SKZ Little Space Oneshots

By eggcept-it

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random Stray kids littlespace oneshots I wrote because I can :) -requests are open ( I do every ship) Sometim... More

short intro
chan x minho-> captain
Minho x Chan -> try to swim
minho x Chan-> sold
Felix x skz-> first times
Felix x Changbin -> difficulties with coffee
Seungmin x Chan -> little brat
Chan x Han x Changbin -> chaotic live
Changbin x Felix -> dont try suicide, nobody's worth it
Han x Jeongin-> little to?
Jeongin x Seungmin -> filler member
hyunjin x seungmin -> daddy's back?
Jeongin x Felix -> skirts and cameras
Minho x Hyunjin x Felix -> dance baby
Felix x ? -> insane
Han x Skz -> they don't care about me
Changbin x Chan-> you're perfect
Hyunjin x Chan -> red lights
Felix x Changbin -> money
chan x changbin -> tell me
Seungmin x Jeongin-> spotlight
Chan x Hyunjin -> my prince
Minho x Changbin -> disgrease
Han x Changbin-> bath time chaos
Felix x Han-> stormy day
Changbin x Skz -> sudden changes
Chan x Jeongin-> cartoons
Minsung -> little killer
Seungmin x Jeongin-> unexpected connections
Minho x Skz -> wings
Seungmin x Changbinx-> CEO's prince
Changbin x Felix -> unexpected
Seungmin, Hyunjin x Jisung x Felix -> CEO's prince (2)
Changbin x Chan -> Hungry
Changbin x Felix -> unexpected (2)
Seungmin x Felix -> tea party
Chan x Felix -> just a nice day
Han x Felix -> forgotten birthday
Changbin x Minho -> underrated
Minho x Hyunjin -> miss you
Felix x Chan -> bad surprise
Han x Skz -> kicked out
Hyunjin x Minho -> silent treatment
Jeongin x Skz ->labour
Ot8 pt 2
Jeongin x Felix -> Freedom
Chan x Skz-> time to heal
Jeongin x Skz-> uncomfortable interview
Hyunjin x Jisung -> missing stuffie
Felix x Minho-> my baby
Felix x Minho -> my baby pt2
Skz x Minho-> mommy
changbin x Skz -> birthday boy
Felix x Jeongin-> backstory
Felix x Skz-> secret
Jisung x Chan-> kick him out and ill kick your ass!
Jeongin x Chan x Minho -> replaced?
Chan x Skz-> one mistake
Changbin x Chan -> gym incident
Hyunjin x Minho, Jisung -> sick days
Maknae line x Hyung line -> scared pt2
just a question
Changbin x Felix -> weird comfort
Jeongin x Chan->daddy needs help!!
Hyunjin x Jeongin -> Christmas shock
Hyunjin x Seungmin-> emojis
seungmin x Minho-> too much pressure
hyunjin x skz -accident
Another question
Jisung x Skz, (?)-> finally free
Changbin, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin x Skz -> beautiful christmas
Minho x Skz -> under pressure
Jisung x Jeongin-> finally free pt2
maknae line x hyung line -> meanies
Skz x Chan -> another stray cat
Skz x Chan -> another stray cat pt2
chan x skz-> bullies or softies
short announcement
Chan x Changbin, Jisung-> Chaotic live pt2
? x Chan-> my prince
Jeongin, Chan x Skz-> worthless
Jeongin, Chan x Skz-> worthy
Seungmin x Changbin -> comfort
Chan x Skz -> safe in their arms
Hyunjin x Changbin -> crush
Seungmin x Skz -> little secrets
Minho x Skz-> liar
Skz-> eight is fate

Maknae line x Hyung line-> scared

3.2K 48 15
By eggcept-it

Ship: Hyung line x Maknae line

Littles: Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin

Plot: The hyung line is the head of a successful mafia and is invited to a part, not knowing what is about to happen to them

Tw: human trafficking, forced slavery, scars, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of panic attack
(I don't have anything against Jackson, I just needed someone to play the asshole here)

It's worse than it seems, mostly fluff

Request by: that_one_whore597 (hope that it's still ok witht that many tw)

"Hyunjin! Don't you dare to spend then minutes more getting ready. In 10 minutes we will leave you here!" Minho yelled.
Since they had been invited to a party of an old friend, Chan couldn't deny the offer and now Hyunjin was again taking ages in the bathroom.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Chan's voice boomed through the room, making poor Minho flinch even if he was ready on time.

The door to the bathroom unlocked instantly and Hyunjin stumbled out.

"Finished!" He said and ran to the exit of the mansion, jumping into the waiting car. Minho rolled his eyes and followed Chan. Changbin was already sitting in the car, waiting for them.

When they finally arrived at the part, it had just started. The host, obviously Jackson wang, welcomed them and showed them around.

"But you have to stay until the end. It's a surprise, but I know that you'll love it." Jackson said when he finished showing them around.
Chan furrowed his brows but shrugged. It wasn't weird for Jackson to plan the weirdest things, so he mentally made a list of what could possibly be the surprise he planned.

Okay, everything Chan had on his list was nothing against the actual surprise. But the four absolutely hated the surprise.
It took them much convincing from the host to stay and at least watch.

"Hyung. Even if it's bad, we have to buy them and help them. I don't want them to be sold to some old disgusting man that will use them for things no one wants to image."
Hyunjin had been nervous the whole time, but now his blood was boiling.

Four small boys standing on the stage. All four didn't have many clothes on and didn't look healthy at all.

"These four can only be bought in a pack. They are the best slaves we have, but all of them sometimes start acting like children. Not great when you asked me.
The start is 5 Million $."
At the harsh words of the man who was moderating the show, two of the boys flinched and the mafia members could tell that the blonde with the freckles and the fox-like boy were both crying.
They all were holding hands, trying to support each other.

"Please Hyung. We can help them at least." Changbin had also decided that Hyunjin's idea was good. The four boys clearly shouldn't be sold to anyone who would treat them badly or even sold.

With a sigh, Chan lifted his hand and held up the sign that Jackson had forced onto them.

"Five Million in the front. No one else?
Six million from 009." Chan rolled his eyes and lifted the sign again, also showing the moderator that he was willing to pay more.

"Fifteen million. Anyone else? One, two, and three. Sold to the four gentlemen in the front row.

"You go pay Minho. I'll make sure that they get safely to our car." Chan handed Minho his card and walked to the room, where they were supposed to pick up the boys, with the other two.

The four boys were sitting on a couch. All of them were trembling and the fox-like boy who was also crying on stage was still crying.
The others were holding his hands and trying to calm each other down.

As they noticed that the people who bought them entered the room, they scooted a bit away from each other and lowered their gaze to the floor.
The collars on their neck were hurting them, but no one dared to say one word.

"Hey, I'm sorry for all of what you had to go through, but do you want to come to our home? You can rest there and have a meal before we talk."
One of them lifted his head at Hyunjin's words, but the boy next to him elbowed him and made him look on the ground again.

"Thank you for the offer, sir. We will accept it." The boy looking like a squirrel said. He still kept his gaze on the floor.

Chan stepped in the front and grabbed the two bags that were standing next to the couch.

"Is that everything?" The boys nodded in sync. It wasn't much,

"Good. Then follow us." Chan and Hyunjin walked in the front, the four boys followed them and Changbin walked behind them, just in case they tripped.

Minho was already waiting in the car for them. They let the boys sit all in the very back of the car while they sat in the next row. (It's a car like they always use with more rows, so it works)

The boys were whispering in the back, keeping their volume low so the older couldn't hear them.

After they arrived, the four boys followed them quietly, their gaze locked on the ground again. Changbin showed them to the guestroom, where they could get some rest.
The boys couldn't stop thanking Changbin for letting them sleep in a bed.

"Guys, I absolutely don't know what happened here, but we have to help them! They thanked me for letting them sleep in a dam bed.
One bed for four people! This isn't normal!"
Minho was in thoughts. He also didn't find it normal, that they were behaving like this.

"I want to know how long they were here. I want that we help them to get better and not behave like they are our slaves. They should be our friends or we should at least respect them as other human beings." Hyunjin's words were true. They knew that the boys were sold and trained to be slaves, so they would want to help them get the things that were drilled into their heads out of it.

"Let's give them some food at least. They all look like they've never seen real food. After this, we will talk with them and make sure that they know that we bought them to save them. Not to make them our slaves!"
They split the work. Chan would shortly look after work, while Minho would make food with the cook and Changbin would clean the boys up with Hyunjin and give them some fresh clothes.

After Changbin and Hyunjin prepared everything for the boys, they carefully walked into the guest room and found the boys all curled up on the bed.
Being as quiet as possible, they woke the one looking like a squirrel and fox up, since they were both laying on the outside of the bundle and could get out the best.

As the fox-like boy opened his eyes and looked straight into Hyunjin's eyes, he whimpered and quickly looked away.

"Please don't hurt him." The squirrel boy was also awake. He knew that the other looked their new master in the eye.

"We won't hurt anyone. We only wanted to wake you up so you could get a fresh shower and fresh clothes. We also won't punish you if you look at us." Changbin explained and picked the squirrel up.
The boy weighed absolutely nothing and it scared the shit out of Changbin.

Hyunjin held his hand out to the other boy, not wanting to scare him. The boy shyly took Hyunjin's hand and let the blonde lift him up, just like Changbin did with his friend.

The two carried them to the bathroom and let them down next to the bathtub. It was already full of water and bubbles.

"You can undress and get into the tube. If you want we can turn around." The two nodded and the squirrel made the first move. Much time had passed since they had a proper shower or bath.
For some privacy, the mafia members turned around and waited until they heard that both of the boys were in the water.

Both had snuggled close and enjoyed the other's presence. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at the two and to take a picture of them.

Changbin kneeled down and pulled one of the boys closer and began to gently scrub his body, making all of the dirt come off.
And it was absolutely disgusting. After he washed one of the boys the water was already brown and Hyunjin changed the water for them.
Changbin scrubbed the next boy. He seemed to absolutely enjoy this and leaned into the olders touch. Even if it hurt a few times, he didn't complain. Probably something they were also taught.

"Could we get your names?"

"I'm Jisung and he is Jeongin." The squirrel boy said since the fox was in Changbin's hands, getting cleaned up.

"Thanks. I'm Hyunjin and he is Changbin. We want you to address us with our actual names. Not with master sir or anything else." Both boys looked confused.
They were never supposed to know the names of their new owners.

"But you own us. We must have to address you like this. Otherwise, we'll get punished." Hyunjin shook his head.

"We will talk about it later. But you'll still call us by our actual names!" They nodded.

After Changbin and Hyunjin showered the two boys, they dried their hair and gave them new clothes. They dropped them off in the kitchen, where they should sit at the table without helping or doing anything.

Then they woke up the remaining boys, who turned out as Felix and Seungmin. In the beginning, Felix had a huge panic attack as he noticed that Jeongin and Jisung weren't with them anymore and only calmed down when he was able to see them.
But the worst thing that Changbin and Hyunjin discovered were several burn marks on Seungmin's body and Felix's back that was full of scars, which obviously came from a belt.
Felix assured them that they were old and that he wasn't bothered with them, but this couldn't stop them from putting extra scar cream on his back, which would make the scars fade a bit.

Now they were all seated in the kitchen. Chan was also there and four bowls of hot ramen were standing infront of the four boys.

"You can eat. You don't need our permission for this." Chan said since the boys still hadn't touched their food. Jeongin was the first to try the food. Even if the others tried to hold him back, he continued to eat.
Since nothing happened, the three also began to eat.

The older watched them with amusement. They could see that the younger ones still weren't comfortable and needed much time and care. But it still made them happy to see them eating.

"As you know, we want to finally talk to you. We want to play with open cards and not keep too many secrets from you." Hyunjin said.

The four exchanged a look and then nodded.

"Okay. So, the most important thing is that we bought you to help you. Not that you will be our slaves. We have maids who do everything around the house.
We all agreed that you shouldn't be treated like this and that you'll get a chance to have an actual life. Would you like that?" Chan started.

"Is this a trap, or do you really mean it?" Jeognin asked with wide eyes. The sparkle in the youngest eyes made Chan's heart melt. He didn't know how someone could be this cruel to them.

"Yes. We promise! If you accept, we'll give you the freedom you deserve. You will be allowed to go out whenever you like and do things you actually like.
You can speak your mind without getting punished and can wear clothes that you like.
The only thing we want from you is that all of you will live here. We don't know how long you've been there, but from looking at your behavior and body, you seem like you've been there for a long time..."

"What year is it?" Seungmin asked.


The face of the boys paled and Seungmin bit his lip.

"We've been there for over ten years. I was the last one who joined the group. They kidnapped me at the end of 2012.."

Everyone was quiet. No one dared to say a word.

"Who joined the first?" Minho finally asked and looked at the younger.

"My parents sold me when I was seven. I've been there for 16 years. They practically raised me..."

Without a word, Changbin stood up and hugged Jisung who was trembling again.

"All of you are safe from now on. We will provide you with enough security and the things you want. You will never have to go back there!" Chan growled.
He was pissed that his friend could do such cruel things, but that was something he would sort out later.

"Thank you. But you don't have to do this. We've been trained like this and we don't know anything else than this anymore." Felix spoke up but Hyunjin shook his head.

"Absolutely not! We aren't monsters. We want you to experience a normal and healthy lifestyle. So please don't make it difficult and please accept our help."

"But there is one thing you should probably know about," Jeongin spoke up.

"All of us are littles." Changbin raised an eyebrow, not getting what Jeongin meant.

"It's a headspace and also a coping mechanism for us. When we slip into the headspace we behave like young children or babies sometimes.
But please don't judge us because of this. We really need this to cope with all the stress and punishments we experienced over the years." Chan's gaze softened at the youngest words.

"It's okay. We won't judge you because of that. I absolutely understand your reason to use it as a coping mechanism to somehow survive this hell.
But you can always slip if you want. We will look after you and even if we have never done this before I'm sure that we can manage. Right?" Chan said with a smile, earning three approving nods from his best friends.

"Thank you, Hyung!" Jeongin couldn't hold himself back anymore and threw himself into the oldest arms. Chan smiled to himself as he noticed how much Jeongin already trusted him.

But suddenly Jeongin pulled away. His hands were shaking and he tried to look everywhere then at Chan.

"I'm sorry." He cried out, confusing all of them, out of his friends. "I'm sorry for touching you without permission." Jeongin backed up until he could hide himself behind Seungmin, who pulled him in his arms, also looking scared. They didn't want that any of them would be punished.

"Hey. Everything is okay. You can touch us without asking for permission. We won't mind." Jeongin looked at Chan, still scared to receive a punishment.
But Chan's gaze was so soft that Jeongin couldn't do anything else than let go of Seungmin and throw himself in Chan's arms again.
The older man was making him feel safer than he ever felt before. His best friends were also making him feel safe, but what he was feeling with the oldest was something new.
Something he didn't want to give up without a fight.

Hours quickly passed by. They had told the boys of their job as mafia leaders, but they didn't care. As long as they would be able to stay together with a roof over their head they were happy.

They had also forced them to go shopping with them, even if the boys didn't really want to go out. But when they were promised that they would also go to a few special shops where they could get stuff for their little space all of them had agreed. They were so happy that they finally landed in the hands of the right people.
People that wouldn't use them and force them to do the nastiest things.

Felix was stunned. He had never seen such a big shop. Even when he was a child, but his memories were mostly blurred and he couldn't remember them well.
He was holding Minho's hand, who made sure that he wouldn't get kidnapped ever again.

"You can pick everything you want Lix. You don't have to feel shy about things it's actually very cute." Minho to,d him as he noticed that Felix was tense and wouldn't pick anything out.

Felix chewed on his lip and hesitantly picked out a stuffed animal. It was a cute bear, big enough to comfortably fit in the younger arms to cuddle it to death.
He looked at Minho who gave him an approving nod.

A few minutes later, Felix had filled an entire cart with different toys and things he needed or wanted to try out. The cashier gave them a weird look when she saw the two males dropping off this many toys, but after Minho glared at her she lowered her head and quickly scanned the items so Minho could pay.
After he paid, Minho put the things into bags and placed them in the car so they could be unpacked, cleaned, and placed in the new rooms of the boys.

They had agreed to move into new rooms since Chan wouldn't let them sleep in one normal-sized bed with four people. So now everyone was getting their own room and another room for them all. This would be their playroom.

"Should we look for the others?" Felix nodded and walked closer to Minho. The huge mass of people was scaring him and he didn't have the plan to get lost in there.

After a few minutes, they found Jisung and Changbin. They were sitting on a bench in the park and had just bought food. The two of them also had bonded well over the few hours and Jisung looked much more healthy and happy in Felix's eyes.

"The others should also be here soon. Hyung said that he would bring food for the rest of you. Sungie couldn't wait anymore until he could get food so we already bought some." Jisung blushed slightly at the words of Changbin but continued to eat the food.

A few minutes later, just like Changbin said, Chan, Hyunjin, and the two remaining boys were also there. Chan had brought a few boxes of Bibimbab and tteokbokki.
They ate in silence.

Jisung, who was already finished with his food had placed his head on Changbin's lap and was playing with the stuffed animal, a quokka, he had gotten.

The silence was comforting, especially to the younger ones since they hadn't been in such a mass of humans for a very long time.
So they enjoyed every bit of it, just like the food.

But after some time Jisung began to squirm around. Every position was uncomfortable and he couldn't stop to throw himself around.
Changbin tried to hold him still, but Jisung wouldn't calm down.

"I think he needs to slip. I don't know when it was the last time he slipped..." Seungmin mumbled. And in fact, Jisung really needed to slip.
All these new things were overwhelming him.

"Then let's go home. If you want you can all slip when we are home." Chan said and stood up. They quickly tidied everything up and walked towards the car that was already waiting for them.
This time the seating order was a bit messed up and Jisung was sitting next to Changbin, Hyunjin next to Seungmin, Minho next to Felix, and Chan next to Jeongin.

Jisung was snuggled up against the older and had his eyes closed, focussing on not slipping anytime soon.

"Is it okay if he slips now?" Changbin asked, but the others shook their head.

"It's better if we wait. You haven't met our little side and Jisung could get a panic attack because of this." Seungmin replied.
Changbin nodded and went back to patting Jisung's head.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at the mansion and Changbin carried Jisung to the playroom. The younger looked very energy drained and like would fall asleep any second.

"Sungie, it's okay. You can slip now." Jeongin had pulled Jisung on his lap. The older closed his eyes and completely relaxed against the younger hold.

The older watched in awe as Jisung opened his eyes again. His energy was completely different, but also his appearance. He looked so small in Jeongin's arms.

"Innie? Are they here?" Jeongin shook his head.

"No. You're safe. We are in a better place now. They saved us." Jeongin slowly turned Jisung around and showed him the people who saved him.

Jisung was absolutely happy. The little one had never thought that he would see anything else than the cold grey walls where they were held.

"Chu saved us?" Changbin nodded and walked towards the younger.

"Yes. We wanted to give you a better life and a chance to finally enjoy some part of your life." Tears whelped up in the littles eyes and he didn't want to hold his excitement back.
He crawled out of Jeongin's hold and into Changbin's arms, where hugged the older tightly and couldn't stop saying thank you.

After some time the others also slipped. The only one who actually had a panic attack was Felix. He ran off and was hiding from all of them, not even showing himself to his best friends.
He was too scared and traumatized from the previous 14 years, that he couldn't trust easily.

"Lix, please come out. They mean no harm! They saved us." Seungmin yelled. He had forced himself out of little space to help search for Felix, while Chan stayed with the two other littles.
Felix peaked up. This was the first time he heard this. But if Seungmin would trust the strangers, then they would actually be okay.

"Please come out." Finally, Felix crawled out from underneath the bed of someone and ran to the next room to find Seungmin.
When he was in the kitchen, he ran into Minho. The older smiled as he finally saw the little, but kept his distance, not wanting to scare Felix again.

"It's okay Lix. We won't harm you. This is all past. We are here to help you." He explained and walked to Felix, his hands in the air to show the little that he didn't carry weapons that could hurt him.

Felix stared at Minho with wide eyes. He let Minho come closer. The older kept his hands between their bodies, giving Felix the opportunity to touch Minho at his own pace, without being too overwhelmed.

The younger finally started to touch Minho's hands. Both of them only stood there for a few minutes, Minho showing how patient he was and Felix was finally finding courage to step closer to Minho and hug him.
Another few minutes had passed and Felix didn't want to let go of Minho.

He found the other way to comforting and if he was telling the truth, Felix wouldn't want to let go of him.

"Can I carry you up to your friends?" Felix only nodded. He didn't want to speak and obviously didn't need it. The only thing he wanted was cuddles.
The past years lacked too much from cuddles, so he had to catch up again.

Minho lifted him up and carried Felix to the huge playroom, where the others were waiting for them. Seungmin was back in little space and sleeping on Hyunjin's lap.
The other littles were playing with toys they bought and smiled when they saw Felix and Minho come in.

Minho wanted to drop him off next to Jeongin and Jisung, but Felix only held tighter onto Minho, not wanting to give up the new source of unlimited cuddles he just found.

"Lix stay with mommy!" He whined and hugged Minho tighter.

The littles froze. They remembered the time when Felix accidentally slipped and called someone mommy. His punishment was unfair and harsh.
He was pushed into little space and whipped with a belt.

But Minho didn't care. He would love to take the role of a mother for Felix if that's what the boy wanted.

"Don't hit Lix!" Jisung blurted out and looked at Minho, begging him to not hurt their best friend for one word.

"We won't hurt him, I promise. Lix can call me mommy as much as he wants. If that's what all of this is about." The littles sighed in relief.
Jisung and Jeongin continue to play together, while Felix can't stop cuddling Minho.

All of them are happy. The littles are happy that they are finally able to enjoy their life and don't have to constantly live in fear of being punished because they did something wrong.
The older males are happy that they can finally do something good. Many people may think that Mafia members can't do anything good, but they proved everyone different.
They saved people's lives by finally discovering one of the biggest human trafficking organisation in the Asian countries and making it end.

I don't know if I can post the next few weeks, since my exams start and I absolutely don't want to fail them.
But I'll hope to find some time to write a bit

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