Coming Together Years Later

By Always-Drarry

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Harry Potter is a twice single father. His first marriage left him with three young children, James, Albus an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-One
chapter twenty-Two
Chapter twenty-Three
chapter twenty-four
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 46


43 2 1
By Always-Drarry

A fast few weeks went by and before they knew it, it was January 30th. Today was Skyler's 3rd brithday! A little boy who was only going to be the youngest for just a little longer. He mommy was already halfway done with her pregnancy, that was high risk. Her little boy growing fast. He was bigger then Skyler was at just 25 weeks. He was a healthy boy, but might be too big for his mommy to carry full time. Skyler was a little disappointed. He wanted a baby sister, and Summer knew that.
So, before she climbed out of bed, she looked over at Joey who was yawning. The fresh chest tattoo covered his breast muscle. She wasn't the most excited about another tattoo, but he seemed happy and already half agreed to what she wanted, even after decided something else. "Promise me, you don't mind?" She asked. "I don't, if another baby is really what you want, but it could end up being another boy." He said. "I know, but I want to at least try. Skyler was so disappointed, oddly enough." She said. "I don't mind, if your sure. However, if it works like planed, finding a daycare for two under one infants could be a problem." He pointed out. "I'd stay home for a bit. At least until Henry is one." She said. "No, no Henry." He half laughed. "so, no Henry?" She said. "No, love. I agreed we don't have to go off the wall with his name, but not Henry." He said, easing to sit up. "Fair enough. Molly likes the name, Richard, but she also knows what that name is to me." Summer said softly. "Oh?" He asked. "The man who did adopted me, and raised me until he died. His name was Richard." She said. "'s not my favorite name, but I would accept that." He said, placing a kiss on her lips. "I'll think more about it. I'm not fully sure how I'd feel about it." She said. "But yes, whenever your cleared, we can have another baby. Promise." He said. "Thank you." She smiled lightly, placing a big kiss back.


Rachel, the triplets , Valerie, Grayson and Robin all knew it was Skyler's brithday so the seven little toddlers pulled a sleepy Skyler out of his bed and into the magic room. The sun wasn't even up yet.
Rachel turned off the lights and Valerie sat Skyler down on the floor. He watched them all until Rachel spoke. "Everybody seat." She said, pushing her glasses back on her nose. Her night shirt a little too big on her body as well. The six others sat down and Rachel opened her hand. A light shot up and she giggled, before she joined them sitting down. Then they all laid down, watching the fireworks show. A few times it said happy birthday Skyler and that made Skyler giggle between getting hugs form his 'brothers' and 'sisters', as they watched the magic show Rachel had going for his special day. Skyler was now three years old.

Draco and Summer stood downstairs making breakfast, it was still a week day. Friday. Summer wanted to make her boy a special breakfast. However, her back was really starting to ache. Draco was getting the next batch of pancakes ready when Summer folded her arms on the corner and rested her head on them. The active little boy really hurting her this morning. "Hey, I can finished breakfast." Draco said, putting down the mixing bowl. " get joey, please?" She mumbled. "Of course."
With the increase discomfort since this morning vomiting, Joey decided it be best if they just went to the hospital and get a check up. He worried something could be wrong and it wasn't unheard of a baby being born at just 25 weeks.
Even though it was his brithday, he was worried about his mommy and halfway to the hospital, Skyler was teleported into his car seat. "Daddy, needs buckles." Skyler said. Joey was quick to pull over. "Buddy, Rachel can't just teleported you to the car. What if she missed?" He said. "She won't miss. I go with!" He said, as Joey got out and opened the back door of the car. Skyler still had a rare facing seat, because he was still short enough and Summer felt better. "I guess I forget Rachel won't do it unless she is sure. Are you sure though? We could be there for a while, it's your birthday." He said. "I want to be sure mommy and Richy is okay." He said, as Joey started to buckle him in. "Now, how did you know about the name, Richard?" He asked. "Nassy said it, she keeps having those seeing things. Draco told her to keep gloves on. It supposed to help her not have so many." Skyler said. "Alright, just behave alright?" He said. "Promise, daddy." He said.

The hospital was pretty quick to get Summer in a room, to get a check up on them both. Skyler sitting beside her in the bed and Joey calling into work. Told to get a note to confirm the hospital trip, his boss sending positive thoughts their way. Skyler watched the doctor closely when she came. She out the IV in summer hand, before looking at Skyler. "Are you here to be sure Mommy is okay?" She said to the toddler? "And Richy." He pointed out and she smiled. "without a temperature, and your last doctor appointment, I'm assuming little man has dropped, a little easier. So, I'm going to get an ultrasound and some blood work, but I don't really think we have to much to worry about." She said. "I'd...still feel better if I knew for sure." Summer said softly. "Let's be sure, then."
A couple hours later, the nurse was removing the I.V. and Summer held her new ultrasound. "His just dropped is all. Your blood work and the Ultrasound came back normal. Just get some rest and get a follow up with your doctor." She said. "I'm feeling better since he's been resting." Summer said. "Just get some more rest, but you both are fine." She said. "Thank you, really." Summer said. "Come on. Market's going to watch Skyler, so you can get you a few hours of rest. I'm going to head into work once I drop you off." Joey said. "Alright." She said softly.


Market took Skyler downstairs to the basement, that was pretty much their own little apartment set up. Wyatt was in his room, with a friend. A friend neither man really knew much about. He just started showing up a couple weeks ago, out of the blue. Kept pretty much in the small bedroom Wyatt used downstairs. So the bedroom door was shut as Skyler was sat on the couch. "So, it's just me and you until we get to get ready for your party!" He said. "I'm worried about mommy." Skyler frowned and Market eased down, looking at Skyler. "Your mommy will be okay. The baby was just moving a lot today and it made her really uncomfortable. Once she gets some rest, she will be okay." Market said and he shrugged his little shoulders. "Still worried." He frowned. "I know, buddy. I'm going to turn on the television and I'm going to do your hair, okay?" He asked. "Okay." Skyler said.
Skyler sat on Markets lap when the bedroom of Wyatt opened. The friend of Wyatt stepping out, pausing for just a moment at the sight, before walking over to the kitchen area. It took a couple minutes, but Wyatt pushed opened his bedroom door fully, fixing his shirt. "Come here for a second, Wyatt." Market said getting a light nod. Wyatt walked over as they heard the stove turn on. Anthony was making some taco meat for some soft taco. "Your friend, what's his deal?" Market asked. " matter?" Wyatt asked. "Yes and no, Wyatt. Your daddy knows boys haven't been kind to you and we don't need a bad influence around you." Market said. "He's still paying some fines but drugs isn't a problem because of a piss test, but he's staying around. He doesn't talk around most people." Wyatt said. "You should know, nobody here will make fun of him. Molly talks differently because she's deaf." Market said and Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders. "Why doesn't he like talking around people then?" Market asked, watching Wyatt walk over to the kitchen area.
It took a couple minutes before Anthony walked over. Market seen the mask sticking out his pocket, before he turned. The scars along side he jawline bright pink and he pushed his hair out the way, the eye patch shown, nothing was said, he just went back to the kitchen and started cooking again. Market sent Skyler to play in Robin's room down there, before he joined the boys in the kitchen. "I'm assuming you don't have healthcare? Wyatt's just been added to his father's." Market said, just getting a shake of a head. "Let me see what I can do. 20? Or 21?" Market asked. "He's still 20." Wyatt said. "Alright. I have to make a couple calls. Your daddy got me a couple phone interviews." Market said. "Because you should do hair, professionally!" Wyatt said. "I enjoy my time doing the children's hair, I'm not so sure how I'd enjoy doing people who think they know it all." He frowned. "Dad got you an interview with one that only takes appointments. He submitted some of the hairstyles you put the children's in, even Rachel's, and they loved it. You can pick your clients and even keep to part time, they take children as well, so you can even keep to children if you really want. We really think you should." Wyatt said. "Seen... pictures. Good." Anthony kind of mumbled. Speaking wasn't so easy for me. "Alright. Keep an eye on Skyler, please? He could use a nap. The children like to nap for you a lot easier." Market said. "I like the kids. How is Summer?" Wyatt asked. "Fine. The baby just lowered himself and was causing a lot of discomfort." Market said. "Good, good. I got Skyler." Wyatt said.

The pair of young men settled at the table for lunch, with Skyler who quickly started to eat his little Taco. The house was still quiet. Summer was the only other person home today. this afternoon would be another story, once the Party's started. After Skyler had his taco, he yawned, rubbing his eye. "Alright, it time for Skyler to name." Wyatt said, taking the boy to Robin's bedroom downstairs.
Anthony cleaned up the kitchen and dropped down on the couch, a book was in his head when Market return, the mask back on his face. He was used to having it on, covering himself. He didn't like questions, not one bit. Before Market could asked. "jumped. He mumbled. "I know. Nothing personal, but Stan had you check out, when he seen you really don't leave. It's how you got out so early, like with Wyatt. Your still just kids. I'm going to make a deal with you, because the need aid. I'm going to get you some healthcare and Harry's going to get you back in school. They could use a hand in the children care between daycares or just a couple hours afterwards." Market said, getting a light nod.
Wyatt soon shut the door to Robin's room, Skyler finally asleep for a nap. "Skyler would not put a pull up on." Wyatt said. "I thought you knew, I'm sorry." Market said. "It's cool. He's asleep now." Wyatt said, dropping beside Anthony on the couch. "You still haven't opened the email." Market said. "because I know I'm like year six if that. What's he's deal with education?" Wyatt fussed. "I'm not sure, but he isn't wrong Wyatt. You can work on your own pase. Take the time you need or, learn quickly and finished in a couple years." Market said and he let out a sigh. "I'll open it later. What was this about Dad breaking his wand? I didn't even know it could be broken." Wyatt said. "Your brother went after Robin's biological father. Steven had some spell used on him that he couldn't Really handle. Narcissa was able to aid, but it caused some open cuts and rebroke his foot. Because he is what they call "passive" he can't handle as much magic used on him as some of them can. So, he ended up having to go to the hospital. He needed stitches and a cost and then Scorpius ended up being drugged out the attic another three cuts self made. So your father broke his wand. I get it, I really do, but the boy can't handle that much of that world. He's just barely magical." Market said. "So he really was raped?" Wyatt asked. "He was, yes. They have proof of it now, something about the memories. Draco is supposed to meet with somebody soon over it. I'm not sure all the details, I just know it's been a problem. Not just because of Robin. She is such a sweet girl." Market said and after a pause. "I'm assuming bedroom problems then. However, they are married. How bad can their problems really be?" Wyatt asked. "Steven, much like yourself, isn't a shallow person. There's just times it worst then others with Scorpius and Steven just wanted to help, but just ended up getting himself hurt." Market said. "I see, Suppose...I'll opened the stupid thing." He fussed. "Your father and I will aid, Wyatt. The children do not care either. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll pick up on things." Market said. "Maybe, maybe." He said.

Market brought the three of them upstairs once Skyler woke up form his nap. Skyler went off to play and the two young man started to help Market in the kitchen to start the baking. Summer was still in bed, and he felt no need to wake her. Soon enough, one by one the household would fill. So, the mask was kept on by Anthony once the door opened the first time.
The children came in and soon Rachel hurried over to Anthony. "Uppy." She said to him. He raised an eyebrow but picked her up. He seen them in the kitchen and then a second later, they stood in the magic room. She unclipped the mask form his ear and it fell to the floor. "It will only hurt a few seconds. I don't know how to fix your voice yet, but I can fix your jaw." She said. Her hand started to glow. Anthony let out a groan when his jaw popped and felt a little dizzy, slowly easing her to her feet, but her grip kept on her shirt, keeping him lend down, until she was finished.
After the headache went away, that only lasted a couple minutes, she took his hand and pulled him to the bathroom. The scars was gone. "you should be able to see somewhat out your eye too." Rachel said. He slowly removed the small patch. "I know you didn't have an eye, but there's a spell that can regrow stuff. It's why you got a headache. Daddy said I could try. It's smaller then your other eye, but I have to rest before I can finish. It took a lot to fix your jaw. It was really bad." Rachel said as he slowly opened the eye. It was the right colour, but she was right. It was still smaller. "...thank you." He said, a little more able to talk. "let me rest a couple days, and I can finish your eye. You'll get a headache again, maybe longer then today-" She started. "I'll tak headache." He replied back. "Your welcomed, Anthony. I get you and Wyatt made mistakes, but I know you didn't hurt people, so I don't understand why they hurt you." She frowned. "Because...they bad. wanted us-" He started, a hand going to his jaw. "It's not finished yet. So don't talk to much until I finish. I promise I will." Rachel said, before Harry pushed opened the bathroom door fully. "Go take you nap, Rachel. You look a little pale." Harry said. "It took a lot, daddy. It's worked. I have to finish in a couple days." She said. "Then yes, go take you a nap, Rachel. I promise to wake you for the party." Harry said. "Okay, Daddy." She said.
Rachel left the bathroom and Harry walked over and eased his head to the side. "She really does amaze me. Rest your jaw until she can finish, alright. Are you feeling sick? I know the magic can make muggles feel sick." Harry said and Anthony shook his head. "Let me know if you do start feeling sick, or Wyatt if that's more comfortable for you. Thank you, for aiding in making the cupcakes. Skyler loves the ice on them. Wyatt tells me you like to bake?" Harry said, watching Molly come in. She made another little bear. Anthony nodded. "You are welcomed to use the main kitchen to bake or even cook. Molly has something for you, Wyatt can tell me you more about it." Harry said, before giving his daughter a hug and exited the bathroom.
Molly held the small bear up and Anthony slowly grabbed it. "Like...Wyatt's?" He asked. "Yes, it is. He hides in your pocket and keeps you safe, but it does keep good stuff out too, so you have to only hide him when you need to." She said. "...Thank you." He said. "Of course." She smiled.


Anthony did get another headache, he wasn't used to the vision, so he went to lay down. Resting seemed to aid, it really did.
The Household started getting very noisey with all the children finally home. Summer finally up on her feet. Little Richard finally stopped moving again so she wasn't hurting so much. She jointed Market, Stan and Draco in the kitchen. She picked up a bigger cookie, with icing over it. "Who made this one?" She asked. "Anthony. I had the boys helping me for a bit." Market said. "His name is Anthony then?" She asked. "Yes, it is. He's a good kid, just got into some trouble." Stan said, before Market turned to face the three of them. "Alright, you three. I know you three sent the photographs in." Market said. "Are you really complaining? She loved them and I know she offered you the job!" Summer said. "You hate working at the store." Stan said, walking over and placed a kiss on his cheek. "It's something you will enjoy, Market." Draco then added and with a sigh and an arm locked around his husband's to be side, pulling him close. "Thank you, but that means your childcare, is Wyatt and Anthony. Neither mind. Wyatt enjoys his time with the children, but I could easily get sixty hours." Market said. "I'm fine with them watching the children." Summer and Draco both agreed. Stan placed a kiss on his cheek. "You'd truly enjoy your time there and I know that. I want you doing something you love and that's hair." He said. "Thank you." He said.


Wyatt went to cheek on Anthony. A kiss on his lips woke the lightly sleeping young man, who give him a light smile, and Wyatt was pull onto the bed, the pair getting engaged into an active.


Summer sat down on the couch, Skyler starting to opened his gifts, when her mom joined her. Her mom and biological father resigned in the house too, but often kept to the background. "Are you okay? I seen the hospital prescription in the medicine cubby." She frowned. "It's just Tylenol. I told them I won't take it, but they wrote it anyway. Baby's just lowered himself. Causing a lot of discomfort. I called my Obgyn before I took a nap. She...wants to talk about having a cesarean, but I told her my plans. She says though, he could still be too big, it might be the only way, if he isn't born early." She frown. "They recommend six months." Anne said. "I know, but waiting too long...And I might not be able to. I was surprised I got pregnant again, I'm not that young to be having children, mum." Summer pointed out. "You are still young enough. You can't risk yourself, however. Just be careful." Anne said. "I will. I'm okay, promise." She said. "Hi, grandma!" Skyler giggled, seeing her between opening boxes. He put down the next boxed and wiggled up on her lap. She smiled. "Hi, Skyler! I heard somebody is officially a big boy now!" She said and he giggled. "Wyatt's tips helped! No more pullups!" He said. "That's great news! I know your very excited! Go finish your boxes sweet boy." She said, putting him back on his feet. Skyler dropped back in the floor to finish opening his birthday presents. Anne turned back towards her grown daughter. "Joey tells me you aren't working at that bar anymore." She said. "I got another pair of hands put on me...Joey went down there and got pretty mouthy, he wasn't wrong, but it ended up causing me my job." Summer said. "Nobody should put their hands on you. No matter what, Summer. I know I wasn't the most understanding when it came to Joey, and I do apologize for that, but I could never behave in such a manner as some of these people have." She said. Joey easing down beside summer, a sleepy Grayson laying in his arms. Grayson was dressed for bed, holding his stuff animal. He yawned, as his grandfather settled into the couch. "I thought James was pretty him to bed? I heard gray wasn't feeling good." Summer said. "Before that stupid phonecall. James has a lap partner or something who just called. Some reports was suppose to be summited by midnight, tonight, and he didn't do is part so James has to try and finished it." Joey said. "Can't James just call the professor?" Summer asked. "No. So now James is freaking out. Victor's going to help him, so Gray and Val are going to crash with us tonight." He said, as Gray wiggled on his side. Hiding his face in Joey's stomach, letting out a big yawn. "Alright buddy, just sleep." He said. "Why don't I see if I can give them a hand?" Anne asked. "James could use the aid, but I'm not one for astronomy." Joey said, getting a light smile. "I was always  a fan of space." Anne said, getting to her feet. "Thanks, mum." Summer said, before looking at Joey. "I called her. If I have to have that stupid-" She started. "You might not have to have another pregnancy." He said. "Unless you know something about the baby I don't then I do." Summer said. "My sister's social worker just called me." He said. "Oh...I thought most of your family was... Incarcerated." She said kind of softly. "Oh, they are. Why do you think my father hated me so? Because I wasn't like them. Sure, I used bud, I would know if I ever had a night without the risk of a kid needing me, but I never got into the shit they did. I never joined in their 'games' I never wanted to hurt anybody and I liked white girls. I wouldn't join the stupid gang, I refused to take the hand guns, I even let my brothers and sisters beat on me, because I didn't want to hurt them back. That wasn't my fathers first time with a knife. One of my oldest brothers knifed me twice in a fight. Once my mom died? My father got even worst." Joey said. "I'm sorry, Joey. that shouldn't of happened." She said. "It is what it is, however...I worry about you getting pregnant again, when our boy is already hurting you, too big and I don't trust the system. One of my younger sisters, whom got life, just started her sentence is pregnant with a little girl." Joey said. "how far long?" Summer asked. "21 weeks. They pretty much be twins. She wouldn't be put in the system. if it really is important, then once it's safe, we could try again, but I don't want the state to take the baby, Summer. They actually called me this time. I couldn't keep the last child." He said. "Rather or not I have a baby again or not, I could never tell you no on something like that. Let them know, yes. We can set up for twins and Skyler will get his baby sister after all." She smiled lightly, feeling a kiss. "Thank you. I thought about trying to find the other, but that might not be so easy." He frowned. "If you can, then do so. We have four children, we can have more if it means saving them, really." She said. "You, are prefect." He said. "I only wish that was true." She said.


Summer pulled the blankets up over Skyler, who was sleeping in the big bed tonight. It was a special day and they wanted to talk to him. Joey called the social worker back and said he would take the child, and will cover the cost for the weekly visits to the hospital for the cheek-ups. Summer was just fine with that. "There's something me and mommy have to talk to you about, Skyler." Joseph said. "Did I do something?" He frowned. "Oh, no! What if we told you, we had an opportunity to get you a baby sister too?" Summer said. "How?" He asked. "One of my baby sisters, made some real bad choices and because of that, she won't be able to keep her baby. Me and you mommy are adopting her baby." Joseph said. "What does that mean?" He asked. "It means, you are going to have a baby brother and baby sister." Joseph said. "Two babies?" He asked. "Mommy's baby and then my sister's baby, but yes, two babies. A little boy and a little girl. So, a brother and sister." Joey said. "I don't want her to be gone later would that happen?" He asked. "No. She will be here, always." Joey said. "Like twins?" He asked. "close enough, Skyler." Summer smiled lightly. "My brother and sister." He giggled, getting a big kiss on his head. "Yes and you are going to be a great big brother." Summer said. "Twins!" He giggled. Summer and Joey didn't mind. It was simpler for his toddler mind to handle anyway, so they agreed for twins.

Joey called Summer over to the computer for the call. It was a video call form the prison, Joey talking to his baby sister. One of the last born in that large family.
The woman wasn't the most pleased with the fact her brother never got over that woman girl phase, but it didn't matter, her life was going to end in prison and her brother and his wife would be rasing her daughter. "I meant what I said though, You are to sign full rights." He started to say, as summer eased on his leg. "I'm getting life, dummy. There's no rights to have." She half spat out. "That was not necessary." Summer frowned. "Whatever. A friend is sending the ultrasound picture through the mail, Joseph. The paperwork will be sign after her birth and no, her father won't be a problem." She said. "Let me guess, you kept up with Kyeins." Joseph said. "Of course. I didn't just take off with the first cream girl I could fine at 13." She said. "I didn't call for you to bitch." He said. "You called to rub it in. That you actually manged to make your lifestyle to work. She's yours as soon as she's born, Joseph." She said, ending the call. "she's just peachy." Summer fussed. "There's a reason, I don't talk about my family. Promise don't mind?" He asked. "I don't mind, look." She said, and opened her Facebook again. I can't go into much details yet, but my partner and I are adopted our niece at her brith. She's due just 3 weeks and 4 days after our son. Big brother Skyler is so excited about his twin brother and sister and so am I! <3 Mommy of five. She posted and he smiled seeing the comments and the love coming in. "I love you, summer." He said, getting a light kiss placed on his lips. "I love you too." She said, taking him to bed.


January 30th, coming to a snowy end.

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