The Unlikable (Book One) // h...

By pimpingstyles

210K 6K 1K

He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It's his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (reposted)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: Part 1
Chapter 37: Part 2
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Author's Thank You Letter
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (lol)
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 31

2.9K 85 14
By pimpingstyles

"She's being released to go home later today," a soft voice spoke that woke me up. Harry had spent the night with me again for the fourth time in the past four days. He's only been home twice and I was more than thankful for him. Ric had pretty much stayed here as well. The two of them took care of me and I didn't know how I would be able to pay them back for being so kind.

"Aww Callie." I opened my eyes to see my mother sprinting in the room. She had a huge bouquet of flowers in her arm along with her ginormous purse.

"Mom?" I muttered not believing my eyes.

"Yes honey, Mom." My mother reassured me. I blinked several times and then tried to sit up in my bed and remembered Harry next to me. Well this is insanely awkward.

"Umm. What are you doing here?" I mumbled as I looked her over. She was wearing a super heavy coat for the cold weather and a long maxi-dress to the floor. Her usual attire minus the coat.

"Are you kidding?! You just got in a wreck! When Alaric called to tell me, he was so shaken up I thought you were seriously hurt babe. I wanted to be here for you!" my mom came around to sit in the chair next to my hospital bed. Harry started to move and my mother stopped him. "Are you her boyfriend? I heard her and her brother talking about you. You're the boy from England?"

"I'm Harry," Harry awkwardly smiled and stuck out his hand. We haven't really given each other the title of 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' so that part through me off a little bit.

"You can call me Shan!" my mother shook Harry's hand excitedly. I'd never really been involved with a boy before so she was probably squealing inside. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Mom you shouldn't have come...I'm fine," I spoke my eyes stuck to the TV playing.

"Callie! You have twelve stitches in your side, and seven on your forehead! You are not fine!" she hissed.

"I heard you kicked dad out," I spoke blankly forgetting about Harry sitting on the edge of the bed and wanting the conversation to be about anyone but myself.

"You know we've had our issues," my mother whispered.

"I know...I just wish you would have told me," I mumbled.

"I'm sorry Callie."

The room got silent and I was filled with sadness. My family back home didn't feel like much of a family anymore. This town in Maine was my home now. Alaric and Alex were my family. They were the one's caring for me. They kept me going.

"Shan!" Ric yelled into the room as he came from the hallway. Alaric and my mother gave each other a hug as Harry rounded around the front of my bed to get to my side.

"I'm going to go home. Will you be ok here? If you want me to stay I'll stay. I just thought you might want to talk to your mom for a bit." Harry crouched down so we were eye level to each other.

"I'll be fine. Will you be back later?" I whispered sitting up. My mom was peering over my shoulder surely intrigued by the two of us.

"You know I will. I'll text you ok?" he gave me that famous smirk and I knew he had something up his sleeve.

"Alright," I sighed and gave him the best weary glance that I could muster up.

He winked at me and then leaned in to plant a kiss to my cheek. Being the gentleman he is, he stood up and reached out his arm towards my mom.

"It was nice meeting you Shan," Harry smiled making his dimples pop in his cheeks.

"You too, Harry," my mom glowed as she shook Harry's hand.

"Ric," Harry nodded at Alaric.

"Go get some rest Harry, " Ric smiled as Harry exitted the room.

Just then I began to miss him. I wanted him here to make sure everything was going ok. My phone buzzed on the table next to me.

You really should have put a bra on. I could see your excitement this morning xxx ~Harry

Instinctively I looked down at my chest. Through my hospital gown you could see my nipples poking out. My cheeks flushed and I pulled the hospital blanket up pretending I was cold.

Harry... ~Callie

"You cold dear?" my mother asked peering down at me.

"No, I'm fine now," I gave her a smile.

"So how do you know Harry?" she gushed as Alaric went to go sit in the corner.


"He's a good friend of mine. I grew up with his father," Alaric went on.

"Did you grow up in England?" my mother pried.

"No, Harry was adopted along with the rest of his siblings." Alaric looked at me to continue.

"He and his blood sister live there as well as three other boys and one more girl," I spoke.

"Wow, now that's a houseful," my mom laughed.

"Yes it is," Alaric laughed knowing full well the craziness that happens in that household.

"Well it seems like you like Harry a lot. You don't flaunter about boys easily," my mom smiled as she tucked a loose strand of wavy brown hair behind me ear.

"Mom," I sighed.

"What?!" her eyes got big. "I'm just stating facts. But I do like him, he seems like a sweet boy. You should invite him down to Naples for spring break. Stefan and Mike will be there too. Plus Heather."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "He's not really a sociable kind of person."

"Sure he is," Alaric cut in. "I'm sure he'd love to go."

I face-palmed in my imagination and decided on just turning the subject around.

"Mike's coming home?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's been in rehab and wanted to try and rekindle his relationship with us."

"Is Mike your son?" Alaric asked my mom.

"Yeah, he's my middle child and then I have Stefan which is my oldest. He's turning 28 soon and Mike is 25, so Callie was definitely a surprise for me and my husband," my mom giggled.

"Ahh well she's a lovely surprise," Alaric gave me a smile. Over the past few months I've lived under his roof, I had never felt as close to someone and connected as I did to him. It was like we had one mind and we understood each other on a whole different level.

"That she is." My mom gave me a loving smile and then began humming a song as my head nurse came in with some papers for my two guardians to sign.

I'll be at your house waiting for you. Alaric told me not to come back to the hospital. See you soon xx ~ Harry

OK. See you soon :) ~ Callie

Alaric helped me get into the Range Rover he pulled up in front of the building. I mean I wasn't crippled, I could get around by myself. But it was kind of nice having people catering to my every need.

Mom had never been to Ric's house and I knew she was going to be in awe as soon as she sees his beautiful estate. As we went up the driveway I was never glad enough to be home. The naked trees welcomed me in with the swaying branches in the wind as if they were jumping excitedly at my arrival. The looming dark sky was just barely visible through the branches but I could see the stars. My favorite part about this place. The beautiful house welcomed me as we made our way up the steps, my mother's suit case entow behind her, the only noise in the sweet wind that swept my hair out of my face. We walked into the house and I was welcomed home by the sweet chimes of my beautiful Maine family, "SURPRISE!"

I didn't want to start crying but I did. The ring of the surprise echoed off my mom and she hugged me into her side as I let small tears escape.

"Mom, let me introduce you to everyone," I smiled as I cleared my throat making the wet tears leave my eyes. I looked across us and to everyone that stood before us. "This is Minnie, I work for her in the town. Um, Alex, she's my best friend here and also my sister. Um, you know Harry. This is Harry's family." His six family members gave me and my mom a smile and Daphne came to hug me. Her embrace was more than welcoming and I smiled as she stepped back. "This is Daphne."

"Hi, how are you?" the exquisitely beautiful blonde hugged my mom.

"I'm doing well now that I know my baby is ok," Mom laughed and gave my arm a squeeze.

"Oh how sweet!" Daphne looked at me in awe. I'm sure all she ever wanted was a mom and she never had a proper one. My heart yearned for her having to grow up with all these boys and not being able to have a sister until she was 15 years old. "These are my brothers, Ian, Charles, and Vincent!" She pointed to the three boys at her side. I saw my mom look them over completely aware of their beauty. Even as an older woman it was hard to surpass such a strong characteristic of theirs.

I looked over at Harry and saw his cheeky little smile. I wanted to know why he had it on his face...What was he up to? I saw it this morning, but why was it there still? Was the homecoming surprise not everything? What was this cheeky, bipolar, beautiful disaster up to?

"I'll be back in a minute," I whispered to my mom in which she gave me a nod and continued talking to Daphne as Sabrina came up and introduced herself.

"Finally you acknowledge me," Harry murmured into my ear as he leaned down to hug me.

"It's only for a moment. So make yourself useful," I snickered back as I leaned into his hug, my head on his chiseled pecks.

"Harsh aren't we," he frowned as his eyebrows tried to override the bridge of his nose.

"No, I just want to know what all this is about," I giggled and pointed to his lips.

"My mouth? What about it?" he smirked again.

"You're doing it now. What is it for?!" I whined and leaned into him smiling at how annoyingly amusing he was being.

"Come," he whispered and he grabbed my elbow leading me to the stairs. "It's a surprise so close your eyes," he spoke again as we made our way into the hallway leading to my room.

"What is it?" I closed my eyes unwillingly.

"Well that would ruin the whole surprise part if I told you," he laughed that husky deep laugh I was just beginning to get addicted to.

He walked me forward, our feet creaking on the old wood floor and taking little steps to the prize. Harry's hand ran down my arm and landed in my hand, his fingers willingly wrapped around mine and I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. Just then he stopped moving forward with me and I knew we were in front of my room.

"Keep your eyes closed." He opened the door and I felt a rush of warm air hit my face. "I'm not much of a romantic type but I thought you might enjoy this. I've given you such a shitty week and I want to make it up to you." He pulled me forward into my room and left me standing there by myself as he shut the door behind me. "Open your eyes." I obeyed him and I was quickly in awe of my surroundings.

Harry had filled my room with candles and red roses. My shelves and bookcases flittering with the candle light. My bed had a teddy bear on it with a small box sitting next to it. My desk and window sill was full of bouquets of red roses.

"You did this?" I turned around to look at him. He had his hands tucked into his pockets and he nodded his head shyly. "Harry..." I sighed and ran to him encasing him in my tight hug. I was aware of the pain in my side as he wrapped his arms around me, but I ignored it and cradled his face to kiss me. His lips were smooth and tasted like sugar.

"Do you like it?" he mumbled as his eyes searched for the answer on my face.

"I love it!" I exclaimed as I turned to look at my heavily decorated room.

"Good..." Harry smiled cooly. He grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. I sat down and criss crossed my legs as he began to talk. "I got you a bodygaurd for when I'm not here to protect you. I want you to be kind to him." Harry lifted up the brown teddy bear with a red ribbon tied around his neck. He handed the bear to me and I couldn't help the soft smile creep onto my face. Harry was a romantic, he just didn't know it.

"And I also got you another present." He lifted the white little box up off my duvet and unveiled the beautiful dainty necklace it possessed. A silver chain held a dainty little elephant on it and Harry handed it to me. "The elephant symbolizes good luck, happiness, and longevity. Because you bring me happiness. I've never wanted a relationship with anyone but you ever in my life. So I thought it would be...ugh good for me to give you."

"Harry you shouldn't..." I started but he cut me off as he spoke again.

"Pull your hair up," he stated as he took the necklace from the box. I did as told and lifted my hair as he clasped the necklace around my neck.

"I love it. I love this all. You didn't have to do that," I shook my head as a light pink washed over my cheeks and I thought it went unnoticed until Harry spoke.

"I'd do anything to make you happy," he muttered so seriously I thought I was in a soap opera. But this was real, Harry was real. And my feelings for him were real and growing massively.

"My mom wants you to come down to Naples for Spring Break," I stated as I looked down at my nervous hands.

"Oh your mom does, you don't want me to," Harry smirked as I looked back up at him leaning on his side on top of my bed.

"Noooooo," I rolled my eyes. "I do want you to come, I just...didn't know if you would want in such a boring place."

"I'm never bored when I'm with you Callie," he laughed as he pulled my arm to lay down next to him. I obliged and layed down on my back where it didn't hurt. Actually, that was a lie. My whole body hurt from laying around in the hospital.

"CALLIE! HARRY!" Alex called from the hallway and Harry immediately stood up and ran to the door.

"Be out in a minute," Harry spoke smoothly as I stood up from the bed and walked past him out into the hallway.

"Dinner's ready," Alex mentioned and headed back down the stairs. Harry and I stood in the hallway taking in every possible moment alone we could get.

"Thank you," I turned and spoke softly to him. "Thank you for staying with me in the hospital." I ran my fingers up his broad chest to his neck. "Thank you for this." I stood on my tip toes and crushed my lips on his closing the small distance between our bodies. His hands ran down the small of my back and pushed my hips forward into him as I felt him growl into my mouth. For some reason he was REALLY turned on right now. I hadn't ever experienced this side of Harry. I've always been the one being pleasured by him, making sure I was feeling ok, that I wasn't uncomfortable, he was always making sure I was the center of his attention. But now I felt like he needed a little bit of loving himself.

My right hand slid down his chest and to the top of his belt line. His lips on mine parted curiously and then he pushed me back not wanting to go any further.

"We should go eat," he stated as his cheeks flushed red.

"Right," I nodded and followed after him back downstairs.

That was one of the first times I'd ever seen Harry taken aback and embarrassed. He usually wasn't one to have that role. He was always so forward about intimate situations, which didn't make sense since I wanted to be really intimate with him. Not all the way, know...just intimate.

We sat down at the table and I saw Alex and my mom give me a weird look from across the table. This was the spot I'd first met Harry... Who would have thought that we'd be the ones together... I always though Alex would be with one of the brothers eventually, but that hasn't happened.

After dinner I said my goodbyes to the Styles' family and then helped my mom get settled into her bedroom for the night. Minnie was stayimg across the hall from her which was nice knowing how sweet Minnie was and she'd help take care of any needs my mother had.

My mom layed in bed and stared up at me solemnly. "I would ask if you wanted to come home, but it seems like you are home now dear."

I just smiled and bit my bottom lip. "I'll be back for spring break. I asked Harry and it seems like he might come too."

"Fabulous," Mom smiled. Then she kissed my cheek and ushered me out so she could get some rest. "Night, love you dear!"

"Love you too," I whispered as I shut the door to her room behind me.

I then walked back to the kitchen in search of something that would calm my aching muscles. I took some medicine for my pain and headed upstairs to my bedroom to get some much needed sleep, Thankfully, it was the beginning of the weekend tomorrow, so I could have some rest before I go back to school. I walked into my bedroom and Harry sat on the edge of my bed with his shoulders hunched over and his face in his hands. He shot straight up as I saw him and gave me a smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked calmly.

"I wanted to have a proper goodnight from you," he smirked and walked towards me.

He held my elbows in his hands and massaged little circles into my muscles. I gave him a half smile as I was tired and layed my head on his chest.

"You alright?" he asked as his hands slid up my arms and pushed me back so he could get a good look at my face.

"Yeah," I lied.

"Does your head hurt?" he kissed my forehead right next to where my bandage was placed.

"No," I breathed as his hands slid down my side and hovered over my shirt where the stitches in my side were.

"What about here?" he lifted up the hem of my shirt so my full tummy was exposed to him.

"It's fine," I murmured as my own flush crossed my cheeks.

"And here?" he ran his calloused finger tips up the small of my back. Shit. Cue my turn on. Keep touching me, Harry.

"Kind of tender," I breathed heavily as I walked into him fisting his soft t-shirt in my hands.

His hands traveled south and grabbed my bum cheeks, squeezing a handful for each palm. "And these?"

"I think they're just as tender," I whispered as my lips collided with his. I flung my arms around his neck and he ran his fingers up my bare back again.

"What a...massage?" he spoke throatily between my hard and hungry kisses to his mouth.

"Just keep touching me," I moaned into his mouth as my tongue slowly brushed up against his.

"Gladly," his words hung in the air as he lifted me up and sat me down on my bed. "Do you have lotion?"

"My desk," I spoke as I turned to lay on my tummy.

"Mmmm." he growled seductively as he opened the bottle. "Smells like you." His fingers trailed up my back and pulled my top up and I quickly discarded it on the floor. "Take your jeans off."

"What?" I asked looking over my shoulder at him.

"Take 'em off," he smiled cheekily, his eyes holding a different agenda.

"Harry just do my back..." I layed my head on my pillow. "Please."

"Your wish is my command." He squirted the cold Victoria's Secret lotion on my back and unhooked my bra. He pushed the straps over my shoulder so he could have clear access to my whole exposed back. Thankfully, I was laying down so I wasn't really giving him a full show of my goods. His knees crawled up the bed and I felt his bum sit on the back of my legs as he straddled my waist.

His hands ran across my back spreading and massaging in the lotion. Mmmmm. This was really hot. The candle lights and roses added to the atmosphere we were in and I felt myself shiver as Harry's deft hands ran up my spine.

"You ok?" he asked as I closed my eyes.

"Mhhm," I hummed.

After a few long, enjoyable moments of his skilled hands running up and down my back he spoke again.

"I'd love to go to Naples," he spoke.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," he muttered in his sweet English accent. "I think it would be fun. You and me at the beach...hanging out with your sounds like it would be a good time."

"It does," I confessed as his hands finally smoothed in all the lotion. "Can you hand me my t-shirt?" I asked, pointing to the desk where my night shirt layed untouched from the past few days.

"Yeah," Harry stood up and brought over my t-shirt as his eyes caught hold of something on my desk. I used this time to sit up and pull my shirt on without him looking. My bra fell from my shoulders and I stood up and threw it in my dirty laundry bin. I unbuttoned my pants and stretched out of them throwing them into the bin as well. My night shirt fell at the top of my thigh as I walked over to see what Harry was looking at.

In his hands he held all of my secrets. My stories. My life. My pieces of art work. Everything I'd ever written in my entire life. And he was opening it...

All I did was stare. I was stuck to the ground with nails in my feet holding me to the floor, a frog in my throat not letting me speak and protest against his actions. I was stuck there my face flooded with hot boiling blood, the room spinning and my only focus was on his face as he read page after page...

A/N: Hey y'all! How have you guys been?! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! I made it so long because I feel like I've been neglecting y'all with updates! But I have a few questions!!! :))

1. What do you think is going to happen next?

2. What do you think Harry is going to read? What makes this so nerve-racking for Callie?

3. And would y'all want a second book and make a series out of this story? 


love you all so much ~ Em

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