Home (NEW BEGINNING)/ Bts Rel...

By Megameno07luvinga

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I'm not going to give a description, sorry.. just read to find out.. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight..
happy birthday Jimin
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
happy birthday jhope
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
Happy birthday Yoongi
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven

chapter twenty eight

9 2 5
By Megameno07luvinga


"This is so boring.."

Jk lets out looking around the big house and the people he enjoys being not around..

"Are you looking for entertainment??" Park Jimin asks with a smirk dancing on his face eyeing Ji-woo in the mist of people..

"Of course.."

"Just wait and watch.." turning to look at Jimin walking towards Ji-woo, not really sure if it's on purpose or not.. "you will get drama soon.."

Jimin who is oblivious of the woman just a few meters from him continues to walk looking past everyone and looking at Hoseok standing on the other side..

Accidentally Jimin and Ji-woo bump into each other, Jimin spilling his drink on the woman, who lets out a scream getting everyone's attention.

"Are you blind!!" She yells looking down at her ruined outfit.. "do you know how much this costs?" Finally looking up and meeting eye to eye with the young man, who gets her to keep quiet real quick..

"Lo siento..." ("Sorry..")

Jimin apologizes, looking straight at the woman who took what he cared for more than his own life, the murderer responsible for his current state, holding himself together he gives her the coldest stare..

"I didn't mean to spill my drink on you, I was not watching where I was going.." he says as she continues to stare at him..

Walking closer to her.. "and yes I know how much it costs, how can I not when I was part of the making.." he says so only her can hear before moving back..

"You should get that cleaned.." pointing at Ji-woo's outfit.. "the waiter will show you the bathroom.." he lets out a small smile before starting to walk away but..

Is stopped when a glass shatters right at him feet, but does not get startled before looking back behind him where the shattered glass broke, silencing the whole room once again..

"Enough!!" Ji-woo yells.. "I have had enough of this bullshit! So stop it.."

"Stop this drama.." looking at the Rodriguez siblings as they walk to Jimin.. "stop pretending, because nobody here believes this sharad you are putting on.."

"You have started again.." Lindi says.. "Ms.. what ever your name is don't creat a scene here.. please.."

Ji-woo lets out a chuckle looking back at the nine people infront of her.. "I'm not stupid Jimin.." she glares.. "do you think I don't know how you look.."

"So stop this drama, stop following that dispicable man and come to Mom.."

"She has totally lost her mind.." Felix says looking at the woman.. "I think we need security.."

"Nah.. let her go on.." Lindi says, trying hard not to slam her fist into the woman's face..

"Jimin.." she calls hoping for a reaction from the boy's face, but nothing shows on his face.. "Jimin I'm your mother.."

"First of all his name is Antonio.." Linda walks in.. "Antonio Rodriguez and he is my son..."

Linda says looking at the woman, catching the children off guard, calling Jimin her son which she never did ever, and it's kind of sweet..

"We get it.." Linda starts.. "we resemble the once famous family, but we are not okay, those people died a long time ago you even got an autopsy done, but I just don't get what you problem is.."

Ji-woo lets out a chuckle.. "you sound so pathetic, trying to claim what is not yours.."

Linda scoffs.."I don't have to try to claim things, because when ever Harmosa wants something, she will make sure she get it either with negotiation or shedding blood.." she says the last part through grinding teeth..

"Shit.." Felix lets out loud enough for only his siblings to hear.. "what did she just says?"

"Don't ask.."

"Okay.." Ji Hong finally walks in.. "I think we should stop here.." looking at him wife.. "okay.." taking her hand into his with a smile, clearing her anger away..

The silence is soon broken when.. "you have not changed a bit Ji Hong.." Ji-woo says, making Ji Hong grip harder on Linda's hand, giving her a signal he is uncomfortable especially when Ji-woo is just right behind him..

Rubbing circles on his hand to ease his nerves she looks past his shoulder.. "can you leave please.."

"Why?" She asks.. "can't he talk?" Seeing that Ji Hong is not going to look at her she grips on his arm before turning him around to look at her, and he panics looking between her hand and her face as his lips tramble..

But Linda pushes her hand away before cupping his face making him look directly into her eyes.. "look at me.." she says and he nods in response..

"Everything is okay ha.. everything is fine.." she comforts, making Ji-woo and everyone confused..

"Get out.." Lindi breaks the silence, grabbing Ji-woo by the arm before dragging her away..

"We have heard enough of your bullshit, now leave.." dragging Ji-woo through the crowd, while Nam-gil watches his face looking pitiful, looking at Ji-woo's face and she is more than just angry, and he knows that anger will be directed to him..

Letting out a chuckle and closing his eyes he lets out a sigh, he has not recovered from the suicide attempt and being starved just a few hours after that and now he is sure Ji-woo is going to add a collection of new scares on his already scared body..

Opening his eyes, and gulping he starts to follow the woman out, not noticing the deadly eyes on him, Minseok and Yoongi both let out scoffs looking at the man walking out..

"A total lapdog.." Yoongi says.. "pathetic.." Minseok adds..

"I apologise for what happened.." Yeosin starts.. "and you are welcome to leave if you feel like it, thank you for attending.." she smiles, before walking back to her siblings..

Linda manages to calm Ji Hong down before walking him upstairs, while Jimin leaves clearly he is not happy seeing the woman at all..

Jimin's room

He walks into his room, slamming to door close pulling on his tie suffocation taking over his breathing, aggressively removing his jacket and throwing it across the room..

His vision suddenly clouded, his brain pounding in his skull, sudden images start flashing in his head, people running, trees, footsteps..

"What's going on.." he lets out pressing his head between his palms and trying to stand on his own but ends up falling down on his couch..



Jimin calls, eyes falling on a bloody Ji-hun who is being held down by two men, while his mother stood infront of him..

"Let him go or I shoot.." he threatens, pointing the gun at the woman, and by now Ji-hun is losing his shit with this boy, he told them to run but no, he doesn't listen one of the reasons he doesn't like him..

"Jimin how can you shoot, are you really going to kill the person who give you life.."

Both boys seem to be taking in what she just said.. "how can you shoot your own mother?" She says snapping the boys out of their thoughts, which makes Jimin grip harder on the gun can't wait to put a bullet in this woman's head..

While Ji-hun keeps looking at Jimin, tears building in his eyes as looks at the boy he has been craving to hold, his little Mochi..

"If you are the woman that give birth to me I'm surely disappointed.." pointing the gun.. "what kind of mother are you?"


"Fuck off.." he cuts her off.. "let him go.."

Ji-hun keeps looking at the boy with tears falling down his face.. "Mochi..." the little boy has grown so much, his Mochi is so big, suddenly something hits before looking at Ji-woo and then Jimin..

"Jimin run.." Ji-hun lets out..

"Don't listen to him Jimin, come to Mom.."

"Jimin run please I'm begging you.." he pleas with the boy..


"Why can't you just listen to me for once in your life!! Jimin run please for my sake.." he lets, his eyes begging for the boy to listen and run.. "please.."

With that Jimin turns to run but.. "get him.." Ji-woo lets out before her men charge towards Jimin only for Ji-hun to trip them over, stoping them from getting to Jimin, but...


A gun shot goes off followed by a groan, stoping Jimin in his tracks and looking behind him, only to see Ji-woo holding a gun and Ji-hun right infront of her..


Another bullet is fired, hitting Ji-hun right in the back and letting out a much louder groan, falling to his knees and flat on his stomach, both siblings make eye contact..


"Ji-hun.." Jimin lets out remembering the day.. "no no no he is still alive, Ji-hun.." he keeps denies the possibility of Ji-hun being dead..

Jung Mansion

Sitting on the couch, Ji-woo keeps mumbling something or the other out of angry, while Nam-gil stands infront of her.

She lets out a scoff, getting to her feet and looking at Nam-gil sending shivers down his body, the anger in her eyes he has never seen before, she is not just angry she is pist if it was possible smoke would start coming from her ears..

Nam-gil lets out a chuckle at his thoughts forgetting where he is standing..


His giggling is cut off when Ji-woo speaks, looking up at her his lips start to trambling his eyes bagging her not to do anything, but she is Jung Ji-woo..

"Don't make me repeat myself Kim.." she says before walking out of the room..

Nam-gil starts removing his shoes, then jacket unbuttoning his shirt and dropping it on the floor, removing his trousers, he stands in the room naked waiting for her to return..

Rodriguez Mansion
Ji Hong's room

"What was that for?"

Ji Hong asks looking at the woman laying on his bed alongside his little princess..


"Downstairs, when you said.."

"Why?" She cuts him off.. "is it because I threatened your “crush”?" Infacasing on the crush word..

"I don't like her.." she rolls her eyes.. "and no not because you threatened my “crush”" he imitates her.. "it's because you sounded like a Mafia wife.."

"That's because I am.." she says sitting upright on the bed, and moving closer to him and with the look in her eyes, he is scared..

"What belongs to me belongs to me alone understand.." she says, running her hand to his cheek making him look directly into her eyes..

"This house and everything in it, they are my children.." she says in a low tone, he tries to move away but she grips on his chin forcing him to look at her.. "and you, you are mine and nobody and I mean nobody gets to touch you.."

Her hand going to his chest and to his waist, squeezing him, he lets out a groan before kissing him muffling the moans coming from him as she plays with his nipples..

Breaking the kiss.. "and I'm the only one to make you sound like that.." she says, before getting up, taking Lili into her arms and walking out of the room..

And that's when Ji Hong finally breathes.. "oh my god.." putting his palm against his chest..

"One day I'm surely going to get a heart attack because of this woman.." he breathes, before getting up and going to the bathroom, because he needs a very cold shower..

Jung Mansion


It achos as hit hits Nam-gil's back, but he doesn't let out a sound, biting on his lips not to let any noise coming out or Ji-woo will go even hasher than she is..

It has been going on for the past twenty minutes, his wrists tied together and on to the rops that hang for the ceiling of the room, keeping him in a standing position..

A wip in her hand as she keeps hitting him, while the young gaurd standing in the room prays for this sinful act to end, how can you treat another human like this, death seems even better than this totoure..


"How dare they.." Ji-woo lets out gripping into the punishments tool..


"Throwing me out infront of everyone, do they know who I am.."


"Those pesants!!" She yells before hitting him again, the wip hitting his back and connecting to his chest, he lets out a sigh before letting his legs give up, his head lowered as he falls unconscious..


"I will make them regret this.."


"Nobody messes with Jung Ji-woo.."


"Nobody.." she says before throwing the wip across the room, streching out her arms and unclenching her neck she looks at Nam-gil, blood running down his back giving her pure satisfaction..

"Take care of that.."

She commands before walking out of the room, and the young gaurd locks the door before untieing Nam-gil and catching his bloody body before it hits the ground..

Disguste and anger going through the young man's body looking at the older male in his arms.. "how can someone be so cruel?" He lets out.. "how can.." he pauses looking down..

"If it was possible death would be best to end this misery.."

"Then end it.."

Nam-gil suddenly says startling the young man, who instantly looks down at the half concourse man..

"Why don't you just end it, the pain my life.." he says.. "please just kill me.." he pleads.. "I don't want to live anymore.."

Letting out a sigh, the young man ignores his words, picking him up and taking him to the bathroom, filling the bathtub and placing Nam-gil in it and the water instantly turns red..

Nam-gil lets out a chuckle looking at the young man cleaning him.. "you must be new here.."

"Why do you say that?"

"You didn't do anything to me like the others do.." the young man stops before looking at the man, words completely knocked out of his mouth, but Nam-gil lets out a smile, before taking in a breathe and continuing to clean him..

"Niether did you beat me.." he sighs.. "you are definitely new, first day of work??"


"Oh.. how long?"

"This is my second week now.."

"Oh, I guess so I was locked up during that time... So.."

"How are you still taking?" He cuts the older man off..

"Because I saw them.." he cheers but hiss at the sudden pain in his back but the excited smile doesn't fade..


"Minseok and Yoongi.."

"You mean Pablo and Ignacio Rodriguez.."

"No.. Kim Minseok and Yoongi, I might have not been there during their childhood, but I know them and the hatered they hold, I saw it in Minseok's eyes.."

"Let's go.." picking him up and taking him to his room, hopefully nobody noticed them, anyways everyone must be asleep..

Laying him down before treatment his wounds, getting him into trousers he covers the older man, before turning to leave but Nam-gil holds his hand..


"What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know my name?" He asks, but Nam-gil doesn't say anything and lets go of his head before closing his eyes to sleep..

"Jackson, my name is Jackson Wang.." the young man says before walking out of the room..

Nam-gil smiles.. "Jackson Wang.." he says... "Nice kid.." snuggling into his pillow before drifting off to sleep...


How is the new year treating you all hope it's going great..

Well Linda seems to be getting possessive over what belongs to her, nice..

Jackson asked the right questions, how is he still talking and smiling, my guy??

Now we can finally say Jimin got his whole memory back..


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I would not give any spoilers now
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the title explains everything. y don't yall just check it out first. enjoy the imagines. I hope yall will love them.
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