In Safe Hands 2: In My Arms (...

By AuthorUprising36

50.2K 3.2K 2.8K

~Sequel to In Safe Hands~ They thought it was over. Yugi and Yami were together and were safe. For good. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Shameless Self Advert: NEW FANFIC

Chapter 28

751 59 7
By AuthorUprising36

Mana sighed, looking out the window from the emergency ward as the night continued to stretch out over the hospital.

The moon glowed in the black abyss and she watched the tree sway gently in the breeze.

It was nights like this that Mana liked to be alone. She loved watching the silence outside and imagining her at home at this time. Usually with Mahad.

The two of them would be out on the grass, looking up at the gleaming stars that showed like diamonds on a pure black purse.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She turned and ran over, quickly picking up the phone.

"Domino City Emergency Care and Emergency Room Center." She said, pulling out a pad and a pencil as she held the phone between the side of her head and her shoulder, "How may I help you today?"

"P-Please! Send an ambulance!" Said a voice on the other side, a woman's voice. She seemed extremely choked up and chattering of other people could be heard from all around her.

Mana straightened up, raising an eyebrow. This definitely wasn't good.

"Okay, state the situation, please." She said into the phone, "What's your name?"

"A-Akiza Izinski..." She sniffed, hiccuping, "M-My friend...Y-Yusei has gotten in a m-motorbike accident and he...he needs help!!"

Mana nodded, writing on the pad.

"What is his full name?"

"Y-Yusei Fudo..."

Her eyes widened at that name. She knew exactly who he was. It was hard to find anyone who didn't know the name in Domino.

She shifted the phone and held it firmly.

"What's his status and location?" She asked, feeling a stronger sense of urgency than what she usually had.

"H-He is unconscious....unresponsive....we think he has a broken arm and leg...and he...he can't breathe!" Akiza said on the other line, clearly on the verge of tears, 'We...We are on main street! P-Please! Come help us!"

Mana nodded and finished writing stuff on the pad.

"How long has he been out?"

"F-Five minutes..."

"Okay. Just stay by him and keep safe. Police and Paramedics are being paged." Mana said, straightening up again and turning to where she was to hang up the phone, "We'll be there in about ten minutes. Hang in there."

"R-Right." Akiza sniffed, hanging up.

Mana did the same and turned, "Mahad!"

A tall, tan man turned and his eyes fell on Mana. He walked quickly over and took a look at the pad of notes she had taken. His eyes almost popped out when he saw the name.

"Y-Yusei Fudo???" He gasped, "THE Team Satisfaction Yusei Fudo?!"

Mana nodded, handing him the notes she had taken.

"Yes. Now get the paramedics on an ambulance and get them to the scene. I was just on with one of his friends and she said he has several broken bones, but by the urgency in her voice and the chatter I could hear all around her, it's far worse than that." Mana replied, walking quickly to where Yugi was, "I'll get Yugi. His team is doing the operation tonight."

Mahad watched her go and nodded at her, turning and calling for the paramedics he worked with. Mana went up the elevator, going to the one place she knew Yugi was in.


"He's still not responsive???"

Crow shook his head quickly, looking up at a tall blonde who stood over him, clearly shocked as much as he was, which wasn't something that happened much.

The two of them looked back at a crying woman who looked right back at them. She held two sobbing twins close and she nodded.

"Th-The help is coming..." She said just above a whisper, "We just...n-need to wait..."

"B-B-But..." The boy twin choked back a cry, not able to finish his sentence.

The girl just buried her face in the woman's shoulder and let all her tears go, shaking violently.

"Oh my god, Yusei..." The blonde, "Stop scaring us so much...please...?"

Crow looked at him, tears still falling down his cheeks, but he sadly smiled.

"You..." He laughed slightly.

Jack looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked.

"That's the first time...I've ever heard you say...p-please..." Crow shook his head, "The first time...we've ever been vulnerable...both of us...

"We're like...the three musketeers...Me, You, and Yusei...but now we're losing one...and we can't only have two musketeers...

"Of all people...Why him?"

Crow seemed to be speaking his mind without any filter on his words that left his mouth. Jack only looked on.

He was right and Jack knew it well.

All his life, through the band he had created with his best friend, he had also created a strong ego that overpowered all others.

He was seen as a stone-like man with no emotion.

He was strong and he stood tall and mighty over everything and everyone else. No one dared to mess with him because they were too scared of his strong stature and confident attitude.

But now, that was all gone.

He was different. He was the exact opposite. When it came to friends, he was a sucker like everyone else. Take someone away from him and all that tough guy stuff he had created for himself tumbles to the ground.

All because of a motorbike, an eighteen wheeler, and an over all life or death situation.

Crow was right, but Jack wouldn't admit it yet.

Not now.

Not in public.

He instead stood up and walked slowly over to Akiza, sitting beside her. Her tears had since slowed, but her sadness was still strong. The twins with her hadn't changed.

The young girl, a girl named Luna, still clutched Akiza like a lifeline and cried still.

Leo, the twin brother, tried to be like Jack, stuffing the rest of his emotions and silencing himself. He had to be a big brother for his younger twin sister. That was the image he was supposed to have.

But looking at the scene and taking it all in was too much for the young child.

Yusei's motorbike had been completely destroyed and his helmet lay cracked and scattered across the way. People still gathered about the scene, chattering and staring.

People still called for help, none of them knowing that it was already on its way. Jack folded his arms and sighed, looking down.

Leo looked at him.

"J-Jack?" He asked, his teary eyes wide.

Jack looked up.

"...have you ever gone through something as brutal as..." Leo said, pointing to Yusei's bloody body, "...Th-This?"

Leo felt the tears fall again and Jack pulled him closer, not knowing what else to do. Leo turned and hugged him, hiding his face as all the tears he had stored up fell and wet Jack's clothes, but Jack didn't mind it one bit.

He wanted to do the same thing. But he wore such a tough mask that he didn't know how to cry anymore.

He only prayed and hoped that his friend would live.

He always did.

Why wouldn't this time be any different from the last?

"Oh Yusei..." He muttered, rubbing Leo's back and letting on a totally different image than what anyone expected of him, but he didn't care, "...why should the glue of our friendship be taken?"

He looked at Crow who still cried over the body. Someone had to stay with it while Akiza and the twins got their air. Crow was the one to volunteer.

"Don't let our relationships fall apart...

"We need you..."

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