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He wouldn't say another word, just nuzzled close to Draco, who held him close as he tried to place who on Earth could have hurt him. Draco slowly ran his hand throw his somewhat once again curly blond hair, as his breathing slowly changed. For once, he felt safe and comfortable. Even his stomach was more settled then before he told his father, even without hearing a reasoning or respond.
Draco was long lost in a thought when Harry finished his shower, didn't even hear Harry called his 'pet name'. Harry walked over and lend down, giving Draco a small kiss. Draco blushed, before being brought out of his thoughts with a sudden frown. "Hey, what's the matter with our biggest baby?" Harry asked. "Only by a couple of months." Draco kind a laughed, but felt another kiss to his head. "I know." Harry said softly, before Draco let out a sigh. "Just another reason why the ban to Hogwarts for the children is an order." Draco said. "I know about the mistreatment somebody done to him, I seen...the marks on him when he kind of crash landed." Harry said, easing to set on the bed. "This is different, Harry. He didn't tell you the main reason why he left..." Draco whispered. "What...is his reasoning then?" Harry frowned and Draco let out a sigh. "I'll...handle it, I'm not even sure what he wants to do...and I already know the strain and-" Draco got caught off by a kiss. "I had my suspicions...but we will need to know what he is wanting and I will find out the answers...I have to. I'm tried of people hurting others and getting away with it." Harry said, a bit pissed off. "You...mean Victor don't you?" Draco asked, and Harry let out a sigh. "There's more to that story then I can find. He has been making his own medical choices for some time...making it hard to get the answers I am looking for." Harry said. "He is a very...broken boy. Enough time, he might open up." Draco said. "I wish it was that simple." Harry said. "Rest...I need to do some-" Harry started. "Come to bed... you've worked enough." Draco said kind of quiet and after a pause, Harry slowly climbed into bed.

The week past pretty quickly, the house seemed busier then ever. The children were all back in school, other then Victor and James, who had somewhat been not doing their work. They were a bit overloaded with the very fussy newborn girl. She seem to never want to be put down, and she did not like to sleep at night, making both teenagers a lot more fussy. Not just with others, but with each other. Another fight, caused Victor to storm off outside of the bedroom, and into the only empty room of the house. He opened the window, not caring about the still freezing air or the bad lungs and pulled out a pack of smokes he had hidden in the room. The cigarette was let and he was sitting on the open window seal when there was a knock at the door. "Go away." He somewhat mumbled. "You know I can't do that." Harry's voice said on the other side of the door. Victor let out a huff. "I'm not cutting! Stop trying to father me!" Victor somewhat screamed form the window and Harry let out a sigh. "Becoming a father is very different, Victor. It's only been two weeks, and things will be easier...but I can't have the two of you fighting and then convinced the other hate them." Harry said through the door. "Leave me alone." Victor said. "You have three seconds to open this file, Victor." Harry said. "Fuck off!" Victor said, before slamming the window shut.

Harry pulled out his wand, and the door flew open as Victor was slipping the cigarette pack into his pocket. "Why on Earth would you pick up that habit with your lung?" Harry asked. "Because you flip the fuck out when I cut...and I can't handle all this and you won't fuck off! Something you do NOT understand about me is I do NOT need a parent! I did fine for seventeen years without one!" Victor said. "That is were you are wrong, Victor. You wouldn't have been hurt or abused in such a way if you had somebody looking out for you." Harry said. Harry seen the angry growing on the teenagers face, any only let out a sigh. "Take a shower, calm down, and told to your boyfriend." Harry said, walking out of that empty room.

Harry heard the toilet flush in the half bathroom on the second floor of their house. Harry gave the door a knock, hearing the sobs coming form Scorpius. "Hey, your father can give you something to help ease your stomach." Harry said, softly. The sink water ran for a moments before the door unlocked, and opened. "I'm fine. Don't act like you care." He somewhat whispered, going to walk past Harry, who only grabbed his wrist. "Something you'll have to understand is; I love your father. You and your sister are just as important to me as the rest. Stop, thinking otherwise. I don't give a damn with some stupid childish boy told you, or what a professor told you. Do you understand me?" Harry asked and after a pause. "...Fine...but get father to stop asking questions." Scorpius whispered. "We have to know, soon, what You're wanting to do." Harry said. "I... don't think...I can handle doing it by myself...nor...do I want to." He whispered, pulling his arm away, and taking off throughout the house. Harry somewhat let out a sigh of relief, but worried. He wanted to know the reason why Scorpius didn't want to raise the child, was it because of what happened? Or was he afaird they wouldn't or couldn't also support him and his child?

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