Home (NEW BEGINNING)/ Bts Rel...

By Megameno07luvinga

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I'm not going to give a description, sorry.. just read to find out.. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight..
happy birthday Jimin
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
happy birthday jhope
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
Happy birthday Yoongi
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven

chapter fifty

11 2 7
By Megameno07luvinga

High care private hospital

Ji Hong runs into the hospital with Nam-gil in his arms, everyone looking at him, before nurses bring in a strecher taking Nam-gil inside, before he walks back to Yoongi's room,where he is sleeping alone, sitting on the couch with no words for his mouth remembering the scene he walked into at Ji-woo's mansion..

He only heard about Nam-gil being abused, sexual assulte on him to a point he needed to go through surgery and he didn't really care about it because once apron a time he was also sexually abused by the same woman, but never thought she could let her men assulte Nam-gil but just six hours ago he witnessed it himself..

Just to save his children he gave himself to that witch, to save the same children Ji Hong threatened him not to come close too, he left. The same man he thought hated Yoongi and Minseok gave up his life for his sons without a second thought, while Ji Hong threatened him, placed pressure on him made his condition even worse..

"Am I that heartless?" He asks himself looking at the grey hospital ceiling.. "no you're not.." his voice sounds so small Ji Hong going numb for a moment hearing his voice, before looking at him..

Yoongi sitting on his bed his hair covering his eyebrows, looking at Ji Hong who is trying to make out who the fuck this one is, Yoongi his son or Yoongi Kim Nam-gil's son because they are really identical..

"Why will you ask yourself that?" Yoongi asks streching his arms out.. "Yoongi are you okay?" Ji Hong asks..

"I'm fine Dad, just.."

"Wait.." Ji Hong cuts him off sitting properly on the couch.. "what did you just call me?"


"What did you call me?" Ji Hong asks again..


Ji Hong slowly gets to his feet, walking up to a confused Yoongi before giving him a huge, his heart filled with joy as he lets out a big smile trying to hold his tears back..

"Is he okay?"

"What?" Yoongi's voice breaks Ji Hong's thoughts.. "is Mr Kim okay?" Yoongi asks again, slowly Ji Hong breaks the huge.. "well.." his eyes gazing everywhere but Yoongi's face..

"He..he is fine.." Ji Hong starters out.. "you are lieing.." Yoongi lets out Ji Hong snapping his eyes at Yoongi, nervousness flashing through him, trying to think of something to tell Yoongi, he can't tell him his father/Mr Kim is in the hospital for sexual assulte, that will freak him out and he just woke up..


"Don't lie to me.." Yoongi cuts him off.. "is he fine?"

"He just got admitted into the hospital.." he lets out.. "for what?" Yoongi asks Ji Hong taking in a deep breathe.. "what happened to him?"

"To save both you, Minseok and his younger son he decided to give himself to Ji-woo, who was threatening to take your life's..." He explains..

"He did what?"

Minseok walks into the room, leaving Ji Hong frozen on the spot, Minseok's tone doesn't seem to happy asking that question, Minseok takes further steps into the room before standing beside Ji Hong who has not moved..

"What did he do?" Minseok asks again this time Ji Hong looks at him, the expressions on both his sons faces might be different but he knows they are both worried for their father/Mr Kim..

"Ji-woo took advantage of him again, he must be in surgery right now.." he says..

"How do you know all this?"

"The driver of the car that tried to kill Nam-gil told me all that, Yoongi got hurt so I found who is responsible and it was Ji-woo, she has been trying to kill him for a long time, so she decided to use the three of you and he didn't even think twice when his son got stabbed.."

"Jackson Wang is not his son.." Yoongi lets out, making Ji Hong raise his brows at him, while Minseok just breathe, what's his problem??

"Okay.." Ji Hong lets out.. "he.."

"He went to her and got kidnapped.." Minseok completes.. "but how did he get to the hospital?" Suspiciousness in his tone..

"Like I said the driver told me.." he lies.. "and what did you do to the driver?" Yoongi questions..

"He was starborn so I left him headless.." he smirkes..

"What?" Minseok lets out..

"I think I'm going to throw up.." Yoongi lets out pretending to throw up.. "you have been in a coma since the 23 and it's the end of the month, what the hell are you throwing up? Your intestines?" Minseok lets out, Ji Hong starts to laugh looking at how Yoongi is looking at Minseok..

"Fuck you.." Yoongi glares.. "Yoongi.." Ji Hong warns.. "what? He started it.." pointing at Minseok, and Minseok slapping his hand away making him gusp at the disrespect from the young one.. "how dare you brat!" He yells trying to reach Minseok but he steps away while Ji Hong grabs him..

"Okay calm down.." holding Yoongi.. "don't you feel any pain, you have been out for a long time.."

"Yeah, and walking up with no memory of Dad imagine that ha.." Minseok says annoying Yoongi more.. "why don't you shut up.. and dad I'm sorry about all that?"

"You remember?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.." he apologizes.. "you didn't hurt me, but you did make me angry.." he smiles along with both his sons, a few minutes and the laughter dies down, taking in deep breaths it has been such a long time since they even laughed like this, it's actually nice..

"Will he be fine though?"

"He will be fine, he is the father of my two strong sons you know he will e okay.." Ji Hong says, Minseok snapping his eyes at him.. "when do you talk like that?"

"Hating someone like Kim Nam-gil is a total was of time, he he is not bad.." Minseok eyes in-large.. "he is just trying to get over the troubles that troubled his life and ended up choosing to wrong way, but now he is realizing that and that's good, right?" Looking back at his sons only to see Yoongi sleeping, Minseok looking at him with tears in his eyes..

"You are the best father anyone could ask for.." Minseok asks before giving him a huge.. "and you are the best sons I couldn't ever ask for.." Ji Hong says to his son..

Jackson's room

"Please let me go.."

"You are really getting annoying, why don't you just close your eyes and go back to sleep ha?" The female nurse attending to Jackson says, rolling her eyes at him before continuing with preparing the medication..

"She will hurt him.." he lets out in a weak tone, trying hard to get out of the cuffs that have been placed on his wrists.. "please.."

"Do you want me to guge or something ha, shut up okay.." she lets out in annoyance.. "he is not even your father and you keep blathering about him, come on the man might have gone back to being a personal whore to that woman and left you to suffer so.."

"So you just lost your job, get out.." her words get cut off by Taehyung who just walks in, looking back at him she scoffs.. "you are not my employer.." she shoots with so much attitude..

Taehyung smirks mischievously.. "I know that.. but do you know that my sister owns this hospital and all it takes is one line for you to walk out of here jobless.." he scoffs at the girl who is now glaring at him.. "are you going to leave or.."

She lets out a scoff be walking of the room, bumping into Taehyung on the way before shutting the door.. "puta.." ("bitch") he says under his breathe, walking up to a now fully conscious Jackson..


"Get me out of this handcuffs.." Jackson lets out startling Taehyung.. "okay, not even a good morning or at least a hey.." Taehyung says, Jackson rolling his at him.. "just remove them.."

"Okay.." Taehyung walks further to the bed, taking Jackson's hand before trying to pull the handcuffs apart, Jackson's letting out a sigh of annoyance looking at this kid infront of him, because he doesn't understand what the fuck he is doing right... The handcuffs come apart.. okay maybe he does know what he is doing..

"Here you go.."

"Actually you are not that stupid.." Jackson says before getting off the bed and tries to walk out of the room but Taehyung grabs him.. "where are you going?"

"None of your business, let me go.." Taehyung doesn't let go raising his brows for an answer, Jackson lets out a sigh, looking back at the older male.. "to find my father.."

"Your father is admitted here.." he says making Jackson to turn turn to him.. "you found him? Where is he? Is he okay?"

"Woah woah woah.. calm down.." Taehyung lets out overwhelmed by the question coming after the other.. "he is in the same ward but a different room, you don't have to worry.."

"I want to see him now.."

"You can't do that.."

"I don't care.." getting out of Taehyung's hold, he runs out of the room to look for Nam-gil and Taehyung right behind him...

Yoongi's room

"Don't you want to see your.." he pauses going over the word he was about to let you.. "Mr Kim?" He asks with a smile on his face that Minseok doesn't really trust.. "he woke up" walking further into the room..

"Since you brought Mr Kim back you have been acting weird, it's scary.." Minseok says.. "do you want to see him or not?" The boys looking at each other before looking at Ji Hong and slightly nodding their heads..

"Then let's go, only for five minutes.." Ji Hong smiles, Minseok doesn't trust that smile, helping Yoongi up Ji Hong leads the way to Nam-gil's room..

A few minutes later

Ji Hong stops infront of a room, taking in a deep breathe he just hopes he is making the right choice, before opening the door.. "come on.." he says as they take slow steps into the room..

Nam-gil lays on the bed, his eyes open but empty as he looks up at the bright bulb in the room, the swelling in his face totally gone, scars on his arms and his face, but the moment the two brothers and their father walk into the room, sudden fear throughout his body..

The tepping sound of their shoes filling his ears, his hands gripping on the blanket, gulping down as the sound keeps getting close, his lips tramble as he starts sobbing that slowly turn to cries, flashes of the two days he spent in Ji-woo and her men's cluches..

Dark room, person after person walking in and the sound of their footsteps being what he hears first, assault after assulte, it terrifies him..

"Stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away stay away, stay away.." he repeats the words over and over again hoping the sound in his ears stop.. "stop it, stay away, stop it!!"

He yells out quickly getting off the bed hoping to get away.. "it's okay we won't hurt you.." Yoongi says taking further steps towards the frightened man who is now covering his ears and repeating the words stay away over and over..

"We won't hurt you, it's okay.." Minseok says taking further steps like Yoongi but the tapping of his shoes frighten Nam-gil to a point of panic, tears running down his face, confusion and fear written on his face as he looks around for an escape, but has no where to run so he squirts in a corner of the room, pulling his knees to his chest before picking up the cup on the table and throwing it at the twins, making Ji Hong almost step in but keeps his cool..

"Stay away!"

Suddenly the door busts open revealing Jackson who is clunching his stomach and Taehyung right behind him, his breathing heavy from the running he was doing from room to room..

"Dad.." walking into the room and tries to get to Nam-gil but Yoongi grabs his arm.. "he doesn't want anyone close to him especially strangers.." he says with a look of dislike in his eyes..

But Jackson snatches his arm away from Yoongi's hold, before taking steps to Nam-gil who is pushed against a corner.. "Dad.." he calls, but no response comes from him.. "Dad it's Jackson.." he lets out a chuckle taking in a deep breathe.. "Jackson Wang or Kim your son ha?"

Nam-gil seems to remember the name as he slowly looks at Jackson who is now standing right infront of him.. "Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson.." Nam-gil says the name he called Jackson's name like it's a song..

Jackson lowers his body taking a closer look at his father's bruised face, trying not to imagine the things he went through at the hands of that woman but manages to control his tears for his father... "Jackson will never hurt you, never.."

Nam-gil lets out a loud cry before ingulfing Jackson into a huge, Jackson putting his hands around him tears running down his face but dare not to let out a sound, rubbing his hand on Nam-gil's back to calm him down, not noticing the anger and jealousy in the eyes of the two twin brothers behind him especially Yoongi who instantly walks out of the room by himself, Minseok following after along with both Ji Hong and Taehyung..

Nam-gil continues to cry his heart out, holding onto Jackson like his life dependes on it, like Jackson is the only safe place for him, his comfort zone..

"I'm here, and I won't let them hurt you again and if they try I will become a monster itself to keep you safe.." Jackson promises..

"I'm so sorry Dad.."


Yoongi finally remembers, that was a mini heart attack there..

What a rude nurse..

Typical twin brothers fighting..

Why do you think Taehyung went to Jackson's room instead of Yoongi's?

Ji Hong is trying to keep his cool..

Jackson is the only one to calm Nam-gil down and the boys are not liking it, especially Yoongi..

Hope Nam-gil will be okay, mentally..


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