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"I still think you should talk to your father or even Potter. I'm not really welcomed here and last thing I want is them to feel some kind of way or think I am up to something." Lucius said as he walked into the kitchen. "Father knows we used to talk...doesn't really changed because your on thin ice...just changes the subject matters we can and should talk about." Scorpius said; grabbing a small tray for the teapot and cups. "Very well. What is it though you want to talk about? You haven't so much as spoken a word really to anybody. What made you really decided on talking to me?" Lucius said, as Scorpius walked over to the dinning room table. "Because Nosey Albus was going to tell my father if I didn't talk to somebody. Seems the bloody boy has a million other things to worry about other then me." Scorpius said and Lucius let out a sigh. "Potter cares about things that aren't his responsibility to care about or people who aren't his responsibility. I can see how his Son, one who has been through a lot, so I have been told, would learn to copy his father's actions. Meaning...He is going to care if somebody is in need to be cared about." Lucius said as Scorpius got himself a cup of the tea. "I'm nothing to-" Scorpius started. "Albus is Harry's son. Harry cares...I should really say loves...you father. Albus learn, along with the rest of the children here, to care about you long before you even got here." Lucius said and Scorpius let out a sigh. "But I am not worth it." He somewhat mumbled and Lucius gave him a funny look. "Now how are you letting some boys at hogwarts bully you into thinking such a way?" Lucius asked. "As much as I talked to you...and might have got your tone...I am neither you or my father." Scorpius said and Lucius let out a sigh. "You mean everything to your father, Scorpius. If something is wrong, he would want to know." Lucius said, before Scorpius look down in his lap. "I don't...want a lot of question...Because I won't....talk about it..." Scorpius mumbled. "What happened, Scorpius? Why did you leave Hogwarts so suddenly?" Lucius asked and after a pause. "Something...unwanted happened 17 weeks ago...and when I finally...found out the aftermath...I had to leave...I wouldn't let...them know what happened...I hoped it would disappear...But things like that don't just disappear..." Scorpius mumbled. "You really need to tell your father...because; like James, you'll need help to keep it." Lucius said. "No. I don't want it...I just wouldn't do what others have done because they didn't want to take responsibility for their shitty behaviour..." Scorpius said. "You still need to tell your paren-Father. If Albus knows; how much longer is it really going to be before they find out themselves or one of the 'I have to tell my daddy everything' Kids?" Lucius asked. "I just...don't want...questions......" He cried. "That is understood, but you should have told somebody when this happened. There isn't anything we can do this far out, here or there. What needs to be done, now, is you tell your father about your conditions and your wants about what to do afterwards. Your grandma will keep Harry from taking off so you can't even use that." Lucius said. "But." Scorpius started. "No, upstairs, now." Lucius order, pointing to the stairs and after a frown, Scorpius made a slow walk to Draco's and Harry's bedroom.

He felt the hand on his shoulder. "Your father cares very much about you. He will support whatever you decide." Lucius said. "Doesn't matter...things could change." He mumbled. "Your fathers love for you will not change. No matter what happens." Lucius said. "Explain my mother then." He fussed. "I can not. I didn't know that woman very well, but I know your father...More then I wish I did at times. You'll be sixty years old and you'll still be your fathers little boy." Lucius said and after a pause. "Thanks..." He mumbled, before he knocked on the door and Lucius walked away.
A half asleep Harry opened the door. "Er...sorry." Scorpius mumbled. "Nah, it's good. Do I need to wake your father?" Harry asked. "No...it can wait until morning." He mumbled and turned around, however, Lucius stood at the steps. "You need to wake him and he isn't to leave until the both of you know what's going on." Lucius said and Harry gave him a nod and pulled Scorpius into the bedroom.
After Harry woke Draco, he went to take the shower he failed to a couple hours ago. He was just a bit to exhausted to worry about taking on that very moment when he could just wait and take one as breakfast was cooking. Scorpius just crawled into the bed, he really DID NOT want to do this...at all. He just wanted it all to disappears. The upset stomach told him so many time the last few weeks that it wouldn't just disappeared. He really didn't want to talk about the details...like who it was. He just wanted to forget it happened, but the growing embryo made it impossible to forget. "You seem upset, scorp." Draco said softly. "Maybe...a little." He admitted. "Do you want to tell me why you're upset?" Draco asked. "Not so much...but it has been made clear, I have too." He whispered. "Does this have to do with why you left school so suddenly?" Draco asked to get a small nod. "Okay. Why don't you tell me what's going on?" Draco asked. "I...just...don't...want to answer a lot of questions...Or talk in much details about it." He somewhat mumbled, pulling the blanket over his head. "Okay...there is a lot of time to talk about it, I'm sure." Draco said. "...I'm pregnant...and not by any...willing action of my own." He cried.

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