By swimfloatiesreggie

26.4K 577 273

What 𝗂𝖿 Regulus Black 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 Gryffindor 𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗈𝖿 Slytherin.... what would... More

I. First Year: Sorting Ceremony
II. First Year: Roomates, Family, and James Potter
III. First Year: Christmas Break 1972
IV. First Year: Regulus's 12th Birthday and the Last Day of School
V. Second Year: First Day
VI. Second Year: Not Very Friendly Competition
VII. Second Year: Potions Partners
VIII. Second Year: James Potter Is Going To Kill Someone
IX. Second Year: The Fight That Sparked Friendship
X. Second Year: Christmas At The Fawleys
XI. Second Year: Hez, You Can't Just Hex People
XII. Second Year: Aidan Barron Is *Surprisingly* A Genius
XIII. Second Year: Mommy, Daddy, and Sibling Issues
XIV. Third Year: James Potter Is The Most Confusing Wizard Ever
XV. Third Year: The "Unwanted" 4th Year Divination Group
XVI. Third Year: Maybe The Marauders Aren't... That Bad?
XVII. Third Year: Christmas 1974
XVIII. Third Year: James Has A Terrible Crush And Marlene Has To Cope With It
XIX. Third Year: Sirius Has An Idea
XX. Third Year: The Grand Prank Of 1975
XXI. Third Year: Sirius Doesn't Come Home
XXII. Summer: Regulus Makes Some Sacred 28 Friends
XXIII. Fourth Year: Regulus Realizes Some Stuff
XXIV. Fourth Year: Slytherins Are 100% Drug Addicts
XXV. Fourth Year: Why Do People Love Cornering Him So Much?
XXVI. Fourth Year: The Fall Of The Black Brothers
XXVII. Fourth Year: Comforting Under The Stars
XXVIII. Fourth Year: First Kiss
XXIX. Fourth Year: Will You Secretly Go To The Valentines Ball With Me?
XXX. Fourth Year: Kian and Aidan Find Out Things They Weren't Supposed To
XXXI. Fourth Year: So His Brother Definitely Messed Up
XXXII. Fourth Year: Regulus Totally Wasn't Jealous, Why Would He Be?
XXXIII. Summer: I Guess It Wasn't True Love After All
XXXIV. Fifth Year: I'm So Sorry, Reggie
XXXV. Fifth Year: Divination Partners and Love Potions
XXXVI. Fifth Year: Confessions During Prefect Rounds
XXXVII. Fifth Year: Friends?
XXXVIII. Fifth Year: Howling At The Moon And Stuff
XXXIX. Fifth Year: Boy Problems
XL. Fifth Year: The Full Glass Of Fire Whiskey
XLI. Fifth Year: Room Of Requirement Shenanigans
XLII. Fifth Year: Holding Hands In Places Regulus Shouldn't Be Holding Hands
XLIII. Fifth Year: Apologies, Birthdays, and Rings
XLIV. Fifth Year: OWLs Will Be The Death Of Regulus
XLV. Fifth Year: Confessions Of Love Before Break
XLVI. Summer: Three Purebloods And A Muggle Born Go To A Muggle Fair
XLVII. Sixth Year: Sappy Reunions With The Head Boy
XLVIII. Sixth Year: Quidditch Players Coach Non-Quidditch Players
XLIX. Sixth Year: The First Crack In The Glass - Part 1
L. Sixth Year: The First Crack In The Glass - Part 2
LI. Sixth Year: So My Boyfriend Is A Stag
LII. Sixth Year: Regulus Doesn't Go Home
LII. Sixth Year: The Rosier Twins
LIII. Sixth Year: Fireworks
LIV. Sixth Year: The Daily Prophet
LV. Sixth Year: Blood And Tears
LVII. Sixth Year: James Stands On A Table
LVIII. Sixth Year: You Are Dead To Me
LIX. Sixth Year: Disowned And Free
LX. Sixth Year: Last Week
LXI. The War: Order Of The Phoenix Shenanigans
LXII. The War: The Spy
LXIII. The War: James Finds Out The Truth *Sort Of*
LXIV. The War: The Cave
LXV. The War: Horocruxes
LXVI. The War: The Opposing Team
LXVII. The War: Tom Riddles Diary
LXVIII. The War: Foolish Insecurites Are Revealed
LXIX. The War: Love Hurts
LXX. The War: Marvolo Guants Ring
LXXI. The War: Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem
LXXII. The War: The Outsider
LXXIII. The War: Helga Hufflepuffs Cup
LXXIV. The War: The Battle - Part 1
LXXV. The War: The Battle - Part 2

LVI. Sixth Year: The Truth Is Revealed

167 7 2
By swimfloatiesreggie

March 28, 1978 (Tuesday)



Regulus was walking side by side with James. They were on their way to Rita Skeeters house to make their statement about their relationship at the price of her telling them who tipped her off to begin with.

It was funny because they were going to talk about their relationship that felt like it was crumbling at the moment. Regulus had been ignoring James and shutting him out even though he had promised not to. There was a tension between them like they were in some silent argument. Regulus didn't know what to say to make it better. He always ran when it came to things like this, but he was trying so hard not to run this time. James didn't deserve that.

Fleamont was trailing a couple feet behind them. Aurors were also surrounding Rita's house as a safety precaution. "Here we are," Fleamont announced as they reached a small yellow house. "I'll wait out here."

With that, James knocked on the door in front of them. Rita Skeeter opened the door just seconds later. She looked surprised, but thrilled when she saw them. "Well if it isn't Regulus and James. This is a wonderful surprise. Come in, come in."

Regulus shared a nervous look with James before they both stepped into Rita's house. She gestured towards one of the sofas and they sat down. Rita sat down in the chair across from them. "So what brings you two here today?" She asked them.

"We are willing to make a statement about the article you published about us," Regulus stated.

"Wonderful! Go on."

"Not so fast. You don't get to just publish our statement for free."

"Should've known. You are a Black after all," Rita stated.

"Hardly." The floating pen and quill wrote down his words. Shit. He really had to watch what he said.

"We will tell you what you want as long as you tell us who tipped you off," James stated.

Rita clicked her tongue. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Potter."

"Then we should probably get going," Regulus stated.

He started to stand up, but Rita held out a hand. "Wait! I'll tell you."

Regulus sat back down with a pleased smile. "We are waiting."

"It was Barty Crouch Jr.," she confessed. "He came to me over Christmas break, but he told me to wait to publish the article because it would be more popular when the Hogsmeade attack wasn't fresh in everyone's head."

Regulus felt his stomach drop to the floor. "What?"

"Reg, I'm so sorry," James told him.

He felt the betrayal consume him whole. Barty had outed him to everyone. Barty who was like his brother. Barty who knew how his parents were. Barty who knew what would happen if they found out about him and James. Barty who is abused himself by his father.

Barty had went to Rita knowing exactly what he was doing and what it would cost Regulus.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼



They told Rita the truth and then they left. The entire way back to the Potters mansion, they were silent. James didn't try to talk to Regulus until they were back at home. It was night time now.

"Reg-," he started.

Regulus held up his hand. "Not right now, James," he snapped. "I just- I need time alone okay. I'll see you in the morning."

James wanted so badly to follow Regulus up the steps, but he didn't. "What happened?" Euphemia asked him.

"Barty was the one who went to Rita," James stated simply. He was definitely going to kill Barty for this if he got the chance.

"As in the ministers son?"

James nodded. "Him and Regulus were like brothers."

"And he went to Rita knowing exactly what would happen to Regulus," she finished for him.

James gave her another small nod. "I'm going to bed now."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

When he got up into his bed, all his emotions from the last couple days confused him and he just sobbed. He didn't know how long he cried before there was a knock at his door. It had to be late now.

He wiped away his tears and took a deep breath before speaking. "You can come in."

The door opened the reveal Regulus. He was standing there looking ashamed and nervous. He looked like he had been crying too. "Can I- can I sleep in here?"

James nodded and Regulus climbed into bed next to him. There was an awkward tension between them that hadn't been there in a long time. James felt like they had just fought, but they hadn't even fought.

"Do you want to know the strangest thing that happened in the last couple days?" Regulus asked breaking the silence.

"What would that be?"

"My dad saved me. He stopped my mum. I would have been dead if it wasn't for him."

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know," Regulus replied quietly as he twirled around the sun ring on his finger. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know," James answered truthfully.

Regulus pulled him into a tight hug and James buried his face in the croon of Regulus's neck. They both just sat there and cried in each other's arms as they held onto each other. They were both hurt and terrified, but they still had each other. "I'm sorry," Regulus chocked out.

"For what?"

"For making your life such a fucking mess. You keep on getting hurt for just simply loving me."

"The mess is worth it if it means I get to be with you."

Regulus pulled away and frowned at him. "I hate when you say stuff like that."


"Because it's just a reminder of how bloody selfless you are, James. I don't want you to be fine with this all for my sake. It makes me feel like an arse. You are getting hurt and you don't even care!"

"I know, but I can't help it, Reg. I really can't. It's just how I feel. I don't want to burden you with my feelings. You already have enough going on."

Regulus let out a sad laugh. "James, that's ridiculous. Your feelings aren't a burden. Please just promise me you will try to talk to me."

"Okay, I promise." He pulled Regulus into a tight hug. He was going to try for Regulus. "I'm sorry about Barty."

He felt Regulus tense up in his arms. "I don't want to talk about him. Not right now. I just want to go to bed."

Regulus turned so he was lying with his back to James. James snaked his arms around Regulus's waist and pulled him close. He placed a kiss to Regulus's temple. "Night, Reggie. I love you."

"I love you too, Jamie."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

March 29, 1978 (Wednesday)

James woke up early the next morning. Regulus was still curled up in his arms, his face buried in James's chest. He looked so peaceful right now and James really didn't want to wake him so he carefully slipped out of bed and headed downstairs.

His parents were sitting at the table drinking their morning coffee. His mother handed him the paper as soon as he reached the table. He read over the article on the front page. His and Regulus's article. She didn't appear to twist anything they said as he read it, but Regulus's remark of "hardly being a Black" had, of course, made it in because this was Rita Skeeter. She thrived on the drama.

"Thank fuck she didn't twist what we told her. The situation is already bad enough," he told his parents.

His mother wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. "I'm proud of you, James. Very proud."

James kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, mum."

"You are exactly the son we raised you to be, James. I can't even put into words how proud of you we are," his father added.

He gave them both a weak smile. "I try to be."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

He climbed back into bed with Regulus. He figured Regulus would want to wake up in his arms and not an empty bed. He set the paper on his bedside table and pulled Regulus close to him again.

Regulus woke up a little over an hour later. James leaned down and placed a lingering kiss to Regulus's shoulder. He watched as a small smile appeared on Regulus's lips. "Morning," James stated.

James held onto him even tighter and placed more kisses all over Regulus's face, neck, and shoulder. Regulus let out a little laugh. "Someone's clingy today."

"I'm happy," James corrected.

Regulus sat up and shifted so he was facing him. "So the article is good then?"

"It's exactly how we wanted it, baby," he said before he leaned over a pressed a kiss to Regulus's forehead. He then reached over and handed the paper to Regulus.

"Bet my parents are going to love me saying I'm hardly a Black," Regulus replied sarcastically as he read the article.

"Absolutely thrilled," James joked along with him before he started to place kisses all over Regulus's face again.

"You keep missing my lips, love," Regulus teased.

Regulus connected their lips into a kiss and James kissed him back hard which only encouraged Regulus's boldness. The black-haired boy shifted so he was straddling his hips. Regulus brought his hands up to cup his face as James's hands found Regulus's hips. James trailed his lips down Regulus's jaw and onto his neck.

"I'm going to kill you if you leave a mark, Potter," Regulus warned him.

It really was an empty threat. James could tell Regulus deep down wanted him to leave a mark. "Keep telling yourself that, Reggie."

He sucked on Regulus's neck harder. "James," Regulus warned again.

He pulled away briefly to pout. "You are no fun."

He went back to kissing Regulus's neck, but he made sure to do it carefully because Regulus bruised like a bloody peach. Regulus truthfully probably should be the one kissing his neck right now because James's darker complexion hid hickeys better than Regulus's pale skin did. The idea popped in his head that if he just gave Regulus a hickey where his shirt could hide it, it wouldn't be a problem. He sucked on the skin on Regulus's collarbone.

"Asshole," Regulus insulted, but he didn't sound upset. He seemed like he was definitely enjoying it and James smiled to himself.

His bedroom door opened and the person at the door let out a yelp. James pulled away to see Sirius standing at the doorway with his hand over his eyes.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?!" Regulus asked his brother.

"How was I supposed to know you were in here?!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Have you seriously not read the paper the last couple days?" James asked.

"He was probably too busy shagging Remus," Regulus teased. He still hadn't moved off of James.

Sirius ignored his little brother. "When I remove my hand, you better be two feet minimum away from him and James you better have your filthy little claws off my baby brother."

Regulus reluctantly climbed off James and Sirius removed his hand. "You are acting like you walked in on us shagging. I was just kissing his neck," James stated.

"Which usually leads to shagging, Potter," Sirius pointed out.

James felt blush creep up his neck and he looked over at Regulus to see he was blushing too. They shared a look and James raised an eyebrow at him. Regulus just gave him an almost too innocent smile and shrugged.

Sirius fake gagged. "Okay, I've seen enough for my lifetime. I'm leaving now, but I swear to god if I walk by this room and sense a silencing spell, I'm going to chop your dick off, Potter."

James gave him an innocent smile. "Yes, sir."

When Sirius left, they both burst out laughing. They had definitely just mortified Sirius for life.


Words: 1,990

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