us. He'll be enraged if I'm pregnant.

Another child that Ty is the father of. Another child that could've been his. I can already see the flames of anger and rage that will be thrown at us.

I feel like I'm choking. I'm dying. I can't breathe. I gasp. I feel like I'm about to fall into the same pit of death and despair. I am yanked out of my thoughts when the doctor taps my shoulder.

"Ma'am?" The doctor taps my shoulder, and I jump abruptly. "Sorry, but we're ready for the test." She rubs her hands together as she walks over to a smaller cart that has just now been wheeled in.

I nod. "Lay down." She says reassuringly, in a way that makes me feel like maybe I'm not completely insane. Maybe this isn't such a horrible thing.

I do as told, and she lifts up the hoodie and my shirt. She rolls the cart close to my body, and pulls a few wires off of a block. I take a deep breath as she places the electrodes on my sides, my lower back, my stomach, and one near my heart.

"You may feel pain. Try to keep all screams under control. The test will be over momentarily- in about five minutes." I sigh as she walks over to the controls of the block, the machine.

"One, two, thr-" she says, and presses the button. I don't feel anything. I release my breath, until I feel my stomach tightening. I feel waves of heat-electricity-flow through my stomach, traveling from my hips to my chest, then back down, like a body scan, only ten times more painful.

I grip the exam table, it's cold metal welcoming, almost like the day I was on my deathbed all those years ago. "Just let go, sis." I remember Hunter whispering to me. I hold back the tears.

I gripped the hospital bed's metal arms until I was fully back- back from the room that was draped with death and sadness and sorrow.

My skin feels like I'm naked under the sun, on the hot asphalt of the roof of the Dauntless Headquarters. My skin burns, it sears under the touch, the pressure of the electrodes.

The pain soon fades, and is quickly replaced by a pulling sensation. I grit my teeth, holding back from screaming In sheer pain.

The pulling sensation feels like my stomach is being yanked off of my body. Prickling pains under the plastic electrodes that ripple out to create a wave effect of pain. I let out an agonizing screech, then think of Hannah and how loud she cries.

The pain then drops off, and I feel normal again, minus the buzzing feeling near my belly button. "Okay, thank you ma'am." The doctor says.

"We will have the results out in an hour and a half." The doctor smiles, and I smile as well as she rolls the cart away, not knowing how long an hour and a half is.


Seconds became minutes.
Minutes became hours.
Hours felt like days.

But eventually, the hour and a half is over. I feel the door click behind me as I pace through the room, still feeling the echo of the pain in my stomach from all those minutes ago.

The doctor walks in, and smiles at me, a stack of papers encased in a file folder in hand.

She sits down on her swivel chair across from the exam table, where I turn to sit.

I breathe in. This is it. This is the news that may change my life forever. She opens up the folder, her bun bouncing on top of her head as she types some things into the computer, then clicks a few things.

I feel my heartbeat begin to race as her eyes flicker from the paper to the computer then back again.

"Sorry, I've gotta update your patient profile." She smiles, and my stomach lurches. Update? Am I pregnant? "Every time that we perform a test, we have to update your profile." She concludes, nearly reading my mind.

She stands up, and walks over to me. I sit up straighter, and she smiles genuinely at me. The next four words change my life forever.

"Madison, you are pregnant," she smiles. "Congratulations."

I mumble "Thank you," but everything is muffled. I can barely hear the doctor telling me that I may leave. I can't really hear anything over the ringing in my ears.

a/n: Number two is coming along guys! *points downward like YouTubers do in videos* Tell me in the comments if you think the baby is a boy or a girl, and what you think the name should be. I already have the gender picked, but I'm still looking for names! I've been wanting Ty and Maddie to have another baby for awhile now, but the time just didn't seem right. Okay *uses cool flip slide transition* time to go write a new chapter! :

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