Chapter Five

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"Thank you, James." Draco said a few hours later when he no longer felt sick. "Well, I do like you and you help take care of all of us. It's only fair I take care of you when your sick." James said. "Harry raised you well, how...Alone has he been with you all?" Draco asked. "A lot...she disliked Lily for some reason...and even after Noah was born and spent time gone. Dad got a DNA test on both David and Rachel...David isn't dad's, another reason why dad paperwork is going through so quickly and she is the one having to pay child support on the three kids. Dad is adopting David." James said. " sure it's David? Because he looks much like your father, blonde hair yes, but he even needs glasses." Draco said and after a moments thought. James walked back over to the study table and had a sit. He opened the bottom left compartment and looked at the different folders before he pulled one out. James opened it and then Draco walked over as James read through the paperwork. "You're right. Rachel is the one that isn't his biologically. David was so excited to be a big brother, plus...Dad is too good of a person to blame the baby. She's your sister and dad does love her." James said. "So, he really hasn't had somebody be on his side with the children?" Draco frown. "No. That's why Lily dislikes you. She believes it's just an will get worst I think if you two decided to have a baby." James said. "I will handle it. Thank you, James." Draco smiled lightly, as James put the paperwork back up. "You're welcome, Draco. Can...I ask you something personal?" James asked. "Of course." Draco said. "Why doesn't Narcissa have a mother around?" James asked. "She has two biological fathers. Myself and a guy I hocked up with. He never knew I had a baby or was even Magical." Draco answered. "Wait...You got pregnant because of the Magic?" James asked. "Yes." Draco replied.

The first thing Harry done was take Draco's temperature when he got home. "I feel a million times better." Draco said, getting a kiss on his cheek. "I would still feel better if you tried to go to bed early again. You were awfully sick this morning." Harry said. "James took very good care of me, and the baby." Draco smiled. "I'm glad to hear that, but I would feel better if you rested more." Harry said. "Alright, After dinner, I'll try and go to bed." Draco smiled lightly. He felt loved with Harry caring so much about him.

At dinner, everybody was eating and the kids were talking about their school day. "James, I got your phone bill today." Harry said. "Oh..." James whispered. "I meant to get you added to mine. Who have you been texting so much?" Harry asked. "Just a friend form school." James said quickly. "Speaking of school, when is the report cards coming out?" Harry asked. "The end of each month. They should be in the mail box soon." Draco replied. "Alright. Am I going to be upset when I see the grades?" Harry asked the children. "I think I have an 87 in one of my classes." Lily admitted. "That's still a B, but why is it lower then the others?" Harry asked. "Math. It's getting difficult." She replied. "Can you keep it form dropping lower? Because just like last year. You'll be grounded if it drops before a C because of incompletes or you keep it hidden your struggling." Harry said. "No, I think I can handle it myself dad." Lily said, a bit annoyed at being reminded about her grades last year. "Alright." Harry said.

James locked himself in the bathroom very late that night and called somebody. He had been dating a boy in grade 11, he was grade 10. Since midway last year. He was afraid to come out to his father because he never thought his father would be okay with him being gay. Now he was worried he would be mad at him for hiding his boyfriend for so long. He...was also very scared at what Draco had told him. "James, what's wrong?" Said Victor. "I...think I know why I've been getting sick randomly." James cried. "Hey...Whatever it is-" Victor started. "No it isn't that simple! My father was left alone and you know that's one of my biggest fears! This is a very good reason you'd leave me!" James cried. "James. I told you I didn't care you and your family where magical..I do really like you still. What could possibly-" Victor started. "I think I'm pregnant Victor. I didn't know it was possible! Draco just told me today about his daughter...I...understand if you don't call back." James cried, before ending the call. It took a couple minutes, but he phone did ring. The shower was on, so nobody, if they were to wake up, couldn't hear him crying. "Hey...Please stop crying James." Victor said. "Y-you d-don' t." James cried. "I'm coming over, James. Wait for me outside." Victor said. "No...After school tomorrow, please." James said. "Alright, please don't cry anymore James." Victor said. "You Don't understand..." James whispered. "I know. You never, even though I told you to countless times, told your father about me." Victor said. "I didn't know he was gay...Victor...and I didn't want to loose my father too." James cries. "No matter what, I don't believe you will loose your father..., even...if I have to step away." Victor said. "I don't...want to loose you either!" James cried. "You're father could take one look at me and dislike me very quickly." Victor said. "Victor...My father isn't going to care about your complexion...I love you...He going to hate me for lying all this time...and if I am pregnant? He is really going to hate me." James cried. "He will not hate you, James. I love you too." Victor said.

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