Truth, or Love (A Zayn Malik...

By mirandaankrum

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Miranda Buckles is your average, 19 year old directioner. But when she goes to a 1D concert and loses somethi... More

Truth, or Love (A Zayn Malik Fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Epilogue)

Chapter 33

277 9 0
By mirandaankrum

                                                                    ~Miranda's P.O.V~

We were all dancing, and having a good time. The music was blaring, people were laughing everywhere, and all in all, we were all having fun! Zayn and I had been dancing since we got here, and man, I was beat!

"Hey Zayn, can we go sit down?", I asked, almost completely out of breath. "Sure babe.", he said, leading me towards the bar. Zayn ordered two drinks, then got up to quickly use the bathroom. The drinks arrived before Zayn came back, so I sipped my drink and waited for him.

As I looked around at everyone who was dancing, and guy came and stood next to me. He stood there for awhile just looking at me, then spoke up. "Hey hunny. Whats Your name?", he asked, taking a step towards me.

I tried to ignore him, but he WOULD NOT give up! "Hey now, don't be like that. Why don't you come with me to my place, we can get to know each other better. A lot better.", he said, pinching my butt.

"Okay, THAT is sick! Get away from me you creep!", I said, pushing him away. "Hey, I like feisty ones.", he said, wrapping his arms around me, and pulling me into his chest. "Get. Away. From. ME!", I said, hitting him in the chest with every word."Haha. Nice try sweet thing.", he said, pinching my butt again.

"HEY! Leave my girlfriend ALONE!". I turned around to see Zayn standing next to me. His hands were clenched into fists, and his eyes looked like they were about to burst into flames. "Hey man, we can share her can't we? After all, she is a fine piece of work.", he said, looking me up and down.

"Don't you DARE talk to her like she's a piece of property! And get your filthy hands OFF of her!", he said, punching him in the face. Zayn hand hit him square in the jaw, and made him topple over, tripping over his own feet.

As soon as the man's grip was loose enough, I yanked myself free. I quickly ran to Zayn, hugging him tight like there was no tomorrow. "It's okay babe. I'm here.", he said, rubbing my back soothingly. He looked up for a split second, then his grip tightened around me.

I turned to see what Zayn was looking at, but got scared and quickly turned back. The man had gotten back up, and had just swung a fist at Zayn and I. Zayn pulled me down just in time, to duck and not get hit.

I turned my head around, to see the boys and Danielle and Mariah standing behind us. The man swung again, coming inches away from Zayn and I. "Niall! Take Miranda and get her out of here!", Zayn said, quickly handing me off to Niall before the guy sobered up enough to swing again.

Niall quickly wrapped his arm around my waist protectively, and lead me away from the fight. "Are you okay?", he asked, a worried look on his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little scared.", I replied, trying to slow my heart rate down.

"Okay, I'm gonna take you back to the hotel.", he said, leading me towards the back door of the club, where the paps weren't allowed. "But Niall, what about everyone else? What about Zayn?! I have to go back and make sure he's okay!", I said, pulling away from him, and heading back to the main room.

"No, Miranda! Zayn said to get you out of here! He'll be fine, it's Zayn! No one can beat him in a fight! And that guy was drunk off his arse!", he said, taking the commando side. "Okay, but can we just go back there quick, to make sure he's okay?", I pleaded, giving him my puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine, but only for a minute.", he said, walking with me. We peaked around the corner to look at the main room, and you could tell the fight was getting heated. Both guys were on the floor. And now, Harry was getting into it!

"Miranda, you stay here a minute.", Niall said, heading back into the room, to see why Harry was into it now. About 2 minutes later, he came back with Mariah. By now Niall had called Paul, and he was waiting with the car out back.

Niall lead us out the back, and we quickly got into the vehicle. Once we were on our way back to the hotel, I asked Niall why Harry was in the fight. "So Niall, why was Harry fighting?", I asked, the worry about Zayn and Harry eating away at my insides.

"Well, apparently when Zayn was fighting the drunkie, the guy also lunged at Harry and Mariah. He was about an inch away from Mariah, and Harry got super pissed. Then, he just started throwing punches at the guy, right along side Zayn.", he answered, leaning his elbows on his knees.

The rest of the ride back was silent. All of us were too caught up in our thoughts to speak. Paul pulled up into the back parking lot, and we thanked him before he drove away. We finally got back to the hotel room, and Mariah and I sat down on the couch, hugging each other, and thinking about our boys.

"Miranda, Mariah, Harry and Zayn will be fine. They're like the incredible hulk when they're pissed. And together, they could take a million more people than just that one guy.", Niall said, sitting in the chair across from us.

"We know Niall, it's just that we don't want them to get hurt because of us. I would feel so awful if something happened to Zayn, just because of me!", I said, a tear trickling down my face. We all sat there, lost in our own thoughts, until the door of the room opened about an hour later.

In walked Liam and Danielle, followed by Louis, followed by Zayn and Harry. Zayn had ice on his hand, and Harry had bruises on his arms and one or two cuts on his face. When I saw Zayn, I shot up out of the seat, and raced over to him, I wrapped him in a hug, and cried into his shoulder.

"Zayn, I was so worried!", I cried, hugging him tight. "It's okay Miranda. The drunk bastard didn't put up much of a fight. "Okay. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR HAND!?", I asked, taking his hand into the light to look at it.

"When I hit the guy for the last time, my hand was all cut up, so I got some ice.", he explained, wincing when I touched it. "Zayn, I cant believe you hurt yourself, over me. Your the sweetest boyfriend ever!", I said, crying and hugging him again.

I looked over at Mariah and Harry, to see them cuddling on the couch, Mariah crying on Harry's shoulder, and him rubbing soothing circles on her back, telling her that he was alright.

  "Well, I think I'm gonna hit the sack.", Louis said, walking towards his room. "Yeah me to. You coming babe?", Liam said, asking Danielle if she was coming to. "Yeah, I'm comin'.", she answered, yawning.

After that, Niall followed, saying goodnight to us. Now it was only me, Zayn, Mariah, and Harry. "Well, I'm certainly tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed.", Zayn said, getting up and carrying me with him.

"Goodnight guys.", I said, snuggling into Zayn's chest. "Goodnight.", Harry and Mariah muttered, getting up and heading to their room also.

When we got to our room, Zayn laid me on the bed, then crawled in next to me. "Zayn, thank you so much for defending me at the club. I don't even want to think about what that guy would have done, if you hadn't have showed up." I said, tearing up and hugging Zayn again.

"Anything for my girl. I couldn't let him talk and act like that to you! What kind of boyfriend would have just stood there at watched?", he said, smiling down at me.

"Well, you were prett brave. And by the way, you look hot when your protective like that." I whispered in his ear. "Well, I'm glad you're safe. Goodnight sweetheart.", he replied, closing his eyes and pulling me into his chest.

                                                              ~Zayn's P.O.V~

                                                     *Flash back to the club*

*Miranda and I have been dancing for awhile, and to tell ya, I was getting pretty tired. I was glad when Miranda said she was tired also, so we went to go get some drinks. After a minute or two, I had to go to the bathroom. Miranda stayed at our seats, while I went to the bathroom. After I was done, I headed back to our seats, As I rounded the corner of the bar, I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw Miranda, still sitting where I had left her, only something was different. There was a guy by her. I could tell he was drunk off his ass, and DID NOT like how close he was standing next to Miranda. He was trying to talk to her, but she ignored him the whole time. Then, he all of a sudden put his arm around her. Ok, WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS! I was pissed off now, and then he did the worst thing he could possibly do. As she finally started talking to him, and telling him to go away, he wouldn't take no for an answer, and pinched her butt! OK, NOW IM FREAKING PISSED OFF ROYALLY! As he did it again, my anger boiled over the edge. I walked over to where they were, and just totally blew it. "HEY! Leave my girlfriend ALONE!", I yelled, totally catching the guy off guard. "Hey man, we can share her can't we? After all, she is a fine piece of work.", he drunkily slurred. What the fuck! "Don't you DARE talk to her like she's a piece of property! And get your filthy hands OFF of her!", I yelled, finally letting all of my anger out. I threw a punch, and hooked him right on the hinge of his jaw. I had caught him off guard, and in his drunken state, he stumble back. This caused his grip on Miranda, and she quickly tugged free. I pulled her into my arms. She was shaking with fear. "It's okay babe. I'm here.", I told her, rubbing soothing circles on her back. I turned to go tell the guy off, and turned just at the right time. When I faced the man, he had gotten back up, and was about to throw a punch at Miranda and I. I quickly pulled us both down, ducking just in time. One thought raced through my mind. I HAVE to get Miranda out of here! "Niall! Take Miranda and get her out of here!", I yelled, quickly handing her off to Niall. Niall pulled her away, hopefully taking her far away from this guy. The guy threw some more lazy punches, missing me by a lot. He finally sobered up to throw a real punch, and swung hard. I watched his hand, waiting for the quick collision to happen on the side of my face. Only, it didn't come. The guy's aim was off, and he came about 2 inches away from Mariah. Did he really just try to hit Mariah?! Man, he's got something else coming. In about two seconds after he threw the punch, Harry was yelling at him too, and was joining me in the fight. Go Styles! Harry and I quickly ganged up on the guy, throwing punches every way we could. After about 3 minutes, Niall appeared again, and Harry told him to take Mariah back to the hotel with him and Miranda. Niall and Mariah left, and now the rest of the boys were trying to break up the fight. Finally, I threw the last punch, knocking the guy out cold. The security broke up the fight, taking the now passed out drunky into the custody of the cops that were handy on the premises. Paul came and picked us up, and went to drop us off at the hotel.*

                                                                    *Flashback over*

Now, Miranda were laying in our bed, she was snuggled up to my chest. As I looked down at her, I felt a surge of love and happiness. I was happy that I was there for Miranda, when she needed me.

I feel like this is where I belong. Here, with her in my arms, keeping her out of harm's way. I was satisfied when I taught that guy a lesson. No one is aloud to touch my girlfriend like that!

Well, sometimes the boys can, but I know that they're just kidding. Louis' with Eleanor, Liam's with Danielle, Harry's with Mariah, and Niall would never do something like that, he respects our girlfriends. I could really get used to having Miranda as my girl.

                                                               ~Harry's P.O.V~

After what happened at the club, I was anxious to get back to the hotel. I hope Mariah's okay! The guy had only come close to hitting her, but I know how scary even that can be.

As I walked into the hotel room, I was met by Mariah jumping off the couch, and running to hug me. "Harry! I was so worried about you!", she said, jumping into my arms.

"I'm okay Mariah, fighting that guy was as easy as doing 2 plus 2.", I replied, looking her in the eyes. I finally saw all of her face, and it broke my heart. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her mascara was running down her face, like she had been heavily crying.

 "Hey, why don't we go sit with the others for awhile, then we'll head to bed, okay?", I said, rubbing calming circles on her back. She nodded, giving me a small smile.

We sat with everyone for awhile, making small talk. I could tell Mariah was tired so after everyone started going to bed, I decided we should probably hit the hay to. "Goodnight everyone.", I said, grabbing Mariah's hand and heading towards our room.Mariah and I were too tired to change, so we just plopped down on the bed, turning on the t.v.

"Hey Harry, thanks for tonight. I can't believe you defended me like that. No guy's have ever done that for me.", Mariah said, hugging me and laying her head on my chest.

"No problem babe. No should ever try to hit you. I swear, if anyone ever hurts you, they've got another thing coming!", I said, mindlessly playing with her hair.

"But seriously Harry, I don't know what I would have done without you!", she said, hugging me tighter, and starting to cry.

"Hey now, no more crying! I was happy to be there Mariah! I felt satisfied when that guy was escorted from the bar, when he was pretty much out cold, and knowing that he will NEVER do that to you again!", I replied, hugging her back, and kissing the top of her head.

"Harry, you are literally the BEST boyfriend ever!", she replied, giving me a peck on the lips. "Well, you know.....I try.", I said smiling down at her.

"Hey, Jack! You know that's my saying! NO ONE COPIES THE MARIAH MONSTER!", she yelled, waving her finger at me. "Sorry, mother.", I said, giving her the puppy dog eyes, and sticking out my lip."You are forgiven!", she said, smiling up at me. "Yay!", I said, crashing my lips to hers.

There they were. The sparks. They erupted throughout my body, from the ends of my curls, to the tips of my toes. After about a minute or so, we broke apart, both of us breathing heavily.

We rested our foreheads together, our breaths mingling together. "And Mariah. you're the Best girlfriend ever!", I said, smiling at her. After our little moment there, we slowly fell asleep, listening to each other's steady breathing, cuddled into each other's arms.


Hey guys! Well, I hope you all like this chapter! I know I had a lot of fun writing it! Well, you guys know what to do! Please fan, vote, and comment if you have any suggestions! And if you could please tell anyone that you know likes One Direction fanfics on here about my story, THAT WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED!! LOVE YOU PEEPS!!!

<3 Miranda!

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