Chapter Seven

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"James, no matter what you do, I am never going to leave you. I know your mother and Daisy both left, but they are not me. I love you all too much to ever put you through that pain." Harry said, holding tightly to the sobbing boy. "You...look-" James cried. "I am not happy you spend a year hiding him form me nor am I happy about you having a baby at fifteen, but I love you. You are still mine to take care of, even with a baby. That being said, you two are staying here until you complete highschool, then maybe we can talk about what comes next." Harry said. "He needs a place to call home anyway...I'm not even sure where he's been staying. He works a lot." James whispered, easing away. "He can work, but he certainly won't be gone all the time...I rather him just-" Harry started. "I can talk to him...about how you feel about work and school together, but he's working since he was fourteen at the store and for cash since he was real young." James said. "So he's always been in foster care?" Harry asked. "Yeah. He doesn't know his parents or anything about them." James said. "Alright, send him my way." Harry said.

"Mr. Potter, you wanted to speak to me?" Victor said finding Harry at the dryer. "Harry is fine. I haven't caught your name." Harry said. "Victor. Victor Bell" Victor said. "And your seventeen?" Harry asked. "Yes, last month. I'm also just a J.r. barely." Victor said. "Trouble in school?" Harry asked. "...I have trouble, I'm not that bright." He said after a moment. "I can get you a tutor." Harry said. "And why would you do that? My education isn't your responsibly." Victor said. "It is now. You improve your grade you can easily get into a good collage." Harry said. "I couldn't pay for collage before. It sure as hell isn't an option now." Victor said. "Victor, I rather you worry more about your education then working. You have time to improve your grades and get some aid in paying for collage and I could cover the rest." Harry said. "Why...would you do that?" Victor asked. "Because James just wants you close. The less your gone the less he worries." Harry said. "I haven't had a parent really in seventeen years, I don't-" Victor started. "You care a lot about James, don't you, Victor?" Harry asked. "I love James, Mr. Potter. I really do." Victor said. "Do what I ask of you, Victor. It's what's for the two of you while you finish school with a baby." Harry said and after a pause. "I can't say I really believe you will really do such acts...But James is the only thing I have ever had that makes me happy." Victor said. "Take care of my son, Victor, and of your baby. I will handle the Finances and you are to worry about improving your grades." Harry said.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Victor asked walking back into James room. "I...wasn't sure if you'd come back." James whispered. "Such a silly thought." Victor said. "He was mad..." James whispered. "Not towards me...but he has this idea of me going to collage." He kind of laughed as James pulled them to lay down. "My father thinks our education is very important. Even...having a baby I doubt he'll let me work." James said. "I just don't see myself going to collage." Victor said. "Why?" James asked. "For one, I'm a dumbass when it comes to school. Two. I can't pay for it. Three nobody likes me enough to hire me as a teacher." Victor said. "So you do want to go to collage!" James fussed and after a sigh. "So I've thought about it...But...I doubt it's an option for me." Victor said. "Yes, it can be. If he says he will help. He will. Just...Stay with me." James said.
Harry eased opened James's bedroom door later. He didn't hear a sound coming form the bedroom. No T.V, not talking, nothing. It worried Harry, but there wasn't nothing to worry about. They were asleep and Harry did smiled lightly. Their closeness and the fact that James was resting very comfortable made Harry have hope. Hope that maybe Victor could heal that broken spot in his heart form his own mother and Daisy. James hand was locked on Victor's shoulder, who arm locked James to his side. James was smaller, height and frame, then Victor was.  So James was half on Victor. Harry pulled the blanket over them and turned off the light before making his way to bed.

A week passed by. It was odd for Victor seeing a functioning family. Even if it was blended. He was welcomed by the next morning, other then Lily. She was having a real problem with anybody new who could hurt her family. James explain this, so He didn't take her behavior personally. It was Saturday, and David and let himself in and turned on the light before he climbed on the bed. "Wake up time!" David said, starting to jump on their bed. "David!" James fussed, sitting up. "Wake up!" David said before getting grabbed and sat down on the bed. "Little dude it's Saturday. Not everybody is excited to get up before the sun." Victor said. "It's nine! Daddy said breakfast time! Nassy is waking up Albus and Lily." David said, before James picked up his phone. "It is nine." James whined. "We'll be down in a few little dude." Victor said, before David hurried out the room. "Like I can eat." James whined. "Why won't you talk to them about it?" Victor asked. "Because...He could still leave..." James frown. "Then I will. You were up vomiting and now know it's a baby. Lets see if we can get you feeling better." Victor said. "Please don't...I'll be fine." James whispered, getting a kiss. "Rest, I'll wake you up in a couple hours." Victor said.

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