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Harry just rolled his eyes, but worried about what was going on with Summer. "What's going on with Summer?" Harry asked. "She hasn't been feeling the best and I think her lady time is messed up. Her box is a couple months old at least of those tampons." Victor said and after a though. "Your father isn't know to not finish inside his partners." Harry said and after a moment, and another bite of his food. "I think she would have had a kid by now in life." Victor said. "Not always, Victor. Some couples wait years to have children

Others to have kids, others are still babies themselves." Harry said. "I'm not a baby, I'm going to be eighteen before you know it!" Victor whined. "My point is, she could easily be overlooking the the symptoms." Harry said and Victor lend back in his chair. "I can ran to the market then, somebody little fingers got my pop." Victor said and little Narcissa giggled. "It was yummy!" She said. "That's why the two of you were running into the wall last night." Lucius said. "You didn't say anything about the kids being up late last night." Draco said. "There

Wasn't a point. I finally figured out how to turn that little tv on, it kept the two kids and Nass busy until whatever it was wore off." Lucius said. "I can't help it. I realize it's for kids, but I like it." Narcissa whispered kind of softly. "A lot of cartoons are okay. Nothing wrong with watching them, Nass." Harry said, lending back slightly. He was quickly getting uncomfortable. The medicine wore off and his body was hurting something bad. "Come, let's get you back to bed." Draco said. Draco pulled the blanket over Harry and give his head

A light kiss. "You really think Summers pregnant?" Draco asked. "I think so. She looks fine and they have been seeing each other for a while." Harry said softly and Draco turned off the lamp. "Rest. With Teddy home, Remus and Teddy are going out with some of the kids. He wants to try and find an activity to do so...he isn't so worried as he said." Draco pointed out and Harry nodded. "I'll talk to him later, Promise." Harry whispered. "Just sleep, Harry." Draco said.
"What did you buy me?" James asked at the corner store less then

An hour later. "The nurse actually has one, I never went to the store to pick one up, because I don't know what would work. There's so many different kinds!" He pointed out and James walked over to the wall the held the pregnancy test. "Just...grab one of the more costly ones I get. If should work better, shouldn't it?" James asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really know. What your mum do?" Victor asked. "A spell, but she isn't magical, but I could do it anyway, it's minor and I'm sure it won't really hurt her."

James said and Victor grabbed a test off the wall. "Give her the choice then. Dads worried about her. She's cool. I don't want anything to happen to her." Victor said and they walked to the counter.
"Summer, come here." Victor fussed. "She's asleep!" Summer said, but came down the stairs. Standing in Joey's jacket, that was opened. She was in her bra with some shorts on. "I actually wanted to talk to you." Victor said, handing her the small bag form the store. "What's this?" She asked, opening the bag before raising an eyebrow. "What give you that idea?"

She asked. "Daddy did." James said and Victor looked over, James was looking between his feet. "Go, James. Say something before it became a problem." Victor said and he kind of hurried off. "Harry said something about Dad kind of not really worried about pulling out or anything." Victor said. "No, he doesn't but I've been on birth control for years." Summer said. "Did you forget it then?" Victor asked and and she raised an eyebrow but went into the bedroom with a shadow. Valerie was nuzzled to Joey, who laid asleep as well laid in his boxers. "Wait you

Fucked with my daughter in the room?" Victor asked and she rolled her eyes. "She was asleep, Victor. She's a baby and don't act like you haven't got caught fucking on the couch, twice." She said, but opened the door to the bathroom her and Joey used. "Fine, point take." Victor said, standing at the door of the bathroom as she opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a small box, flipping it over. "Yeah, so this is four months old." She whispered, before she put the bag on the sink. "So take the test." Victor said. "Wake your father

For me?" She said and Victor nodded.
"Wake up." Victor said, after picking up his girl off Joey's chest. "Just..lay down." He mumbled. "Dad, that isn't what this is about." Victor said and after a yawn, he sat up. "Alright I'm up. What's up?" He yawned watching Valerie rub her little eye. She was asleep a sleepy baby. "Summer wants you, she's in the bathroom." Victor said, before Valerie whined out. "Hush now. I'm gonna take you to daddy." Victor said as Joey climbed out the bed and over to the bathroom.
"What up?" Joey said, opening the bathroom

Door. "Well, I hope your ready to start over with your own kid." Summer said, putting the positive pregnant test in his hand. "I though you were taking something?" Joey asked. "I thought I was too, but seemed my package is four months old. It slipped my mind I guess." Summer said, but she lend over, giving him a light kiss. "Your stuck with me. I like it here." She said. "It...would be more your family I'd be worried about." He whispered. "Mum will be excited. She always wanted her own grandkid." Summer said. "I know what people think-"

He was cut off, with mother light kiss. "Shh." She said.

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