Home (NEW BEGINNING)/ Bts Rel...

By Megameno07luvinga

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I'm not going to give a description, sorry.. just read to find out.. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight..
happy birthday Jimin
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
happy birthday jhope
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
Happy birthday Yoongi
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven

chapter sixty eight

10 2 6
By Megameno07luvinga

South Korea


It has been reported that on the early morning of November 24 Jung Ji-woo who was in the custody of the Seoul police had escaped from the holding cell just before her trail that was supposed to be held on to following day..

On finding out the police decided to notify the one family they know she will go after but it was to late, Jung Ji-woo had the second youngest member of the family in her hold on the rooftop of one of the most popular hospitals in the country High care private hospital..

From resources it's said that Ji-woo threatened the life of the young man and the rest of the family, she had shot one of the family members Bang Christopher Chan brother of Hong Ji Hong with a bullet to the shoulder..

But everything happened to happen so fast which caused the death of the once powerful woman in south Korea Jung Ji-woo but still left her victims in fear and torn apart with the recent videos excavating on social media..

Jung Ji-woo's death has been pronounced as self defense from one of the victims of the incident and autopsy has been done but the police are still not clear about it, but it is confirmed that the family is doing okay and healthy..

December 06
High care private hospital
Nam-gil's room

"Dad please eat something ha, you have not eaten for days.." Jackson lets out trying to feed the starborn man, Nam-gil has been admitted with trauma from the incident that happened two weeks ago and anemia from the lack of blood in his body..

And in those two weeks he'd refused to eat numerous times but watching Jackson bagge him to eat he takes a few bites, Yoongi and Minseok have visited him everyday day making time in their busy schedule and thank god this time Nam-gil doesn't push them away like before he lets them feed him sometime and touch him and the boys don't seem to be jealous if Jackson anymore they get along pretty well..

Taehyung and Jackson seem to be getting along very well but their bonding seems to be getting on someone's nerves and that's Jungkook's nerves he just doesn't get it why is Jackson getting along with Taehyung so well but when ever he walks into the room Jackson suddenly wants to strangle him, what did he do so wrong?

While Linda has been furstrated for days now, she has been trying to get to talk to Kim Nam-gil, yes Kim Nam-gil she might not like him but in some way Kim Nam-gil is the reason her son Felix is alive if he didn't pull the trigger just at the right time he boy would have been died, but she can't master up to courage to do so..

After everything she did, threatened him she physical even hurt him while he was in the house sending him to a mental hospital even though he did nothing from that day, threatening to hurt his son Jackson and two weeks ago he was the one who saved her's, it's so furstrating..

Ji Hong's wounds have healed over the two weeks and he's doing pretty good even going to work, but he's more worried about his little brother Chris he had he's shoulder shot at and the young man just doesn't listen to him he tells him to rest the next minute he's on his leptop using the same arm,wonder why his wound is not healing..

Felix is a strong kid, yes he was shacked up from almost dieing but her remembered this is what happens when your mother decides to get involved with a Mafia, the boy has gone through hypothermia, falling off a bridge almost drowning and going through three months without food he bets this is the less horrific thing that has happened to him since he joined this family..

Jimin and Ji-hun seem less bothered about the death of their so called mother, they have gone through hell in her hands and grieving over her sorry ass is the last thing they will ever do but to bad Nam-gil beat Ji-hun from killing her because he was planning too do it but still she's finally gone, just hope everything goes back to normal..

"Dad please.." Jackson pleas what the man, and Nam-gil can feel his plea slowly he looks back at the boy before opening his mouth, making Jackson smile as he feeds him.. "eat okay because today we are getting discharged and we can finally go home.." he cheers bring a smile on the older man's face..

Clearly he hates being in the hospital, he wants to go home far away from the people that mistreat him, and look at him like he isn't human or something or like he had committed some unforgivable crime, he wants to get way from the people who make him feel disgusted about himself and the fact that it's not his fault just hurts him more..

"I can see you are happy to hear that ha?" Nam-gil nods his head with his mouth full, Jackson praying that he will go back to how he was even though he's still child like at least he should laugh play and worry less about what people think of him, he just wants him to be happy..

"Okay.." putting the plate back on the table he whips Nam-gil's lips.. "I will have to go now, my nurse must be waiting for me in my room, she must be annoyed.." he says getting to his feet turning away Nam-gil takes his hand into his.. "what's wrong?" Jackson asks in concern..

Nam-gil shakes his head letting go of his hand.. "I'll be right back.." a small smile Jackson walks back to his room where he finds a nurse preparing some medication..

"Hope you are not annoyed.." he's says but nothing comes from her mouth and it's weird especially when Jackson notices she's wearing a mask, she never does that but he shakes it off taking a sit down with his back facing her..

"You are getting discharged today.."

"Ye.." Jackson pauses that's not his nurses voice but surely he knows who the voice belongs to he can never forget her voice but before he can turn around a sharp pinching pain hits the crock of his neck, feeling the liquid entering his flesh he lets out a groan..

She pulls the needle out of Jackson's flesh, Jackson lets out a whimper of pain feeling his heart drop down to his stomach and suddenly feels the need to breathe in more air, she walk to face him removing her mask and it's her, his mother..

"Hi baby.." Maya smiles sweetly at him but he knows she's just pretending she's not the mother he knew.. "what do you wa..want?" Jackson stutters out as he slowly starts to lose his energy..

"I want my baby back, I want my Jackson back.." she says trying to put her hands on his cheeks but immediately gets pushed away Jackson stumbles to his feet but his head suddenly starts to spin, trying to get hold of something to his feet but ends up making the machines fall down and some of the things on the table creating a mess..


"Don't touch me.." he slaps her hand away.. "you are not my mother.. yo..you can never be my mother you..you abandoned me you left me.."

"And I'm sorry about that okay and I promise I will never leave you again I will love you just come with me ha, come with mom.." moving closer to him but he moves away trying hard not to fall for her false words like he did in the past..

"You are nothing but a lier!" He yells and that get on her nerves before sending a slap across his face causing him to fall right on the bed but he ends up on the floor bringing the blankets along with him..

"I'm your mother Jackson Wang so show me respect understand.." she growls at him but slowly Jackson loses his concoursness on the floor.. "you are coming with me wither you like it or not and don't worry soon you will be calling me Mom again just wait and see.."

Jungkook hoops out of the elevator, today he's determined that he's going to talk to Jackson he wants to say sorry for the first time they met when he woke up maybe he will forgive him and then they can be friends just like how he is with Taehyung..

"Oh.. I'm so sorry.." Jungkook lets out almost bumping into a patient and a nurse, the nurse instantly looks away and nods her head in response to his apology..

"I didn't see you there.." he says as he looks down at the patient who has their face covered with a hoodie but Jungkook feels strange but shakes it of before walking away and letting the nurse go with her way..

Walking into Jackson's room Jungkook is left startled looking at the mess in the room, looking around he notices the empty needle on the ground amongst everything else on the ground and it hits him before running out of the room down the hallway..

And there she is standing by the elevator, Jungkook abserves the patient and he notices his hand.. "that's the same bracelet Jackson wears he got it from his father.." reality hits that's Jackson before charging the the unknown masked person but his too late the elevator closes..

"Shit.." he hits the metal door, he looks at the floor she's going to and it's the ground floor before running towards the stairs, he can't wait for the next elevator to come by the Jackson will be gone..

Running as fast as he can jumping over multiple stairs just to catch up to the unknown kidnapper who dare try take his brother, and today he came prepared not like last time a gun tucked in his waist bend and a small knife in his pocket, he cared bare remember how hopeless him and he's brothers felt watching Felix at gunpoint it anger him..

Penting and out of breathe he reaches the ground floor, but now he can see the unknown woman disappearing behind the underground parking area entrance.. "where the hell is she taking him?" He mumbles a question to himself before running to the underground parking..

Looking around the dark area he finds what he's looking for the woman entering the car, Jackson must already be inside as she starts the car.. "this is pissing me off really bad right now.." thank god his motorcycle is parked here he runs to his ride hooping on before going after the black car..

Seokjin is driving from his restaurant to home, well Nam-gil Jackson and Bangchan are being discharged today and Linda decided to give them a grand welcoming and everyone has to be there for some reason..

But here's one thing he doesn't understand did they even tell thar kid Jackson that he will be staying with them and if they did how did they get him to agree to that exactly, it's either they threatened him which ge dought will work on Jackson or it's witchcraft those are the only things he could think of..

Seokjin is brought back to reality when a car appears infront of his, turning his wheel he quickly moves out of the way almost hitting his head against the steering wheel.. "fucker.." he lets out but a motorcycle passes by and it's on full speed it looks like it's chasing the car.. "is that Jungkook?" He lets out..

But there nothing to think right now turning his car around he goes after the motorcycle because he's pretty sure that's Jungkook and he's chasing something and he's going to find out what it is..

Jungkook has been after the black car for twenty minutes and finally he's finally catching up, increasing his speed he finally gets to pass it before making a U-turn infront of it and it hults with a screeching sound, getting off his bike he stands infront off it like he owns the road..

"Have you lost your!!" Maya yells the moment she gets out of the car but stops the moment she sees his face.. "give me back what you took.." Jungkook says walking to the car as she stays frozen, Jungkook opens the door only to be thrown to the ground with a thumb making him groan..

Three man walk out of the car and Jungkook gets a glimpse of Jackson's unconscious figure in the car before looking back at the three man, putting his hand in his pocket he pulls out the knife and he's face is surely read to hurt someone..

The men charge at him trying to punch the young boy but end up getting sliced by his skillful knife work learned that from Seokjin, even though they don't talk that much, she takes the chance before getting into the car while the boy fight her men but before she can even start to car a black SUV stops right infront off the her car..

Seokjin walks out of the SUV and he has a smirk on his face and a gun in his hand in a full suite and it's getting on her nerves..




Seokjin shoots hitting her men in the knee rendering them useless on their feet.. "I don't know what the fight is all about but.."



Two bullets go off this time from her gun shooting Seokjin in the arm but he manages to get out of sight, Jungkook doing the same..




Seokjin shoots hitting the the three men dead and she lets out a chuckle at the action.. "you didn't have to kill them you know!" She yells from behind her car..

"You shoot me I take what's your it's called tit for tet bitch.." Seokjin yells from behind his own car.. "and now can someone tell me why we are having a shoot out?!" He asks cause he has no idea at all..

"She took Jackson!" Jungkook yells from the other side of the road behind a tree.. "that kid?"

"You mean your brother!" She yells.. "who's brother?" Seokjin yells and Jungkook tries to keep it in but.. "Jackson is mine and Taehyung's younger brother.." he yells back and Seokjin has no words..

"And I'm their mother!" Okay now that's some information which is going to take time for Seokjin to digest..

"So we are having a shoot out with you mother over your brother?!"

"You can say something like that!!" Jungkook yells.. "Jungkook sweetheart.."

"Don't even think about it bitch who the fuck is sweetheart!"

"Don't you want to know your mother ha?"

"Right now no, but from sure I want to shave a bullet in her head what about that?"

"Doesn't sound polite to me.."

"Don't really give a fuck about that!!"

While the two have their little talk Seokjin tries to stop the bleeding, the bullet went through but the blood lose is to much, so busy he doesn't notice the car that just stopped behind him and she walks out, he feet in snickers which allows her to walk up to him without startling him..

Buy Seokjin isn't stupid he can feel presence, grabbing on his gun he points it at the figure towering over him a face that looks like his but in a feminine way..

Liliana looks back at the cars and the bike along with the woman behind a car, a young boy behind a tree three died bodies and another young boy in the car..

"Who's the enemy?" That's all she asks abserving the whole situation, Seokjin doesn't answer which annoys her.. "I asked you a question so fuckin answer it.." her voice stern Seokjin rolls his eyes.. "that bitch right there.." he points and that's all she needs taking Seokjin's gun out of his hand she walks foward..





Four bullets in total go off two hitting the ground and two hitting Maya right in the leg.. "what the fuck are you waiting for get your things and get the fuck out of here.." she lets out in a commanding tone confusing Jungkook and Seokjin..

But Jungkook quickly comes out taking Jackson out of the car and takes him to Seokjin car while Maya is being held at gunpoint by the unknown woman who came out of nowhere..

Seokjin getting into the car and Jungkook on his bike they drive away leaving the women to face each other..

Liliana chuckles the moment the two disappear, her tone dark as she looks down at the woman who's trying to reach her gun but Liliana kicks it away lowering her body grabbing her hair making her look into the Spanish woman's dark eyes..

"If I catch you even a hundred feet close to that boy again.." pulling her hair harder showing her anger.. "I will leave you headless understand me.."

Letting go of her hair with force she hits her head hard on the ground, Liliana spits on her as she walks away to her car..

"Puta" (bitch)


Nam-gil is still the same child like..

But at least everyone seems to be getting along except Jungkook and Jackson, and Jungkook is jealous now..

Wonder why the new had to announce the relationship between Bangchan and Ji Hong, people are annoying..

Is it right for people to treat Nam-gil is such an inhumane way? It's not his fault..

Why do you think she wants her son Jackson back?

Well that shocked Seokjin, he's so funny..

Wait did Liliana just save the boys?

Did she threaten her not to touch a boy and we know who it is..

Does she really care for him..

Well to find out read more..


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