Chapter thirteen

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Draco heard the fussing starting. "Do you want to feed her?" Draco asked. "It's-" She started. "I wouldn't ask if it was a problem. Go." Draco smiled lightly.

Harry just put his sweat pants on when Narcissa opened the nursery door. "Draco-" She started. "I know. I told him to." Harry said, grabbing a shirt before she grabbed his chin. "Who hit you?" She asked. "It's nothing." Harry said. "Your face is busted and the fact your glasses aren't here I'd say they are broken." She said. "Yes, but nothing that matter. I can handle it." Harry said, easing her hand away and putting on the shirt. "Potter." She said. "I definitely don't need a parent, Narcissa nor do I want one." Harry said, opening a safe in the room and grabbed a bottle of vodka. "I get your used to this whole by yourself thing, but something that you are now is cared for. The second Draco sees your face he's going to flip." She said. "Sooner or later, he'll leave like they all do and I'm left picking up the pieces of my children. Don't try and act like you know a damn thing about what I am thinking or what Draco will do in five years. Get out." Harry said, and after a paused she walked out the bedroom.
Harry heard the bedroom door opened form the bathroom and let out a sigh. The sink water was still pink form the cuts in his face. His lip, eye brow and a few on his cheek. Non where bleeding bad, but still infact bleeding. Draco opened the bathroom door with the repaired glasses in his hand. "She doesn't listen." Harry said. "She rather you pissy at her then something happen to you because you didn't tell me your head got hurt." Draco frown, and Harry let out a sigh. "I'll take a potion, I just can't heal the cuts because I do work a muggle, public job." Harry said, getting a small kiss on his other cheek. "Even so. She's worried. What happened?" Draco asked and Harry took the glasses. "Somebody didn't like my idea when the boss did. So a punch to the face, again." Harry said. "What did your boss do?" Draco asked. "Oh, he was fired, but still." Harry said. Draco grabbed the first aid kit and got the last of the bleeding to stop. "Little girl doesn't like somebody hurting you." Draco frown and Harry smiled lightly. "Daddy is okay." Harry said, giving Draco a light kiss.

Harry give a knock to the bedroom door Lucius and Narcissa used. "Where'd the wife?" Harry said. "With the two little blondies. Narcissa and I haven't quiet caught his name." Lucius said not looking up form whatever book he had in his hand. "David, his name is David." Harry said, before walking to David's and Noah's room. It became Narcissa room too since her and David are so close. She was sitting with the two kids in the floor who was playing trains. "Daddy!" David fussed running over to Harry who picked him up. "Just a couple of cuts is all." Harry side, giving his nose a kiss. "No, bo-bos!" He frown. "Daddy is fine. Take Nassy to play downstairs for a minute." Harry said, easing David back to his feet. "Daddy!" He fussed, not wanting to let go. He was much upset at Seeing the cuts. "Harry, really it's fine." Narcissa said as Harry put David on his hip. "I shouldn't have been so pissy..." Harry said. "I get it. Really." Narcissa said, getting to her feet. "Now, David." Harry said. "No!" He fussed.
Harry walked out the bedroom and put David up on the dryer. "Daddy!" He fussed. "David. It's just a bo-bo." Harry said, but David grabbed his neck again. "Daddy." He fussed. "David, I am okay." Harry said. "No! Head bo bo can be bad! I do not...want you to leave too!" David cried and Harry picked him back up. "David, I am not going anywhere. I promise." Harry said, but David just started sobbing. "Mommy...did." He mumbled. "I'm not your mommy. Never would I ever hurt you kids like that." Harry said, and held David close.
Draco was brought to them by his crying and put a hand on David's back, giving Harry a kiss. "What is the matter?" Draco found. "He is just upset about his mama." Harry whispered. "Your daddy isn't going anywhere, and neither am I. I know you kids have been through a lot, so I understand why you might not believe it. I just want you kids happy." Draco said and a couple minutes later, David let Harry put him on his feet. "I wanna...sleep with you tonight, Daddy." He stiffled. "Alright." Harry said and he walked off.

"I wish I could ease their minds more." Draco said. "You...have helped a lot. She...just knew what my kids went through and hasn't even bothered to call about them." Harry said. "What's going to happen with Rachel?" Draco asked. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "How come your didn't tell me she wasn't yours?" Draco said. "James told you." Harry said, as they walked to the bedroom. "We were talking and Daisy's behavior came up. He thought it was David, but there wasn't a way that could be true. He pulled out some folder and found it was Rachel." Draco said. "She isn't going anywhere. The adoption and my legal rights were their form the moment she was born." Harry said, before getting a kiss. "I love her just as much, I was just worried was all." Draco said. "Nothing to worry about. Rachel is the reason my divorce is moving so quickly and the reason she'll be the one paying...But much like Ginny, I just want her out of our lives. I don't need a paycheck and the children to wondered how come mommy won't come see them." Harry said.

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