Home (NEW BEGINNING)/ Bts Rel...

By Megameno07luvinga

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I'm not going to give a description, sorry.. just read to find out.. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight..
happy birthday Jimin
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
happy birthday jhope
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
Happy birthday Yoongi
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven

chapter fifty eight

6 2 4
By Megameno07luvinga

August 14
Kim's house

Early morning and Jackson's already up, breakfast ready just have to wake the rest of the house up and today he hopes those two twins are not sick, please they should not be sick..

Yoongi who has also woken up, confusion on his face as he looks at his wrist having a band that has his name on it, doesn't remember getting anything like this looking around the room he finds Minseok having a cloth on his forehead..

"Minseok.." he calls but Minseok just turns the other side.. "Minseok wake up.." he speaks louder this time.. "what do you want?!" He lets out jumping from his sleep in annoyance..

"It's already morning.." Yoongi says getting of the bed.. "I'm pretty sure we slept in the living room, how did we get to the bedroom?"

"Good question.." Yoongi looks at his brother also noticing that Minseok wrist with a band that says his name but he ignores it, getting up and walking out this a lazy Minseok right behind him..

"You are awake?" Jackson lets out the moment they walk into the kitchen.. "no we are died.." Minseok shoots earning him a glare from his older brother..

"Don't mind him, he woke up in a bad mood.."

"I understand, after all he had to sleep the whole day yesterday because of the fever you guys had.."

"What fever?" Yoongi asks.. "you guys had a fever yesterday, the whole day I had to look after you.."

"What day is it?"


They freeze for a moment, both looking down at their watches.. "shit.." they let out at the same time before turning on their heels and running upstairs confusing Jackson..

"What the fuck.."

He mumbles continuing with what he was doing,a few minutes late they come down fully dressed.. "we won't be here for the whole day don't wait.." Yoongi yells as he walks past the kitchen..

"As if I care.."

Jackson mumbles before getting cut off by the ringing of his phone, picking it up without looking at the caller ID..


"Good morning Jackson.."

Instantly Jackson's face changes dramatically at the female voice coming from the other side of the phone..

"What do you want?"

"Right to the point, just like I raised you.."

Jackson lets out a chuckle at the woman's words.. "you didn't raise me, you where never there.."

"Bla..Bla..Bla.. I never really cared about,all I want to ask is about my other sons your brothers.."

"If you want to know about your sons why ask me, just walk to the Hong house and ask them yourself and stop bothering me.."

"You are saying it as if you have ever set foot in the Hong Mansion Jacky.."

"Then why don't you be the first ha, be an example to me.."

The woman laughs from the other side of the phone, Jackson letting out a scoff at her annoying tone..

"You are really funny Jackson you are just like your father.."

"Don't compare me to that dog.." he cuts her off.. "I might have his blood running through my veins but I'm nothing like him and I'm nothing like you either.." he says through his teeth..

"Then who are you like? Are you like that man whore that you replaced us with.."

"Watch what you say about him.." anger building up inside as his hands clinches into the knife, but she laughs..

"Because it's true, come on the man is a prostitute.."

Jackson lets out a sigh calming his tense body down.. "are you really my mother?" A question that he thought he will never ask because he had already considered her a total stranger for leaving him.."

"What kind of questions is that?"

"It's a yes or no question, are you really my mother because I dougt it, you can't be my mother a woman like you can only give birth to despicable people like those two sons of yours.." he says..

"Do you know?" He adds.. "I met them, one of them looks just like you, and they are just like you as well, it's a pity to watch you know ha.."

Jackson scoffs.. "a real pity, when they get to know the truth about you and that man they might even kill you.."

"They will never kill their moth.."

"You are not their mother, you abandoned them those boys are not your sons and neither am I, so please can you mind your own business and leave me the heck along!" He lets out before hanging up..

"Stupid woman.." he mumbles under his breathe..

Hong house
Game room

"We have only been gone for two days and you already decided to replace us.." Minseok lets out, shocked at the news that Bangchan and that boy will be staying in the Hong house..

"Stop being dramatic you ass.." Namjoon lets out.. "nobody is replacing anyone but for sure we have to get ride of them now.."

"But how?" Yeosin asks laying down on the couch and her feet on Hoseok's lap.. "good question sis.."

"You guys are really selfish you know.." Felix says and the annoyens on everyone just proofs what ever he is going to say is true and it's going to hurt..

"Don't start.." Jimin cuts him off.. "why, because I'm telling you true, that you are selfish.."

Getting to his feet.. "why can't you just accept it, there is more to Mr Hong than just you guys, before he was ever your father he is someone's son and brother, he had a family before you guys.."

"What family are you talking about?" Hoseok asks letting out a scoff.. "a family will never leave their children alone in the middle of nowhere.."

"When did Bangchan leave your father anywhere ha?" He asks everyone quiet at the question.. "Bangchan was not even born when your father was abandoned, all he saw were pictures but still he craved to see his brother, a brother he doesn't know but still.." he sighs..

"You guys stand for family, protecting the pack but.."

"He is not family.." Taehyung cuts him off.. "Bangchan has more of Mr Hong's blood running through his veins than most of you.."

"It doesn't make a difference.." Jungkook says stern in his words.. "it does.. do you guys remember that you are adopted you were not born as his children, you are just the sons of a woman he once married.."

"Do you ever think of the fact that if Mr Hong had a mind set like yours.." pointing at the siblings.. "all of you would have been on the streets he would have just kicked you out, but he kept you all of you, while you can't even accept his one and only brother.."

He looks back at the siblings and all of them seems to be in deep thought except Ji-hun who seems to give zero interest about the conversation, what's the point five years ago seven idiots entered his house and life and guess what, they are still here, and now imagine fighting the brother forget it..

"You should put yourself in your dad's and Bangchan's shoes, yah Jungkook!" He calls getting everyone's attention.. "what if you just found your brother Taehyung who has been looking for you for years, but dad doesn't want to let him stay, how will you feel.."

"Aaaahh.. very sad and angry.."

"Don't you think your father feels the same, that his children are against his brother.. don't you see you are hurting him or are you enjoying it, are you enjoying how your father keeps trying to convince you guys ha?"

"Not really.." Hoseok says in a low embarrassed tone.. "then why do you keep doing it? Ask yourself that.." he says turning his back and walking out of the room and everyone seems lost at his words..

"I hate the fact he's right.." Seokjin breaks the silence in the room.. "that kid is impressive.." Ji-hun compliments earning him glares and side eyes from his siblings..

"What? It's true.."

Bangchan's room

"I still don't get why Mr Hong is doing this, what does he want?" Hyunjin asks furstration in his tone pacing from left to right..

"Can you stop doing that" Bangchan sitting at the balcony says stopping Hyunjin in his tracks who quickly walks to him.. "hyung.." he calls..

"What?" Looking down at his leptop..

"Are you sure they won't kill us, just look at it hyung why did they suddenly let us into their house when they hate us, why?"

"Can you shut up Hyunjin.." he shuts the boy up.. "can't you see I'm doing something important, if you want to annoy someone please look for someone else.."

Hyunjin lets out a sigh a sigh, getting up he walks out of the room with a big pout on his face.. "hey"

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Don't kill me!" Hyunjin lets out his hands together begging not to be killed, Felix looking at him as if he had lost his mind.. "why will I kill you, do I look like a murderer to you.."

"As long as you are a Mafia you are a murderer.." his eyes still closed and his lips dramatically trembling, Felix lets out a smirk as he walks closer to him bringing his lips closer to Hyunjin's ear..

"Then you better run" Hyunjin freezes at how low and deep Felix's voice just changed, it's just like in the movies.. "run so far that I will never find you because if I do, I will cut your body into pieces and feed them to my dog.." moving away bitting on his lips holding his laughter in at how terrified Hyunjin's face looks..


Felix lets out a little louder startling Hyunjin as he opens his eyes and is met with an evil smirk on Felix's face, he is evil.. "hyung!!" Hyunjin calls out to his big brother turning on his heels and running away straight to Bangchan's room and straight under the covers..

Bangchan looking at the boy who just ran in.. "he has completed lost it.." he says shacking his head at Hyunjin and going back to his leptop, while Felix laughs his ass off outside seems like Hyunjin is scared of death than anything else, and teasing him is going to be fun..

For the rest of the day the children along with Ji Hong and Linda enjoy a day of playing games and just enjoying themselves, while Hyunjin and Bangchan watch for the balcony Bangchan held only furstration and annoyens looking at the happy family, while Hyunjin keeps trying to figure out when last he had fun like them..

It's really sad, wishing to have a father, mother and siblings who you can enjoy time with, being an orphan and without parents can only lead to dreams dreams that will never come true, but he decides to let out a sigh because he still has the best person in his life and it's his hyung, the best person ever..

Kim's house

"Tell me where he is?" Her voice playful and annoyed, looking down at the bleeding boy tied to the chair..

"Fuck off.."

She chuckles anger in her voice looking back at Jackson, it has been three hours since Ji-woo walked into the house and until now she has not gotten her has on Nam-gil, and no matter how much she looks or beats Jackson to talk she gets nothing..

Grabbing his chin.. "you are getting on my nerves kid.." Jackson chuckles showing his blood teeth.. "good bitch.."


"Let me talk to him.." another female voice speaks, her tone cold as she gets to her feet and walking up to Ji-woo and Jackson..

"It has been three hours and still got nothing out of him, let his mouth talk to him ha.." she says, Ji-woo taking a step back she knows that even though she is considered to be the most evilest person in Korea, the woman infront of her his worse than that..

Stepping back as Jeong Maya steps in, this ain't ordinary woman, the first time she uncounted her she was sixteen homeless with two babies with her, ever since that day they have been in touch technically they are sisters, but with Maya being overseas for 12years they didn't really bond that much..

"Jackson sweetie.." she calls Jackson looking up at her letting out a chuckle before it turns to laugher.. "bitch are you crazy.." Jackson lets out.. "have you lost your mind ha, who the fuck is sweetie?"

Maya rotates her head, looking down at the disrespectful boy, grabbing Jackson's hair and pulling on it causing him to look up at her.. "better start talking before I lose it.." she threatens but Jackson's only lets out a smile before spitting on her face..

"Kill me whore.." he laughs Maya cleaning off the blood from her face she looks at him again, before her hands goes around his neck, pressing harder and harder but Jackson just looks at her with hatred instead of fear in his eyes..

What's there to be scared of, he has been in worse situations than this since she decided to disappear living her young son in the hands of those cruel people.. "harder.." Jackson chokes out, Maya instantly loosening her grip around her son, looking into his eyes..

Realizing she didn't give birth to a nobody, he is just like her those eyes shining with nothing but hatred and enemosity instead of fear scare her even more.. "what happened ha? Come on kill me, do it!!" He yells..

"But here is one thing you will never get to him.." he smirkes..


Hong house

"I wanted to ask the both of you something" Jungkook says looking at Yoongi and Minseok.. "go ahead.."

"Okay" straightening up his posture.. "when did you get matching bands with your names on them?" Curiosity in his voice, the boys looking at their wrists..

"Good question.." Minseok lets out.. "because I don't remember having this before going to sleep.."

"Maybe Jackson put them on.." Yoongi tries to guess.. "since when are we close with that kid that he will give us matching bands?"

"Who else could it be but him? We were sick the whole day yesterday littrely we were out he took care of us.."

"Let me guess" Jimin speaks.. "he got those bands with your names in them so he will recognize who is who.." silence fills the room for a few seconds before everyone breakes out into laugher while the boys just stand there annoyed at them.. "seriously.." Minseok sighs..

A whole seven minutes of laughing their lungs out they clean their tears and go back to sitting down.. "I wonder how that kid handles all of you guys especially him.."

"Talking about them, didn't check up on them.." Yoongi says as he takes out his his phone and turning on the TV.. "what are you doing?" Jungkook asks..

"Connecting my phone to the TV.." he says as he continues to connect the two machines and few minutes and it's done before turning it on and looking at his siblings.. "lets see what drama they are up too.."

"Who are they?" Felix points at the TV earning everyone's attention as they also look at the screen, only to be met with Jackson tied to a chair in the living room, two women and one of them is their worst enemy and the other they don't know..

"Is that Jung Ji-woo?" Hoseok lets out recognizing her face.. "and that's Jackson, but where is Mr Kim?" Minseok asks..

"Stop asking asking stupid questions and get to them before they hurt him.." Felix lets out, all the boys getting to their feet taking their jackets and keys and walking out of the room and out of the house..

Seokjin in his car..

Namjoon on his motorcycle

Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok in another car..

Felix on his motorcycle..

The twins in their car..

Before driving off on speed, Minseok getting his phone he dials a number..

"Why of all the people in my call log ha?"

"Stop whining and get your fucken team now?"


"We have Ji-woo and an extra present for the cops,so hurry up I will send you the location and make sure your sirens are off when you get there understand.."

"You don't tell me what to do, be there as soon as possible brat.."


Hanging up the phone he looks at his brother, who is driving like he has nine lifes and he is loving it..

"Let's get this bitch.."

Kim's house

Jackson has been at the hands of the two women for about five hours, but still nothing came out of his mouth, they can beat him, injurer him or kill him but he is never going to let them get the Nam-gil..

"Why are you being so starborn ha, are you really going to give up your life for someone you don't know.." Maya lets out in furstration.. "just tell us where he is along with the property documents that's all.."

"You are going to have to kill me first.." Jackson chocks out, his face swollen from the beating and his shoulder wounder from the knife Maya decided to stick into his shoulder two hours ago.. "you are never getting him.." he smirkes..

"You know what I'm putting a bullet in him.." Ji-woo gets up pointing a gun at Jackson who since less startled by the metal, but before she could pull the trigger the lights go off, confusing both the women and Jackson but the lights soon come back..

"But down to gun or I shoot.." his voice achos throughout the house, but it didn't seem demanding or how a police officer should sound, it sounds more playful well because it can only be Park Jimin..

"Seriously.." Ji-woo lets out along with a chuckle looking at one of the most annoying people ever and it's Park Jimin annoying stupid cop.. "not if I kill him first.." pointing the gun at Jackson..


A gunshot goes off, but instead of hitting Jackson it hits Ji-woo's hand causing the gun to fall to the ground.. "if I were you I would try that.." Minseok says as he walks in along with Jungkook, Taehyung, Felix, Namjoon behind him..

Grabbing the gun from the ground Maya points the gun at Jackson's head.. "anyone moves he's dead.." she threatens, but what shockes the people is the resemblance between her and one of the twins, what the fuck..

"And who to fuck are you now?" Jimin questions.. "Jackson sweetie, should I tell them ha?"

"Go to hell bitch.."

"Apologys for my son's words.."

"Son ??" They all let out but no time to dwell on that, the boys spotting Seokjin and Yoongi approaching the woman from behind while Ji-woo tries to stop her hand from bleeding..


Maya's body falls to the ground, Seokjin standing behind her with a metal bet.. "did you just hit her with.."

"Untie me" Jackson lets out before Yoongi unties his hands and Seokjin does the feet and helping himself, getting up he walks towards the stairs like he isn't injured, taking a few steps behind the stairs he moves to table with his one are..

Jackson removes the carpet over it revealing a small door before opening it.. "dad" he calls and instantly Nam-gil shows himself try tears on his face he must have been crying for so long.. "come.." reaching out his hand he pulls Nam-gil up, falling into his arms Nam-gil tightly huges Jackson..

Ji-woo starts laughing realizing how stupid she was, Nam-gil was right under her noise and she didn't figure it out.. "you are a smart kid.." Jackson glares pulling Nam-gil out for everyone to see..

"Arrest them.." Jimin commands his men arresting both the women and dragging them outside along with everyone else behind them..

Finally everyone lets out a breathe of relief the long awaited arrest of Jung Ji-woo is finally done but Ji-woo has other plans, eyeing the officer's gun in his waist band, she pushes him done grabbing his gun before turning around pointing the gun..








Seven gunshot go off, before two  thumb are heard, everyone turning to look at what happened they see Felix aiming a gun, Ji-woo groaning on the floor, Yoongi hugging Nam-gil but something else get everyone panicking..

Jackson on his knees, just a few feet from Yoongi and Nam-gil and on the others side is Ji-woo on the ground, suddenly Jackson lets out a cough, but not just any cough as blood starts streaming down from his mouth, his abdomen and chest covered in blood before falling to the ground and everyone runs..

"Call an ambulance!!!"


Hi, how are you hope you are doing fine..

Another chapter to give you a heart attack..

Jeong Maya came and now she is leaving, thank you very much..

Hyunjin is never going to get used to the Mafia thing..

Felix Felix Felix, his words will send someone to kill themselves one day, but he's right..

Ji-hun doesn't even care..

Who do you think Jackson's brothers are?

What do you think happened?

Felix held a gun and he didn't miss his shot, nice..

Want to find out what happened continue to read..


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