Home (NEW BEGINNING)/ Bts Rel...

Oleh Megameno07luvinga

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I'm not going to give a description, sorry.. just read to find out.. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ Lebih Banyak

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight..
happy birthday Jimin
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
happy birthday jhope
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
Happy birthday Yoongi
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven

chapter thirty three

12 2 17
Oleh Megameno07luvinga

High care hospital

He comes in running and penting.. "Hwang Hyunjin.." he tells the receptionist..

Looking through her book and he keeps teping his feet out of nervousness.. "recovery room, third floor room 34.." she says and he runs off to the third floor..

Not even bothered to look at the three boys sitting outside the room he runs in, seeing Hyunjin laying on the hospital bed his head bandaged, gets him more worried..

"How my I help you sir?" A female questions him.. "what are you to the patient?"

"I'm his older brother.." he says before looking at the nurse and it's like the air in her lungs got knocked out looking at his face..

"Bangchan.." she lets out.. "I..I... Such a big fan of.."

"Look.." he starts.. "I'm not going to sign any autographs okay, I'm more worried about my brother.."

"Sorry so.."

He sighs.. "it's okay.. by the way"


"Who brought him here.."

"Oh them.." she fake smiles.. "they are outside the Rodriguez brothers.." she says before walking out of the room and Bangchan fists his hands, before walking outside where Felix, Jungkook and Taehyung sit..

"If something happens to that boy Felix.." Taehyung starts.. "just know you get to face dad's rathe by yourself.."

"The kid will be fine and anyways.." Felix's words are cut off when Bangchan's hands come to his collar and is pulled to his feet and pushed against the wall..

"Anyways what?!" Bangchan ask darggers in his eyes holding Felix and the younger boy fists his hands looking at the older male..

"So you are the one who did this to him ha?" He asks.. "how dare you lay your hands on him.."

"The same way if you don't get your hands off me.." Felix says looking straight into Bangchan's eyes..

"Okay can we break this up.." Taehyung says trying to get Bangchan's hands away from Felix, but gets pushed away by Bangchan, and now he is the one glaring..

"You.."Taehyung tries to get hold of Bangchan but Jungkook stops him.. "Alejandro.." he warns and Taehyung stops, but the glaring between Felix and Bangchan continues..

"If you lay your hands on him again I will make you regret it.." he threatens.. "I won't care about who you are, your name or money I will break your fuckin legs unders.."


Hyunjin cuts him off as their heads snap towards him, Bangchan letting go of Felix's collar and the other boys letting out a breathe of relief and Bangchan gives him a very tight huge..

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.." Hyunjin says his eyes meeting with Felix's inraged eyes before looking away.. "lets go inside.." pulling Bangchan into the room and closing it..

"Not even a thank you.." Taehyung says looking at the closed door.. "lets just go home, and every one of us need to prepare a lie to tell those old folks.."

"True.." Taehyung agrees.. "and control you anger you might end up killing someone." He says looking at Felix who still looks angry from what happened a few minutes ago..

Jung Mansion

It has almost been five hours, just a few more minutes and the door will open, Jackson has been sitting outside the room for the past five hours waiting it to open..

Minseok sitting infront of his computer waiting for the door to open, praying that he thinks is not true especially after seeing the red light coming from the room..

Finally the door cracks open making both their hearts jump, getting to his feet he takes steps towards the room placing his hand on the handle he opens it, only for his to freeze in the doorway his eyes widen looking at red lit room..

A table of sex toys layed out, making Jackson confused..

Until his eyes lend on the table, sending shivers down his spine, Nam-gil laying down bondage around his neck, wrist and ankles, his mouth taped his legs spread out and crook cage on his manhood and a diltor thrusting inside him at a fast speed, his body jacking back and forth from the impact as he lays there like a died corpses..

Quickly Jackson finds the switch and stops it, removing the tap, Nam-gil spits to diltor out, looking for the keys and finding them he unlockes to bondage, covering Nam-gil with a thin clothe he picks the man up and walks out of the room..

Minseok nearly jumping from his seat seeing Nam-gil in Jackson arms, worry on his face..

Jackson lays the man down.. "sir are you okay.." he asks but Nam-gil says nothing slowly closing his eyes Jackson gets what he wants, getting to his feet he walks out of room closing the door behind him..

Nam-gil slowly opens his eyes, as he lets out a sob followed by his cries, his body sore he can't even move to cover himself properly, and Minseok bits on his lips watching the man and his head repeating the words “he deserves it” over and over but his heart disagrees with everything..

Unable to take it he puts on his black sweater and jeans, a mask and cap before sneaking out of the house, carefully he manages to get into the Jung premises before sneaking into the house and slowly makes his way to a specific room, avoiding the maids and Ji-woo's man..

Reaching his destination he opens the door, closing it startling the man who has still not fallen asleep before locking the door, and suddenly he regards coming here..

He sighs.. "I should leave.." he turns around but..

"Minseok" Nam-gil lets out stopping Minseok in his tracks, hearing his name from the man's mouth, but let's out a scoff remembering the last time he called his name, that day he pointed a gun at his head the day he killed him, Ji-hun and his family..

Turning around he walks to the man with a smirk on his face, looking how pathetic and weak the man looks something he wanted to see for a long time..

"How is life Mr Kim?" Minseok ask.. "how is it treating you?"

He smiles through the pain, making Minseok angry.. "it's tr..treating me the way it should treat me.." he says in a husky tone.. "how is it treating you ha?"

"What I'm I doing.." Minseok asks himself.. "why am I.."

"I'm sorry.." Nam-gil cuts his words off.. "I'm sorry for that night, I did not mean to do it I don't even remember properly but for..forgive me.." the man cries..

"What I did was unforgettable, my drunken state could never be an excuse.." trying to move his hand but unable to which Minseok noticed and unconsciously he walks to the man sitting right beside him..

"I was angry and taught of Everything and it took over me.."

"If that night never happened, if you just controlled you anger just a little more we won't be here.." Minseok says.. "I know you hated us from the day we were born.."

"I never hated you and your brother, I was guilt that I could not provide you with the happy childhood you deserve, parents who love you a a father figure.." Minseok looks at the man who keeps looking at the ceiling as more tears flow down his face look as the once man he hated is taking over his heart..

"How is your brother?"

Minseok looks at the man taking in a deep breathe.. "he is fine.."

"Does he still look like a ghost?"

Minseok bits his tongue hearing Nam-gil's words, trying hard to laugh forgetting the little anger in him.. "yes he does, he still talks to much.."

"More than you?" Nam-gil cuts him off, making Minseok side eye him..

"I don't talk to much.."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure.." he defense.. "and anyways if I talk to much I got it from you old man.."

"I'm just 44.."

"Yes, like I said old m..." Minseok's words are cut off when Nam-gil starts gripping on the sheet covering his body.. "are you okay?"

"I'm..I'm... Fine.." he lets out only to let out a cough as blood spills from his lips, his eyes barely open making Minseok worry but no need to think as he hears footsteps, running to the door he carefully unlockes it before hidding behind the door..

Jackson walks into the room only to panic seeing Nam-gil and the blood.. "shit.." he lets out running to the man covering his body with a thicker sheet picking him up before running out of the room..

Minseok comes out of hidding, walking up to the bed only to notice fresh blood on the bed where Nam-gil was laying, fisting his hand he keeps looking anger building in him.. "that woman.." he lets out..

High care hospital

It has been fifteen minutes since Nam-gil had been rolled in and the doctors have not come back to him but soon one of the doctors comes out who happens to be Ana Rodríguez..

"How is he doing?"

He asks, and Lindi looks him up at him who the fuck is he, especially with the worry in his eyes, why will anyone care about someone like Kim Nam-gil..

"How are you related to the patient sir?" She asks and Jackson says nothing, he has no family oversly, Lindi scoffs before walking..

"I'm his son.." he lets out stopping Lindi in her tracks, letting out a chuckle she walks back to him, looking straight into his eyes.. "are you lieing to me?"



"Why are you asking so many questions, do you know him, do you know about his family?"

Running her tongue over her lower lip.. "no, I don't know him.." she smiles and Jackson can easily tell how fake it is..

"Okay.. can I talk to you in my office about your father.."

"Of course, please lead to way.." Jackson says and Lindi leads him to his office..

"Please take a sit.." she gaids him with his hand as she takes her sit.. "Now can you tell me what happened to him?"

"Well your father has Acute traumatic rectal injury, do you know what that is?"

"Clearly I don't.."

"In your father's case it's a constant assulte to the rectum or should I say to the anus, which caused trauma to his body leading the the state he is in now.."

"So" she continues.. "as his son what were you doing when your father was getting assulted?" She intentionally asks and Jackson looks down at his fisted hands knowing he is part of the condition Nam-gil is in..

"Why so.."

"Doctor.." her words are cut off when a nurse runs in..


"He is converging.." she says, and before Jackson can make out anything from what the nurse said the doctor runs out and he follows them out..

Twenty five minutes later

The doctor walks out of the room and he runs to her but her face expression doesn't sit well with Jackson..

"Is he fine?"

She takes in a deep breathe before looking at the young man.. "he slipped into a coma and his condition is critical that's why we are going to keep him her for a few more days until he stabilizes.."

He bits on his lower lip.. "okay.. but will this effect his mind or memory?"

"We are not sure we will have to wait for him to wake up.. but with what his body when through I don't think he would want to remember any of it, but that's up to him to decide.."

"Can I see him, I won't take long.."

"Of course.."

"Thank you.." he bows before running into the room, and Lindi just looks at him wondering how Kim Nam-gil got such a person on his side, she scoffs..

"Must be his lover, if he can rape his son then clearly he has no problem sticking his dick into any hole.." she mumbles to herself before walking away..


He walks into the room, Jackson sleeping on the couch while Nam-gil lays on the bed an oxygen mask over his mouth, monitor on him..

His head wondering why he suddenly care for the man, why does his heart keep drawing him to the older man, the same man he feared for years, when he use to even think of him it send shivers throughout his body he was the cause of his trauma..

But now the same heart that feared the mire mention of the man is the same heart pulling him towards him, why is this happening when they are so close to their revenge just a few more months and it will be done..

He lets out a deep sigh.. "why are you doing this to me? Why does my heart want to forget what happened, why does it want to believe that you didn't do it that night, it was not you.." he sobs..

"But you admitted it yourself, it was you.. why?" He exhales.. "but it doesn't matter, we will still get our revenge and everything you took, just know that..."

He says before walking out, not daring to look back..


Felix has has a bad temper..

Well now we know what that room is, and why Nam-gil hates it..

At some point Minseok is kind of like Nam-gil..

Why do you think Jackson lied..

Why is Minseok's heart acting like this?

Will Nam-gil be fine..

Have you released that Yoongi and Nam-gil never came face to face, I can't wait for them to meet because I'm sure it's going to be superb..

At least Ji-woo won't be able to harm Nam-gil while he is in a coma..


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