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It was January 6th, very early in the morning at the hospital. Christmas got put on hold when Christmas Eve James health took a sudden turn and he was hospitalized. James was still conscience and wouldn't give the doctors the permission to remove the baby. He knew it was to early and would everything possible to hold off, but the passing week his consciences became less and less until he slipped into the coma, his body's last chance of saving itself before stopping it's own heart. When the news of the coma came into play, Harry gain control over the decisions and pulled the doctor, the one that knew about magic. Harry held the potion in his hand. "Do the surgery. This will keep her alive." Harry said. "She's 30 weeks along, babies are born earlier and surviving." He replied. "Draco is sure this won't have any negative effects, I rather their baby be home in a couple days then weeks form now." Harry said. "A baby born at 30 weeks-" he started. "I can change some numbers if I must, but I won't loose my son or that baby, understood?" Harry said. "Very well. Once she's removed he should wake up after some recovery time." He replied. "Once she's out, I can wake him without worrying the effects of their daughter." Harry said. "Alright. Alright."

James slowly woke up later that same day. Because his body was still very weak, Narcissa recommended minimal healing. Harry agreed only because it wasn't as of James had ever used much magic or had any used on him. Once their daughter was born, his levels were turing normal on their own anyway so minimal healing was easier in Harry's mind to do anyway. His stomach hurt slightly and he didn't feel so weak, just kind of sore all over. He was very confused on what happened. The last few days were nothing but blur to him. "Vic?" James mumbled. "Thank goodness your awake." Victor said, and James felt a hand in his hair and a kiss to head. "I feel...different." James whispered. "Once you slipped into a coma, what you wanted becoming overpowered by your father." Victor said. "Then...where is the baby?" James whispered after a moment. "Other then being super tiny, the baby is healthy. Your father didn't even have to use the potion. She takes after her daddy in tbe magical compartment." Victor smiled; giving him a light kiss before leaning over to the cot beside the bed. "She?" James asked, slowly easing up. "A very tiny Four pound girl, but otherwise she's healthy." Victor smiled, easing her down into his arms. James smiled was big, as she yawned out and went back to asleep. "Narcissa is making a couple of dresses for her, as non I bought will fit her yet, so she is still in her diaper." Victor said. "With a full head of hair." James smiled. "That couldn't decide on her full colour." He kind of laughed. "I love it, I really do." James cried lightly.

Over the next day, everybody got their chance to see the new little girl who was very much wide awake hearing all the noises and being past around form adult to adult or kid to kid who fussed a time or two during the movements when she got moved form the new person before she got a good smell of them. David climbed up in the bed, and would not stop fussing and poking James until he agreed, a little help form Harry. Who made the point David was always careful with newborn Rachel and would only become more fussy and whinny until he too got a turn with the baby. Victor did at least put the excited boy on his lap before he got handed the tiny little girl. David grinned very much at the little girl who yawned out, wanting to go back to sleep. "Have you two picked out a name?" Harry asked and James smiled lightly. "Valerie." James said. "Valerie Jasmine." Victor said. "I want Bell but he wants Potter so the last name is still unknown." James said and Harry just smiled. "The name is rather cute." Harry said.

The next day, January eight. Was the day Albus pushed opened the bathroom door to see Scorpius bent over the toilet. Being forced to eat breakfast by his overly worried grandmother was NOT settling well. He was so nauseous and even a little dizzy. At this point? He was to exhausted to keep fighting Albus. He just wanted to have one peaceful night, without the nightmares, without the morning sickness waking him up and without being woken up before his own body was ready. "Scorpius, this is getting ridiculous!" Albus said. "You...are not...to tell...my father." Scorpius said. "Then talk to somebody...before I have to tell. You're getting weaker...Last thing you really want is your father to loose you." Albus said. "Fine...I'll...find somebody to talk to..." Scorpius said and Albus did at least help him get into bed after he thought he has vomited everything.

Come that evening, Scorpius gave a knock to the bedroom door of his grandparents. "Grandpa?" Scorpius said through the door and after a moment, Lucius opened the bedroom door. "Seems a little late for you to be up." Lucius said. "I slept a while already...I was hoping we could...maybe talk?" He asked kind of quiet. "I'm sure your father is happy to talk." Lucius said. "I...don't want to talk to him yet." He whispered and after a small sigh. "Start some tea then, Scorpius. I'll be down in a few minutes." Lucius said, before shutting the bedroom door. Scorpius stood over the stove...at a complete lost; it was going to be hard enough to have this conversation with his grandfather...who by the end would tell him he needed to tell his father...But why? There was no way he could keep a child conceived in such an awful way.

Coming Together Years LaterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin