
By sheocakes

36.1K 1.5K 719

Four and Tris fell in love and had four beautiful children, and three of them are about to make a fateful cho... More

Chapter 1: The Test
Chapter 2: Choices and Desicions
Chapter 3: The Compound
Chapter 4: Training & Champagne
Chapter 5: Breakups and no makeups.
Chapter 6: Capture the Flag... And Kisses.
Chapter 7: Visiting The Fence.
Chapter 8: Kidnapped with no Hope of Return
Chapter 9: Saved by the Muffled Scream
Chapter 10: Alive and Well
Chapter 11: Fighting Fear
Chapter 12: Rankings and Membership
Chapter 13: A New Home
Chapter 14: Fighting the Erudite Through a Person.
Chapter 15: Trying to Tell Him
Chapter 16: I Need You, Please
Chapter 17: Still Here, Testing
Chapter 18: Saved.
Chapter 19: If They Bring You Down, You Drop 'Em.
Chapter 20: Since You've Been Gone
Chapter 21: Dead Thoughts
Chapter 22: Training and Tattoos
Chapter 23: Drinks.
Bonus: First Night
Bonus: Stalking
Bonus: Don't Tell My Dad
Bonus: Trust
Chapter 24: Someone in my Apartment
Chapter 25: Aha.
Chapter 26: Thoughts
Chapter 27: Wedding Plans...
Chapter 28: Shopping With the Girls
Chapter 29: We're all About the Birds and the Bees.
Chapter 30: Bachelorette Party
Chapter 31: The Do's and The Don'ts.
Chapter 32: "Baby, Please."
Chapter 33: What?!
Chapter 34: Telling Parents
Chapter 35: Stressed Not Depressed and Definitely Well Dressed
Chapter 36: Initiation
Chapter 37: Krystale Problems
Chapter 38: Lunch Break
Chapter 39: Capture the Flag
Chapter 40: Erudite News
Chapter 41: Sexual
Chapter 42: Gender and a House
Chapter 43: Names are Kickin' It!
Chapter 44: Nurseries
Chapter 45: Childbirth
Chapter 47: Again? Shoot.
Chapter 48: Someone, Anyone, Please Help.
Chapter 49: Who?
Chapter 50: Safe and Sound
Chapter 51: Theories
Chapter 52: Whipped.
Chapter 53: Follow the Leader
Chapter 54: It's a Date.
Chapter 55: Helluva Night
Chapter 56: I Don't Want to, Period
Chapter 57: High on Life. Really?
Chapter 58: Breakfast N' Stuff.
Chapter 59: Together Once Again.
Chapter 60: The Death of a Legend.
Chapter 61: Work and Words.
Chapter 62: Pedrad Life.
Chapter 63: Love and War
Chapter 64: Sixty, Four.
Chapter 65: Master of Plots.
Chapter 66: A Tangled Web.
Chapter 67: Miracles.
Chapter 68: Back.
Chapter 69: What's the Date?
Chapter 70: Conversations Galore.
Chapter 71: Go, go, go.
Chapter 72: Happy Birthday and Hello, Recovery.
Chapter 73: It's all Us.
Chapter 74: Nightmares
Chapter 75: Speeches and Choices
Chapter 76: Arguments
Chapter 77: It's Been One Crazy Year
Chapter 78: You've Got Cake, I've Got Cake.
Chapter 79: Moments.
Chapter 80: The Overview: Drama.
Chapter 81: On My Mind
Chapter 82: Notable.
Chapter 83: Letters to you.
Chapter 84: Think Positive.
Chapter 85: Accidental Encounters.
Chapter 86: Visits to the Overhangs.
Chapter 87: Confrontations
Chapter 88: Glowing
Chapter 89: Locked Up.
Chapter 90: To Tear Them Apart
Chapter 91: Escape
Chapter 92: Home, My Love.
Chapter 93: Surprise Appointment
Chapter 94: Talking to Ty
Chapter 95: Names and Nurseries
Chapter 96: Kicks and Conversations.
Chapter 97: Infirmary Runs.
Chapter 98: Dylan Lee
Chapter 99: Home, Hannah.
Chapter 100: Convergent
Chapter 101: The Office
Chapter 102: Elite Footage
Chapter 103: Home. Well, Not Really
Chapter 104: Meet Erudite
Chapter 105: A Message For Madison and Tyler
Chapter 106: First Times
Chapter 107: Inductions
Chapter 108: Meet the Ambassador
Chapter 109: Where are You?
Chapter 110: They Killed Him
Chapter 111: His Wish, Her Wish.
Chapter 112: What Happened?
Chapter 113: To Save or Not To Save
Chapter 114: Saving Ty
Chapter 115: Alone.
Chapter 116: Reoccuring
Chapter 117: Candor or Dauntless
Chapter 118: Another Pedrad, Another Eaton
Chapter 119: Speeches and Advice
Chapter 120: Forever.
Bonus: I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life with You
Bonus: Mashton or Tyddie? [oneshot]
Bonus: If Four Knew [oneshot]
Bonus: Suffering [oneshot]
Bonus: Her [oneshot]
˗ˏˋ a final author's note ˊˎ˗

Chapter 46: Homeward Bound

231 13 15
By sheocakes

Song: We are Dreamers- Prinze George feat. Misun Wojcik


"Pain Medications are to be taken twice a day for the next two weeks. Once when you wake up, and the other when you go to bed." I listen to the doctor babble on.

My core is sore, every movement hurts. Ty stands beside me, munching on a doughnut. All I had was a granola bar. My appetite has diminished over the past twenty four hours.

Looking at him chewing his doughnut is making me sick. I try my best to ignore it.

"With that settled, I guess you can leave. No strenuous activity for a week. No sex for two weeks. We will bring your child to you in a minute. You can get ready if you'd like." Doctor Kelsey flashes a bright white smile, gesturing to me, and walks out.

I stand up, but almost fall immediately. My legs are weak. Ty helps me up, and walks me to the bathroom in my room so that I can change into the clothes he brought. He tosses me the stack, and I shut the door.

I practically fly out of the infirmary gown. I lean against the tile wall for extra support. It's like plastic, and itches your skin. Once I get the hang of standing, it's kind of a breeze.

I look in the mirror at my stomach. Besides a few stretch marks, there's not that much extra flabby pregnancy skin.

I still look fabulous. I make a face. "Lookin' good, smokin' even." I say to my reflection. Then I wink.

I turn back around the the stack of clothes to get dressed.

I pull my loose black t-shirt over my head, and then slip on my tight black exercise capris on.

I step into my black sneakers, and walk out. I pull my hair into a bun as I walk toward Ty.

I nearly fall again, and then go to lay on the bed. I take a few deep breaths, and then lay down.

My legs are burning, sometimes just picking them up causes excruciating pain. I grit my teeth as I stand up, and try to walk. Once I finally catch onto it, it's pretty easy.

The door opens up, and a nurse walks in, her sneakers squeaking on the freshly waxed floors.

"Hannah Sofia Pedrad, correct?" She asks while looking at Hannah's little wristband. I nod.

She hands me the baby, and tells Ty to exit. Ty walks out to the hallway, unwillingly.

The nurse carefully shows me how to breastfeed, and change her diaper, and basically everything.

She continues by going over a long list of Do's and Don'ts of having a baby and parenting.

Most of them I already know. She finishes with a "Have a wonderful day!"

Ty re-enters the room as the nurse walks out. He walks over to me, helping me up, and then placing an arm around my waist so that if I fall, he can catch me.

Hannah sleeps peacefully, so I try to cradle her so she doesn't wake.

Ty and I stalk through the infirmary, exiting, and walking quietly down the metal stairs outside.

We skip walking through the pit, not wanting the loud music to wake Hannah, and taking the longer way around the chasm.

We finally arrive at the door of our apartment, Ty opening the door silently.

I step inside, Hannah in my arms, and Ty shuts the door slowly. I walk up the stairs, Ty behind me, and lay Hannah down in her crib.

As soon as I'm about to walk out of the room, Ty already in the hallway, I hear an ear shattering cry. I turn around, stalking toward the baby. This is just the beginning, I mutter to myself.

I peer into the white wood crib, my hands gripping the edge loosely. I see Hannah, who's face is red, tear covered and scrunched up. I pick her up, and lay her over my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Ty asks. I shrug, nervous and scared. I lay her on the changing table and remove her onesie.

She squirms, making it difficult, but I succeed. I take off her diaper, only to see it dry.

I change it anyway, mentally thanking myself for practicing all those times with Alex.

I replace her onesie, Hannah still screaming. "Hannah calm down." I whisper. "Maybe she's hungry?" Ty suggests.

I nod, and sit in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I lift up my shirt, and take off my bra. Ty looks away, even though he's already seen my breasts before.

Hannah latches on immediately, causing me much pain. I yelp, and Ty turns around, coming toward me. "Are you okay?" He asks.

I feel the pain begin to dull, and I nod. "It's just uncomfortable." I speak.

Hannah stays latched on for about ten minutes, and after about three, the pain had fully diminished.

Her eyelids shut over her chocolate brown eyes, and her nose freckles look like they're shimmering in the light of the nursery.

She finally detaches from me, and then her eyes open. She squeals loudly and high pitched, making my ears sore. I look at Ty. He stops, biting his lip. "I don't know." He shakes his head.

I lay Hannah over my shoulder, and pat her back. She calms down, and burps. Then I feel her breathing steady. I remove we from my shoulder, placing her in the bed. Then I dim the lights, and step out.

Ty shuts the door silently, and follows me. I walk down the stairs, and into the kitchen, on the hunt for food.

Ty walks to his office, and shuts the door. I peer into the refrigerator, and grasp a cup of yogurt.

I open the drawer that encases the silverware, and pull out a spoon. I shut it and walk to the couch, turning on the television.

As I finish my cup of yogurt, I hear a knock on the door. I wait for Hannah to cry, but she doesn't.

I let out a sigh of relief and stalk to the door. I pull it open, revealing my parents. "Hey!" My mom says.

My dad pinches his nose, his cell phone up to his ear. "Yes Zeke." He says annoyed.

"Hey." I say in reply to what my mother said. "Come in." They step inside and I walk to Ty's office, knocking on the door. He opens it, and I point to the living room, where my parents look around.

He nods and sighs. He races to the living room, and takes a seat. I follow, and then my parents look at me. "So how's..." my father asks, now having hung up with Zeke. "Hannah." I say.

"She's good. A loud screamer, but good." Ty chants. My mother nods, grinning. "Maddie that's exactly how you were." She proceeds to laughing. "So can we see her?" My father asks.

I hesitate, but nod, and walk upstairs, telling them that I'll be right back. I crack open Hannah's door, and see her motionless in her crib.

I tip-toe to her, and run circles on her back. She wakes up, yawning like a little lion.

"Hey, my little lion!" I say, tickling her stomach. She stares at me in response.

I pick her up, and decide to change her onesie. I take her out of her black one, and replace it with a nice dark gray one.

I put little white socks on her feet, though.

I carefully walk down the stairs to the living room, and bounce her up and down on my hip. She sticks a fist near her mouth, throwing her head back in a gurgle.

My mother laughs as she sees this. By now, a smiling Zeke and Shauna sit next to my parents.

"Awww." Shauna, Ty's mother says softly. "She's beautiful." I hand her to my mother, who cradles her in her arms carefully.

Shauna pats Hannah's head lightly. "I agree." Zeke, Ty's father says loudly.

Hannah's face contorts and she begins to whimper. My mother quiets her down quickly, though.

Zeke looks at us. "Let's be real. How was it?" He asks. "How was what?" Ty asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

My mother's face pales. "Don't do it, Zeke." She stares in his direction. He only smirks.

"The sex, of course." He says like a teenage girl. "Oh my god. You sound just like Hunter." I put my face in my hands, hiding my cheeks, which are growing red as this conversation progresses.

"No comment." I say, lifting my face from my fingers, and biting my lip. My father narrows his eyes, but then my mother hands him the little bundle of joy.

His expression immediately softens, and he begins to talk to Hannah in a baby tone. I grin, and Ty wraps his arm around me gently.

"Aren't you a cutie?" My father looks at Hannah, who only blinks in response.

Her chocolate brown eyes stare widely at my father, who is making faces at her. "I give up." He says. "She won't laugh."

He rolls his eyes, and then looks at Tris, who narrows her eyes.

"She's not going to laugh, T-Four," Zeke's eyes grow wide as my mother almost mentions my father's name. "She's only a newborn." My mother tries to make a cover.

My father glares at her, and shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He gently passes the baby to Shauna, who looks at it like she's never held a child before.

"What's her nursery look like?" My mother asks excitedly. I lead her upstairs, wishing that my mother wasn't always so curious, and open the door. She smiles when she sees it.

"A bright color. Even though it's kind of Amity, it's still good." She grins.

Before my mother was a leader, when you painted your house, you could only paint it black and colors that weren't associated with a certain faction.

She lifted that rule when she took office.

She looks around the room, and then walks over to me. "I love it." She grins again.


I dash to our bedroom after putting a full Hannah to bed. Ty awaits me in the bedroom, looking at the bed. He lays on his stomach, wearing nothing except his boxers. I walk slowly to him, and poke his ass. he grabs my wrist and pulls me onto the bed.

He attacks my face with kisses, but then stops. "I can't keep my self control. Two more weeks." He says, looking outside the wall sized window.

I kiss his neck, lying down beside him and drifting into a deep slumber.

a/n: Crappy chapter, but oh 🐳 This has been the worst week of my existence. I'm so worried that I'm still going to be on my period when I go to on my vacation. Also, my mouth is killing me because I just got my braces tightened and the woman put the wrong wire in so the orthodontist had to take it out and put in the right wire. Ouch. I've been worrying so much that it's been distracting me from my writing. This is torture. I'm going to {hopefully} survive.

Worrying about vacation problem possibilities 😰

Have an amazing and blessed day 🌸🍃



a} Do you have braces? 👄

b} What's your least favorite mode of transportation? ✈️
- Bus 😒

c} Where's Waldo?
- Behind a palm tree in Malibu 🌴


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