Chapter Four

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"I can't help but worry about you, Draco." She whispered. "I know...but I'm fine, really." Draco said. "I assume you won't bring missy over this Sunday again?" She asked. "It's best if I don't, mum. She has a best friend now and doesn't like going places without him, nor does she really like going over there." Draco said. "I know, just think on it? I love you." She said. "I love you too, mum." Draco said, before ending the call.
Later that same night, Harry seen the unopened messages on Draco's laptop. "What's your father wanting?" Harry asked when Draco come in the bedroom form the bathroom. "Nothing." Draco whispered as Harry walked into the nursery. "Draco." Harry said. "I don't care what he wants." Draco replied, as Harry eased the door nearly shut. "You really don't get along with him do you?" Harry asked, easing down beside him on the bed. "We are barely civil, He hasn't been as bad these last few months...But that doesn't just cancel nearly 40 years of shit." Draco said. "Fair enough. There's a picnic at the elementary school with Noah. Wanna come?" Harry asked. "Um...You'd want me there?" Draco asked. "I would. Parents are suppose to come and I think he would like for you to come." Harry said. "Alright, Harry. I'd like that too I believe." Draco smiled lightly.

Draco climbed fully in the bed after Harry. "We change how we do this." Draco said. "What do you mean?" Harry asked, before Draco lend to his hear. "Your my pillow tonight." Draco said, giving his ear a small kiss. "You could have-" Harry said. "I didn't want to wake you. You were so comfortable and I did enjoy the closeness." Draco said. "Fair." Harry smiled lightly.
He watched Draco sleep for a while before He slowly went to sleep himself.
Draco hurried to Rachel who was crying for her bottle before Harry's alarm went off. Draco shut the door and made her a bottle before he stood holding her when the door opened and Harry yawn. "Draco." Harry said. "I can nap later, you can't. She's right here not going anywhere. Please go to bed." Draco kind of fussed, before he got a kiss. "...You are better then both Ginny and she is still my wife, working on that. You...quickly took to ALL my children and have helped me out so much in this last few weeks." Harry said, giving Draco another kiss. "I do like you Harry and I did want more kids." Draco admitted. "Even with eight, would you want more?" Harry asked. "I would...I think. Even more so with you when the kids are a touch older." Draco admitted. "I...can't promise the thought of another child will be all positive, because of everything that happened. I can promise I will only want to keep you happy." Harry said. "I am ready really anytime to have a baby...Even with Rachel being so young. I...had been trying the last two years throught...a Clinic to have another baby...but it never worked." Draco admitted. "Maybe we can work something out." Harry smiled lightly. "Please lay back down, I got Rachel." Draco said, and Harry walked over. Harry give Rachel a kiss on her hand and gave Draco a slow kiss. "Thank you. I'm glad you found me." Harry said.

Harry didn't think to much of it when Draco went to sleep while putting David to bed. Harry thought, by all the laundry now finish just needing to be hung up or put in dresser that he choice not to nap. So, he carefully carried Draco to bed. However, Draco ran into the end table when he hurried to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It knocked off the alarm clock that turned on the radio that woke Harry up. After he reset the alarm, he went to check on Draco who was lend over the toilet vomiting. Harry grabbed a hairband and put his hair in a low pony tail. He rested a cold rag on his neck and sat on the tub until Draco reached up and flushed the toilet. "You could have told me you were sick." Harry said softly. "I...thought it...would go away of I just laid down." Draco whispered and Harry grabbed his children's ear thermometer and took his temperature in his left ear. "Lets get your fever down." Harry said, and went to get to his feet, but Draco grabbed his leg. "Don't...leave." Draco whispered. "Just to grab some medicine. You're fever is high." Harry said. "Stay...Please." Draco whispered and Harry ease down to the floor. Draco vomited twice, before he laid asleep with his head on Harry's lap. "Daddy!" David called for. "In the bathroom, come here David." Harry said.
David opened the door. "No!" David frown. "He'll be okay, however. I need you to get James for me, quickly." Harry said and about five minutes later James walked in yawning. "Dad." He fussed. "You hush. You'll get out of school today." Harry said. "To babysit? Still uncool." He somewhat fussed. "I can't miss work and I might take him to the hospital." Harry said and James frown. "Is he really that sick? He seemed fine at dinner." James whispered. "Go get me the medicine, but if it doesn't help...He'll need a doctor. Yes, I need you to watch Rachel for me." Harry said. "Alright." James said.

Draco didn't remember waking up to take the medicine, but it brought his fever down low enough Harry felt it was safe to let Draco recover at the house. James stayed home and in the bedroom on his laptop. Harry moved Draco's someplace safe. Draco sat up in the bed, but felt like he was going to vomit, again. James hurried over with the small trash can. "Dad says I have to check your temperature every hour...and for you to take more of the medicine once you woke up." James said.

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