Chapter 27

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                                                                ~Miranda's P.O.V~

Zayn and I laid there for a while longer, till we finally decided to head back to the park. We found Mariah and Harry laying in the grass, talking and star gazing, Harry's arm around Mariah's middle, and they were both smiling.Liam was sitting on a swing, while looking at his phone, and Louis and Niall were on the merry-go-round, and Louis was pushing it really fast, making Niall VERY dizzy.

"Ok guys, it's getting very late, time to get back to the hotel.", Paul said, gesturing towards the van. Harry and Mariah got up from their comfy spot, and starting walking toward the van, Harry's arm still around Mariah's middle, holding her very close.

Liam jumped off the swing, still looking at his phone, and started skipping to the van. Louis let go of the merry-go-round and Niall jumped off, and started walking around dizzily. He leaned on Louis for support, and Louis helped him to the van.

After we were all in, we closed the doors, and Louis turned on the radio. As he turned it on, 'Rock Me' came on, and we all started singing along. The song was over by the time we got back to the hotel. "Okay, everybody out!", Paul said, unlocking the doors.

"Hey, Paul, thanks for driving us to dinner tonight. We really appreciate it.", Liam said, turning around and thanking Paul. "No problem guys. See you all later!", he said, waving out the window and taking off.

We all turned and headed toward the front doors of the hotel. When we finally reached our hotel room, I think all of us realized how tired we actually were. That is, except for Louis. He was still bouncing off the walls. "What should we do now?", Louis asked, sitting cross-legged on the couch.

"Sleep.", Zayn said, plopping down next to him, laying his head back, and closing his eyes. "But that's no fun! Let's do something exciting!", Louis said, bouncing and shaking Zayn's arm.

"Boobear, it's time to go to bed.", Harry said, gesturing toward Louis' room. "Okay Hazza. Goodnight everyone!", Louis said, jumping up and running toward his room. I will never understand that boy!

"Okay babe, time for bed.", I said, leaning over Zayn and grabbing his hand. As he got up from the couch, he wrapped his arm around my middle, and pulled me close. "Goodnight guys!", we said, as we walked toward our room.

When we reached our room, I ran to my dresser, and pulled out an old t-shirt, and some fuzzy pajama shorts. "I call bathroom first!", I said running to our bathroom. I heard Zayn chuckle, and say, "Okay. But I get it tomorrow night!". "That is, if you can beat me to it!", I yelled.

I started to wash off my make-up. After I finished that, I started to brush through my hair, and changed into my PJs. I then brushed my teeth, and put all of my stuff away. I walk out of the bathroom, to see Zayn laying on the bed, surfing through various channels on the T.V.

 I throw my dirty clothes in the little hamper at the end of the bed. As I jump into the bed, I scoot closer to Zayn, and cuddle up to him. He wraps an arm around my middle, and pulls me in closer so I am laying my head on his shoulder. He finally puts down the remote, and I see that we are watching Duck Dynasty!

"I love this show! Mariah and I watch it every Wednesday night!", I say, sitting up a little more. "Oh really? The boys and I saw an episode of this back home! We were bored and were searching through all of the channels, and we found this and thought it looked interesting!", He said, looking down at me.

"Wow! Who's your favorite person?", I asked. "Well, if I had to choose, it would probably be Uncle Si.", he said. "Woah, that's mine too!", I said surprised. We watched Duck Dynasty for about an hour, then we finally turned off the T.V. I turned to look at the clock on my nightstand.

Wow, it was already 12:30!

I began to get under the covers, as I felt Zayn do the same thing. He turned off the lamp on his nightstand, and we were surrounded by complete darkness. As I lay my head down on my pillow, Zayn puts his arm around my middle, and pulls me into his chest. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck, and whispers, "Goodnight Miranda. I love you.". "Goodnight Zayn. I love you too.", I say, drifting into a deep sleep, full of wonderful dreams of my future with Zayn.

                                                                ~Mariah's P.O.V~

After Harry told me that he was scared of losing me, I promised him that nothing would ever make me even think of leaving him. I told him he's too sweet, loving, and caring to loose. After I told him that, a huge smile spread across his face, causing me to smile too.

He leaned in slowly, and gently kissed me. We laid down in the grass again, and stared up at the stars. We talked, joked around, and helped each other find different constellations. I helped him find the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper, and he helped me find Hercules and the Pegasus.

He had his arm around my middle, and held me close to his chest. I laid my head on his chest, and could hear his heart beating. It was a steady rhythm. I smiled at the thought that Harry was mine. He was all mine.

I couldn't stand the thought of him with someone else.

All of those times that I heard he had a girlfriend before I met him, made my heartache. It was torture, watching his relationship's grow. And seeing pictures of him and his girlfriends all over the internet didn't help either. I always could tell that those relationships wouldn't last long.

But now, I didn't have to worry about that. I could see mine and Harry's future. It was a very bright future. Then, I got brought back to reality as I heard Paul yell that it was time to go. I lifted my head off of Harry's chest, and could no longer hear his heart beat.

After he got up and brushed himself off, he helped me up, and slid his arm around my middle, as we started walking towards the van. As I get in the van, Harry gets in behind me, and sits directly next to me, grabbing my hand, and squeezing it. I giggle, and see Harry smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"What's so funny Styles?", I ask him, looking at him with a confused smile. "Your cute when you giggle. You sound like a little girl in a candy store!", he says, pinching my cheeks. "Hey, hands off the merchandise!", I say, taking his hands off of my face.

He just chuckles, as I lay my head on his shoulder. In a few minutes, we are pulling in to the parking lot of the hotel. As Harry and I get out, I shut the door behind me. I hear Liam say thanks to Paul, and Paul drives away.

We all head into the hotel, and are soon walking into our room. As we walk into the room, Louis runs forward, and jumps onto the couch. "What should we do now?", Louis asks, some how he is still full of energy.

"Sleep.", Zayn says, plopping onto the couch right next to Louis. "But that's no fun! Let's do something exciting!", Louis pleaded, shaking Zayn's arm. "Boobear, it's time to go to bed.", Harry said, using his other arm to gesture towards Louis' room.

"Ok Hazza. Goodnight everyone!", Louis yelled, running to his room. He is a strange, strange boy, I thought to myself. After that, Zayn and Miranda left for bed, followed by Niall, Liam, Harry and I. As Harry and I stepped into our room, I quickly grabbed some Pjs, went in the bathroom, changed, and was in bed within 10 minutes.

Harry grabbed his PJs also, and hopped into bed. We watched some T.V. for awhile, before Harry turned off the lights, we both laid down, and cuddled up to each other. "Mariah?" Harry asked, propping himself up on his elbow. "Yes, Harry?", I answered, looking up at him.

"I love you.", he said with the most sincere face I have ever seen.

He loves me.

Harold Edward Styles loves me!

Without even thinking, I smile, and say "I love you too Harry.". He leaned in slowly, and gently kissed me. It was full of love, passion, and care. Right now, I feel like I'm in heaven. As we pulled away from each other, I laid down, and snuggled into his chest. His breathing became deep and steady, and I knew he was asleep. This has to be the best moment in my life. Harry just admitted that he loved me!

Truth, or Love (A Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now